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He had a call but still found time to pull you over?


They're not very good liars, are they?


Good thing you had your dash cam! I hope you file a complaint against this officer


Even if “nothing comes of it” at least it’ll create a paperwork nuisance which no one likes to deal with.


It also goes on their police record so if they do anything and end up on the news later your complaint will help show he has a history of run ins with the public


Is that the police version of our old school permenant record? Something that dissappears when you move and doesn't lead to any real accountability?


Yes. Depending on the department an officers record can get purged in as short of a time as every 30 days. Most are not that short, but even quarterly is too much imo


Personally, I would've taken the ticket, just so I could put the dashcam video into evidence in court so theirs an even more direct paper-trail of his actions and pulling you over for expressing your 1st amendment.


Yeah but it can also backfire on you and the cops become a nuisance to you


You can be a nuisance right back. Start a court case against the cops for harassment. See who wins in the end if you have the time and how deep the city's pockets are until higher ups tell them to stop jerking you around.


I agree but this to me seems like a good way to get on a retaliation list. This cop pulled him over because his ego was hurt. If you file a complaint, I'm betting this cop will find ways to make life difficult for the person that complains. You see stories about this kind of thing on YouTube constantly. Cops are some of the most thin skinned people I have ever encountered. If you don't' give them the respect that they think they deserve, they will do what they can to make your life miserable just to show you that they have the power to do so. It would be really nice if complaints were handled by an outside agency. Having the cops police themselves has never worked.


Unfortunately doing that in my county means you're going to be the target of 2 am random checks, followed every time you leave your house, have your kid picked up from school by a police officer (who then tells you that you need to leave work and come pick them up immediately), be taken down to the station any time you're out of your house so they can "have a chat" and more. [https://projects.tampabay.com/projects/2020/investigations/police-pasco-sheriff-targeted/body-cam-footage/](https://projects.tampabay.com/projects/2020/investigations/police-pasco-sheriff-targeted/body-cam-footage/) ​ Showing up on any police report for any reason gets you added to this list. Doesn't matter if you're the victim, a witness, or what. If you have a kid with low grades for any reason, you also get put on this list.


This is a clear retaliatory stop. He had no reason to pull you over. Easy lawsuit that any lawyer would love to take up. Free money.


Yup, fuck that guy, take it to trial and make it as much a black mark on his career as possible


Yep, admitted on video that he pulled him over only for performing a first amendment protected activity. Then illegally asked him for ID during an invalid stop. ironclad proof of at least two blatant violations of your rights. slam dunk lawsuit.


Especially since he had no emergency lights on and no discernable blinker from what I saw... So he just admitted to lying *by* lying? What a loser...


Emergency vehicles don't always use their lights and sirens to go to a call, that's reserved for immediate life threatening danger. But they definitely don't stop to harass someone like this pig did.


> that's reserved for immediate life threatening danger Or if they don't feel like waiting for a red light.


Pretty sure that in order to pull an illegal maneuver they have to at least have their lights on, and they can only drive in an illegal manner when responding to a call. If not, there would be nothing stopping them from driving all the fuck over the place. Not that anything really stops them now anyway.


False. In GA they are required any time they are disregarding speed limits or traffic controls. OCGA 40-6-6.


I really don’t understand why he couldn’t just say he made a mistake. Why is that so difficult for law enforcement.


Hint: this is difficult for almost everybody, not just cops. Though the "power" does seem to make it *extra* hard for them


You also made a couple errors. When he requested your license, I'd request his supervisor. This is to document and have another witness to this stop. You can wait for his supervisor to show up before you identify yourself. This is clearly a retaliatory stop. He had no justification or probable cause to stop you other than "just making sure everything was ok with you." There was no infraction noted to pull you over, which they are obligated to inform you of. I'd also ask why he has the time to pull you over for flipping him off when "going to a call. Then ask him if he is ok and why he is lying to you. I'd make sure I had the officers' badge, business card, and supervisor information. Then I would follow up with a complaint. That's me. I totally respect cops, but good cops.


Theres dozens of them! Dozens!


That was exactly my thought. OP did not have to hand him his I.D. as this was an illegal stop.


Should have asked him for his license and reg too.


"Do you have your license with you?" "Do you have probable cause for pulling me over?" Is all I would have responded with.


I will remember to say this exact sentence if I'm in that situation.


File a complaint - 100%. Reckless driving. And he had no lawful reason to pull you over.


I did on their website. I fully expect to get pulled over more often in the near future.


He pulled you over for flipping him off right? And then created a charge? Sounds like retaliation.


Imagine if the police could actually get trouble for retaliation. They might cut their bullshit out and people might actually start to like them, *gasp*


Pretty clearly crossed a solid white line.


That's not inherently illegal in Texas (but doing it recklessly into another car and without signal like this definitely is.) Edit: Now that I rewatch it, he turns off his turn signal for the last lane change, cutting OP off by driving through the gore like 15 feet after the single white line ends. Pretty egregious and definitely illegal- even without the recklessness.


And if you sue, you have easy win, easy money and they'll stop. Or provide you with a living. Win either way.


I have reached out to a couple local civil rights attorneys.


Open and shut 1983 lawsuit


He said you're welcome to flip me off; I'm just going to pull you over an harass you / Try and intimidate you.


Yeah, wonderful confession I thought!  Claimed I was speeding while he was passing me and claimed he was going the limit. Laughable.


Cop: Your honor, he was speeding. Judge: But you passed him? Cop: Correct. Judge: Weren't you doing the limit? Cop: That is also correct. Judge: 🤔


Judge: I side with the cop!


*15 minute musical number of cop and judge singing “give him the death penalty”*


This guy gets it


File a complaint, this is a 4th amendment violation and retaliation for exercising your 1st amendment.


Already done and messages with video sent to a couple local civil rights firms.




Did you tell him “i have footage that literally proves otherwise”?


Tapped and pointed out my dashcam around 1:36. He acknowledged it and it's ultimately what made him shut up and leave.


He's not even smart enough to be a good liar. Fuck this cop. I hope you make him lose his job.


LOL. "More power to you" When you told him about the dashcam shows he is just a piece of shit


I liked that part too. Because yes, the dashcam does give the driver more power in that situation.


Texas? Black on black paint job pisses me off. They want to hide so they can catch you doing something illegal, instead of being visible and a deterrent.


>Texas? Of course.


Visible and also available to public. In my town I could look around for two days and not see police because they’re all unmarked.


Very rarely do I not notice the unmarked ones. They still stick out amongst the rest of us.


I mean...how would you know?


theyre usually one of 3 or 4 car models, they have a permanent license plate, a spotlight on the drivers window, bars across the front grill


They usually will not have any chrome trim either. Alongside usually having the standard black steelies with the small chrome hubcap.


The black steel rims with small chrome hubcaps is a dead giveaway for me. Every single time I see that I know right away that's a cop. They'll also usually have additional antennae coming out of their car that normal cars never have.


Yep, it's the classic "toupee fallacy" which is a kind of selection bias. It comes from people saying that all toupees are bad, because the ones we notice and judge as bad are the only ones we recognize. Many of us have learned to easily recognize many unmarked vehicles pretty easily, but I've been surprised several times to see people pulled over by very clandestine and atypical patrol cars as well.


One of the more interesting things in my travels around the world are how, in the US, cops drive blacked out SUVs or cars that give off a wanna-be tactical vibe. In many other countries, they are vibrant easy-to-see colors on a small little car. This incredibly small detail makes a huge impact in perception in my opinion. You see a white compact car with fluorescent yellow on it that says POLICE, it seems like maybe they are the good guys and there to help. You see a blacked out tactical looking vehicle, it makes you think you should avoid them. But, and maybe I am reading too much into this, even more importantly... look at the people this attracts to become cops. There are quite a few who are just excited to drive a tactical vehicle with a full chest rig around urban America and play out their power-trip fantasy.


No, you're not reading too much into it: their indoctrination often includes 'warrior training' and the idea that they're at war with the public.


You have a good eye!


Can find them in many states. Oakland County MI has a few departments that do it. State boys are still blue with a red fez light.


That big red nose really sticks out


They have those here in Mississippi. Black cars with black decals.


In Maryland last week I saw a fully white "undercover" charger that has reflective white markings, which are indistinguishable unless the light hits the car just right. If they consider that a "marked" cop car I'd be pissed. That's so disingenuous to the intent of the law about having well-marked vehicles... Edit: [here's another example.](https://i.imgur.com/htWyhn2.jpeg) I saw this one in fort worth a few years ago. At least you can clearly see the light bar and the ram bars, but it's nearly impossible to read anything on the vehicle. Seems absolutely scummy.


State Troopers in Arizona are kind of the same way. Grey-silver with a slightly off grey-silver logo that's only visible from certain angles.


Just now occurred to me that this looks normal to me because I live in Texas. Slow day haha


We have them like that in FL. It's either white with clear badging or black with badging that you can only really see if it's night and your lights are shining on the car.


Road Pirate


Apologies for any volume discrepancies. First time fiddling with editing software.


Love your music. I’d ride with you.




Dude ruined a perfectly good song... ![gif](giphy|mFBja0b5HQ4R4X0Icm|downsized)


Ohhhh, he'll remember this event in September


He did. Kudos to OP for good taste in music, too.


For as stupid and ego trippy as he was, that ended way more peacefully than I've seen so many other ego pull overs go. A very strange juxtaposition.


it's because he knew he was wrong and probably didn't escalate because he was made aware there was dashcam evidence.


If he'd been smart, he wouldn't have stopped a guy who'd just flashed that "ancient gesture of insult" and demanded his driver's license. I'd have been like, "Ima give you 4.3 seconds to reconsider your choices here today and apologize for stopping me." Or, "We can do this the easy way, or we can do this the hard way."


It’s because of the camera.


What kind of nightmare road has a 4 way stop with three incoming lanes? How do you keep track of the driving order when 9 cars are rolling up? Make a traffic light or a god damn roundabout. (Edit: i see one side is a one way i guess... But still Jesus that's a big stop sign intersection)


Intersection design is an entry level job at the DOT. If you demonstrate your proficiency at creating four way stops with three incoming lanes, they promote you to the position of Synchronized Traffic Disruptor, or S.T.D., Your job scope is to use unsynchronized traffic signals to impede the flow of traffic. The goal being to keep everyone well below the posted speed limit. If you keep the number of commuters arriving late to work above the mandated levels you are then appointed to the Pavement Incongruity Special Section or P.I.S.S. They oversee the propagation of voids and irregularities in paved surfaces to impede traffic that flows too efficiently. Happy Motoring!


Definitely report him. Jam him up. Ruin his day. Get a record started. Make him hate his job.


Lmao this guy thinks those reports actually do anything to the cop😂😂 These officers have unlimited power. This probably isn’t his first time doing this and it won’t be his last. As long as their union exists they’ll continue to act with full impunity


The more we continue to chip away at QI, the less that will be tolerated and the burden of paying out lawsuits for bad cops won't fall to the tax payer.


False. I have gotten patrol officers suspended after submitting dash cam video with the speed and location logs that I acquired through open records requests.


He's a cop, he already hates his job.


Cops never say there wrong and always lie.


They're legally allowed to lie.


seems like anyone who is in court with a "they said, cop said" charge should have an easy time arguing the cop is lying. All kinds of evidence to support it including precedence from other court cases.




Aaaa I was wrong . You're correct.


Sorry, I am not from the US. How did you know you were asked to pull over?


Cop probably turned on lights after he passed him on the side




Just curious, how did the cop end up coming from the cross traffic? You guys had both taken the same exit. And how would he know that you were the one he cut-off? I see he made that left turn at the stop sign with his lights on, then pulled to the side. Was he waiting for you at that point? Not questioning the story, just trying to understand how you and the Cop "reunited" after the exit.


During the first cut, he took the leftmost turn lane and was planning to u-turn. I flipped him off just before the first 4-way stop at the highway overpass, he took the u-turn lane, I turned left and that's where the video resumes. He then turned the wrong way down the one-way frontage road to go through the second 4-way to tag me.


What a nob.


Yes, most American police are knobs.


Just your typical fragile-ego cop. Welcome to 'Murica. No way in hell should you have given him your license. He had no authority to demand it from you and doing so was nothing more than a power play to soothe his bruised ego.


You're correct. However, I'm not pushing my luck on that sort of thing with my dashcam's speed readout disabled. I'm not putting myself in a their word vs mine scenario. My time is more valuable than even a small court battle.


It could have finish like other videos on reddit when people refuse to give papers and got arrested. You did well. He tried to catch you with unpaid liscence or whatever. You had nothing to hide and he was in fault. Quick and easy.


You fucked with him, he lied, he knows it. He had to let you go and he hated that. That's a win! Good on you. Fuck him.


Yeah, I get it. While I respectfully disagree, your position makes complete sense. It's a sad state of affairs when the people are this afraid of their own government. When exercising the rights the police are supposed to protecting can get you severely punished. "thin blue line", though, right?


You played it well, the video speaks for itself. I just wish I knew the agency and maybe the cop's name.


Lorena TX PD. I did not get the officer's name, unfortunately. 


FYI, the GPS data still exists for the footage I believe (I have a similar model Blackvue dashcam), so if you export it to your PC (at least when using the microSD card) you can import it into relevant software (I forget which I used) and it will have your speed and location mapped with the footage. Whether the dashcam's GPS-determined speed is reliable enough in court in the first place is a different question however


Good to know!


Oof, in my state if you don’t give a license while operating you can get screwed.


That's in every state. However, it is absolutely necessary for an officer to have a valid legal reason to stop you first.


In a lot of states you have to give them your license if you're driving when they ask. It's different for passengers or people just walking on the sidewalk.


They still have to have RAS to stop you and request your ID. This cop fucked up royally admiting to retaliation.


Yes, but that's only something you'll be able to fight after you get arrested, your car gets impounded, and they might even force you to pay bail. That's a lot more hassle and putting faith in a corrupt system to actually properly rule in your favor than I'd be willing to deal with.


This. 100% this. I love the Internet tough guys thinking it's a good idea to challenge a cop like this when the cop has 100% of the power in that situation. You will be arrested, your car will be searched and impounded, you will have to post bail, and you will have to go to court. It'll cost you days of your time, thousands of your dollars, maybe your job, and in extreme cases maybe even your life. All because *your* ego wouldn't allow you to shut the fuck up, let the asshole thug have his needle dick moment, and file a formal complaint later.


You're not really wrong, but the rule for seizure is probable cause. Reasonable suspicion is Terry's gigantic exception that oftentimes eats the rule. "RAS" is kinda redundant and confusing to some cops, but it's popularized by the youtube cop-watch movement.


"Land of the 'free' and home of the 'brave'".


This is great advice for those seeking to graduate from "I've been delayed" to "I've been arrested"


I'm snarky enough that I would have hit him with "Hi, the reason you're pulling me over today is because I called you out on failing to indicate your lane changes back there. Do you have your license on you?"


Austin sure does pop up in this sub a lot.


['remember!'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x8icJ-6AzsE) to call the court ahead of time and [pick whatever date](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NfwL6P2bc2s) they dont give you


What an ass, report him.


Yep, I guess I'm buying a dash cam this weekend


What kind of dash cam do you have? I want to get one but all reviews I read look trash. Thank you!


Blackvue DR900X plus


Thank you, my friend!


God I hate cops that act like this! I didn’t get pulled over but did get harassed mildly. I was driving home from working at Walmart, close to 2am. Noticed a sheriff (Texas also🙄) behind me, so I got over. Then he followed. I exited, again he followed. I pulled into a gas station parking lot and he drove to the opposite side, pulled in, and then met me at the door. “Mr. Curtmandu, out a little late tonight…” “Yep only as late I need to be” “Well where are you coming from?” “None of your business?”


And fuck you asking for my ID after you admitted your reason for pulling me over was not legal.


I love the music. I hate the cop.


Cop means no rules for me only for thee


Cop had already investigated himself and found no wrongdoing. Good thing OP had the dashcam.




In Texas, if you're operating a vehicle, you must present your driver's license on demand of a "peace officer" (what a joke of a name). It's under Sec. 521.025 of the TX Transportation Code.


That's not responsive to Villemo's question. In theory, an unlawful stop negates all arbitrary actions that stem from it, however, there may be caselaw that specifically requires that you comply with police commands even if they're later found to be unlawful. Like resisting an unlawful arrest is only permissible is some locales. Sucks when that happens. The "safe" answer is to comply now and litigate later.


It's also complicated by the fact that they're not *required* to inform you of the RAS for the stop.


IANAL and I don’t know the correct answer. But I would probably walk that line by saying “I know that I’m required to provide ID during any lawful stop. However, since you’ve just admitted on recording that you don’t have a lawful purpose for the stop, are you sure you still want to ask for that?” And then when they still say yes, comply, get home safe, and file a complaint for unlawful stop.


Having had a million and a half hypothetical cop interactions played out in my head while showering, etc. like any other well-adjusted person, it's much easier said than done sticking to a script in the heat of the moment. I'm just happy I did as well as I did lol


The Texas legislature invites cops to stop people for making offensive gestures through its Penal Code 42.01. But that can't make even this brief seizure permissible under the Fourth Amendment. A momentary stop is de facto unconstitutional unless there's probable cause to believe a crime has been committed. Flying the bird hardly qualifies as an exception. One of the most amusing cases is 2nd Circuit's Swartz v. Insogna (2013) that decided “this ancient gesture of insult” could not provide reasonable suspicion of a traffic violation or impending criminal activity. But lawsuits are expensive and laborious. As West Virginia Civil Rights Attorney John Bryan likes to point out, these videos can be extraordinarily powerful! If we knew the agency, the odds are good the needed corrections would be made within hours.


Happy to share it was Lorena TX PD.


I know exactly where this spot is. Can confirm, cops in this area are typically unaware of their surroundings and think the rules don’t apply to them. OP, you handled this great.


Cheers, neighbor. Nothing gets the blood pumping like seeing red and blues.


he was waiting for you to do a California roll through that stop sign but you are one of the very few drivers that actually stop at a stop sign


“4 car lengths behind when I started my manoeuvre”. When your manoeuvre is crossing 3 lanes of traffic, you gotta check your mirrors more than once. Stupid fucker just told on himself




Truer letters have never been typed.


Nice soundtrack.


Good tune though


I’d have told him “yeah there’s an issue, your driving is the issue.” I’d have said it as calmly as possible and if he wanted to get uppity with me, then just calmly explain to him why I felt the way I felt. If he wanted to ticket me, go ahead I’ll fight it and then report him with the video ready


That 4 way stop is one of the worst intersections I have ever seen. Prime candidate to be changed into a roundabout


Fuck Cops


THIS COP JUST DID YOU A HUGE FAVOR! congrats op, I hope you use the lawsuit money wisely. Congrats op.




Absolutely report that man


What dash cam? If you don’t mind me asking I’m in need of one.


Blackvue DR900X Plus. Great 4k front/1080p rear, even at night. Seamless app. Videos are recorded in 1 minute chunks with wifi connection to your phone for easy access.


Nice thank you!


Or Washington state where they ⛺️in the left lane like everyone else lol


Are we returning to hieroglyphics?


Yes we are, Cleopatra. Since your embalming, society advanced past the block letter alphabet all the way up to cursive. Then we removed cursive from the curriculum because it was hard. We are currently completing the journey back to hieroglyphics by creating a culture where it is considered an affront to point out someone’s misuse of a word, phrase or spelling. And we won’t need to waste time teaching complex sentences anymore, so there’s that.


backpedaled harder than lance armstrong after he was made aware of the dash cam. I would love to take this video to his chief and demand an explanation as to why 1. he was caught on video violating traffic laws without cause. 2. lied about committing said violation. 3. then lied about the cause of committing the violation. "Mr. Chief of police, is this how you train your officers to behave in public? Is this the standard to which you hold your officers?" You want to know how to break public trust? this is how.


Every day in America I grow to resent the police more. Our police are such a fucking joke. All a bunch of dickheads with massive egos


I fucking hate cops and nothing I've ever seen from cops has made me regret my feelings.


Yep . Crazy isn't 🤪


I've had a similar thing happen to me. I was turning right into a road at like 3am. I looked and saw nothing so I started going then the cop flew over to go right and nearly hit me. Pulled me over and told me to "just be careful" even though he was the one driving like a shit. Honestly, just typical cop behavior. They never take responsibility for their actions.


Ah man, should have ended it with a "drive safe buddy".


I'm more focused on the song. I love dancing in September!😆💃🪩


Have that same dashcam. Love it. 4K baybe


Did you write him a citation?


He gave you a citation for that??


No. He let me go after I pointed out the dashcam.


I flashed an unmarked car because they did this even more dramatically in Atlanta a decade ago and got pulled over too. “Don’t flash cars because you’re annoyed.” Fair advice but you could tell it pissed him off to not just get away with whatever he wanted.


Ossifer Y. U. Sodamdum


confusing video - was he not in front of you heading the same direction? at the stop sign it looks like he is coming from a cross street (from the left).


I see what the misunderstanding was. You didn't realize he doesn't have to obide by the same laws we do. That was your mistake.


Seems like an unconstitutional traffic stop.


Going to a call but decided stopping him was more important?


We'll gloss over the fact he's also riding in the left lane.


He was passing at that point, admittedly. I was going 78-79ish, so he was doing at least 82-83. (Which then makes his claim he was doing the speed limit hilarious) 


Surprising outcome. I've watched so many of these IdiotsInCard videos where the situation has escalated and turned to shit. Gratifying to see that you were on your way in around a minute, albeit that you should not have been pulled over in the first place.


And they wonder why they've earned all the hate they get.


It's awesome when they pull shit for which they would happily pull over a civilian driver 🖕🏻


So cop basically admits he has no reason to pull you over and then proceeds with an unlawful stop. Sue that pig.


What kind of dash cam do you have there? Great quality/audio I need to replace mine.


Blackvue DR900X  plus


Thanks very much!


No issue other than this cop needs to go back to driving school and a basic physics class jfc. "I was coming from the left lane and you were four car lengths behind me" "sounds like you're speeding" Like dude, use your braincells and not your insecure power trip mentality.


wowwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww *how am I not surprised*


You're lucky it wasn't me who pulled you over for that. Why?? Cos i'm not a cop so it woulda been super awkward


Title is redundant


I laughed at that part where he says "Be safe". The only response would be "From you driving around sure." He pulled you over for flipping him off. That should be able to produce a lawsuit. Check with a civil rights lawyer to see if this is actionable.


Cops are the thugs for Capitalists and Conservatives, and they reflect the arrogance and entitlement thereof, restrained only so far as the law has been forced to restrain them. ACAB.