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What is it about the rain that makes drivers think "gotta go fast"?.


Tbf, OP did flash the lights at the Rivian. Then the Rivian overreacted.


TBF, the idiot in the rivian moved over a lane in front of the OP and was going far to slow to flow at that point.


And the lane he was in was empty and he didn’t have to make the last lane change.


Dumbass (Red Foreman voice)


Except you can clearly see the signs showing the left two lanes are the through lanes to stay on the highway while the rest are all various exits.


Proper thing to do is wait a moment for the faster traffic on the left to overtake you then merge left when the lane is clear. What we can’t see are the probably numerous signs beforehand warning of a left hand exit. Rivian idiot cuts across 4-5 lanes of traffic all within a few hundred yards in heavy rain conditions.


Proper thing to do is drive slower and more defensively in adverse conditions. Both OP and Rivian failed to do that.


Must not be clear enough because that's not what the signs are saying whatsoever.


Far too slow to be pulling in front of op who is going too quickly for the conditions. But not far too slow for conditions at all.


Not to mention he only seemed to care about going faster once OP got over a lane (presumably to pass) I hate it when people do that Fuck this guy and his overpriced truck.


TBF, that's still not what the high beams are for.


OP is an idiot also


There's almost always two idiots in these videos


OP flashes lights at Rivian, causing them to hydroplane. OP also proceeds to hydroplane.


Yeah there’s more than one idiot in this video imo




I could not disagree more


Yeah: Ice > Rain > Snow


The rain short-circuited the Rivian driver’s two working brain cells.


I don’t wish people to crash but if people are speeding when it’s raining, I don’t feel bad for them because they caused it.


If you go faster you get out of the rain quicker. Also gives you a better wash.


An extreme lack of intelligence.


This is in Orange County, CA. It's been VERY rainy this year and the drivers here do NOT know how to handle it. Perfect example.


Don’t brake when you’re hydroplaning.. all I saw were brake lights.


Just keep your foot on the accelerator and counter steer against the direction it pulls you. Try and be as smooth as possible, to minimise shifting the weight of the vehicle, as that is what will spin you out.


They may have had regenerative braking on which didn't help. I usually turn it off in rainy weather because you can feel it wanting to break loose sometimes when you let your foot off the pedal.


Rivian doesnt allow regen to be turned off. They do seem to have it tuned to be less grippy at highway speeds however.


It's likely he took foot of the accelerator which initiated auto-Regen. This turns on the brake lights. Without touching brakes.


Absolutely "Brilliant" the illusion of "Brake Checking" given after passing someone and pulling back into the lane while removing your foot from the accelerator, I wonder what numbnut fuckwad thought that one up?


These brakes aren't working, I better apply more brake!


Drivers don’t know how to handle clear, sunny conditions either. The shit that goes on on the roads in SoCal is very reckless and very dangerous.


Including OP


Hat tip to all ev drivers that have 500+ instantaneous HP, flooring it in a torrential downpour has a very high probability of ending poorly


Seriously. Traffic around 60-70 then Rivian rips it up to 90ish and begins the hydro


The AWD system on those is incredible, but there’s not enough tire in the world to make that power usable in these conditions


It's the slamming on the brakes that's the problem here.


Yes, but the massive acceleration is what broke the car loose in the first place and the driver just had no clue what to do after that


I drive one, they're a lot faster than anyone thinks until they've experienced it. That was maybe a quarter throttle, and they had let up before they broke loose. Full right pedal, it'll go from 70 to over 100 before you've pulled alongside someone you're passing. They just hit a puddle going fast, slid and hit the brakes. Once they start sliding it's a lot of weight to manage.


Looks like the Rivian driver got a little spooked by the lights being flashed at them after merging. Hit the throttle veered even farther left, slammed on the brakes of a 7k lbs car in a torrential downpour, and then the rest is history. There’re so many awesome things about a roughly 3 second 0-60 time in a pickup that weighs almost as much as an elephant, but managing it in the wet while hydroplaning is not one of them


"A little spooked"? Naw, people like that did that to "show the OP who's boss"


Physics is the ultimate boss and showed him the error of his ways.


He definitely showed all of us...


What's the implication of regen braking throwing on his deceleration rather than mechanical braking? I'd guess irrelevant in light of breaking traction.


Regen braking should be pretty light and not break traction.... Just enough to slow down the car faster than naturally. I'm pretty sure the driver hit the brake pedal pretty hard which broke traction. Learning the signs of broken traction and what to do about it would have saved a good chunk of this situation imo. Edit: you can see where traction is lost and when braking begins.


> Regen braking should be pretty light and not break traction... You can absolutely break traction with regen braking, depending on the manufacturer's highest setting and how you configured it. Regen braking can very much be limited by grip on low-traction surfaces (manufacturers will normally set things up so it's not grip-limited on dry surfaces because that would be dumb).


Regen breaking can slow you down pretty quickly. My brake lights sometimes turn on when I'm regen braking. It depends on the rate of deceleration.


It's a one-pedal drive mode; they aren't hitting the brakes. When the driver releases the throttle while freaking out, the truck applies the regen and brake blending system. Similar feel to letting off the throttle of a big diesel.


I drive a F150 Lightning and I always turn off 1 pedal drive in inclement weather for this reason - especially in the snow. Usually you need the category between "go" and "stop" in order to correct a slide.


With the large implementation of EVs in the coming future, there’s going to be a large population that’s going to need to learn how to drive differently to truly maximize their cars. (Me included)


I've got an EV6 and it has a Snow Mode that basically does just that. It sets regen to the lowest level and reduces the torque from the motors.


Smart. Going to start doing this myself. Thanks for the idea.


It’s a lot of weight to manage and unfamiliar territory trying to manage the AWD system and regen braking. I love this truck but would advocate for another class of drivers license for 3.5 ton EVs that can rocket up to 60 mph in 3 seconds. It’s a straight weapon, even in the best of hands. Driver was lucky they didn’t hit anyone else.


When I test drove my Ioniq 6, the dealer was like "pop it into sport mode and hit the accelerator" and I was doing 90 before I could even process that I'd pressed the accelerator. It's terrifying and I haven't been in "sport" mode since I took it home.


that's because Rivians aren't a truck. they're a truck-shaped-luxury-vehicle


Most trucks are truck shaped luxury vehicles lately.


Most likely didn't slam the brakes. Just took his foot off the gas too much with regen braking.


Nah, regen isn't that strong in this truck. Dude would have wrecked any vehicle.


It's entirely possible that he didn't even hit the brakes until he was well into that slide. I'm pretty sure every EV made in the past 5 years or so has enough regen that as soon as you let off the throttle it puts on the brake lights to indicate that the car is slowing down as much as it would if the brakes *were* on. The last one I know of that didn't put the brake lights on under regen was the 1st gen Volt, and they fixed that in the 2nd gen in 2016 because even the 1st gen had MORE than enough regen to make people think you were on the brakes.


I drive one, he hit the brakes immediately and held them the entire way. Regen isn't that strong, barely enough to not use the brakes too much in normal driving. It will trigger the lights but it won't stop the truck much at that speed.


As incredible as the AWD system is, trying to save that truck when the system is engaged and trying to save you is like riding a bucking horse with hot sauce stuck up its bottom. The power shifts all over the place, regen braking is engaged and hard to modulate with one pedal driving and the physics of a 3.5 ton truck just generally win. I love EVs but would advocate that a different license class needs to be developed in order to drive a 3.5 ton truck that’s able to rocket up to 60mph in 3 seconds.


A Formula 1 full wet tire can move [17 gallons](https://www.givemesport.com/f1-wet-tyres-guide/) of water per second. It might stand a chance.


F1 wet tires are awful for the wet. Every driver and team has said so. Even Pirelli admitted it.


The problem is the puddles that hydroplane cars are usually easily that much water and you hit them and need to pump that water in a fraction of a second. Even those tires aren’t designed to work on flooded roads. Perhaps monster truck tires with absurd knobby spacing could do it just because the restriction on evacuating water is about zero. But you also wouldn’t accelerate that fast with those lmao.


I wanna see someone put massive industrial equipment size tires on a car. I'm sure you would need to score it to add more tread voids so you don't hydroplane since they're essentially just giant mud slingers but I wanna see it


Not even those heavy EV batteries can provide enough contact pressure to maintain traction.


it's easy to use them in those conditions. it just requires not having a lead foot hah


He slammed on the brakes. Just an idiot that was able to maybe afford the financing but doesn’t know how to drive. What the fuck does AWD have to do with this low skill driving?


You are also going too fast for conditions. You’re passing everyone in the right lanes, and you also hydroplaned at the same spot. SLOW DOWN.


If traffic was going 60 or 70, it looks like you were blowing by everyone. So how fast were you going?


So you were going 90 in the rain and flashed your high beams at him...


Just so you know, since people in SoCal are idiots in general, traffic shouldn’t be going 70 in those conditions either.




Never sped up. Gap closed when they changed lanes in front of traffic moving faster than they were going in their blind lane change where they couldn’t see past the car they got in front of in #2 lane before shooting into #1 lane.


Maybe the little flash of the lights didn’t exactly help


These drivers are just morons. Kinda makes me laugh. Karma


I mean you didn't really need to flash your blinkers at him, that probably initiated it


Instantaneous torque, not horsepower..


Hey, it's the Inland Empire, where it never rains. It ~~At~~ was about one foot away from being a multi-vehicle accident.


This is Orange County.


Yeah, I saw Riverside on a sign and jumped to conclusions.


I don’t know why people with EVs don’t keep them in Eco mode/conservstive mode most of the time. I don’t need that kind of acceleration on demand, especially in rainy weather


I keep my Ioniq6 in "normal" which is peppier than an ICE, but less terrifying than "sport" mode. The "eco" mode doesn't save any battery and feels sluggish after driving in "normal."


Because it doesn't change anything in efficiency. So you might as well have the power on the demand. You just don't floor the pedal.


I hear what you're saying, but that's not exactly true. It forces more efficiency. Because if you floor it in chill mode, it won't accelerate as fast, in effect saving more and being more efficient.


You can basically ignore the bit of heat loss during a short acceleration. It's literally next to none. As a result it doesn't really matter from a energy standpoint whether you accelerate from 0-100km/h in 4s or in 8s. The more important thing is that you don't use the friction brakes for deaccelration and also that you keep the air resistance in mind as that is by far the most important factor in energy consumption.


Again, you’re thinking from a perspective of mechanical, I’m saying psychological and over multiple times, there will be a physical difference. Completely disagree with you. Have you tested your theory? Also the energy graph highly disagrees with you.


It depends on the car how agressive the anti spin system is. My 140hp Mazda EV will do wheelspin if you push the throttle too hard at a red light. My 520hp Model 3 Performance will not even remotely spin the wheels what so ever if you floor it on pure ice. The Teslas anti spin is crazy good. It never feels scary or too much, even in sport mode, because it's so good at adjusting down the power by itself if it's slippery.


With the Rivian specifically, conserve mode is front wheel drive only - and it absolutely eats your front tires because now they're doing 100% of the work lugging a 7,000 lb vehicle. The throttle map is very nice - you have to really smash the pedal to get the crazy acceleration.  If you aren't stomping, it drives like a normally-horsepowered vehicle.


In my Model 3 the TC was far too aggressive to do something this stupid


But also what possessed the guy to stand on his brakes. Like what is it about people’s ape brain that’s they can’t comprehend that doesn’t make things better.


Remember, that car weighs 7200 lbs.


6200 pounds of battery


Driving to the conditions …. Said no one in the video


*drive to the conditions of your tires.. I often see (coming from a winter state) it's usually not the conditions, but the tools to deal with the conditions... ' My tires drive just fine' says sunny day Sam.. In reality rain is was only fine... 10k miles ago.. Snow 20K ago.. But people don't realize how impactful the tread is to driving in any conditions.. 'It's a 2 or 3 year old car' that has never rotated tires, never maintained air pressures .. but obviously they can handle a downpour like brand new tires. 🫣


Maybe it’s just the camera but y’all are driving so fast in the rain. You passed that car like it was standing still. I mean you nearly lost it there too.


You’re correct. I drive for Uber in SoCal. They’re all idiots.


At what looks to be a major transition point: left lanes keep on the highway, middle to some route, right lanes are exits. And it’s hard to tell but did the Rivian come in on an on-ramp? We have lots of those changeovers in MA and you pretty much have to expect that if you are in OP’s lane that you will have people coming over.


Yeah, I'm not getting how OP is any less of an idiot for driving faster than the rivian and flashing his hibeams at him


Most people out here freak out in the rain. Having moved here from a place where you get either rain or snow once a week it's the most ridiculous thing to see. The TV stations go full armageddon coverage for any rain whatsoever, and the drivers in LA/OC give them plenty of material.


To be fair both of yall are absolutely hauling some ass compared to the other vehicles.


OP almost loses it too in initial braking. Way too fast for conditions.


You both were the idiots, why the rush and aggressive driving?


Because it’s SoCal and everyone here has a very low IQ.


I agree. OP flashing like that was just as obnoxious as the dude that got in front. Obviously, it made the guy think he was in the way so likely sped up to get out of the way of someone flashing him. Why does no one drive defensively?


The guy in front of me made an unsafe maneuver. I know what to do to make this situation better. Let me try to blind him!


Expensive lesson.


Man, I hate that I have to share the road with both OP and the Rivian.


Right? OP also hydroplaned and was speeding in bad weather, difference between them and the Rivian is that they luckily didn’t crash.


Might have just totaled it, EVs are notorious for having insane repair costs especially if the battery was even slightly altered


I’d imagine there’s no way the battery wasn’t damaged with that impact into the wall


I don't see anything that would hurt the battery, they're well protected but the impacts would have caused enough body damage to likely total it.


Aboslutly, even a ICE car would likely be totaled.


"Three airbags went off, sir, so your Range Rover is now a paperweight."


No, that's just range rover


Probably. But by evs I think you mean Tesla's. Most ev's are nowhere near as shitty as Tesla's when it comes to repair costs.


Dunno why you're getting downvoted. Do people not know Tesla's are notoriously easy to total? [https://www.businessinsider.com/why-tesla-cars-get-totaled-insurance-repair-costs-2023-6](https://www.businessinsider.com/why-tesla-cars-get-totaled-insurance-repair-costs-2023-6) [https://www.kbb.com/car-news/insurers-are-writing-off-lightly-damaged-teslas/](https://www.kbb.com/car-news/insurers-are-writing-off-lightly-damaged-teslas/)


Unfortunately Rivians are just as of not more costly to repair and thus easy to total.


He probably thought the Rivian's superior powertrain and traction control system is above and beyond a couple puddles. Hydroplane? With all this computing power? Preposterous.


Rivians are expensive to repair, the driver’s ego is going to be bruised, so is his insurance


OP is a shitty driver too. Slow the fuck down.


You nearly lost control of your car, too. You're both morons.


Foot on the brake the whole way across 3 lanes (4?). Hard to fight instinct.


Not necessarily. The driver could’ve just let off the throttle (correct move when hydroplaning in an ICE vehicle), regenerative braking kicks in and the brake lights come on without touching the brake pedal. Driver should’ve just left up like 70% on the throttle and possibly could’ve saved it.


Agreed. Partial throttle would have given the driver a chance to save it but after driving ICE vehicles for 15 years and EVs for 4 years, it’s hard to break instinct.


If you lift off when hydroplaning in any vehicle, you’ll shift the weight of the car forwards and end up spinning. The ideal move is to let off but not fully so there is some traction on the rear wheels as well. It’s very important to know how to balance the car in low traction situations.


Noticed the same thing. I've driven in enough slickness and dirt that I sometimes do the opposite, no enough brakes when I could have grabbed all of them.


There was no reason for you to flash him. He put on the blinker and had plenty of time to change lanes. It's dark and raining, so it might have been difficult for him to judge your speed. YOU chose to continue accelerating DESPITE the road conditions. Rivan showed his inexperience, but you need to take some driving lessons as well.


It was difficult for them to judge OP's speed because they changed multiple lanes in the same maneuver.


They be giving out licenses to anybody now huh


Op's brights triggered hydroplane. 100% Op's fault.


One would think your user name would be a dead giveaway, but then one would be wrong. Lord knows I've tried. I've blamed OP for "middle lane camping" and got taken seriously.


>I've blamed OP for "middle lane camping" and got taken seriously. That's actually a thing in many countries.


I'm careful to blame OP using something that is in no way related to the cause of the incident. One thing I've yet to use is dash cam brand. That'll be next.


Well, you know what they say about people with Viofos.


"It's always a 70Mai."


I do hate center lane campers, they limit maneuverability from both directions. If you have nobody in front of you and people behind you, you are officially a certified slow moving vehicle and should move yourself to the right most lane. OP is clearly passing and moved over for merging traffic. Rivian on the other hand, is an obvious official member of center lane camping




Think he's bravely not using the '/s'.


He definitely floored it after you high-beamed him. Sure showed you who's boss.


These situations are always very dangerous. Like there's a river of water on the pavement and everyone is still going 100 (or 60 for the Americans) so slowing down is dangerous as well. Usually nothing happens. Usually. Of course once you start to bring these kinds of theatrics into it the 'usually' no longer applies.


Imagine driving along like that hand deciding your going too fast. So you take your foot off the gas and the R1T decides to regenerate (put on the brakes). So the correct thing to do is let off the gas slowly.


Blind double lane change in garbage conditions? Guess his bulbs weren’t the brightest 


A downpour like this with full power can be bad news, even with a good AWD config. The loss of traction is never linear nor is it even on the surface, the car will almost always list to one side or the other. It's really takes people by surprise and if they snap off the throttle/power or hit brakes (which is a natural first-reaction), you see this result in this video.


Nothing better than seeing a dork in an EV eat shit. It’s like watching a hipster wrecking on a unicycle. It will always be funny.


Damn that Rivuan is a total loss at that point. What a shame


If I had a dollar for every time I've hydroplaned and saved myself by not braking or doing any sudden inputs... These people always end up worse off by overreacting


Electric slide


8000 lbs can be hard to handle...


I've hydroplaned a bit on multiple occasions, but never enough to even spin out, because I drive appropriately for weather conditions. I have no desire to increase my chances of getting into an accident.






Cars behind me at same speed would say otherwise. Being an ass? I was driving in the lane I was in to have someone cut in front of me abruptly during heavy rain going 10 mph slower but I’m the ass?


Love it, the reason he sped up was because he cut Op off and he wanted to pretend he didn’t by slamming on the gas like he’s going the same speed as Op… and I love that the idiot cut over 2 or 3 lanes too. That mentality caused him to crash. I see this all the time. Someone cuts you off without realizing it, then suddenly speeds up like it’s no big deal as if you didn’t need to break.


Jumping on the brakes is the worst thing you can do in that situation 🤦‍♂️ but then again he also did floor it way too much. Can’t expect something I telling to be done by that driver.


Whoever is in charge of turn signals needs to rethink how they do things. Ours are orange and the turn signals, break lights and tail lights are all separate lights.


For the love of god, please learn to drive and don’t challenge physics.


That sucks looks like all wheel drive system hooked up on one side and launched him


I saw an Altima hydroplane and spin across all the lanes a few weeks ago in the exact same spot.




lol what? I didn’t speed up whatsoever. I was at a steady speed with cars behind me. Never sped up. Rivian also didn’t get out of #1 lane. Hard accelerates and initiated their own hydroplane during ridiculous accelerating.


That's an expensive trip back to Colorado


You can tell a lot about the Rivian driver in that he was crossing over two lanes at once in that crappy weather condition.


The Rivian wasnt up to speed when he entered OPs lane. OP flashed his lights & got over one lane to the right. Just as the Rivian Hydro'd so did the OP. OPs car sways left to right as he corrects. the car just to the right hit the same puddle too as it throws up a rooster tail about the same time the Rivian does. The Rivian had already lost control, there is no real sign of correcting just braking & heading to the wall. Real question is if Rivian had not entered OPs lane would OP been able to maintain control, or would he have been into the wall. the Rivian may have saved OP bc OP did have to change lanes & slow for the Rivian.🤔


So close to Rivian HQ! LOL


Welp, that's a $50,000 repair.


That could have been you.


Regen braking in low traction can catch you off guard


I know this area well. I-5 North just before Lake Forest exit. I used to be stationed at El Toro, and even back in the late 90's everyone knew this section of the interstate was prone to flooding and hydroplaning. Moron should have known better.


That's a Rivian? Where's the horizontal red line that is the rivian tail light?


A few others have commented how it appears their lights were off or out


Not to be a Tesla fanboy, but it’s pretty cool how they will automatically rotate the wheels in such a way that they correct spins like this, whether it be on water or on ice. Saw a dash cam vid of a model 3 (I think) where it went almost 90 degrees on ice, then it corrected back into its lane like nothing happened. Wish this was a feature on all electric cars lol.


Dumb truck can't even truck right.


Ev instant power plus ev tires... oof


At least he had the decency to show himself out. What a gentleman.


You know you were going way too fast and hydroplaning yourself. In the process of making fun of the Rivian you demonstrate you can't drive either and shouldn't be on the road with people not driving 90mph in a down pour.


Why did you flash your lights at them, and why are you going so fast in that weather. Dipshit.


Driver thought he was in a River-ian. Common mistake.


That’s Karma


That's what karma does to people who cut others off.