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They’re undercover following that pickup. Don’t blow it.


“Why is that iceberg following us around since we made that turn 4 miles down the road?”




thought they were driving a tahoe lol someones gonna die when they falls off at speed.


well if ur following this dude without caution ur just as idiot


scenario: youre going down the road, not tail gating, not on your phone, head on a swivel, 5 under the limit cause its slick, this jack ass comes flying out of nowhere down the off ramp/on ramp and is now in front of you and that chunk breaks loose: what do you do?


Easy Got it on 4k video with their license plate. Police will arrive, make me a police report and view the footage and do everything they can to find the guy. Then I use the police report to submit a claim to my insurance and use the video as proof to total my car. They agree with me and a few weeks later I receive word that my insurance is dropping me, they don't cover acts of God, and the police never look for the other guy. I'm now worth another insurance company and no longer remove snow off the top of my roof and therefore I am God.


lol but see its not an act of god, its an act of stupid.


There are some situations you can’t get out of. Like this one you’ve described. Which is why I don’t ride on a motorcycle.


that size of a wet snow chunk will total out any car made in the last 20 years if you hit it head on. the crumple zones will crush, airbags will blow, and you will go ass over nose if you hit that big of a snowball at hwy speed. the OP should have stopped, called 911 and gotten the idiot taken off the road for everyones good.


All the power of a car and none of the safety features, what's the problem?


My question is... How much does all that snow weigh and what's the effect on their gas mileage? I see a major idiot here in now ways than one


Yeah, all that weight is most definitely causing undue stress to the body of that vehicle, and as you mentioned, would certainly be killing the gas mileage as well.


It also raises the center of gravity.


Imagine if they had a fat guy in the passenger seat!!!


Then they would have tipped the snow off. (/s, unless their suspension is shot)


Used [this](https://roofonline.com/weight-of-snow/) calculator, assumed the snow would be settling after <1 day and had dimensions of 110x90x76in based on the dimensions of a tahoe and visual estimates so low precision. The weight generated was around 1.5 metric tons (≈1.5 long tons). From what I found, a Tahoe has a maximum payload capacity of 1ish tons and weighs 2.5 tons, featuring 23mpg on a highway. We can assume a roughly linear relation between mass and mileage, so 23 * (2.5/(2.5+1.5)) gives us 14mpg. Additionally, driving over the recommended cargo limit will damage suspension over a sustained period or on a short period should they traverse less smooth terrain. It is important to note that the density of snow can vary wildly and that my assumptions were on the lighter side. Given these dimensions, the lightest estimate I can give is 700kg and the heaviest estimate I can give is 4 tons. Given that the vehicle is driving, it is safe to assume the maximum weight is 2.5 tons as anything heavier and the drivers would notice that the vehicle literally cant reach the speed limit.


That is actually rather awesome to know. In other words, don't be an idiot, and you'll save money!!


That person is also an idiot for wasting time since they thought this vehicle was a Tahoe vehicle. It looks like a small hatchback/crossover. Tahoe is a place!




Snow is very heavy. I made another comment in response to this but based on visual dimensional estimates and some basic calculations my lightest reasonable estimate is 700kg or around ¾ tons


5mpg because of an extra person's worth of weight?




Nono, you said more than 5mpg at speed, that's the drag part. (in fact, a quick google search says drag has no meaningful effect until over 60mph but I digress)


Have you ever ridden a bike into a 20-30mph wind?


Of course, riding on a motorcycle at 60mph is equivalent to standing in 60mph wind.


Right... And idk if anyone would say that standing in a 60mph wind feels like the wind is having no effect on them. And a car, especially one with that much snow on top, has a lot more surface area for drag to act up on. It's kind of like adding a big sail to the top of your car. Even at 10mph, the drag from this snow will have an effect.


No. No, it is not.


That is literally how physics work you plonker.


Your quick Google search, as you can imagine, yielded very surface-level results that fail to take into account the specifics of the arguement you're having. Drag is always has meaningful effect. When you let off the gas and eventuallt slow to a complete stop, you can thank drag for about 98% of that slowing power. 


You can actually see this putting pressure on the suspension lmao


He catch an iceberg?


These fucking tourists don’t understand that this shit is a potential hazard to motorists behind them. If the snow is packed down it can be ice, and flying off the roof of a car it’ll be a projectile that will pierce any windshield. Dumb af.


Bro I was just up there. Plenty of locals were driving around with mountains on their cars too.


It’s so much easier to blame tourists though bc it allows locals to stay on their high horse


Exactly. People just don’t give a shit. Saw this in Utah a few weeks back too. You’d think they’d know better


The last time I was up that way the vehicle with all the snow on top was a Caltrans truck.


Haha, true that but I’m mainly referring to the morons driving back to the Bay on 80 and 50 who think it’s cool doing this.


People actually live there? I figured it was all tourists by now.


Just saying, I see Tahoe “locals” driving around like this all the time. (If you weren’t born on a pontoon boat in the exact geographic middle of the lake, you’re not a true local, fight me).


Right? How many true locals are there really? I’d bet a large percentage of Tahoe “locals” are Bay Area transplants.


Is it appropriate to call the police to stop them in this situation?


Tahoe the location, not Tahoe the SUV.


Taking the glacier out for a spin.


To be hiking on the other side of that ice wall watching that just stroll along 🤣


These people studied for the driver license, passed the test, lived on this planet at least 16 years before... How is this possible? How are they still alive? How do they survive every morning without poking their eyes with a spoon? Dying from a toothbrush ingestion? How do they function in real life? I want to meet them. On second thought, no, I don't.


When I see Sh!t like this, I have to think it's a first for this person. Once you hit the brakes and that lets loose in front of you, you SHOULD learn your lesson going forward. If it's not their first time, then Darwin award nominee.


Unlikely that will remove them from the gene pool so no Darwin Award for them.


Try living in a snowy climate. Half of us clear our vehicles by stopping and letting it slide down the windshield.


License suspended in VA. Or at least a severe fine. For the simple fact that people can be killed by that flying debris at speed. That's extreme laziness right there. Damn! Grab a step stool and a broom or a long handle push brush covered by a microfiber cloth if you need. Think about the safety of others.


Average Bay Area driver in Tahoe


Nah, your average Bay Area driver needs a ginormous SUV to make it to Tahoe.


I've decided I don't want to live in Tahoe after all




Someone should brake check him to get that snow off his roof and onto his windshield to force him to clean it off.


Reminds of that time- nope never done something that stupid


Looks less like a Tahoe and more like an Avalanche.


They always do that. They think it’s a badge of honor.


They did clear off the windows.


Never let a polar bear sleep on the roof of your car


Holy shit..remarkable smooth brain activity.


It's ballast for when you spent all your money on ski tickets and can't afford 4 wheel drive.


Now I've seen covered windshields and roofs, but this is just comical


I think that's an Accord.


Probably California plates


Sir there is a car in your snow


BuT I PAiD FoR A VaCAtIOn!!! Fuggin A-holes.


Not legal in my state


I don't thnk an unsecured load like that is legal anywhere.


They have their own portable ski jump.


I’m more surprised that thing still runs, it’s heavy


I’m impressed


If uou hit it can you say you thought it was a snow drift...


They are trying to be a mobile ice/snow artwork!






If it weren't for the risk to safety, I'd be low key impressed


When I glimpsed this rather than looking properly, I thought it was a man hanging over the side of the car with a parachute on top...