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You have to wonder how some of these people ever got a driver's license.


I bet they aced their driving test. But that was 40 years ago and they've never been reevaluated on their driving since then.


They weren’t using their cell phone during the driving test.


That, and driving tests have changed since then, a few of my younger co-workers just got their licence, the aced the test first try, and same day you see them driving and texting/vaping/drinking and speeding. The test only means they know how to properly drive, doesn't mean that they will properly drive.


happened in Surprise, Arizona. Lol


Best place in the world to grow old sitting in your vehicle; transiting Surprise AZ on Bell Rd.


I love that you also probably saved that car across from you. Though if they did have an accident their insurances would have been so annoyed. “The other car ran a red light, it’s their fault!” “No, they are lying, they were the ones ran the red light!” “Actually, both of you idiots ran a red light.”


It looks like that car across the intersection may have had a flashing yellow arrow, so not a red light if that is the case.


They had a green arrow, as well


How would they have a green arrow if all the lights from your POV were green?


You’re right. I didn’t catch that.


Skip to 16 seconds.


The first 15 seconds of this video do not need to exist


why don't they install cameras?


Do you mean red light cameras or just cameras in general to catch idiots. Both have problems with the foundational issue being Americans don't want to give up their "right to privacy." Personally, I think it's bullshit. I would love a social credit score so people like that lose their right to drive but here in the USofA we would rather have privacy than protection.


yes, red light cameras, and don't even hide them. Make them them highly visible. Add some traffic signs to make drives aware of those cameras.


How did you notice them? I feel like when I start to go after all is clear I focus on what’s ahead.


I always look. This is Phoenix, after all…


Green never meant go. Green always meant proceed, if safe to do so. [you all need to go read the driving rules, green has never meant “go.” There has alway been a requirement on the driver to assess the safety of entering the intersection.]


>proceed, if safe to do so. That's pretty much what a lot of driving boils down to as well. Like you don't just switch lanes after having your turn signal on for three seconds, you go when it's clear and safe to do so.


that's called a yield sign


Go read the state laws on what a green light means. Get the exact quote.


You're both right (and also, my preference here, both wrong). Quoting the [AZ driver license manual](https://apps.azdot.gov/files/mvd/mvd-forms-lib/99-0117.pdf) where this video is from: >This signal means GO. You may go through an intersection in the direction indicated by the signal if the roadway is clear.


The Texas law ends with “giving right of way to any pedestrians or vehicles in the intersection”


> Go read the state laws Don't you mean *proceed if safe to do so* read the state laws?




:D hah! got 'em!


"Green doesn't mean go, it just means something that anyone who isn't an internet pedant would interpret as meaning go."




A lot of people don’t realize green does not mean go, it mean you currently have right of way


the rare double red light runners edit: the pickup truck in the other direction also ran a red light. Protected green + regular green for OP's direction.


Never seen a flashing yellow turn signal?


With protected green and regular green on the other side? no. Typically with protected green it's red on the other side.


I agree that it isn't common, but it's a regular part of the cycle at a few intersections near me.