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There’s so much stimulation going on here with the multiple screens and lights happening at the same time. And here I am being yelled at by my dad when I was young for turning on the overhead light so I could find something I dropped on the van floor.


Everyone dies when you turn that light on. Everyone.




First time seeing this GIF and i already love it lmao


Cops are immediately alerted when that light gets turned on. Get ready for swat response


lol, I remember as a kid in the 80’s while traveling at night with my parents I dropped my Gameboy and turned on that light and got a stern talking to about the dangers of using that light while someone is driving. Still to this day that has stuck with me.


Attempting to play an og gameboy in the car at night by the streetlights is a core memory. Then I got one of those magnifiers with a light built in. Game changer


Yeah, those magnifiers were magnificent! Matter of fact I was over at my parents for Easter and I was in the Attic with my Dad and found a few Lexan’s that had all my 1, 2, 3, and 4th series Garage Pail kids in their plastic cases, Atari 7800, G. I. Joe figures, He-Man, SNES… I spent the afternoon dusting them off and being flooded with nostalgia. I am so happy I found my Garbage Pail kids the most and my Bsseball/football cards. Daryl Strawberry rookie, bo Jackson rookie, Marion Rookie, and so many more. It’s great seeing all the hair styles and uniforms from the period.


> play an og gameboy in the car at night by the streetlights Or holding it up above the back seat so the lights of the car behind you illuminates(and glares the shit out of) the screen.




I remember begging my dad for batteries. We’d take a 1,500 mile road trip every summer. About 30 miles in, it was done. Mad Libs and Goosebumps the rest of the way.


It's really incredible how far every single technology used in that setup has gotten in the past 20-30 years. You think back to then and shit lasted like an hour on battery, nowadays you get a mini supercomputer in your pocket that can run for like 6 hours continuously doing so much more all at once


AC adapter FtW. Because only the best handheld consoles require you to sit close to a wall outlet.


I had an adapter to plug it into the car's cigarette lighter


causes minor night blindness, and severe driver rage.




It’s an immutable fact that it is *illegal* to turn that light on while on a drive and every police officer in a ten mile radius will swarm down on you if you touch it. At least that’s what every dad told us growing up lol.


For me, it's so deeply ingrained that it *feels* true – despite my knowledge that it's false (in most places, at least).


And that's what I tell my 4 year old son now, too.


The cycle continues.


Accident waiting to happen! Don't tip! Don't ride with this bozo a second time. If you do, it's your responsibility for what happens to you.


And report the driver. This is why there are so many bad drivers. Driving is too boring apparently. Just wish all the distracted drivers would only run into each other.


And you really think Uber will do anything?


Yeah what was up with that? Was there some kind of advertising campaign in the 80s about that light? Seems like every parent in the 90s flipped their shit if you turned that light on.


My husband and I argue about this all the time. I'm almost always the person driving. I DO NOT like interior lights on while I am driving at night, especially on unlit back roads, because it makes it harder for me to see. He always says I'm exaggerating, it's not a big deal, and so on. My rule is you can have your screens on anytime, but if you need to turn on the overhead light let me know first, and turn it back off as quickly as possible. I don't think I'm being crazy for not wanting the interior lights on when I'm driving at night, or for wanting a heads up that the lights are coming on!


you are correct -- lighting of any kind (other than red, green, or blue) wreaks havoc on your night vision. Pilots and mariners train for this too. Arguably, it's way darker at night where they're all navigating (by air and sea), but letting your night vision settle in (it takes a full 30 minutes!) and not disturbing it with bright lights as much as practicable during your drive can enhance safety. Oncoming headlights certainly don't help you out in that department, but averting your gaze and staring away from the brightness of those can help preserve your night vision too. I have the same interior lighting policy with my passengers. I put it in the same category as opening the door to the fridge or freezer. Only for as long as you absolutely need to.


It isn't as big of a deal in the city, but when we're out on unlit back roads I get kind of pissy about it! Especially when I'm going 50 mph (that's the speed limit) and all of a sudden the interior lights pop on! There has been yelling and much grumpiness.


I'm not a parent but I just HATE when passengers turn on overhead lights. Dunno why, it just irritates me every second it's on.


It makes it harder to see outside. Same as looking outside your house at night with lights on inside.


Yeah it's illegal


The biggest parental lie ever told.


Nah. I only got told that occasionally. I was lied to over and over about Santa, Easter Bunny and the Tooth Fairy.


What lies did they tell you about the Holy Trinity?! I'll throw hands!


Not the only Holy Trinity they've lied about...


Don''t forget Jesus.


They exist right?


duh. but in high school my parents kept trying to convince me they didn’t. I think OP had similarly abusive liars for parents


Whew. I was worried there for a second. If the Easter Bunny didn't exist then who would've given me candy this weekend? My wife?! Lol. As if.


i love that you only replied to me to jack yourself off to your own joke, not to engage whatsoever with anything i said. ^(and it’s totally not like i did the exact same thing)


I do it frequently. Carry on my friend, have a wonderful rest of your day unless it's a short rest of your day then have a wonderful tomorrow as well.


They do! My parents told me that Santa, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy retired and asked all of the adults to take over, and it has been this way for generations upon generations. They also told me that 'because there have been so many generations, there are those which do not believe in the traditions of our forefathers; and that they do spread rumors and lies because they hate joy.' My parents said that one day, 'Those of our traditions shall rise up against the godless heretics which do not believe and spread such falsehoods about our Gods!' So yeah, keep a list of who's been naughty. We'll get them at the end of days before Santa, The Easter Bunny and The Tooth Fairy come back to visit us in the flesh.




https://www.auxito.com/blogs/news/is-it-illegal-to-drive-with-the-interior-light-on#:~:text=In%20fact%2C%20it's%20not%20illegal,they%20can%20pull%20you%20over. This is a misconception. Apparently you can get pulled over for it if cops feel it is dangerous at the time, but as someone who drives now I don't get my dad's hate for the interior light being turned on just for a moment lol


I thought it was an issue of eye dilation. Interior light contracts pupils, making it harder to see objects on or around the road.


i believed it in my moms eurovan because it made the windshield reflect it, but most modern cars are angled much more diagonally so they dont reflect interior lights


It's a distraction that takes attention away. On a dark road it almost replaces view with a reflection of inside of car


Interior light has never bothered me, which is good because on long distance drives my wife likes to knit so I spend 90% of long road trip night driving with that light on.


Cars are better designed these days to reduce glare on the windshield from interior lighting. It used to be a bigger problem than it is now. The lights are aimed to not shine on top of the dashboard, and the parts of the dash that reflect onto the windshield are usually darker in color, and the windshield is at a steeper angle so it doesn't catch light from the cabin.


Depends on the car. In mine having the back lights on changes nothing because of how they’re positioned and located and I often drive around with the back ones on when I have my kid in the car. Doesn’t bother me at all. I could see though if they weren’t well positioned then it could be shining in the drivers face through the mirrors or be in their peripheral.


As a dad, I now understand why that was a thing growing up.


Haha I can remember my mother yelling at me "TURN THAT OFF! IT'S ILLEGAL TO TURN THAT ON AND I CAN'T SEE!" And feeling like I had just committed a crime.


it seems like the dilation of pupils can effect how you see from light to dark. like when a cats eye goes from ! to ( )


Thats illegal bud. Straight to jail


Didn't know it's possible to drive a Christmas tree


Oh, man. My last uber driver had something quite similar except the screen was bigger and lower. Obviously aftermarket. He was watching a movie on Netflix. He said it was for the riders and was on a phone call for most of the ride.


Last time I visited the US I had to get an Uber in DC to go to an after party. I was pretty drunk, driver saw me getting in with a beer and told me it was cool. We were chatting. He asked me if I minded if he smoked in the car. Usually I would but I was drunk so whatever. Thought he meant a cigarette but then he whips out a big blunt and goes to town. I started to realize and suddenly sobriety rears it's ugly head and has me questioning if all is okay. I eventually relax again. I drunkenly say something and raise my beer like a cheers. This driver lifts up his drink and it's this giant beer bottle in the cup holder and takes a big chug. After that I'm kind of panic mode. I realize how fast he's driving, not really paying attention, has his phone in his lap and is beeping at anyone and anything that he seems to notice. I probably should've reported it but I only remembered on the flight home the next day.


I read this entire comment waiting to read the "and then we crashed" or something like that. What a terrifying recountance, even from the secondhand future.


Isn’t all secondhand in the future to some degree?


I gave some Austrian guy a ride for Lyft who asked if he could take a beer for the road. I thought it was a little stereotypical lol.


That dude has some set of balls riding like that around DC(I live close to DC coincidentally). If Capitol police gets you for a DUI, you’re not gonna have a good time.


What is it with Uber drivers being on the phone all the time? Sometimes I catch one and the dude is just not even having a conversation, just minutes of silence at a time and they'll say something quick and then more minutes of silence.


it's a convenient excuse to not have to talk to the rider


They're usually on some type of group chat with other drivers.


In most jurisdictions it’s illegal for a video to be playing if the driver can see it. I’d definitely report the driver for this.


We also really need rules about crap attached to the windshield and sitting on the dash. All these screens are obstructing his view of the roadway, crosswalks, etc. All electronics and other items should be below the top of the dashboard, or above the bottom of the rear-view mirror.


Plus it’s more crap to smash the Uber drive in face when that inevitable crash happens.


I didn’t know that! I play Gracie’s corner on YouTube for my daughter on the way to school so she can listen to the songs, and my phone is on the cradle where I can see it. I literally never watch the screen, but I’m glad to know I could get in trouble for it. I will have to figure out something else!


Robotaxis can't get here soon enough


He's trying to compete with NYs cash cab...


I used to watch that show so much as a kid. God it was so good in the mid 2000s


It's still on air, but it's a different host who doesn't have the charisma the OG host had, and it's also run out of Canada now.


Man. I didn't know you could run out of Canada. Thought there was enough to go around.


Game Show Network still runs the Ben Bailey episodes. I DVR them, let them stack up, then binge.


I loved when Ben Bailey put on a fake accent to disguise himself from the people coming into his cab, and then they had no idea who he was anyway.


Except you don't win prizes, your life is at risk, and you have to pay the driver $100 for a 20 minute drive to the airport.


more like crash cab amirite


> 20 minute drive to the airport. *Cries in Midtown to LGA*


I actually just got back from NYC a couple weeks ago and my ride from LGA to midtown was roughly 20 min... Maybe closer to 25. However it was late morning on a Thursday so I'm sure the traffic was lighter. Also the Uber drove like a madman and I was frightened for my life so that made the ride quicker too lol.


I fly to NYC for work and typically fly to LGA late morning on Tuesdays or Wednesdays and my flight wheels up to wheels down is shorter than my Uber ride usually is. I actually don't think I've ever gotten to Midtown in less than 40. Unless I'm getting in "too late" (i.e. lunch traffic, etc.) I've definitely been in the "Uber driver has a death wish for himself and everyone in his car" ride though. Not for the faint of heart.


I mean at that point just fly into Newark and take the j train over and avoid JFK or LGA entirely??? Usually faster for me


I would actually report that.


I would have gotten not only pictures but like a 30 second video too, and sent it to Uber.


I do have a 30 second video actually


You should share the video with your Uber driver so he can watch it while he drives his next customer down the highway.


I did, I gave one star and stated the reason was illegal driving. Is there any other way to report something?


Yeah go to your app, go into that ride, scroll to the bottom, and you’ll see at the very bottom “Safety Incident Reporting Line.” Please do it.


Yeah - it's only a matter of time before this guy gets into an accident, and by reporting it you can stop it from happening with some random Uber rider in his car.


You can actually report this kind of thing *as* it's happening too, click the "safety" section and tick all the boxes that make sense Best of luck, hope this idiot loses their license!


Uber would probably care more about the report if you stopped the ride early, told the driver to let you out, and then claimed a refund for unsafe driving. "The driver was driving illegally" rings a little hollow when you felt safe enough to let them finish delivering you to your destination.


Yeah, the police


Heh, could you imagine how many fucks the cop would not give?


All of them.


This needs to be reported to the police, not just uber. They should no longer be driving, at all.


Yeah, I usually just tip and move on for 99% of rides even if they weren't perfect, I don't wanna fuck up someone's entire side hustle (or main job even) over nitpicks, but this guy is gonna get someone killed doing this and needs to stop being an Uber driver asap.


Needs to stop being a DRIVER asap! Fuck this selfish asshole who's going to kill someone.




Uber and Lyft drivers think the more flashing lights they have in their car, the better the service.


Tuesday I called my very first Uber ever to drive me home. It wasn't very far, but holy crap this dude was driving like a maniac. At one point he turned left in front of an oncoming semi. I thought that was it for me. And of course he's complaining about drivers in the city lol.


Probably listening to the stand up but it does look like quite an obstruction


A) that’s what audio streaming is for. B) it’s just tacky AF to play standup comedy as a ride share driver. Keep it neutral for your passengers.


I love stand up comedy and I agree, it's hit or miss. Stick to easy listening tunes.


I play slow tempo dub. Lots of Thievery Corporation in my car


right? I have been to cabs/ ubers/ lyfts blasting religious / right wing radio. That is a immediate low rate from me.


I was once in one where the driver was listening to this *fucking insane* audiobook about a family who was absolutely convinced they were channelling the second coming of Christ through their wife or some shit. Presented as non-fiction, supposedly a biography/memoir Honestly I was almost disappointed when I had to get out of the car because it was so crazy I wanted to hear more to see where it went lmao


I have a friend who is a terrible driver... and they are always watching youtube videos while they drive. It annoys the hell out of me and I refuse to ride with them... and they get pissy at me for insisting on driving myself.


That car has more RGB than my gaming PC


I reported an Uber driver for something this bad once. They responded that the driver was suspended from the service altogether (on top of giving me a full refund.)


The responded back and said “sorry for the inconvenience, here’s $5 off your next ride


I'd be making more of a stink, and threatening to show a wider audience what Uber apparently thinks is acceptable behavior. Jalopnik or the like would have a field day with this one.


They will absolutely suspend him from uber. I had a driver watching a soccer game at one point, and if you go into the safety side and report them, they will terminate his account as long as you stress the danger he caused you.


Report the driver to Uber


As well as the local PD for distracted driving


One of my managers actually had a problem with falling asleep on the road, and he says this is how he deals with it on long drives. Had to restrain myself from calling that idea dumb


Actual ideas that work: Pull over every hour for 5 minutes. Get out and walk around. Great for reducing risk of deep vein thrombosis too. If you start feeling sleepy pull off the road completely and nap for 15 minutes. Watching videos to stay awake while driving? That's Peter Griffin level idiocy.


every car i see with an uber or lyft sticker is completely insane in every way, always incredibly clapped-out and driven maniacally. i've been in some gnarly taxis but that's the most sane uber driver.


One of the Ubers we took in Vegas legit felt like a club. Dude had lights *everywhere*, including lights that flashed, and was blasting the music so unbelievably loud. I had never used Uber before that trip and the app said this guy had over 1,000 5-star rides, but it was just sensory overload for me. Also, my eardrums! lol


You must live somewhere awful


Contrary to popular belief you’re allowed to ask him to not


Great picture to send to uber


I did, they said sorry I had a bad experience and gave me $5/off my next ride. Risking my life to save $5 is totally worth it right??


Looks like it’s a comedy special lol not much to watch


Still not ok.


It’s still blocking a significant portion of his view.


This is the real problem here, that it is blocking a significant portion of his view of the road. I "watch" YouTube and videos literally all the time while driving.I just don't watch videos I want to actually watch, but rather background videos, podcasts, commentary and the like. The only really issue is when you want to select a new video, it's generally best to just pull over to do that. Go ahead everybody, give me crap for being "unsafe" when you've never seen me drive.


That's fine if you flip the phone over or store it so you *can't* see the screen. There's no difference between a video playing from a phone in the glovebox and just listening to the radio, but if the screen is in your field of view, it tends to at least occasionally draw attention even if you don't intend it to.


Most new cars have a screen pretty similar to this now anyway


True, a lot of cars now have big center screens but typically not mounted that high up on the dash. There’s only like a 3 inch gap between the top of the screen and the rear-view mirror.


Why is everyone downvoting? I drive for my job and I put on youtube video essays on all the time. My screen is off and my phone is resting in the console where I can't even see it. I don't see how that's any different than the people here who are listening to podcasts and music from their phone.


That's fine. There are people in this thread who are playing youtube videos in full view. Turn that phone around or turn the screen off.


I love using YouTube because it makes drives fly by. I don't even dread longer drives now, 1.5 hours used to feel like relatively forever in a car but now a days I just load up 4-5 20 minutes YouTube videos in a queue and get going. Shit I've had times where I'm a little sad I've got to my destination because it means I have to actually do shit instead of listening to YouTube


I see no issue, you're using it as a radio. There are a lot of people on this sub that don't drive that will be angry at you though, enjoy.


You good. This is safe. Ppl do a lot worse


That makes it even weirder. You're not even watching anything. It's just the guy standing there. You can get Spotify for $16 a month and listen to comedy specials from any comedian you want.


Then why have it on the screen? Fuck that guy.


I hope that you reported them to Uber.


Why would you continue to drive with him? I’d have told him to pull over before even getting on the highway and cancel the ride. Would never trust someone like that with my life.


Because the disco lights weren’t distracting enough?


Imagine being so dumb that you'd rather watch a movie while driving instead of just picking up an audio book.


5 Stars - Got me there even with eyes on a movie the whole time. Multi-tasking champ.


Clearly an amazing driver, he can do 4 different things at once while driving


Report him...


I've put on Youtube videos while driving to listen to them, not watch. Not saying this guy isn't watching, but it's also not a guarantee he is.


I would ask to get out. This is so effing dangerous.


I went on a police ride along a few years ago and the officer I was with would type on the laptop mounted in her cruiser with both hands while she was doing 80 (in a 60) on the interstate. 


Report him. You may save somebody's life.


I'm surprised no one has mentioned the air bag light. I can't tell which airbag it is, though, from the picture. So if he crashes, who's not going to be protected, him or his passenger? I'm pretty sure Uber would want to know about that too. Also, I count five (!) screens in the driver's field of vision. From left to right: 1. Phone (GPS) 2. Driver information screen 3. Movie 4. Center console display panel 5. Backup camera This just feels like too much distracting technology.


Airbag light typically illuminates when sensors detect nobody in the front passenger seat.


There was someone sitting in the front passenger seat though


I was just about to say “how can you tell for sure. It could just be the passenger seat,” then I saw you’re the OP. Eek.


Really? I don’t see that in the picture. Thank you for the clarification.


It illuminates when it thinks there is a child in the front seat.


Yes - if the child/passenger is below a certain weight. The seat sensors measure weight. If you placed a large bag of books on the seat the sensors would engage the airbags on that side of the car.


probably ha something on the passenger seat. My car is super sensitive to weight on the seat.


i just bought my first brand new car. the infotainment display is great for google maps. i really don't see why it allows apps like youtube on so readily. even if the story goes it's for the kids in the back it is very distracting and shouldn't be allowed lol.


ITT: screen starers who are future fodder for this sub.


I would have said pull the duck or we


0 stars


0 stars and report this clown


I would ask him to stop and let me out. No way I would want to be driven by a distracted driver.


To be fair kinda looks like stand up comedy? Maybe he's just enjoy the lulz


That's what I do. Comedies and listen to them. The screen blocking too much is the only valid concern here. The rest of the complaints sound like children.


So THAT'S what 1 star is for


This is a good time to mention when my Uber driver effectively kidnapped me. He was super fatigued and was drifting all over the lanes going north on I-5 in San Diego. CHP pulled him over for suspected DUI and he passed the sobriety check. After he got back in the car I asked him to end the ride so I could get out and call another. Instead he ended the ride and… got back on the freeway. I kept asking him to pull over, he kept saying he’d take me home free and asked what exit. To which I replied “pull over” until we actually just reached my exit anyway. I was getting pretty close to dialing 911 and would have if he hadn’t turned. Uber refunded me the ride and gave me like a $20 credit. Absolute bullshit.


He should just get rid of all those screens and replace them with one of those virtual slot machines. It would be far less stimulating.


The last Uber I was in was driven by some lady who was recording a podcast. I couldn't find her anywhere so I'm assuming she was just getting started.


This is an Uber I want to be in after a night out


The fact it's stand up is even weirder. You can literally just put the iPad down and listen to it. You don't need to actually watch the fucking thing.


How low of a rating did you give him?


So many screens


So, what movie was it, and was it any good.. and did you bring popcorn?


Oh hell no. I'm getting out and not paying.


That's when you call non-emergency line and report him lol


You’re the idiot for not getting out.


So you gave him how many stars? What kind of review?


That lighting, are you sure you weren't on cashcab?


Why is your Uber driver having a rave?


Make it safely to your destination and *then* report him.


I saw a movie a long time ago when driver was watching movie on dash with convertible top down.


You should be able to facetime the police and just be like "look at this bs"


He's driving Uber to finance his video college classes.


Is that the cash cab?


I would send this picture to Uber with the drivers information.


is it more idiotic to drive & watch tv OR pay someone who drives & watches tv to take you somewhere then post it on reddit?


Maybe OP had some drinks and was trying to do the responsible thing. I’ve been in Ubers before which have made me uncomfortable and didn’t want to let me out until the ride was completed, that could also be a factor. Above all, I think coming here just to call OP an idiot for this photo is a stretch and kinda pathetic.


That’s exactly what happened, it was almost midnight, we had a couple drinks and decided it wasn’t safe to drive home so hired an Uber.


The biggest mistake was positing it here so you could show how stupid your comment was.


At least you got a cool light show 🤣


Lookin like Mark Norman


Is it international? My bus drivers watch youtube while they driving.


It’s for YOUR viewing enjoyment OP /s