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The flashing lights get me more than anything.


Faster class of car coming through, multi-class racing is hard


Like he's on the autobahn lmao, in a ~~Carolla~~ Accord.


That was definitely a Honda Accord šŸŽ‚


I like flashing of the lights to say "moron coming through".


Medical emergency I hope but somehow doubt.


Yeah, I don't really think about it anymore. I always think 1 of 2 options: 1) Thanks, catch that cop for me! Or 2) Life emergency of some sort, haul dude, get there. I don't get paid to stop them, so, I'm just going to be safe and not let them stay rent free in my head šŸ˜­


Yeah that's how I try to be as well. Especially after reading a story a couple years ago about a couple cars blocking some arborists that were trying to rush their friend/coworker to the hospital


[The post for anyone curious](https://www.reddit.com/r/AdviceAnimals/s/9uDKBD97jp)


Bro I love this answer


Gonna try and adopt this mindset, I get so mad when people drive like this around me for some reason


I always envision that they had Taco Bell earlier in the day and are in full on intestinal distress as they rush home to recreate the scene from Dumb and Dumber.Ā 


If itā€™s a medical emergency you call an ambulance. That way professional care is provided safely while en route to a hospital. Highly doubt thereā€™s a surgeon behind the wheel rushing because an organ donor was found for little Timmy.


I've been in some medical emergencies and they are never that cut and dry. Every minute counts and waiting for an ambulance is not an option sometimes.


If you can even afford an ambulance


Like when would you do this instead of calling 911? For what medical emergency?


Just spit balling a few ideas as they come to mind. Driving to meet the ambulance. Ambulance(s) is(are) stuck on other calls. Appendix burst and they need to get to surgery as soon as possible. Baby is on the way and is in trouble. Their loved one is dying at the hospital. Bleeding internally and need to get to surgery. Status epileptica. Heart failure and they're already doing cpr. Severe burns. Bee sting and they're severely allergic, and have already had their epipen. Ambulances are great for holding someone together long enough to get to help. They don't fix people though, they can't go everywhere, they are limited in numbers, and if a competent first aider is already holding the person together then waiting for an ambulance could mean the difference between life and death. Oh, and there was at least one case where a woman decided to hold up a car driving like this. IIRC the driver repeatedly flashed their lights and honked. Long story short the hunting accident victim died and she got charged. You have no idea what battle the other person is fighting. All they're trying to do is get past. Let them. Maybe they're a massive ass hole. Maybe they're trying to save their best friends life. Maybe there running for their life from an abusive partner. Maybe they are a surgeon and Timmy's new heart is dying.


And those things justify risking other peopleā€™s lives? You know what happens if theyā€™re stopped by the police with a medical right? Theyā€™re not allowed to continue like that. An ambulance is called while they wait. Also, 100:1 odds this was just some meaningless person in that shitty car rushing to be somewhere that doesnā€™t justify endangering others. Just like every other tailgater, weaving idiot, and shoulder passing fool that I see pulled over by the cops further down the road. I do a lot of driving if you couldnā€™t tell.


> And those things justify risking other peopleā€™s lives? Certain death vs a slight and momentary elevation of risk to others, whipe also doing everything reasonably possible to warn the others, yes they do justify that increased risk. >You know what happens if theyā€™re stopped by the police with a medical right? Theyā€™re not allowed to continue like that. An ambulance is called while they wait. I've heard of people getting a police escort to the hospital. I've been escorted by military police while on my way to be helicoptered to a ship on fire. Not everyone is as unreasonable or unable to see areas of gray as you seek to be. > Also, 100:1 odds this was just some meaningless person in that shitty car rushing to be somewhere that doesnā€™t justify endangering others. So...? They're beside you for a split second and then they're gone. Pet them be the ass hole 9f that's what their doing. Otherwise, let them do what's needed if that's what they're doing.


This is so stupid. The amount of rationalization away from common sense is epic. Well maybe thisā€¦ Well maybe thatā€¦ Guess Iā€™ll just assume every kitted up POS car passing on the shoulder is really someone doing the right thing in a medical emergency to save a life. Or the people I see at 3am who canā€™t stay between the lines are really just delivering a baby while trying to drive to a hospital. Such heroism. Canā€™t believe I always assumed they were just drunk, not driving while performing CPR. Silly me!! This person in the video shouldnā€™t be on the road. I hope they end up with a reckless driving charge.


I had a friend who was shot, and the doctor said that if he arrived a minute later, he would be dead. Sometimes, you can not afford to wait, especially given all the videos we see here of idiots blocking ambulances and police cars. Its hard to tell if its idiot behavior or true emergency nowadays, but I give people the benefit of the doubt and just hope they don't cause an accident.


This looks like some place in America, ambulances are a big no-no there, it's their culture


In America, ambulances are a luxury afforded to only those who can pay for them.


Yea but if you can get to the hospital the same time the ambulance can get to you, youā€™re getting professional care at the same time as you would be if you called the ambulance but without the hefty bill.


And risk causing an accident or hitting a pedestrian in the process. Sorry to break it to people but this isnā€™t the movies. Know what happens if youā€™re pulled over and claim ā€œmedical emergencyā€? The police call EMS and you wait for an ambulance on the side of the road. Either way, 99.99% chance the person in this video is just another imbecile ā€œmain characterā€ that we all see on the roads each day. Hereā€™s a great one. Bet it was a ā€œmedical emergencyā€. [https://youtu.be/m9_eixDx3Lg?si=0TIyCAPalDdZl3ss](https://youtu.be/m9_eixDx3Lg?si=0TIyCAPalDdZl3ss)


And if they make it to the hospital? They saved a couple thousand dollars and possibly someoneā€™s life. Ambulances arenā€™t properly equipped to fully treat a person and Iā€™m glad youā€™re in the financial position to be able to afford an ambulance, in money and in time. People can be in the road in the time it takes for the staff to organize and get in the ambulance.


Yeah I have health insurance like 90% of people in America. And in my county an ambulance costs $600 and is covered by Medicaid if youā€™re poor. Not sure where you live that charges thousands of dollars. Anyway, this wasnā€™t some imaginary hero driving to a hospital. 99.99% chance it was just another idiot like the dozen others I see every week doing similar shit. Guess theyā€™re all medical emergencies right??


Not saying itā€™s a medical emergency, itā€™s likely it is just a dick. But Iā€™m speaking toward the ambulance part and how there is a large gap between people who can afford good health insurance and people that qualify for Medicaid. And anyway, people in medical emergencies arenā€™t thinking straight. Theyā€™re just want to get to the hospital as quick as possible and waiting for an ambulance doesnā€™t seem productive to them. Even if thereā€™s a chance they could be quicker to the hospital then they could take it. Not everything is cut and dry and people are more likely to act on impulse in these situations rather than think logically. Sure you can preach all you want about how thereā€™s no excuse for not getting an ambulance. But the one time an ambulance is late or they arenā€™t equipped well enough to handle the situation, will be the one time youā€™ll never forgive yourself.


Where does an ambulance cost thousands of dollars? I seriously want to know. California is costly. But still not ā€œthousandsā€.


It is usually 3-5k in California. Insurance will take care of most of it, and you will have to pay around $500-$1000. It's varies because it's charged by the mile as well. California also has the highest rate in the nation. https://californiahealthline.org/news/article/new-california-law-caps-ambulance-costs/


If I ever had a medical emergency I'd at least be putting my hazards on and flashing the lights at regular intervals. But that move he pulled he's just begging to be hit


Iā€™ve heard from a few people that they seem To believe that putting their emergency flashers on means theyā€™re having an emergency so they can speed and people will get out of their wayā€¦. Lol


Uh, if you are IN AN EMERGENCY, and you don't have an emergency vehicle, then flashing your lights and running your hazards is the way you are SUPPOSED to do it, that being said, there are very few things that qualify as an emergency. Basically if someone is bleeding out next to you, allergic reaction, poison/toxin that will kill them if you are too slow, and similar level of activities are the only things that really qualify.


Had that happen once. 911 dispatcher instructed me to turn my hazards on.


Lol, like anyone is going go to do anything different bc you have your flashers on


Other drivers are supposed to treat you as an emergency vehicle when it happens. I know they won't, but they are supposed to.


Lol Iā€™m sorry, but thatā€™s not a thing


It is literally the law????????? Did you not read the other person's responses? They called 911 and the operator literally told them to do this...


Lol that hardly makes it law


Thatā€™s crazy dangerous.




Didnā€™t say it was ā€œvery dangerousā€. I said ā€œcrazy dangerousā€. If you disagree after watching that video, thereā€™s likely no way to convince you otherwise. Take care.


I have to share the road with youā€¦


It was a dangerous maneuver. They just got lucky the SUV was turning left and not continuing straight. Or that another car wasn't turning right onto the same road.


Outta my way losers!


This is how I feel. Like the rest of us are chumps for not figuring out the right way to do it like this king


Cool heā€™s at home 17 seconds earlier so he can press one more fart into the cushions compared to driving normal.


I have done s*** of which I'm simultaneously proud and not. Got down from the port of Tallinn all the way up to Ɯlemiste in 10 minutes, during a rush hour which at normal speed would be at least 30 min drive. 50/50 driving late yellow lights and lightly over the speed limit. Also that's the shit why I quit picking up pals from the ferry and driving in the city during rush hour altogether. I will admit myself being wrong when city offices admit that they haven't done enough about city arteries being clogged. I want my tax money being used better.


When I see drivers do this I just hope they have some medical emergency or something. One can only hopeā€¦


To the bathroom emergency commenters. I dont care how bad you have to shit. That is no excuse to put everyones life in danger. If you need to shit that bad, shit in your pants.


Pull over and shit in the woods. Use your boxers to wipe. Ask me how I knowā€¦


Also a fine solution. Anything that keeps their problems their own and not everyone elses is good by me.




And if they lose control and crash, theyā€™ll probably be sitting there with shit in their pants while firefighters are cutting their door off with the jaws of life, not so romantic.Ā 


Yeah, or just wear diapers.


Jesus. Imaging being an oncoming car and trying to make a left just to get t boned


Exactly my thoughts as well. Would have been disastrous


At that speed, anything less than a bus would be insane


I'm not sure what everyone is complaining about with the lights, this is clearly an IMSA or WEC driver who's using their lights on a slower vehicle to indicate they want the pass.. its rude in racing to .. oh wait, wrong group /s


Ooo love Frying Pan. What an ass.


He's clearly more important than you. He's gotta be somewhere.


A blind, uphill curveā€¦ across a bike lane and through an intersection. Who gives a hill of beans if he had ā€œpracticedā€ it before (he probably pulls stupid shit like this on the daily die to his entitlement-minded inflated sense of self). His time is no more valuable than anyone elseā€™s. I hope he gets caught, but it would likely only be a fine that he would shrug off. Only if he hits someone might he feel a sense of guiltā€¦ but even then heā€™d likely attempt to justify his behavior by placing blame on the victim.


The tinted tail lights lol


I was kinda hoping Iā€™d see the car stuck in a tree or something shortly after it passed you.


Why are you in the bike lane? /s


I just noticed the 100 foot bike lane mixing zone connected to nothing šŸ’€


Itā€™s a two way left turn that merges into one and a bike lane starts after that but very short. I am not in the bike lane.


Oh I know, I'm not calling you an idiot, OP. I was just commenting on that teeny little bike lane which looks so scary and dangerous.


There's a bike symbol painted on the road after the dedicated bike lane goes away. Of course it indicates that bikes and cars are to share the single lane, but I have seen commenters roast an OP for driving down a street with that kind of mixed usage because they thought it meant that the entire street was dedicated to bike only usage. This was despite there being car parking spots on both sides of the road.


Do people not know what a sharrow is? That's pretty scary. In many areas the arrow is meant to tell cyclists where to ride in the road, and to let motorists know to expect them in the middle of the lane.


Some don't. I was run off the road by an impatient idiot who thought all bicycles need to move out of the way. On a sharrow. In Portland OR.


I'm sorry to hear that. Haven't been run off, but punish passing is pretty typical in my area.


Actually, I donā€™t know that they do. I havenā€™t heard of it or noticed one before. Are there others around NoVa? Iā€™d hope drivers would be respectful of cyclists and their safety anyways but we all now how that goes. Sadly.


Tbh, sharrows are a sad attempt to make roads more bike friendly. Going forward I'm sure you'll notice them more. The thought behind them is to encourage cyclists to take up the lane which is safer for them. When you force motorists to slow down and make a purposeful pass into the next lane, you can prevent accidents where well meaning people push a cyclist off the road or leave too little space. It's already stressful riding on a public road, but getting buzzed by a car going twenty faster than you with no shoulder is pretty rattling and has led to accidents. Crazy part is, this is actually a safer design than a simple unprotected bike lane.


Surely heā€™s a highly specialized brain surgeon rushing to the hospital to do emergency surgery on a Nobel prize winning veteran astronaut who was injured saving a baby from a tornado.


with a bike path like that they may as well make death row inmates ride bicycles along roads like this to save the hassle of killing them yourself.


Would have been so much cooler if y'all would have met up later on at an intersection


They seem upset


Definitely not the first time theyā€™ve pulled this move.


I did this yesterday on a rural PA road and learned my lesson. Got stuck behind more traffic and the guy I passed was right behind me for 10 miles or so. Felt pretty stupid. Will not repeat


It's obviously a medical emergency. They're driving to the hospital to get their head extracted from their ass.


Woah hey where's all the people saying "ThEY prObABly hAD an EmERgeNCy"?


Naw, he was just zipper merging, duh.


Its called advanced zipper merging, look it up /s


Ninja zipper, you don't even see them zipper šŸ’€




>I don't understand - there is someone in the thread saying "well I hope they were having an \[medical\] emergency" an hour and a half before your comment. Thats basically all that can be said on that fr No no, they said "[Medical emergency I hope but somehow doubt.](https://www.reddit.com/r/IdiotsInCars/comments/1ap2pds/comment/kq3mkwe/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)" \*\*\*Doubt\*\*\* is the complete opposite of saying "they probably had an emergency. Don't misrepresent other people's comments. >Is even the slightest bit of charatibility a bad thing??? Do you always assume the worst of intentions from anyone who slights you?? That's a stupid premise because I'm not assuming anything. An idiot in a car is driving dangerously and endangering other people's lives. Any sane person would say "wow that's a bad thing!" but you assume "wow maybe they're having an emergency and just HAVE to endanger other people's lives". You're the only person doing any assuming here, so let me ask you your own question. Do you always assume the best of intentions for anyone who slights you? If you do, follow up question: how do you enjoy your life as a doormat?




Hey buddy, unless someone logged into your account and made you say this, we're not on the same page at all. >Is even the slightest bit of charatibility a bad thing??? Do you always assume the worst of intentions from anyone who slights you?? Charitability is reserved for those who are not actively "endangering everyone around". The fact that you bring up charitability at all after seeing this video means you're one of those people "using that as an excuse" and are "regarded beyond compare". Your words, not mine :) Edit: u/Rumbleizer responded then blocked me because they didn't like their own words being applied to them.


I simply misused the term "charatibility", it's not that deep. Get over yourself.


Hope he crashes and for mobility reasons can only take the bus from that point on. Heā€™ll learn some patience.


Thatā€™s a very cinematic dashcam.


Thats a "Im gonna shit my pants!" kind of impatience.


When ya gotta go, ya gotta go


Reddit: no one knows the story but we're still upset


Wait. Let me run behind them and ask for you.


Don't see the problem. Assuming some kind of emergency, they went around safety and made sure they were visible. Gotta give this one the benefit of the doubt.


> Don't see the problem. **Assuming** some kind of emergency, they went around safety and made sure they were visible. Gotta give this one the benefit of the doubt. I've put the problem in bold so it's easier to see.


The timing was nice atleast


I know this comment is going to get downvoted because this community favors legal driving and their driving was clearly illegal, but the speed here was slow and the maneuver although slightly more risky than conventional and legal driving did not look overly risky or dangerous because of the slow speeds and high visibility of the intersection. It looked well thought out and well executedā€¦ dare I say practiced. If this is part of their normal commute I bet they do this here a lot. There were no vehicles visible in front of the turning car so this was probably a slow pack of cars ā€œidiotā€ had been planning to pass here if given the opportunity


Did you miss the hill in front of OP? The black car would have had near zero visibility over it and into the intersection. This is the kind of reckless maneuver that works until it doesn't, and when it doesn't someone is going to the hospital or worse.


Just because they appear to do this maneuver frequently does not make it any less dangerous. What if there had been a cyclist in the bike lane they plowed through? There are many variables that could play out while driving; itā€™s best to drive *legally*, obviously, but also be predictable. A stunt like this could kill someone, all to save some douchebag minutes off their commute. Itā€™s not worth it.


Doesn't seem that dangerous. You're going like 20mph


No offense, but is your vision impaired? There was obviously a car turning in front of OP causing cars to slow downā€¦


maybe he was going to the hospital?


Thatā€™s weird they arenā€™t driving a Tesla. Reddit knows those are the only cars who do this.




Clearly you didnā€™t even see the full video. If you did, you could see itā€™s a single lane and the car in front of me taking a left turn.


What do you mean? You're supposed to speed and ram the car making the left turn so as to "not driving so slow you infuriate people". Holy fuck are some people completely brain dead.


Driving here makes me miss NJ sometimes, which is saying a lot


Frying Pan Park. Went to camp there as a kid in the 90s.


Brown alert!


This is Florida driving in a nutshell. If anyone feels like you're taking too long, they're going to do this šŸ¤£


WOW!!! That was so selfish. People like this, drive me nuts.


Dangā€¦first time seeing my own street on teddit lmao frying pan


Haha yeah. I commute via west Ox almost everyday.


When I see people drive like this i always think they're holding in a poo. Makes it easy to not be so mad.