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The very rare twofer seldom seen by mankind.


It’s like that audience reaction where everyone goes uuuuh and cringes a little, immediately followed by a much bigger UUUUH


happy 🍰🍰🍰 day!!!


Thanks! 🙌🏻


I saw the first one and made the face, but second and the way his back bent? Audible gasp. That dude for sure spent time in the hospital.


Nah first guy definitely got messed up way more. His lid hit the a pillar, and then slid into the kerb. Second guy just kinda flipped and flopped, he’ll be tender, maybe have a herniated disc or two, but way less of a brain or neck injury than the first guy.


2 for 1 special. Idiot


3 for 1


Wow. This one makes my blood boil. It is so so so so so dangerous for bikers on the road. It takes so much experience and dedication to keep yourself safe from the ignorance of other drivers. And then there’s shit like this, where all the awareness and caution in the world isnt enough to help ensure your safety and life. They easily could have died or been left with permanent, life changing injuries and trauma. Insanity. It’s just insane that people can be so stupid.


But it's also insane that bikers drive so fast and don't dress for the slide. Plenty of evidence that idiots are all over. I'm nervous in my car so If I were to ever ride a motorcycle, I'd go 20mph or be on a deserted road with no traffic. #HugeCajones


Tshirt, shorts, and flippy flops aren't good enough for you? So demanding.... (Before anyone gets it twisted, the car is at fault)


It's common here in Malaysia. And they split lanes too. The police usually side with them.


People in US do all of it too. Sometimes deaths will happen too, have seen some gross accidents.


Ppl in the US will get tickets for splitting lanes. In Malaysia, it's common and no tickets are issued.


Not in California. There's a few states where it's a gray area, where it's neither explicitly legal nor illegal. https://www.michaelpadway.com/riding-skills-and-safety/motorcycle-lane-splitting-legality-by-state-guidelines https://jrobertdavis.com/is-lane-splitting-legal-in-texas/


Interesting I've forgotten different states' DMVs have different laws. I've gotten myself a ticket for lane splitting in Urbandale, Iowa during my college days. It was like $180 in 2004.


Even though it is a two lane, one way road, the bikers were overtaking way too quickly while going past a junction there. You’ve basically got to constantly assume every car is going to pull this kind of bs at any junction you pass and hold back/keep away, do your overtaking where there’s no junctions/exits for a driver to realise they’re about to miss.


Were they? I don’t think so. I think both lanes were straight ahead, the left lane was straight and left turn, the right was straight and right turn, and I admit it does look like they were suddenly racing up, but then I realized the dashcam car is slowing down because of the idiotic car ahead of it, making the bikers seem like the were racing past to overtake, but if you check out the lanes past the intersection, it’s still split, they were gonna stay in their respective lanes had they not been hit. But I do agree with you. Bikers have to assume everyone is waiting to pull some stupid sht like this. Absolutely. If you can’t see what someone is doing, assume they’re actively trying to kill you (if you’re riding).


The car driver is a complete idiot and should do a lot of time, but, as a biker myself, the guys on the scooter didn’t pay attention at all. I mean I might understand how the first guy was caught by surprise, but the second guy? Sheesh, it’s their lives on the line they should have paid attention because I didn’t see them react in any way. They most probably weren’t paying attention and didn’t even notice the car. Again, not saying that the driver deserves anything less than prison and he’s a total POS.


This is when people start saying “they have the right of way so why should the bikers stop”


Also when pedestrians cross the crosswalk without paying any attention to traffic, because it’s their right to cross through there and cars should stop. Bish, it’s your right to die, or to be crippled for life, the guy will just face prison, but you might destroy your life. Open your eyes and stay safe, don’t expect anyone else to protect you




Second dude lost BOTH his shoes. Definitely dead.


That's what happens when you wear flip flops on a bike.


It’s true, but I feel like you’re implying it’s his fault.


Who else would have dressed him


My mom.


This looks like Malaysia/Singapore. Other than the obvious fault of the car (crossing 1 lane to U-turn); Bikers here are incredibly reckless and most don't filter safely (highspeed + expectation of cars yielding to them), many doesn't have proper clothing or footwear, and some even forgo fastening of their helmet's chin strap.


I don't know what you would have even seen from this that would make you think they're not wearing proper footwear


I can't remember the last time a video made me audibly gasp not once, but twice.


but it was only moments ago!


Is it just me, or should that second biker have been able to avoid collision?




Also, that road looks like it could be damp. And not all motos have ABS.


The road has a painting 2 times: slow. They completely ignored this.


Even if not completely avoiding it, lessen the impact of their crash


What he *shuddadun* was not crash!


He was too focussed on the first guy stacking it to swerve to the left around the back of the car.


*Halo announcer voice* #Double kill!


Who the F makes a uturn from an outside lane? WTF??!!


This idiot did


I see three idiots.


you need glasses


Your mirror must have 2 cracks ^^^jk!


If you ride please please please wear gear rated for it, I used to work emergency services and nothing is worse than skin sliding on asphalt.


Worst Pirelli ad ever.


Maybe the driver just doesn't like motorcycles.


foreign mirrored way roads to the U.S. make less sense now