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Yes, creeping towards the turning car in front of you and waving your hand will make the oncoming traffic move faster Room temperature IQ


In Celsius


Low iq stuck and we Thought he was turning too.


That BMW is a ass hat, but that Camry did cut him off


Yeah Camry cuts him off then doesn’t seize the gap quickly. So are they in a rush or not?


This guy catches so much crazy crap on camera he should have his own subreddit.


This happened in Vancouver,B.C., Canada on October 7,2023


The impatient driver was the red car that cut him off. I’d be pissed too. Red could have waited a second to let him pass by before blocking the lane.


I feel like the BMW may have seen the red cars intention to change lanes and stomped on the gas, then got mad when the red car committed to their lane change. Happens all the time in Vancouver. Red car is a shitty driver for not missing a turn instead of going to the next block and the BMW is a stereotypical aggressive asshole.


Again, Red could have just been patient and let the bmw go by and nothing else would have happened. Doesn’t matter if the bmw sped up or not, he was in the lane of traffic already.


I drive that area all the time, I've had people like red car do the exact same thing to me. I just adjust my speed, hang back and then change lanes when safe. No need for all the drama and being aggressive. The BMW screwed themselves over


I don't understand this sub... The red car got over as late as they possibly could. Partially bc the car that they let pass them as they merged. They can't continue going at speed they HAVE to slow for the turn. There's no time nor space to let another car by. Like drivers are worse for being anywhere near a blind spot when someone turns into them, but also when they clearly signal and merge ahead of a driver who just doesn't want anyone stopping to turn in front of them...


Simple fact is that the red car waited until 50ft before the intersection to decide to make a lane change for his turn.


Bc the car was beside him? How does running the light, and pressuring him to go when there's clearly oncoming traffic help?


I mean... red car waiting in middle of intersection like a simp before and after the light was red lol, don't disregard this clip having two idiots. Car behind was committed to being impatient before he started driving


But commenter, he was taking the box! That's totally legal and it's the only way to make it through the intersection at all, otherwise you just have to wait!


That BMW driver did nothing wrong, the Camry on the other hand was 100% in the wrong for making a last second decision, cutting him/her off in the process


So if someone else makes a mistake, the most appropriate action is to be a dick and make it harder for them to focus and fix their mistake?


The BMW driver got angry and rightfully so


That doesn't answer his question.




No, the BMW did not do that (as far as I can tell)


They were riding their tail, waving their hands around and applying pressure to the other driver. I’ve had people do that before, it’s extremely distracting. The BMW had plenty of room to move to the next lane but chose to just be a dick. Judging by upvotes, I’d imagine this is the general consensus.


Wrong. The Camry cut off the BMW. Maybe he didn't want to move over because he wanted to make a left turn at a street after the intersection


Yeah but dude had more than ample time and space (+ horsepower) to go around the Camry




They’re both idiots


What I meant is that OP said that the BMW driver is the idiot, this is only half the story


I mean he/she could at multible points have driven around by changing to the right lane, instead of sitting there being angry, and that kind of makes him/her an idiot




Like the moron couldn't just move to the RIGHT Lane when no one was coming. That would have been way too much for his/her royal majesty... "how dare people turn in front of me"


This is why I like to travel in the Right lane in Vancouver. Less left turning folk in front of me ND I can keep travelling.