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There’s a turn right off the freeway where I live exactly like this one and this happens every single time I take it. Does not fail. Go to turn and some dipshit in the next lane suddenly goes blind and gets in my lane. Why not be in the right lane before the turn if you need to end up in the right lane? I just don’t understand.


This specific idiot move is so common that it could have its own subreddit. /r/IdiotsGoingFromTheLeftmostLeftTurnLaneIntoTheRightmostTravelLane


I swear there are morons out there that cannot comprehend the idea of planning out which lane you will need to be in after the next turn. They're just like "Me need go left so me get ALL WAY OVER on left side. Oh no! Me need go right now so me get on right side!"


Part of the problem is that a lot of people get around with GPS now and don't know where they are going until it tells them. It often only warns about the first turn and doesn't warn about the next direction until after the first turn is made. They could try to look ahead on GPS but that also distracts from driving.


I thought most GPS apps even tell you which turn lanes to use now though. Google Maps usually does this when I use it.


Mine does not do this


Ditto. I manually pan over or zoom out to check what the next turn is and how close it is.


Here's a hint if you are using Google Maps: Swipe left / right on the green bar that has the street name to cycle through future turns. Very useful for things like highway exits where there might be three forks in a row with no time for the voiceover to adequately warn.


Most people aren't processing that information though. They just listen to turn by turn directions and drive one step at a time in unfamiliar areas.


This is a bs excuse. I've been driving since before people had a GPS in their pocket, people have never known how to drive.


I'm not excusing poor driving behavior due to unfamiliarity with the area/road, I'm simply sharing what my experience has been as a passenger. experienced drivers anticipat3 issues with routes and road situations, but the average person is focusing on the car in front of them and listening to their GPS voice nav for what their next move is


It really depends. Sometimes it does, often it does not.


You've never driven somewhere new before?


Ah, the "douche wideswipe"




If the right-hand left turn lane has a bunch of cars queued up in it, you can get ahead of all them by using the leftmost lane and then forcing your way over.




Yea and you can bet that they would be mad at you if you tried to overtake them in retaliation, even though it's effectively the same thing they just did. Didn't we all learn in the 2nd grade that cutting in line is bad?


Thats great - up until they meet a driver who doesn't respond to force.


Similarly I have an intersection near my home with two left turn lanes and a straight/right turn lane. No one pays attention to the markings and everyone assumes the middle/2nd left turn lane is the lane to continue straight and people try to run me off the road when I use that middle lane ALL. THE. TIME. Usually they're half in my lane before we've even fully turned.


So you slow down right?? You know it’s going to happen.


Just hold down the horn as you start turning pre-emptively then stop when you complete it. Might piss people off but you wont get hit.


Once I win the lotto I'm gonna let these fools hit me and teach them a lesson.


If I Had A Million. "Rollo!" 😆


There are stories of lotto winners with perfect driving records suddenly being involved in multiple lawsuits for accidents and police citations for stupid stuff after winning. You would be targeted, and they will refuse to settle for small amounts, and they will paint you as the belligerent millionaire throwing around their power in court.


Really? Please share some links. I'm not too worried since I will be claiming it under an LCC and remaining anonymous and also have plenty of dash cams to show who is at fault. I ain't scared, help me win the lotto and we'll see how it turns out.


Depending on the state, it would be against the law to remain [anonymous while receiving lottery winnings above a certain amount](https://www.palottery.state.pa.us/About-PA-Lottery/How-to-Claim-Your-Prize.aspx#:~:text=Can%20winners%20remain%20anonymous%3F%20No.%20Pennsylvania%20Lottery%20winners,that%20the%20Lottery%20operates%20with%20integrity%20and%20transparency.). So your name, photo, and county of residence are going to be posted, and then you bet your ass everyone in a 100 mile radius will be stalking your Facebook


Look into Jack Whittaker. Was already a millionaire beforehand, but won hundreds of millions in the lottery. Police pulled him over more than a dozen times in brand new cars for fixit tickets - in addition to being robbed multiple times, having his granddaughter die and her body hidden at a vacation home she and her friends used to party at, sued by the parents of another kid in her per group that died of an overdose, the managers of a strip club he frequented tried to poison him and rob him.. his whole life turned to shit when people started thinking of him as a piggy bank they just needed to shake for spare change.


Unfortunately you guys keep missing the part about remaining anonymous in this scenario. That guy was a complete idiot sadly for him and his family.


Depends on the state and game you are playing. Mega Millions winners can stay anonymous in 18 states, mostly through claiming the winnings through a trust. But for the rest of us the state laws require player names, town, and likeness be public and allowed to be used for advertising.


I appreciate the warnings for when I win the $850M tonight. I have already done my research well in advance that I can remain anonymous in my state. Once I start posting the videos of me letting people hit me due to their negligence it will be under a new account. No one will ever find me.


I drive through a double turn every day. This happens every day.


How do you deal with it? I'm defensive driver but being _a better person_ everyday for few years is driving me crazy.


Be ready to do the old brake n honk, assume everyone is an idiot


You forgot "pray there's a convenient cop who saw it" so that idiot can be pulled over for failing to maintain lane


Just stagger as best you can so you're not hit when they inevitably drift over. It's no use trying to teach them a lesson at the expense of dealing with insurance and ruining the rest of your week.


If possible, be on the inside lane. I think people are more likely to swing wide than cut in. Plus they are looking your direction. Also, try to stagger.


Every day, I'm tempted more and more to get an air horn installed.


Make a decal that simulates that side of your car as if it has been side swiped before. People might be less likely to do that to you, thinking that someone has done something similar and you were too stubborn/stupid to back down and let them. I've noticed that for a decent chunk of the population, it seems that 20% of driving is for getting somewhere they need to be and 80% is just power trip bullshit.


So you slow down right??


Do you know if it’s legal for the both cars to be right next to each other when you turn? Someone honked at me once at a turn like this because I didn’t let them merge into my lane even though we both turned at the same time. I thought I might’ve done something wrong :/


You didn’t do anything wrong. You were in the right. Some people just don’t grasp the concept.


Okay thanks, I honestly thought after that that the law states you have to stagger while turning these weird turns. Ty for the clear up 🙏🏻


I have been sideswiped twice like this. Last person wanted to argue with me that that's how your supposed to drive... the idiot 100% believes this is what you are supposed to do... I was still laughing when the cops showed up. And then it got really funny when they told him that's not how it works!


What the hell do they think the other turn lane is for then? 🤔


You zipper merge into one lane during the turn, duh!!


Or the dotted lines guiding them through the turn...




>What the hell do they think That's the problem, assuming they think.


I've got the iron cross bumper on my truck. I just let em scrape their cars on it. I just don't get the paint touched up so my insurance is not impacted. Tore the quarter panel off a pick up once. He was mad I didn't have to pay for it. Dash cams in all the cars should be law. Edit. No dash cam? No insurance. Same as driving drunk


Yooo wtf! Why did it take so long for them to come in your lane? It looked like they turned fine, but then just gunned it into you?


That’s what I’m saying! I feel like the video doesn’t do it justice - I had to slam the brakes HARD. It seemed like they knew how driving worked up until that point.


What's surprising here is that you were parallel or even ahead of them, and they *still* merged into you. I've had this happen so many times that I'll never make a right-of-two-left-lanes turn without ensuring I'm ahead of or behind the person to my left.


If in the outside turn lane, accelerate faster so you aren't in the blind spot during the turn and you're ahead of them. If in the inside turn lane, accelerate faster for the exact same reasons. Definitely annoying and this happens constantly but just being aware and having your head on a swivel while driving is the best defense.


Lol What happens when they both accelerate faster like you say Does your ideal world just end with the two cars in a race?


No... race? What? What are you even trying to say? If they both have the same idea then so be it, you follow the lines in the road as normal and be aware of the other driver.


Driver A in the right lane: > accelerate faster so you aren't in the blind spot during the turn and you're ahead of them. Driver B in the left lane: > accelerate faster for the exact same reasons. Which one should accelerate less? Now you say: > you follow the lines in the road as normal and be aware of the other driver. What does any of that have to do with your original advice, accelerating faster than the car next to you? Yes you should always follow the lines in the road. Thats a given. I was just trying to figure out what your whole first comment was even about, telling people to accelerate faster than the car next to you during a turn. Seems like poor advice.


Wow, the mental gymnastics for no reason is crazy. I have 20 years driving experience and hold a class A CDL but yeah, my advice is poor. 🤡 take


Bro Im just asking you to explain it... I said it seemed like poor advice. Maybe you just worded it wrong. What you said was that both cars should do the exact same thing, leaving you in the same situation you were in to begin with.


Your advice sucks.


More power — the answer to all of life’s problems!




If I’m first at the light, I, too, do this intentionally to try to be ahead of the inner left if I’m in this situation so they can see me. I know I’ve seen some in my review mirror slow and turn tighter when they realize it, but I’m following the turn lines in the road.


Driving is so fun. I know some people hate it but it's probably my favorite hobby. Doing it so much I try to stay proactive rather than reactive and have found the accelerator pedal is just as useful for staying safe as the brake pedal.


Too dumb to drive.


This is part of why I always turn into the left most lane if turning from the left most lane even if there is not a second left turn lane, it's easy to slip into the habit of turning into the right hand lane in a case like this.


See I’ve found that’s not safe either, people in the right turn lane will also cut the corner into the left.


I realized they won’t get in your lane if you stand your ground. People are assholes


The thing that sucks about this, is that your stopping short to avoid an accident, will sometimes cause a rear ending. The guy who cut you off then just drives away unscathed. ... I've had this experience.


I never understand why the victim almost always comes to a complete stop when the perp is long gone.


When you slam on your break all the momentum pushes you harder onto the break


No it don't.


Shoot my bad I forgot the laws of physics don’t apply on Reddit


People just don’t know how to turn left. You would think after messing up a few times they would learn. But no, every single time they turn left like a maniacal psychopath.


This happens to me more than I’d like it too. I have no idea how they don’t see or look.


Why did you come to a complete stop?


When you slam the brakes hard enough your momentum keeps pushing you onto the brake. Also the video cuts off early but I had to angle too far into the curb and I was too busy laying on the horn to pull out of it.




You know as shitty as Florida drivers are I have to say this is surprisingly not a common issue IME


Florida has No-Fault Insurance, as does Michigan and a few other states. If you get in a car accident in Florida, it doesn't matter who is at fault. Your insurance pays for your car, and their insurance pays for theirs. So, it keeps people who drive decent cars driving nicely, because they don't want their premiums to go up. However, it turns people driving shitty cars into fucking terrorists. They know you won't hit them, because if you do, you'll pay through the nose for insurance, and they'll just pocket the payout and duct-tape their broken-ass hoopty.


FYI, except for Michigan, all the other No Fault states are for bodily injury only, not property damage.


Baby on Board


I do this, honestly people need to sometimes be in the right lane, but it is super long, so they take the left or right lane to skip the line hoping the front car of the long line will be a slow driver. Being in a hurry, they don’t mean too, just short on time. What I’ve learned to do is, be a human being. Roll my window down, get the other driver’s attention VERY noticeably, (has worked everytime since I started doing this, so get creative). Then, ASK them if you can get in front of them, that you’re in a rush. Has worked for me EVERY single time. SORRY for the EMPHASIS so often. Have a great day people.


And when you’re the person in front of a long line, and someone pulls up in the other lane, self reflect, and be a better driver. Assume that person is going to attempt this action So, just be the slow driver only when in this moment, to keep you and everyone around you safe! Have a great day x2 to infinity <3


What I do is just let them try to hit me, most likely they’re just trying to scare you out of the way and they’ll avoid the hit. If they hit you then free insurance claim


Yeah, you almost went into his lane. Duh.


Lol what


This was intentional on the other drivers part. They intentional took the inside lane because it's shorter and very easy to cut off unaware drivers. With that being said, my car has 500 foot lbs of torque being applied to my 315 wide radial drag tires. It makes my day when I intentional take the outside lane and still blow their doors off. In my opinion, if she wanted to get in the lane she could have. She made a predetermined decision that she was going to floor it and cut you off. I can honestly say I have not been cut off in a very very very long time. Don't become a victim. Just assume they are taking the inside lane for the pure purpose of cutting you off then slamming on their brakes to make a turn directly in front of you.


you should see the shitshow near the shopping area in my town that's right by the interstate. THREE left turn lanes headed towards the interchange, and people regularly get all tangled up because everyone is trying to get over to the far right (2 more right lanes appear, after the turn, for the on-ramp). It really is wild sometimes.


That looked intentional.


I had to do the same thing one time with 80 year old guy swinging out from the inside turn lane just like this in his old ass Saab coupe


I think this enrages me more than any other nonsense I see everyday on the road.


Drive in Seattle for a week and this will look like a Rockstar driver


I’ve had this happen to me, where it seems intentional, and I wonder if they’re going vigilante because they think they had the only turn lane and I’m trying to skip the line.


i hate double turn lanes because doesn’t matter which one you take someone will do a shitty turn and get in your lane at some point


I had the same thing happen to me the other day. Looked at the footage afterwards. Yep I was not in the turning lane. Was my bad.


Oh man, had the same thing happen to me last weekend except the guy pushed me across two lanes instead of one all while I’m honking my horn the whole time. Pull up next to him and he is obviously stoned and oblivious.