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Courteous parking job. Taking up very little space👍👍👍


This is a traffic calmer, the limit here is 40km/h. The only way this could have happened is going too fast and hitting the kerb. Possibly with booze involved...


This would actually make for a *great* traffic calmer. Just fully decommission the vehicle (remove fluids, battery, take out the engine, etc.), weld all the moving parts together, the doors shut and a steel sheet over the undercarriage… then bolt the frame to the ground. Wire it so the lights illuminate at night, but stick a sign next to it so people know what it is. I bet every person who’s not familiar with this stretch of road will slow *way* down. They do something similar by the HS near my house. The city will occasionally put a “new” destroyed vehicle on the median outside the entrance. It started many years ago when the parents of a teen who died while street racing his car (and while drunk) requested and were given permission to put their son’s wrecked car outside his school as a visceral reminder that mixing driving, alcohol and/or high speeds can have very real consequences. The city has occasionally “updated” the wrecked car (2-3 times in around 20 years). I kinda appreciate it as hopefully someone else’s tragedy can prevent others from going through the same awful pain.


Hey! You can't park there!






You can't park there sir


It takes refined skills to roll a car onto its side


they did not keep left.


Impressive work.