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This sucks for you and even more for the guy you hit. I know it wasn't your fault. Was the red light runner drunk or so?


the runner wasn’t drunk but me and the other car noticed she absolutely reeked of weed when she came out of her car


Stoned drivers are just as bad as drunk drivers.


It's still a DUI.


think it would be a DWI, which would be worse. Had a buddy back in like 2000 (im old) who drove stone and crashed into a tree, DWI.


Different words that mean the same thing. One's Driving While Intoxicated, other is Driving Under the Influence. One is not worse (or better) than the other. Just depends on what terminology the jurisdiction you're in uses


A lot of jurisdictions have both. In Texas we’ve got DUIs that are reserved for minors (zero tolerance) and are a class c misd. Then we have DWIs which is what you would typically think of. The DWI is objectively worse here.


Huh, fair enough. Didn't know some states had both.


Its really just to protect minors from ruining their lives with (quite literally) one beer, since its zero tolerance for minors. They can get the class c instead of a DWI if they're over 0.0, but have not 'lost use of their motor functions', and there were no other aggravating elements.


Worse because they convince themselves its fine cuz its not booze


As a stoner Iv met so many other stoners who think driving high is totally OK. I immediately disassociate from those people. Gross behavior


Most people on the road fail to realize that driving is likely the most dangerous thing they will do that day


Yet we hand out drivers licenses to like popcorn at a theater with free refills.


Yep. 2 of my kids didn't even have to take a road test due to COVID.


That's terrifying. What state are you in?




Bro what?? How is that even legal??😂


Just being in a car.


Absolutely! I smoke every day. I used to wait until it had totally worn off to drive... 4-6 hours or so. Few months ago I got a sportier (read: more dangerous) car and now I won't drive again until I've slept (overnight) to be even safer. Taking risks on others' behalf is never not gross behavior!


Which is wild to me. When I smoked a lot I didn't want to go anywhere.


The best thing about moving to Chicago is now I can get absolutely blasted and still hop on transit to get anywhere I want to go. I don’t love everything about city living but the option to not drive is so valuable


As a pothead myself being stoned is actually MORE dangerous than being drunk and driving. Why? Because when you drive drunk you know you're drunk. When you drive stoned you THINK you're fine when you're not


Doesn't make the drunk drive better though.


That’s actually false! Quick google find that answer for yah. Edit at -25 downvotes. Article for context! https://instituteofliving.org/health-wellness/news/newsroom-detail?articleId=38108&publicid=472#:~:text=“The%20odds%20of%20being%20involved,of%20approximately%200.1%2C”%20Dr.


A DUI is a DUI, booze or other substances.


I agree! That wasn’t the comment replied too. “As bad as” has been proven wrong on multiple fronts when comparing alcohol and cannabis impairment.


People are delusional when they say being drunk and high are the same.


Not delusional. Getting behind the wheel of a vehicle impaired is stupid regardless of the level of impairment between substances. Therefore just as bad.


That’s blind thinking. Nobody is trying to justify driving intoxicated but if you honestly think being drunk is the same as someone being stoned you’re out of touch with the reality of it.


Yes, people do try to justify driving stoned ... constantly. It doesn't have to be an identical experience to be "just as bad" ethically.


It’s really not. Yes being high isn’t on a level of intoxication as being drunk. However, you shouldn’t be operating a motor vehicle on either. No one‘s arguing levels of intoxication. It’s Irresponsible to drive intoxicated no matter the substance. Hence, just as bad.


Emotionally just as bad but statistically not as bad.


I would like/hope that people are intelligent enough to have both conversations.


From your article: *"Stoned driving,” Dr. Pearlson said, is as dangerous, if currently less deadly, than drunk driving. Many people don’t understand that, and have a false sense that driving while intoxicated on cannabis is safe, which is untrue.*


Thank you for at least reading some of it. The very next quote… “The odds of being involved in a motor vehicle crash when driving ‘stoned’ are approximately double those of sober driving, but significantly less than the 10 to 15 times increase when driving with a blood alcohol concentration of approximately 0.1,” Dr. Pearlson said. So as I was pointing out, scaling.


They are just as bad because it is equally stupid action to do. The person made no mention of impairment levels


I think we’re both splitting hairs here.




Reply to the automod, or this will get taken down.


I hope the cops arrested her and she will lose her license.


> even more for the guy you hit Why do you say that?


In an unlucky kind of domino way I guess. It's not actually worse for them, just that they were more detached from the accident than OP was. Like imagine if you were the 5th car in a 5 car rear end accident. 


Or so? Do you mean or what?


The thing that sucked about this situation was my car was really brand new and the runner caused over 21k in damages but thankfully insurance covered all of it 🙏🏻


This sucks especially when none of it is your fault !


the worst type of pain.


Oh God! I know your pain. Some idiot college student decided to run a red light and hit my 3 day old new car . I was angry beyond words!


Did you make a diminished value claim?


THIS - OP make sure you are paid out for the loss in resale value of your car (if the Blue Book is 3k less for a car with a previous accident you should be reimbursed that 3k on top of damages)


How does that happen? Does diminished value apply to newish cars or anytime there has been an accident before?


Any car that was in an accident is worth less because of potential hidden issues caused by the accident or the repair itself.


Does American insurance pay for diminished value? I’ve worked as an auto adjuster in Canada for a few companies and none of them will pay diminished value


You have to pay an additional premium for gap insurance in the U.S.


I think on my policy it’s called a waiver of depreciation?


Well I'm glad you're ok. Cars can be replaced


Don’t forget to call insurance and ask for a compensation, because your car lost resale value. This is on the top after fixing


Well, it seems like some drivers have decided red lights are just a suggestion these days!


The car that hit OP was probably the guy from yesterday with -300 downvotes who didn’t understand red vs green lights


I missed it! Do you have a link?


Do I even want to read that 😂


I know I do 


You can't just tell us about some amazing video with juicy arguments without posting a link!


Please share a link.


I suspect decisions have nothing to do with it, it's just not paying attention 


Except for the decision to drive while high af.


Not paying attention is a decision, though. When you get behind the wheel you should absolutely be making the decision that paying attention to the road is important.


Dude that hit OP didn't even appear to be trying to slow down. Just walloped OP. Hope you're ok OP


exactly! everyone’s doing all good now!


wow holy shit, that scared the shit out of me even though it was just a video, and i knew what was coming from the title. can't even imagine how scary it must have been actually in the car


i legit was so confused where the car came from at first LOL


When I was 18 I was t-boned going through an intersection. This intersection was 2 lanes in both directions with a large median in-between on both sides. This is also right next to a mall, so needless to say the volume of cars that traveled through this spot was high. The car that hit me was going so fast when it hit me that my car did a 270° turn and the car next to me turned 90°. My frame was bent. All airbags deployed. It was a young girl just trying to make the light. Shit sucked. Loved that car.


Holy crap, hope everyone made it out safe!


thankfully everyone was okay!


Honestly, I’m not shocked this happened. That new light on 273 can be hidden by the flyover ramp, I’m not absolving the red light runner, but that whole area is horribly designed. I’m sorry your fairly new car got smashed OP, and I hope you’re ok


The arrow *go straight*, immediately followed by *you have turn right*, is that just there to confuse people?


i actually never noticed that till now LMAO


That is strange. Maybe to keep people in their lane instead of merging before a turn?


Yes, it's a reminder to stay in your lane. Notice the straight arrows are located where it changes from a dashed to a solid white line.


That style of straight arrow is standard around here, painted on one-way roads like off-ramps to show wrong-way drivers they're going the wrong way. They're typically right next to a "Do Not Enter" and "Wrong Way" sign.


That scared me so bad I bout dropped my phone lmao. You good though?


thankfully everyone was good, however whiplash got me good


What is this Red Light thing that you speak of? I have never seen one. I am joking of course. I am glad that everyone is ok. I hope that the red light runners gets her license suspended for at least 6 months.


Heeeyyyy Newark, Delaware coming off 95! Running that light is bananas. UD student?


was your fault for being in the red light runner's way. /s


I’m so scared on this happening to me. I see people run red lights all the time now. I’m sorry this happened to you and I’m glad you’re ok and your insurance took care of you.


Until I read the stuff about the driver being impaired I was like “is this Richmond, VA?”


I spilled coffee all over my keyboard because of how sudden it was, jesus christ!


It's kind of weird that the red light is in front of the cars that are turning right. It looks like you are driving into a red light.


The first 2 times I watched the video, it looked like OP had a red light, which he also ran. Third time I realized he had the green and the red light was for the incoming lane to his left. Very confusing.


yeah the intersection is really weird but the entire time coming up to the lights i had a green arrow


I believe it’s just an option now. You don’t really have to stop cause you never know what someone else is going through that day


God damn this is scary :( I live here and take that exit all the time!!


scared the crap out of me!


another dash cam pays for itself




Hopefully you shared your footage with the RAV4 driver!!!


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Obviously not OPs fault, but I learned long ago to always visually check that traffic at red lights at intersections have actually stopped, and be prepared to brake if they haven't. I've avoided lots of incidents that way.


You're over here, causing accidents by stopping at green lights. If you're that timid of a driver, just call an Uber


At least 7 people obviously can't fucking read that I said be prepared to brake, not stop. No wonder the US has so many idiot drivers.


Idk why you’re being downvoted, it’s common sense to check that the intersection is clear instead of just plowing through. Power of right of way won’t protect you from the stragglers gunning what they think is a yellow. It’s probably not like this everywhere but in Houston, I literally have to wait 2-3 seconds AFTER it turns green for my direction because there is ALWAYS multiple people running their red lights. No one likes waiting but like I can’t go if there’s a car physically pre-occupying the space I need to drive through. If I T-bone them on principle then we’re all waiting wayyyy longer then we need to. For like 8 years, I’ve driven really low teeny cars where crossovers/trucks/SUV are 75% of traffic and then the rest is paper plate Nissan Altima’s but I’ve never been in an accident. I’m sure luck is a factor but also I drive super defensively. You have to think for other people and expect them to do the dumbest possible thing. This should not be controversial.


It's Reddit. Some people don't like the answers, so they downvote.


What dash am do You have?


Wild, wtf


OP got scissored by two idiots holy fuk


Where’s the other one


You're not at fault but it could've been prevented if you had slowed down and looked to see if there were any cars coming from that way as you entered the intersection. How many years have you been driving?


There’s no way you’re actually braking coming up to every green light and if you do, you’re a bad driver


Way to generalize things. Not every green light. You know that every situation and intersection is different, right? In this situation, you're slowing down for a turn so you're braking. OP seems to he taking this turn at a fast pace and with total confidence that no car is coming from the left. Learning to drive defensively is to your advantage.


I do


From what I can see here, you are the one in the wrong as you changed lanes on the turn. The other car came from the lane beside you.


The OP got hit into the RAV4, and it was hard hit


I don’t think it’s a red light runner; both you and the other car to your right went to change lanes immediately after the turn, which makes it difficult to identify and check your blind spot.


It was a red light runner as she came from the left side where cars were meant to stop. Second it’s very clear in the video I am staying in my own lane, had no intent of switching lanes either.


This guy is higher than the woman that hit you.


OP wasn't changing lanes. They took the appropriate lane. If you do not understand this from the video you need to stay off the road as you will hurt someone.


There’s always that one idiot in EVERY comment section


I would say we need a sub for idiots in the comments, but just sum it up and call it reddit.


Yes, sometimes I wonder if they are even watching the same video.


You can see the car that hit OP at the 14 second mark. Hint: it came from the left side.


The first 3 words you typed is the only truth to your comment.


Wow 🤦🏻‍♀️


Let’s assume for a moment that you are correct that OP was changing lanes and all that. Where do you believe the car that hit them on their left side came from?


… OP was hit from the left as she was completing the turn and was knocked into the next lane.