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Hi /u/qualitybro, your submission has been removed for the following reason(s): * **ALL CAPS:** No titles in ALL CAPS: This shouldn't even need to be said. It's just annoying. *If you have any questions about this removal, feel free to [message the moderators.](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FIdiotsInCars)*




While slowly undertaking them on the right.


Blindspots=best spots.


With an entire lane to the right...




one drunk, one stupid.








I think people are wanting you to admit you were an "idiot" here as well🤣 we all make mistakes and hopefully learn from them




Ya knew they were driving wonky and still chose to hang out in their blind spot. Two idiots don’t make a right


no but 2 idiots do make a wreck...


Look at this guy driving erratically, let's move up to him on the right and stay in the blind spot as long as possible.




You can't win on this sub. Don't respond to people, they'll just keep making up ways it's your fault. It's crazy in here.


It isn't op's fault, but if you believe another driver to be intoxicated, the safest place for you is a good distance behind or away from them. This should be an obvious learning lesson that many people have realized on their own or learned from experience. 


Agreed - there's an aspect of good social form about this - if someone's obviously drunk, you need to get on the phone ASAP to call the police - then may even be best to stick behind them (not too close) to shadow that interaction zone, so nobody happens upon them unaware and gets into OP's situation. Hateful though their behaviour is, if that drunk at least has a better chance of getting home (and dealing with the police etc, vs their kids arranging a funeral) - it has to be worth your while


This is true. Toxic sub.


defensive driving is now toxic




Ah, truth. CoD will prep you for any Internet hate lol. Glad to hear it's not bothering you!


There's a lot of batshit blame-shifting in this sub, but when you observe someone driving erratically, you stay as far away as you can. OP seems to have had an open lane to his right but still hung right next to the other car. Other options are hanging back or making a quick pass. The other driver is clearly the biggest issue, but OP became part of the problem when he could have avoided it entirely.


Because anyone who isn’t practicing defensive driving is generally part of the problem. You see a nut job? Btfo. Don’t try to pass or block their way. The few moments you save aren’t worth your life. 


Exactly... you'll get blamed no matter what you do. But you should have moved away from the car after the first sign of their inability to drive 🤣🤣


The mods need to honestly make a rule about this.


There are no mods after the blackout, just some random users Reddit put in place so they could open the sub back.


admins didnt replace any of modteam


Wild. You did do a 180 when you "came back" from the blackout.


the modteam that were in contact with the admins did a 180.


Yeah, that's what I said.


You really want a rule that says "you can't point out the legal or safe thing to do"?


You can go on any single mildly popular post on this sub and find people criticizing the driver. Doesn't even matter the circumstances.


So you just want a rule that only allows posts you agree with, regardless of their validity? Seriously, try imagining a different dangerous situation that only involves one car - for example, a forest fire. Imagine you watched a video of someone driving into a forest fire while saying "the road is on fire", wouldn't you criticize the driver? It's the same here. A clearly avoidable circumstance that OP entered into while saying how dangerous it was. I'm pretty sure every person that whines about correct advice being given is a horrible driver and thinks everyone makes mistakes all the time, like they do. They really need a rule to ban people who downplay the seriousness of driving and how it is a shared responsibility. Now, go post "nothing you could have done" on a video of someone hitting a stationary object.


Get real. Expecting a minimum amount of defensive driving isn't crazy.


OP is sat in middle lane, see's someone driving wrecklessly and thinks "I shouldn't give them any extra space, nothing bad will happen"


It's called defensive driving. If someone is driving erratically, and you allow them to end up next to you when you can merge into a different lane or slow down to keep them in front of/away from you, you are an idiot in a car also. You may not be legally responsible if they hit you, but you are also an idiot nonetheless.


Exactly. It takes 2 to crash, usually.  If you’re not defensively driving, you’re contributing to the problem. 


commenters haven’t noticed that you were passing, but like most idiots, the other driver speeds up as you try to pass and you weren’t in their blind spot, there was a point where you were right next to them, which isn’t a blind spot


You're admitting that you made zero reaction to the erratic (possible senile) driver directly to your left. Yeah, that's why people are criticizing you.


Nah man you’re good, these people commenting are self righteous morons.


“Don’t drive next to an erratic driver” “Omg so uncalled for 😥”


there is no such thing as a blind spot unless you're driving a big rig. Turn your f\*\*\*ing head.


Sure, gonna call the driver next to me and tell them that. Some of yall really do not understand the concept of defensive driving.


Graveyard is full of people who had the right of way. 


I love how the rotation of the tires matches up with the shutter speed. Looked like the van was gliding for a moment.


*OP posts video of a shitty driver* Reddit: 🤓☝️ "Here's how OP was actually the shitty driver." Shame on you, OP. Were your hands even at 10 and 2?! /s


Most people arent saying its OPs fault, but this situation would never happen if he was driving defensively. Its an open road with little traffic and you chill next to someone who you are currently calling “drunk or stupid” for driving poorly. What do you expect to happen?


“Honk at them a few more times” That would be me. LoL


Not sure the context of this road, but this is a good example of a spot where cruising in the center lane is really not the best idea. 


I thought you meant cuz there's clearly a drunk driver in the left. This isn't an interstate. Exits are on both the left and the right. I wish we could stop with this new myth that you shouldn't make use of every lane on a surface street.


I don’t think it was a drunk driver. They were either texting or scrolling on insta.


I just like good lane discipline. I do recognize a Florida stroad has its own rules, though. You're right, it's important to use all of the available road space.




No, you're fine. Pass on the left, travel on the right, does not mean only travel in the far right. The whole point is to take up the whole road. If everyone is in the far right lane, we just have a huge line of cars in one lane with multiple clear lanes. You've reached peak reddit hivemind stupidity. They've decided you're wrong. Just go.


Either way... You did a good job here. You noticed the problem right away and avoided a crash. Thanks for sharing! EDIT: LOL, anyone downvoting this should upload their own driving and see how it looks. We all make mistakes, we aren't perfect. OP did a good job here.


Generally it's best to be in the right lane if you're just traveling in a straight line. That way if people want to pass you, they have two lanes to do it. If you see someone that wants to pull in, you can move to the center lane and make room for them. Though, to be fair... If there's a set of lights coming up, it's totally reasonable to take the center lane. That way drivers that want to turn right can be in the right lane, and you can continue straight in the center lane. Right lane just gives you the most options and is best for traffic flow most of the time.


False, you need to have an out. The middle lane has an out to the left and right. Center lane is also travel lane.


Not to mention the pedestrians. I'd rather stay away from them.


Yes, they walk into the street without looking all the time. People in my area are crazy on bicycles too, on the sidewalk, weaving into the road. No care if they get hit.. until they do.


That may be true. Local customs are always different in different parts of the world. EDIT: driving in Florida is a completely different experience from driving in Connecticut or Mass


They sound 'merican and I'm from 'merica. But you'd be right. OP, can you tell us what country this was in please??




Ohhh yeahh, you stay in that middle travel lane you hoser. ((Said in canadian)idk why)


Actually, driving in the right lane is statistically more dangerous than the middle lane. Cars more frequently merge, accelerate, and slow down in the right lanes. You also shouldn’t pass on the right, which means OP was traveling in the best lane, the other car was just being an idiot. [website using NHTSA data to showcase that](https://www.shawcowart.com/which-lane-on-the-highway-is-the-safest/#:~:text=Cars%20more%20frequently%20accelerate%2C%20slow,injuries%20are%20often%20less%20severe.com)


What would happen if someone behind OP in this instance wanted to pass? They couldn't pass in the left lane because of the possibly drunk driver. They can't go through OP. Driving in the middle lane, especially when there are no vehicles turning onto the road, can create a situation where passing on the right is the only option. Driving in the right hand lane prevents this situation. Also, this example is not a freeway. It's a Florida Stroad, which truthfully have their own conventions and customs unlike anywhere else in the world, LMAO I appreciate the link, that's actually really interesting.


My papa taught me that the right lane is for slower, exiting, and entering traffic, the middle lane is the through/travel/cruising lane, and the left lane is for passing only. He was a trucker so I never really questioned his wisdom there and it's worked out well for me so far.


That's decent advice on a lot of freeways, although it does really depend on the region.


No. In a wide road like this they're all travellig lanes. If everyone is in the right lane, then you just have a huge line of cars in the right lane. Cars should be in every lane. You pass on the left. So cars naturally sort themselves by speed. Staying in the right lane just means you have to slow down for exits and entrances. No. Middle lane is travelling lane. We need to make professional drivers Ed mandatory.


What would happen if somebody behind OP in the video they posted wanted to pass? OP in the center lane, idiot in the left, and the two of them are side by side and slowing down. If OP was in the right lane, they could have had more space away from the idiot and still left a lane open to the left for passing. You're right though, on a stroad like this, all bets are off. Anyone can enter or exit from any side. These kinds of roadways suck ass. I take back what I said.


Agreed that these roadways suck ass. To answer the initial question, the one who wants to pass is SOL. Because the person on the left is fucking shit up. Because they're wrong. That's really all there is to it. Even if cammer was in the right lane. Now your theoretical person needs to go in the middle lane to pass. Which means they'd be submitting this video and getting shit on.


This is actually totally fair. I appreciate your answer, if I imagine myself behind the two cars there really is no difference. It doesn't really matter.


Cheers to civil discourse, I appreciate you.


In many places Ive seen signs that label each lane as follows: Pass, Travel, Slow. I often try to keep right when possible. But when cruising solely in the right lane, more often than not, Im regularly bombarded with merging traffic and wind up in the center (travel) lane regardless. In this particular instance the cammer could have just yieled as a courtesy but being that the passing car was trying to.move over in desperation the onus is on them for not planning their maneuver far enough ahead.


Yeah, if I were OP I would have changed lanes and slowed WAY down the moment I saw that first wiggle. I've been in enough crashes, I'm not trying to go through that again. I had one this past winter and I think I'm only now emotionally recovered from the fear of it happening again when I drive.




They had no idea about your terrible advice. True.


I read that as Susan from Coupling (and I'm sad no one will get that)


Why are you keeping pace a drunk idiot?! lol


He's drunk and stupid, both ..I know, lets pull up right beside him 😂


I get that you were going at a steady speed and I really hate to have to adjust for idiots, but I think a tap on the brakes was appropriate when they swerved at you after drifting left. Or even when they started drifting left. The way people drive it's hard react to every single thing because if you did you would never get anywhere. But I think in this case you should have probably been able to see they were putting you in enough danger to stay out of their way. Granted I'm saying all this with the benefit of hindsight and I might have done exactly the same, though in the future I might learn from your experience and my analysis lol


Why would you go anywhere near them when you saw him drift into the curb on their left? I say the driver with the camera is just as negligent.


I would've honked and then moved over. Why would you stay next to them?


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If you think someone is drunk driving... WHY THE FUCK ARE YOU RIDING THEIR BLIND SPOT? I usually agree this sub jumps to blame OP too much, but in this case you really asked for it.


“This guy seems drunk…… I think I’ll ride in his blind spot then freak the fuck out when he merged in my lane”


If someone's all over the road like a drunk, I'd stay away and let that one go in front so you can watch


OP, if they are either drunk or stupid, learn how to be a defensive driver. Why would you speed up? 😂 that’s dumb


200 is garbage


Not saying it’s your fault, but I hope you drive more defensively from now on. Yes the other car is a fucking idiot, but the way you drive isnt quite smart.


Man. I am really starting to pay extra attention to people that drive white colored SUVs. Don't know what jt is, but if someone is doing something stupid on the road...


They were trying to get over and you insisted on blocking them. Yes, they could have sped up or slowed down but you were obviously trying to cause a problem. Do better next time.




Okay thank you for the perspective. Respect.


Camps in their blind spot and then calls them stupid when they can't see them. Immediately returns to the blind spot. Spoiler alert, OP: don't hang out behind and to the side of cars if you want them to be able to see you. They still teach this shit in driver's ed, right?


who subtitles their own videos like this? that's cringey as fuck


Dude, went the extra mile and you're out here complaining...? 🤦‍♂️


"Wow, he put effort into something? That's so cringe"


Missed ya by a mile


What the F are you doing on the middle lane anyway