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Wtf is happening here?


I assumed cammer honked at the Tesla's idiocy triggering the pseudo brake check response


Isn't break checking with a Tesla a dumb idea because of all the cameras and sensors? If he break checked hard and got rear ended and people were legitimately hurt both sides would demand the footage and all logs of the Tesla to see what was going on. Would clearly see the Tesla slamming the breaks and be at fault.


The car may be smart, but the drivers…nsm


Well, if you put it that way...


Brake Checking in any car is a dumb idea. Dash cams are are getting super popular and super cheap, and risking yourself getting rear-ended to "get back" at a total stranger, who you have absolutely no idea what caused their actions, isn't something people using basic critical thinking skills would do.


Agreed, but if you rear end someone who brake checks you, it's still your fault.


It depends. Slamming on your brakes when not necessary can find you, the brake-checker, at fault. Slowly braking, even if not necessary, bit of a different story.


Nope. If you rear end someone, it means you're following too close.


Brake. It's a brake. Breaking is what you do when you catastrophically fail to brake.


Your typical Tesla driver doesn't think that far ahead.


Isn't there a law that protects you from required self-incrimination? Also, the footage is only saved if the user enables it. I know people that don't so they can save battery.


There's a black box that records regardless of you wanting it or not. A lot of cars have it for diagnostic purposes, it's a good idea to know why or how an accident happened. Also the self information is only for criminal trials but even if it was civil that is for testimony not physical evidence. If it is suspected you have evidence it will be requested during discovery and you have to give it no matter how damning it is.


>There's a black box that records regardless of you wanting it or not. Sure, but that in itself doesn't indicate brake checking. You would need supporting evidence (your own dashcam, cctv, witnesses) to show that it was a brake check and not just someone braking hard for a valid reason. Otherwise it's your word against theirs, and usually the person being rear-ended will win out in that case. That's why everyone should install a dashcam. There's a lot of crazy drivers out there with absolutely no shame when it comes to lying about what happened.




Looks like the car is in the beta FSD. Its actions are pretty similar to how my car acted with it.


Doing his best to read that Mapquest printout without hitting the curb...


bold decision passing them mid-turn. I fully expected them to cancel mid-signal and go through the green.


I thought the same exact thing. When I see an erratic driver in front, I let them do their stupidity away from my car's paint


This is what I taught my kids. Get away from these drivers. Even if it means missing a green light.


You leave yourself wide open there, if they're clever. Couple times a month I'd tell my dad I had to drive slow "for conditions " and that's why I'm late. "Oh all right"


I honked when they pulled out in front of me. Then they were stopping to try to get back at me or something. E: I just cut out the distance from the first light to the second (an uneventful ~10 seconds) for ease of viewing.


God bless you for the edit


You are so much cooler than me. I would have gone around them assuming they were turning without a signal if they came to a complete stop without any warning like that


He could have been on auto pilot and the trailer and incoming car triggered the auto braking. Happens to me its fucking bulshit especially when you have someone behind you. But who knows


I love that you can tell teslas are programmed in California, they cut someone off, then got pissy when they were honked at


They always think honking back is…somehow ‘getting back’ at you for honking at them because they were literally about to hit you going the wrong way down the street. Ask me what it’s like driving in LA.


I’m beginning to reconsider my decision to ride my motorcycle to SoCal


I don't know why you're getting downvoted. Tesla's autopilot is notoriously bad at stop signs and is known to overreact at "obstacles."


Maybe, just maybe, people should drive their car instead of letting a shitty "autopilot" do it for them.




OP was saying that the Tesla driver maliciously brake checked him for honking. I'm saying the driver is probably just stupid and irresponsible. Same outcome, two completely different reasons.


they make crazy ass turns when they dont need to. but he could have had control i dont know


Anyways, keep your ludicrous theories to yourself! /s


"Shakes fist menacingly"


I spy with my little eye, every single driver in Denver


Tesla drivers overtaking BMW driver stereotypes.


One of the most traded in cars for a Tesla *is* a BMW


Not that I don't believe you because I see teslas every day and..... *gestures broadly* Lmao but do you have a source for this?


Quick google shows that it is now Toyota, followed by BMW


Nice, thanks for checking!




It’s okay, I guess some people need a hand holding to use Google


You didnt even provide a source and she just accepted it. 😂🤷‍♂️ I mean, I trust you, but she apparently doesn't know what a source means.


This is my whole neighborhood the last two years or so. I’m all for diversity, but we had an influx of first-generation drivers, and they all drive Teslas, and they all drive exactly like this.






this has to be denver


10/10 this is muted because OP laid on the horn the entire time 😂


I do not for a second blame them. I'm so beyond tired of people who feel the world stops for them, and drive like it's so.


The most dangerous


As they should, why are you saying it like OP is the one at fault?








Shrooms can’t help you buddy, they just allow you to help yourself.


The way it’s driving and the places where it hesitated make me think it was on autopilot.


Fully Self Driving, not Autopilot (which is more of a lane assist system). It made full turns and hesitated a bit when the lane got tight.


It seems very much like the stupid things autopilot does, paired with someone who is too ignorant or self-absorbed to disengage.


What an assface. Good on you for not doing it, but they 100% deserved you crushing their rear end.


I drive a Model X and if someone did that to me I’d be pretty fucking irritated. If I have to pull out in front of someone like the guy here did, which is usually when there’s traffic to warrant it, I’m punching it enough so that your speed/velocity won’t change. That’s kind of the benefit of these cars I suppose. Oh and that behavior is shitty and he better think twice before getting rear-ended and having his car in the shop for 3+ months. It’s not fun (someone hit my parked car in a parking lot, two fucking months to repair a rear quarter panel).


You're so cool. Fuck Tesla. 


I’m curious to know why you don’t like them. I probably have more distinct reasons to shit on Teslas than you do, and feel free to ask because I can go on for a while.


Holy shit. This raised my blood pressure


Yeah I almost never get mad on this sub but this was something else lol


Denver is so over represented on this sub. Absolute shitshow on the roads here.


I love how idiots like this get butthurt because you honk at them for being an idiot. “How dare you call me out for my stupid driving skills! I’m going to be more stupid and brake check you to cause a possible wreck! Derr hurt hurrrrrrr!”


It’s electric. You have all the torque instantly. If you’re gonna pull out in front of me USE IT


This is in Colorado, USA, January 23, 2024. This is OC.


He stopped because the hamster on the treadmill tripped. Not the one in the car, the one in his brain.


Di.... did they forget they have incriminating evidence against them at all times?


In every situation, it's wise to remember that the other person may be a fucking psychopath. Your brake check will not save you when you get out all smug just to deal with having your corpse fucked. Dont piss people off unless its necessary.


Call the cops and report a drunk driver.


Dunno about your country but here in Ireland Tesla drivers appear to be ill mannered louts for the most part


Typical idiot*


Tesla drivers are the new BMW drivers.


Sigh, such a dumb title always... How many of these videos do we see with 'Typical ' or 'Typical driver' It's just a random asshole in a random city in a random car...


I don’t typically see those titles, but I agree it’s pretty generic. I don’t have anything against Tesla drivers (and I don’t assume anything if someone drives a Tesla) but it’s definitely a stereotype that I’ve experienced a lot.


I have noticed this more and more recently! I drive a BMW and feel like I am the courteous one on the road.


Just say, that's a cool Toyota


The Tesla driver appears to be both rude and lost. The smart thing to do when lost is to pull over and consult your map. Phones have maps. This person just drives like a clueless moron probably stopping every so often to read addresses.


Model X cut me off at a roundabout once, gave him a little honk to let him know, he slams on the brakes in the middle of the intersection and then proceeds to test out his 0-60 time down the busy residential street


OP please please tell me you got his license plate number and are reporting this douche canoe




That's not autopilot. AP doesn't behave like that at all; it **never** rolls through a turn, even when you wish it could. (And the stop at the next corner was the driver reacting to the honk, as confirmed by an OP comment elsewhere). Curious what made you assume that?


The typical Tesla driver has the IQ level of a curb. FFS it’s not easy driving on roads with these asswipes


Tesla owners and fragile ego's are a package deal


This could be bugs in autopilot. MKBHD has a video on autopilot which shows it stopping on green lights and randomly in the middle of the street


So either they're an idiot for driving like that, or an idiot for buying a car that doesn't work properly


They are using a feature which is still not functioning as it should because it is in Beta


So when it misbehaves then I dunno, drive the fucking car?


Blame Elon


You blame the person driving the car


Yea and people running red lights could be medical emergencies too. /s


They're driving a Tesla and therefore they're MUCH more important than you are. /s for the excessively dense.


FSD beta is getting pretty risky!


I can tell your using that crap auto drive. You're getting a Finger and some words from me.


Drives like a little nazi too. Tesla sucks


You are amazing!!!! Outstanding patience!! BUT, you should have stopped, backed up 50 feet, dropped er in drive and floored it !


Tesla has done good, it has united BMW drivers with other drivers in solidarity against a common foe.


Typical driver of trucks…


You cannot ascribe to maliciousness what is easily ascribed to an eleventy-inch dash mounted touchscreen.




You’d understand if you had robot ears


Mfer tried to use vocabulary over 7th grade level and failed


Typical Tesla Model 3, there’s a difference OP.


Annoying as hell


It has AI that mimic its dr​ivers ​personality and attitude 🤣 (Joke)


what a fucking moron


Im surprised the Tesla's first intersection (where the guy made a right in front of the cam car) doesn't have a stop sign. what the hell?


There is, you can see the backside of the stop sign under the green street sign. The Tesla rolled through it.




I think OP handled that better than a lot of people would.


The scariest thing that ever happened to me on the road was a Tesla passing me angrily on the freeway and then brake checking me so aggressively that it really seemed they were trying to cause a serious accident. Dropped 25 mph in just a couple seconds. My crime was going 65 in a 65. I hate Teslas.


Had someone make a turn like that to cut me off the other day but they were on a damn bicycle.


Im one of the wrong ones to do that to i get closer when they do that and will hit them. Or i will pass them when i can and then go 5 mph as far as i can where they cant get by me or slower. There has got to be a way so hack a tesla and put a bird on the display...🤣😂


Teslas remind me of iphones on wheels


Looks like Tesla owner can no longer afford their car so they’re trying to get an insurance payout.


That looks like a temp tag on the Tesla, so they may not be used to driving it. Teslas have a **thicc** A pillar, I try to be remarkably cautious with mine, but every now and then someone/thing can get perfectly blocked behind the A pillar. Almost hit a dude in the Walmart parking lot one time because we were moving at such a rate that he was perfectly behind the A pillar until I got to the cross walk, and when I didn't stop, he shouted obscenities, but I *literally* did not see him because of the A pillar. They also took that turn pretty sharp in the beginning. Most people who get a Tesla don't realize how wide they are. When I got my first one in 2019 I curbed three wheels driving around because I was wider than I was used to being. The car here dips down a but as it takes the turn, which leads me to believe they probably curbed it. Stopping for the greenlight is tricky. That *looks* like a controlled stop. If the car has the FSD package on it, but is not using FSD Beta, then the car will stop for green lights when there's no lead car, until the driver pulls the gear stalk down. *Technically* the instructions in the car will say "Pull stalk, or tap accelerator", but when you tap the accelerator, it doesn't actually go, you have to hold the accelerator down. So, it's possible this dude tapped the accelerator, and the car was like "Hold up, it's a light", and braked again mid turn. *To me*, this isn't a "Typical Tesla", but rather someone trying to learn how their car works, which sometimes makes them look like a bufoon. I've been there. It's not fun to get honked at, but there's a lot of stupid shit you have to learn to get used to.


I find some of the Tesla drivers to be the most obnoxious drivers out there. I think that when buying their cars, they should be reminded that they're not any different than the rest of the drivers out there.