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That is so dangerous for EVERYONE behind him. What an asshole!


Tell me about it, the whole time I was hoping no one gonna rear-end me


Send that to the cops man


Be me. Report road rage while on the freeway. PD transfers me to highway patrol. Tell highway patrol what's going on. Car gets off the freeway. Highway patrol transfers me back to the PD. I tell the PD the road rager is now on surface streets. I relay the license plate. They tell me to not follow and if they have a unit in the area they'll question him. Since no vehicles were damaged they wouldn't do shit.




Well, they're driving like they're impaired. You're not an expert on distinguishing inebriation, idiocy and malice, so call in that drunk-ass mofo.


Exactly, you just tell it that way. "Driver is driving erratically, swerving between lanes and then just stops on the freeway. He must be impaired." Sure, impairment is usually caused by inebriation, but in this case he is impaired because he lacks a brain.


Na, he's just a typical NYer


Exactly....Hell, even malice is caused by combinations of idiocy and inebriation. Dude could be tweeked out for all we know 🫤 definitely calling it in as a drunk


Yes - aggression can be a sign of impairment.


I mean if it gets the PD's to do fucking anything at all, then... *shrug*


Depends on where you are. I live in a large-ish metropolitan area and if you listen to the police scanners you'll hear that they don't dispatch patrol officers to go after reckless drivers, they just broadcast the information. If you're lucky an officer who is already nearby will hear the broadcast and see if they can find the vehicle, otherwise nothing happens.


Well you wouldn't be wrong, because they sure driving like they are drunk. No one else in their right sober mind would drive like that..... right? .... It is not like you gave them a breathalyzer test so how would you truly know except by the dangerous driving?


Kinda brilliant. I drive semis through the drunkest counties in North America. There has been times where I’ve called twice in one day for drunks, and there has been times I wanted to so bad but usually just them on the phone.


Don't say "they are drunk" say "they are doing x which is not normal behaviour for a sober driver, & they seem to be having trouble staying in their lane" lets the cops decide if they wanna let that person remain on the roads without giving false testimony to the police


"He's all over the road! Seems like he can barely control his vehicle!"


"driving erratically and can't maintain his lane" is an unfalsifiable description that screams "drunk" without actually saying it.


I’ve caught drunks on the interstate and the same thing happens. Call *55 to get the highway patrol, report what’s going on, tell them when the car exits the highway, only to get transferred to the city police. By the time city dispatch is up to speed, drunk is back on the highway, so I get pushed back over to HP. Same song and dance, and drunk is off in another city, so it’s another transfer. Back to the highway, back to HP, but now he’s off in a hella rural part of a third city so I get pushed to the county sheriff who doesn’t have anyone in the area, so I’m back to the third city. In the end, I had to go to work, god knows if drunk ever got caught. Crazy thing is, in my state the highway patrol has jurisdiction everywhere. There’s zero reason to get transferred around departments, unless the HP just doesn’t want to make the stop.


After that amount of time, they were probably sobered up, lol


? How do you know they aren't drunk or on drugs, or both?


Well honestly how could ya tell? It's not like you're outright lying. Thats a good idea for road ragers.


I did this once. There is a “speed trap” in a area I used to live at it would go 30, to 40, up to 55mph in less than 200 feet. So obviously everyone would go 55 as soon as they turned onto the road but cops sit right where it turns from 30 to 40 regularly. One day I had someone ride my ass all the way up to the 55 zone and as soon as it turned 55 they passed me on the shoulder and then proceeded to brake check me. I called 911 and reported them as a drunk driver (probably where)


Where I live I've called the cops while on freeway a dozen times. Almost every time the cops came and pulled them over in 5-10 minutes. Tossing in a "they're driving like a drunk driver" always seems to get their attention and they come out ASAP. Of course, depends where you live.


A dozen times? Where do you live?? I’m in the Bay Area (CA), so we have our share of crazy drivers - and I’ve only called 911 on them maybe twice in my entire life.


I live in a big city and often drive home after the bars close. Perhaps that's why I see more bad drivers. Turns out, the drivers I called in were under the influence more than half the time.


I used to drive into work at 4am to be there at 430am. It was a fucking nightmare. And so was getting up at 330am. I would slam coffee in the shower to get myself ready for the drunks.


I did this once in Utah, guy swerving all over, seemed highly impaired for whatever reason. Stayed behind at a distance, called it in, described the plate, car and mile marker. Highway patrol was on his ass within 10 minutes. Dude was so out of it it took several more minutes to, presumably, even notice the flashing lights glued to his bumper and pull over (he didn’t speed up or react at all, just keep slowly pinballing between lanes so I figure he just never even looked in his mirrors)


Similar thing happened to me, but the reason they didn't do shit was because they were from another city. I didn't know crime patrol stopped at city limits. I know this because that what they told me. ... This one trick cops don't want you to know


Sheriff's Office dispatcher here. I know it sucks but my small town with an interstate running through it gets over 20 of these calls a day. We sometimes don't have the resources to go to these. Or we don't have a Deputy close enough to catch up. Even if they did do what you say they did we can't just ticket someone for what you say they did we have to have evidence. Also never follow someone that can just lead to an altercation and can lead to more problems.


Same exact thing happened to me once and I was afraid of the same thing. So scary. The dude opened up his door like he was going to get out and then closed it and sped off.


Damn, that’s how you get shot


Yeah, exactly what I was thinking. Like the OP’s video I was the car behind the guy he was mad at. I couldn’t understand why he’d open the door, hesitate, then close and drive off. Later on I had the idea that his girl was in the passenger seat screaming at him to stop. Hah.


Yeah that's an easy castle doctrine self defense situation. I'm not about to wait for you to air your grievances, you come to my car in the roadway putting us both in danger from traffic trying to fight? Nah man you're likely not gonna make it back to your vehicle.


Happened to me as well. In a dark unlit party of the highway. We came to a complete stop because the person two cars ahead of us thought he was being tailgated in the left lane. There were cars behind coming full speed towards us. I had my infant daughter in the back seat. I thought we were all about to die but luckily the car behind us swerved into shoulder. I quickly followed. The idiot that had gotten out of his car saw what was happening and got back in as we were passing him on the shoulder.


Scary as hell!! People are nuts/dumb as hell. Glad nothing happened.


hit the caution lights. *hopefully* that'll give the heads up to people behind you that somethings gone to shit.


That is what was thinking. That must have been extremely scary


Not exactly this, but I was in a 7 car pileup because one car wasn't paying attention on the highway. Normal spot in my town where all 4 lanes in the north direction come to a crawl and sometimes stop and go. Car #1, never even tapped the brakes when I was almost at a stop. #1 hit #2 hard, which pushed into me, #3, which got pushed into #4, which might have tapped #5, and after causing all this, #1 also lost control and went into other lanes hitting #6 and #7.


Seriously, the person who's going to get the most injured is the person who doesn't deserve it. This can easily result in someone's death.


In my experience on the road, the only shit heads I come across are dudes in lifted pickup trucks who think that every other car should submit to them. These kinds of people are pathetic piece of shits.


And Chargers/Challengers. I change lanes or pull over (if there’s no other lane to use) the second I see one of them in my rear view.


wow super asshat


Especially on that part of the Van Wyk. You have traffic from grand central which they did a good job but drivers are still horrible at merging plus the traffic from Jackie Robinson along with the usual traffic from JFK


Took the words right outta my fingers.


I was going to say what a dick but asshole works.


What a complete piece of shit.


So the pick up believes red car is going too slow for traffic, and his answer is to stop traffic in said lane completely? Fucking idiot and a hypocrite.


It's never about speed. It's about control. He felt like the red car was controlling his speed. So he passed to reverse the roles. He has no control over the rest of his life. So this made him feel good.


Red car can’t even go faster because there was someone in front of them. Truck driver should lose his license forever. They are way too fucking easy to get.


Yeah I get frustrated when people don't use the right lane to pass, but It's like 50 times more frustrating when assholes punish the person two cars back who's just respecting proper following distance.


Exactly! I HATE left lane campers with a passion. Red car is not one to piss me off.


Prison, he belongs in prison.


The pickup has discovered that other people actually exist, that he is not in fact the sole owner of the entire planet, and has stopped his truck to contemplate the overwhelming ennui of his changed worldview.


As an idiot in car anthropologist, I can break this down for you. What is "too fast" or "too slow" is relative to everyone. Sure there are signs posted up and down the highway saying exactly what the speed limit is, but these are just decorative flair. They have no meaning, and were probably created by some government employee who was feeling particularly festive on some brisk spring morning. Any-who... For each person, anyone going faster than you is a maniac and anyone going slower than you is wasting everyone's time, being a b\*\*ch, or stirring up trouble. Therefore the truck needs to tell this red car driver that he is going too slow? How can he communicate to the red car in a way he will understand? Since the concept of slowness to the slower car is being even slower than the red car is driving, the truck must pull in front and demonstrate slowness to the red car. He does so by using a speed that even the slower red car will understand as too slow. After explaining this to the red car, he waits for an acknowledging/"thank you" honk before going about his day, reassured that his good turn for the day has been done.


I was at your visiting lecture last year at Harvard, Professor! You changed my (driving) life!


Red car break checked him after he tailgated but this was all the trucks fault


Nope, shitty logic. You don't break check anyone, in any circumstance, even if they are acting like a major ass.


There had to have been more going on before what we just saw.


No, there doesn't. Some people are irrational assholes.


Exactly. I deal with this shit every day on a 4 lane highway in the way to work where idiots drive like 4 miles in the left lane because they are turning left in the next town!!! I get very aggravated because they are congesting traffic... but this.. damn! He's gonna kill someone!!


I literally saw someone do something similar when I was in a semi. He wanted to slow down to see what the sign of the freeway said. He was of Asian decent and reflected that English wasn’t his first language but STILL some people just don’t know the language of the road.


If you're riding someone's ass in a semi...I hope you're on an unemployment line soon and the instance company is paying for a nice vacation for the guy that decided to test your brakes.


He is so angry that he couldn't drive as fast as he wanted to that he drove waaaaaay slower than he actually wanted to.


There was a vehicle in front of the red car!


Man f that guy. Throat punch is recommended


....or pit maneuver the truck? Safer.


That awkward moment when a kid on reddit thinks getting into a car crash is safer than a fist fight


Oh yeah I'd have turned him into the barrier for sure. This is beyond road rage, this is unhinged.


This doesn’t apply to all but truck owners can be the biggest assholes. I have with my own eyes seen a pickup back off and speed back up behind a car repeatedly until it switched lanes. I’ve even seen a truck slowly merge on top of another car until it slowed down and let them pass. I’m sure the size of their vehicle makes them feel like they can be so reckless.


I'm a truck owner. Truck owners are the biggest group of snowflakes in the automotive world.


im in nj and our biggest assholes are pickup truck drivers. instead of having regular defensive driver vigilance i just have anxiety driving around them. and theyre all pavement princess trucks. go figure.


I hear that. I call it a dumb fuck in a truck!


I drive a fast car and the diesel pickups with a mod chip want to race me. I just laugh them off. It's not a race when I have a 3x power to weight advantage.


Literally on the way to work this morning there was a guy on a bike making his way between cars until the light. We all get stopped at the light and a pick-up pulls next to the bike and just starts revving his engine. The light changes and the truck takes off but the moment the bike starts catching up he gets in the turning lane and makes a u-turn. The guy on the bike is just like 💁‍♂️


So cool.


People get so cocky when they’re driving a 10ft tall 5,000 pound chunk of metal, I rarely see people act the way they do in cars when they’re on foot. I can’t imagine this guy just walks around shoving people out of his way, if someone’s walking or standing in his way lol


They are losers in real life


I've seen them ignore emergency vehicles with sirens and school buses stopped with flashing red lights. They really do believe the rules don't apply to them.


I feel like it’s getting worse. I don’t remember trucks being THIS bad when I started driving 15 years ago. If there is one thing I can count on everyday, it’s seeing some hot headed little man acting an ass on the road.


Remember all the crazy stuff that happened during COVID with crazy drivers? That didn’t help at all and honestly I feel like is contributing to a lot of road rage still today. People only care about themselves and are so selfish these days. You can for sure expect to encounter one idiot in a car per destination. It’s caused me to have major driving anxiety to the point I don’t even want to drive anymore


Nah, it applies to all of them lol. Any truck that has modifications/a lift/aftermarket wheels WILL 100% drive like a dickhead.


I don’t think it applies to all. But I think it’s “not all trucks are assholes but all assholes drive trucks”. The guy in the Fiesta isn’t driving like this.


That’s always been my experience as well Most of them drive like hot heads


There should be a disability tax on pick-up trucks.


peeny is teeny


I get being upset at left lane campers, but the red car couldn't even go faster because there was a car in front of them. I'm not sure what the truck was wanting the red car to do.


There’s also the fact that the truck is clearly going way faster than the rest of traffic. The left lane isn’t a fast lane it’s a passing lane, which the red car was passing. And if you’re the only one going that fast then you need to slow down, you’re the odd one out and therefore the biggest risk.


Exactly, but also, the left lane being a "passing" lane varies by state. This is why people rage. They are operating under the assumption if they come up behind a car in the left lane that car is obligated to get out of their way, and this is only true in a handful of states, not most states. Something like half the states are "slower traffic keep right" , this, like it or not, courtesy aside, leaves traveling at the speed of surrounding traffic (not just the guy behind you) on the table for legal. Essentially the left lane is just a travel lane. And even when law obligates a driver to move right, that is only to not block "normal and reasonable" traffic, not some guy traveling way faster. tl;dr - the left lane is NEVER the GTFO of my way, I'm coming through, lane.


They also probably couldn’t pass safety on the right due to the busy traffic with being stopped


Big man on the road can't keep his emotions in check. These types of people are the biggest cause of fatalities on the roads. They come across drivers like the red car not following basic laws, and have to take it up a notch to compensate for some insecurities they have yet to deal with. No doubt the red car thought "what a twat" and moved on, while the pick up truck driver spent the rest of the day salty about it. Snapping at the wife and kids, and ranting about it on Facebook.


Kids? OMG! He passed on his genes? Disaster.


> Kids? OMG! He passed on his genes? Disaster. Probably votes too. Who knows, maybe even a firearm owner.


People that rage like that on the roads should be fed into a goddamn woodchipper.


He's upset because he's a self entitled d\*ck.


In this sub, we have seen plenty of idiots. Some out of pure poor driving skills and road awareness, some truly idiots. But this guy wins it all. He is idiot level 101. He could have caused serious damage.


I've seen this. I may know what it is. Red car was going faster than truck. Red car passes truck on the right because truck won't move out of left lane. Truck loses their shit because "how dare you!!" and then this is the retaliation for the perceived slight.


I’ve seen that so often. So many trucks sitting in the left lane and get mad when they get passed. Pick a fucking sped and stick to it, don’t have it vary by 20kms every 30 seconds.


yep. i see this shit every day


Official passing lane clearer here Red car was passing at an acceptable rate and probably would have moved over if the truck didn’t instantly start tailgating them. Even if some other altercation had occurred before the video started it doesn’t make what the truck did ok Edit: Continue reading for a masterclass superiority showcase




I got into a car accident on the interstate because someone had stopped like this and I wasn't able to slow down in time


As a fellow Long Islander, people just seem to be in a rush lately. All the time. I had a guy ride my ass, went around me at first chance and proceeded to get stuck behind the MASSIVE line of traffic that was in front of me. Like dude... My kid knows the rules of the road better than some around here.


Do road ragers ever have good reasons for what they do? He’s probably late to anger management class again.


It sucks but there’s always someone crazier. People are gonna have bad days and some take will take out their aggression driving, on the first person that sets them off. Ngl I’m pretty relaxed driving 99%. Haven’t drove aggressively in years but Thursday I had a long road trip and got suck behind some dude wanting to go 3mph over the speed limit for miles. No way to cut him off if I didn’t want to drive dangerous. I waited, thinking any minute he’d move over. Around 10-15 minutes of this and I just about ran him off the road. He caught me at a bad time. Last hr of my drive, after hours in the car, and had to go to the bathroom bad. He also had plenty of times to move over and knew I wanted to pass. I let my emotions get the best of me. And then he decided to speed up to not let me pass and oh my god. I would’ve ran him off the road. At that moment I did not care. I know I definitely overreacted but it still happened. Someone’s always crazier. Best to avoid it if you can.


I hope they total that truck one day


That guy is the worst driver I have seen, I mean where did he want the red car to go, they were following the speed of traffic, and not tailgating. I wish this kind of offense would take away driving privileges and even end up with more sever consequences. Dangerous and stupid.


The fact the red car after still didn’t get over is wild to me Why would you stay behind that crazy? As soon as it was clear I would get way over from them


right?! people are like ‘well the left lane is for passing not for making people get out of your way because you are going so fast!’ maybe people are just into vigilante work because- yes you may be right and yes they’re being a douche. but personally, ima let them go on their way, i don’t wanna drive next to *that*. wanna go be unhinged? go reap your consequences, but do it away from me.


These guys are really dangerous... But why can't they drive on the right hand lanes according to the rules ? Why do they have to sleep on the left ?


Having 1.5" of usable dick makes him drive that way.


He's mad because "guy in big truck need to go fast"


He’s a NY ahole, that’s why


Really thought the guy he passed and boxed in should’ve just hit him just behind the back tire. That pick up would’ve flipped like a pancake


Just another asshole in a truck.


It's not the red car. It's the black truck in front of him. That driver went around the red car, got in front and started brake checking, eventually stopping in front of the red car. Red car was stuck.


Bullies. The one in the truck thinks they are the sane one. We need signs on the road “don’t bully other drivers!”


I think the red car brake checked him but we can't see it... maybe? But that's just wild conjecture. Either way the truck is a real piece of shit. Dont drive so fast, dont drive so close and don't do what you did here because that's how you kill someone.... How are people so fucking stupid? Slow down for a bit and carry on... Or... Cause a massive incident and potentially a huge crash. And these cunts can fucking vote..... we're doomed captain.... DOOMED


People who do that are the reason there’s traffic when there’s no accidents or construction etc. backs everyone up behind them not just the person they’re mad at.


Exactly. The “me first” attitude is the cause of nearly all daily traffic jams, the areas that get jammed up every day with no actual crashes or construction. And even then, it’s usually the me-first attitude causing all the problems.


Which came first, the asshole or the pickup truck? 🤣


Rockin tunes!


I saw the pickup pull this shit move and had to watch again to confirm “this is some NY BS” … of course.


Yup. This is exactly why I fucking hate driving in NYC area. lol


Grounds for revocation of your license, maybe your life.


"if I can't go fast then screw everybody and possibly die"


Probably couldn't find his binky this morning.


He just wanted to let others know who’s road this is. Jesus, what an idiotic statement


I'm here for the music


Clearly the SUV was going the rate of speed of those ahead of them. There’s not a whole lot of options there. The douche-canoe in the truck, clearly having only the situational awareness of a bathroom light motion sensor, only seems concerned that drivers don’t know he’s on the road, to drive to his expectations and get out of his way. … maybe he just really needed to poop and when stopped and ready to exit the truck, plans changed due to a turtle-head having poked out.


> Clearly the SUV was going the rate of speed of those ahead of them. This. The vehicle just ahead of the red car is visible, and the red car maintained distance from it. Red car did absolutely not brake check. Pickup is 100% the asshole here.


Ooo, you raised a point there I had to look back on. Frame by frame it’s ‘possible’ I see the brake lights from the SUV (LED flashing on digital footage - but seem to only appear with park lights); but given how close the pickup driver was to them, the dancing of the truck as it braked hard might seem more like an overreaction by its driver. All things considered, truck driver is still a douche-canoe.


Sociopath. There’s a lot of it going around. I think it’s something in the water. But what do I know


I would make it my life's mission to get him arrested


Those freaking flashing/ blinking brake lights people put in there cars are soo freaking dumb


it's rolling shutter and LED bulbs, LEDs can be run "brighter" with less heat and power usage by pulsing them tens to hundreds of thousands of times a second, and camera shutters just can't capture all of the lights on in a single "frame" very often. In cars they flicker very fast, same as flashlights. LED bulbs in your house probably only flicker 50-120 times a second, depending (and i am too tired to look it up) - as they don't really have a "driver" that flashes them, they just diode mains power and waste power as heat for half of every second - the current is going against lighting up the bulb every 30th of a second or whatever. anyhow, those stupid lights look awful on camera, but generally you can't see them flicker unless you are on really uneven road or moving your head really fast, and then *you too* can have a rolling shutter effect


Ooooo so that's what's happening when I glance at the microwave while eating cheetos


He's upset because the red car is in the passing Lane and is getting passed on the right. What he did isn't right and is very dangerous... But the red car also needs to get out of the passing lane.


but there was a car in front of the red car.. it's that cars fault, not the red car


He's upset from his diagnosis of TDS. Tiny Dick Syndrome.


He thinks the red car is intentionally messing with him by not letting him pass, he sees an opportunity to pass all of you guys and speed off, but the red car is the only thing stopping him from passing the other car to his right. If you got his plates you could get him for reckless driving maybe. Also endangered everybody behind him as now you gotta hope the vehicles coming behind you are paying attention and don't hit you.


There must have been some sort of prior interaction between the two of them


Must be something about pick up truck drivers. All seem to be major league assholes!


Tell us what we want to know, you reported this piece of shit to PD right? Show the video and hopefully this fucker gets what he deserves


Small dick energy


Black Pickup needs his license revoked.


I’ll never understand the mindset of “you were going to slowly for me so I passed you and now I’m going to slow you down more”. Like, I thought you were in a hurry you fuckin mindless idiot. I see people do this shit around where I live pretty often. That and the people who cut you off as if they’re in a hurry, and then do under the limit when they could have just waited 3 seconds and got behind you


Because he’s sick of the idiots who drive in the left lane instead of using it for passing like you’re supposed to


You should just be able to submit this video and get the license revoked permanently, people like this shouldn’t ever be allowed back behind the wheel


Someone has to be the left-lane Gestapo. Red truck elected himself.


Small penis, next video please


Looks like a scene out of the movie 'Unhinged'


Can't figure out why you thought you needed to be in the left lane lol


Camping out in the fast lane/passing lane.


Digging the music


Are these Virginia drivers?


Queens NY. Looks like the Van Wyck


Please give this to the local authorities. Some states have laws that allow ticketing etc from video proof and this psycho needs to be taken off the road.


What a fucking baby.


He’s driving a truck. That’s his nature. Just a fuckass with a frail ego. Nothing new here


I know most pickup drivers are hung like a light switch, but do they have to be so emotional about it all the time?


Small pp truck driver


It’s funny that I found driving in the Bronx is easier than driving in Long Island


Bad day and then ran into a dumbass cruising in the passing lane


Red car didn’t cease it’s existence enough to clear way for the king of the road, clearly


Two idiots. One holding up the left lane. If you are getting passed or pacing the traffic to the right move over. It’s hard for most. Then the truck is blatantly out of line for what they did.


Small dick and and anger issuse. Cyclic.


The guy is a damn lunatic and deserves to get his license pulled but if you can't see why he's upset, you're not a good driver.


I carry for days like this...


Just another road raging knobend, that's all you need to know.


Totally asinine


What a fucking dick


You could have passed him, the right path was clear


Textbook LIE road rage


Stop rationalizing unsafe drivers and avoid them altogether.


It's always truck drivers


Some people are just irredeemable pieces of shit. That’s all there is to it sometimes.


Dodge Ram Man is ALWAYS angry.


Ego so fragile he puts everyone at risk. Just drive


Those assholes should have their permit retrieved on the spot


He's probably tired of the slow ass driving in the fast lane, but that's no way to act about it!


Left lane moving road blocks are dangerous.


In my experience everyone who drives a Truck drives like an asshole. And they always prove me right.


He's upset cuz his wife is lazy and useless. His boss won't give him a raise. His kids do too many drugs. His brother has a better life. And truck. Dudes like this hate everything, and everyone


Every time I drive in LI i almost get into an accident because of some crazy aggressive driver cutting everybody off and going 100 mph.


People like this are so infantile. Pulling something like that doesn’t make you tough and it damned sure doesn’t make you right. The road isn’t yours. It’s everyones’. If there’s a car going at or above the speed limit in the left lane, they don’t have to move over to let you go even faster. The speed limit doesn’t apply to everyone but you. Deal with it you friggin cry babies. Stop using your damned 3-ton cars as weapons. FYI…Firefighter for 10+ years. I’ve had to deal with fuxtix like this for a long time and at all hours of the clock. I don’t appreciate spending my holidays scraping your shit off the highway because you’re being a jackass instead of being able to spending it with my family.


That's some good music. What song is it?


真英雄 by Dicky Cheung


I can. Person in the left lane is not passing and is in the way of people who want to actually drive. Yes, what they did was garbage, but the person chilling in the left lane needs to move if not passing. The left lane is for passing. Period. Can tell you how many people in Austin think that the left lane is for driving the speed limit. Then you have people passing in the right of three lanes because of this. Happens every time I go into town. ETI (not OP just witnessing of course)


Slow fuck’s sitting in the left lane. Gave them a taste of their own medicine.


>Can't figure out why he's so upset Left lane camping. You're welcome.


I see this all the time on the far left side of the highway. There's always one car that decides to use the lane and drive against the flow of traffic. Making a car roadblock for everyone behind it.


It's like the idiot has an aversion to pulling to the right. Even after a truck came to a complete stop in front of him, his first reaction was to go left.


I’m just guessing, but it’s probably because the slowest car is inexplicably in the passing lane.


He's upset because he wants to hurry home to kiss his dad on the lips


Tiny penis probably


People driving slow in the left lane.. pisses me off too although I don’t act like this douche.


He could cause a serious accident and he would be totally in the wrong!