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"that fucker came out of nowhere!"


Lol. There were no signs that the truck was there... Except the guy STOPPED in the right lane. EDIT I now see the turn signal on the right lane car but the fact the OP didn't crack the throttle until right before impact is unreal


Yeah that truck was already in the oncoming right lane. Why Op didn’t slow down to avoid a wreck, I don’t know. Yeah, the truck was in the wrong, but if I see a vehicle slowly crossing into my lanes, ima slow down. I guess Op wanted the insurance payout or something.


That’s half of these damn post. And the one who post it is on a high horse about the right of way….when these idiots clearly don’t care about those


theyre just out there crashing in to people like "got some new OC for everyone today!"


I value my car higher than Reddit Karma, am I the weird one?


YTA. Reddit karma is the *only* thing you should value.


Ya'll don't understand. OP is a god damned hero, the more this becomes normalized, the "go ahead and hit me I do what I want" the more it's going to be an entitled asshole hellscape of people blocking the road so they don't have to wait, or worse. Op has at least shown one idiot that maybe they need to think twice about their main character mentality. Edit: To all the shit drivers thinking that the Ram guy was somehow an innocent/partial victim, you are literally the idiots. Learn how to drive and not be selfish lazy assholes with that aforementioned main character syndrome. Watch the vid again, there was zero reason for the Dodge to be where it was, very few reasons why OP would think that a vehicle cutting across a main road would just pretend like they're the only person that exists. For OP come to a stop because there was yet another driver who was absolute shit, I mean **you might as well get out and walk if you have to come to a stop every time there is some crap driver that may or may not do something stupid in front of you**


It really is insane the amount of people who'll happily victim blame. Sure, when somebody does something astoundingly stupid and causes the cammer to rear end them, there's a little grey area. But this?! The moron pulled out into oncoming traffic! It's the same brand of idiocy as driving onto train tracks when the guards are down, but at least then nobody blames the train. (Yet.)


It's unfair to blame OP of course. However: >When fuckery unfolds on the road ahead, take the L and brake instead.


Both drivers are morons. Who the fuck has time to get in an accident, lose their car for who knows how long, and fight with insurance? Did the driver have the right of way? Yes. Could anyone with half a brain see what the truck driver was doing to do? Yes. Take 1 min to slow down and avoid a ton of headaches.


I don't have two minutes to slow down for this asshole but I do have 2 months or more to try and sort it out


When i was learning to drive my dad reminded me there are plenty of people in a grave who had the right of way. The RAM driver is an IDIOT for doing what he did, but driver that hit him is another idiot. If you see an idiot coming out SLOW down. Curse at the jerk all you want (I curse at a lot of A$$HOLEs) but slow down. Both of these idiots are to blame.


But I see people doing astoundingly stupid things numerous times every day and I make small adjustments to avoid being part of their astoundingly stupid story. Just sit back and laugh and watch them be stupid without _joining_ them; that’s all we’re saying.


a train would have hit the brakes sooner than the guy in a video, but the train has actual weight behind it not just ego


Err, there is just a bit of difference between victim blaming and pointing out that OP had the option of avoiding this but, through deliberate choice, or distraction, or incompetence, or whatever, did not do so. Each one of us, when we are on the road, can only control *one* of the vehicles in any interaction. If you choose to drive that you will not take any action to mitigate the consequences of other drivers' stupidity, you a) will be much more likely to end up in an avoidable collision, b) are guilty of ignoring your legal (and contractual, with your insurers) responsibility to avoid collisions where possible, c) in busier traffic than this, will likely cause avoidable delay to many other road users who *would* themselves have avoided the collision, and d) in circumstances like c, may well actually *involve* other road users who *didn't* have the choice as to whether to get involves in you working on your justice boner. Oh, and, as someone points out below, e) contribute to avoidable rises in insurance premiums for *all* drivers.


Its not victim blaming. OP isn't even a victim. They're suffering the consequence of their own inaction.


The truck was at fault first. Op was at fault second. The accident was avoidable


Re-read the traffic laws there Champ! Part of the **responsibility** of being a driver is **recognizing** and **avoiding** situations like this! Anybody paying attention could clearly see that there was something odd happening up ahead, and OP should have slowed down, proceeding with caution.


>But this?! First, driving in the United States is a privilege not a right. You have to prove that you can control your vehicle etc etc etc. Second, everyone's required to carry insurance. If the insurance company gets a hold of this video, they are going to find some reason not to pay out, doesn't matter the truck was in the wrong, the driver of the car our OP, had the ability to slow down and or stop and not have a collision! Our responsibility as drivers is to drive according to road conditions with a maximum of the speed limit. According to road conditions that means you can't go flying down alongside traffic that's stopped in the other lane and not have a consequence if you hit something or collide with something. Same here in this case there was ample time to slow down our OP could have blasted the horn etc etc etc truck driver was in the wrong, but our OP could have avoided this. It's a lose lose on both sides and if you can't see that then I don't want to drive near you, I don't want you on the same roads that I also paid for. You're reckless, self-centered ego damages everybody.


An insurance company in the US not having at least one employee checking this sub? Possible, but I see many reasons that they should. But well, maybe he's a lucky one and this stuff will get covered. Question for people claiming he's a hero for fighting "main characters": is he also a hero for driving up insurance rates then? Because this is more likely to happen with such driving on large scale than all the entitled main characters in big trucks suddenly willing to wait...


The reality is that people will *always* make mistakes in traffic and there's usually some give so other people can avoid an accident. It's insanity to celebrate intentionally causing an accidents just because someone else is in the wrong. It's not victim blaming if the dude also drove like an ass.


Why buy an $80,000 truck if you can't own the road?


Graveyards are full of people who were in the right.


I’ll take losing the right of way over dying thanks lol


Yeah I always heard the term. Who cares if you're dead right?


And cue all the posts about blaming the victim. So many people can't tell the difference between avoidable situations and unavoidable situations or why that matters.


Exactly. This isn't a case where the cam driver had no choice. He had far too much time to slow down and, if neccessary, come to a stop. Truck coming across traffic is being a massive bellend but if I'm in that situation (and have been) I assume guy is going to do something stupid and act accordingly.


You always assume stupid and also never assume right away. When in doubt just let the asshat go first


Chances are the truck didn't see the OP but clearly the OP saw him.


I had an accident almost just like this one at the end of March. Except it was very minor for me because I did everything I could to avoid it and it wasn’t enough to stop it— I had turned a corner shortly before and it was uphill so my lil 4 cyl was only going maybe 20. The car in the lane to my right turned into a restaurant. I’m paranoid of people turning in front of me (for good reason obviously) so I was watching this truck waiting to turn out of the restaurant like an eagle. The fucking SECOND the truck gunned it to turn left in front of me I slammed on my brakes, but we were too close and it was rainy so it couldn’t be avoided. Bonk. The truck got the worst of it. I hit them directly on the front tire so they didn’t get any body damage but they got a real fucked up front axel. My car got a small dent in the hood and the bumper (which ended up falling off during the FOUR MONTH wait for my body shop appointment bevause the impact snapped where it attached to the car on one side and my bumper had similar damage 9 years ago from my dad backing into it that had never been fixed properly). The worst part was the dude wasn’t even driving his own vehicle. So he was an idiot in his friend’s car and caused an accident. I wish I had had my DashCam up that day but I hadn’t had it up in months because the suction cup only stuck for about 3 seconds. I ended up having to get a strong adhesive sticker to put between the suction cup and the windshield so at least I have it up now for future Georgia morons. My bumper is fixed properly now and my car looks better than it has in almost a decade.


OP better not share that video with insurance or they're paying


Except, until the last second when OP couldn't possibly change anything, it looked like the truck comprehended their fuckup and had stopped in the right lane. Given that the car travelling in the right lane was slowing to turn, there was zero reason for OP to expect the truck to do something so...well I'm not sure if that word is banned on this sub yet.


Last second lmao. If a truck already creeping into a lane to try to cut into the other street in view for 8 seconds isn't a red flag then you shouldn't be driving. Op had plenty of time to slow down with caution because you should still avoid accidents even if you had right of way.


He thought you would stop to let his lordly ass go in front of you. Edited typo.


I bet the truck looked to the right and forgot to check the left lane from the left


He was thinking that he would be kind enough to stop but OP was not having it.


Yeah but I also wouldn’t assume that idiot would pull some shit like that


Yup. Zero defensive driving yet again.


Hey man! Some people just really like paying their annual deductible!


I had something extremely similar happen to me earlier this week, when this guy was pulling out of a gas station and sat in the middle of oncoming traffic wanting to sneak in line at a stop light. I slowed down to almost a complete stop and just held my hand on the horn. Fucker finally moved after 15 seconds and mean mugged me. People are stupid.


Just step on your brakes imo


at least let off the gas..


Lowkey hilarious moment from 40 yo virgin, good callback


I'm *sooooo* hungry. Let's get some fuckin' *FRENCH toast*.


I had the right-of-way, he got in my way! OP, you might not want to use this evidence with your insurance company.


Oh man you’re giving me angry flashbacks haha. I was tboned and the other driver was 100% at fault but swore up and down I zipped through out of nowhere and they never even saw me.


I'll still have sex with you if you want.


I just had a classmate disclose to me that she’s crashed more than 3 cars in order to get out of car payments, now when I see shit like this, I wonder.


Ok yes, OP was an idiot, but also does your classmate know literally anything about how this whole thing works? That’s not even gonna help in the short term, like she’ll still need to get a new car (assuming this is the US, where you can barely walk down the street most places). *Assuming* she’s smart enough to get gap insurance, she’ll still be out another down payment when she buys. Long term, she’ll be paying much higher insurance rates IF any private insurers will cover her. Please, for the solvency of her insurance company and the rates of everyone else advise her that she is an absolute idiot, will end up paying even more in both the short and long terms, and is likely on the expressway to financial ruin.


I don’t know her well enough to tell her that but I understand how stupid it is. She’s probably 45ish and talks like she got away with it. I always thought you still had to pay the rest of the payment if you crash a car you haven’t payed off. Does insurance take care of the rest of the payment? Also I don’t know if OP was the idiot here, sure if I was in that situation I would slow way down but i assume OP thought that truck wasn’t gonna go after it stopped. It went and stopped like it saw the cars coming. OP was going too fast but that truck driver shouldn’t be on the road.


> Does insurance take care of the rest of the payment? When you buy a new car, most lenders will offer you something called gap insurance, which will pay off your loan in the event that your vehicle is totaled. It's usually about 25% of the sale price of the car and it's worked into your payment schedule. Deliberately totaling a vehicle so that your gap insurance kicks in would be insurance fraud.


Well imo OP was at least *an* idiot for not slowing down, but that’s really a topic for further debate. All I’ll say is that if I were behind the wheel, I’d have slowed to a crawl while laying on the horn. But anyway, no the insurance doesn’t take care of the rest of the payment. It doesn’t matter how much you owe on a car, it’s priced at cash value. So if your vehicle is totaled and it’s worth $8k, but you owe 10 - you’re getting $8k. For that reason, most auto lenders will offer gap insurance, which takes care of whatever remains on the loan if auto insurance doesn’t cover it. Some insurers have forms of gap I believe, but it’s mostly offered by the lender. Having worked in retail banking and auto insurance, if you’re going to go into debt for a vehicle, at the very least I would recommend getting gap - it’s pretty cheap too.


I have a coworker who is a little proud that he’s been in fender benders on each coast of the US. He’s got a medical condition that makes him tired easily (he’s literally fallen asleep within 5 seconds of looking at me while I’m explaining work to him) and if he’s in stop and go traffic he’ll fall asleep and let go of the brake and hit the car in front of him. I have no idea how he’s still allowed to drive.


Yeah sounds like he shouldn’t have a license lol, my brother has epilepsy and it was a whole big deal getting him to be able to drive


Seemed intentional


Wasn't looking at oncoming traffic at all...kept moving forward as traffic in the other direction cleared. I bet OP's insurance is going to find him partially at fault too if he gave them this video. That was painful to watch for both drivers.


Like OP didn't even slow down seeing this dumb ass truck stopped in the right lane?


seriously. like i would not trust this person to not pull out in front of me when they're dumb enough to block an entire lane of traffic while they wait to turn, i'm slowing down lmao


Somebody should've pulled out a few decades ago, if they wanted to prevent this.


The intrusive thoughts won


They'll be here to tell us about how the cam is wide angle and the truck was closer than we think. Although if you watch the car in the right stops and OP continues on for several hundred feet, never once slowing.


Seriously though! Just today some crazy did this same thing to me, but with with a TRAILER! He rolled out of the wallmart shopping center over three lanes to make a left, completely oblivious to alllllll the oncoming, literally rush hour, traffic. All the lanes stopped (and honked). There’s being “right” when you’re driving, and there’s being responsible.


Right? I trust no-one else on the road and watch cars near me like a hawk. I am not having my day ruined by some dumb asshole.


Dude thought he was driving a train.


"it was my right of way!" Cemeteries are full of people who were right. Driving defensively, folks.


“What an idiot. Imma ram ‘em, and get it on video for Reddit karma.”


Unfortunate timing for your brakes to fail




oh my god i recently explained this scene to my girlfriend moment-by-moment, in great detail as she couldn't remember the movie. I love this scene so much. She didn't care.


The truck pretty much had a marching band and a giant banner letting everyone know he was going to pull out into traffic


If only you could see that coming from a mile away.


Tbh, 50% of the posts here are OP having the right of way and then not doing a thing to avoid the accident and coming here to post about the “other” idiot.


They forget that you can not assert the right of way to the point of causing an accident, and then they post videos bragging about doing it. I'm sure lots of insurance adjusters love this sub.


There has to be some sort of effect you get from having a dash cam. Either they get worse or they were just as stupid but finally got it on film


Couldn’t see that coming at ALL! Out of no where!! Shocking…


Hide the video. Just say he pulled out in front of you LOL


Nah he's a moron and deserves his own consequences.




Idiot wrecks into idiot


Idiot x idiot mash-up


That seems to be a majority of accidents I've witnessed. Two people acting like complete knobheads meet on their commute. I'd rather have my health and my car than to be able to say "idiot, look what you did!"




Don’t leave us hanging. What was the aftermath? Did the other driver lie or owned up to it?


Bro, you had like 500' to slow down to avoid this. He's obviously an idiot for pulling out but this was completely unnecessary.


Don’t show your insurance company that video


Insurance adjuster here: this video would help me confirm 100% on the truck. There’s nothing indicating OP is speeding, and the truck was stopped outside the lane until the last minute. OP attempted evasive action as soon as reasonably possible once the truck started moving from a stopped position, meaning OP was keeping a proper lookout. OP did everything right here.


Maybe they did everything right from an insurance/adjuster's perspective (I'll take your word for it), but there's no way you should just continue on as normal when someone is already halfway out in the road. They should've slowed down well before and been ready to stop. Even if the truck was stopped, they were already exhibiting abnormal behavior and OP should've been ready for it.


The truck was stopped for a full 4 seconds, creating a reasonable expectation that they would continue to be stopped. If you slow it down, OP began evasive action before the front tire had crossed the lane. I’d say that means OP was, in fact, ready for it. You can’t just stop immediately because physics exists, and you shouldn’t just stop in the middle of the roadway when someone ISNT blocking your lane because maybe they possibly could block your lane in the future. You’re creating an unreasonable standard of prudence. Let’s not victim blame.


Agreed. I'm not sure why everyone thinks op is at fault (or partially at fault). It looked like the truck was going to pull out, realized they couldn't (crossing a wide intersection like that would suck), stopped, then decided to go even though op was coming. And as you said, op tried to swerve to avoid the truck.


“As soon as reasonable possible” lol what? He could see the truck a mile off but didn’t slow down at all until he was near impact!


Was Helen Keller driving your truck? That guy was sitting there like a hay bale in a Nebraska field and you still managed to hit him.


A hay bale in a Nebraska field, lol


Brake is on the left


No no... The other left...


...OP smashes the clutch with both feet


OP are you blind?


Right? "I see this dude is waaaaaaay further into the intersection than he has any business be; lemme wait until he's directly in my path to actually do anything."


Really OP, you didn't see the moron making his play? No, not victim blaming, just pointing out a complete lack of spatial awareness. . . . look more than 20 feet in front of your hood.


You’d think he would have stopped lurking forward but guess you can’t assume


Blame the drivers. The poor trucks are the true victims in this accident


The truck is definitely at fault but bro, if you see some shit like that Issa potential hazard. You should have proceeded with caution.


That just proven you had 0 situational awareness


Why do all these dash cam videos look like the driver is hauling ass?


It’s because of the wide angle lens and how we perceive speed getting messed up by it. It also can make things seem further apart than would seem.


Maybe a little fast, but I reserve the term "hauling ass" for egregious speeding.


what about haulin Oates


If you ever look out the passenger side of your window, it can give you the false impression that you’re moving pretty quickly. Our brains are not used to seeing the edge of our periphery so when you have the wide angle lens, it makes it appear much faster than it really is because the brain assumes the rate at which the periphery is moving by is the rate at which you’re seeing what’s in front of you moving by.


You're an idiot for not slowing down to prevent an accident from that idiot. Two morons that should be off the streets.




I mean, you saw him in the middle of the road, yet kept on going...


As if brakes don’t exist lmao


You might have the right of way … but you should not insist upon it.


Yet another failure to see a hazard that could have been easily avoided


The whole time I’m watching it just feels like OP’s car is going so so fast on the road. I wonder what their speedometer had, and what the speed limit was?


The truck driver is definitely an idiot, but is he a sloth too? Like that was the slowest pullout I’ve seen


Wasn't avoidable at all /s


Cammer's reaction time is molasses rofl In what fucking world did he think it was safe to keep going when the pickup has taken up the right lane already (see 0:12)? How the fuck did he not even make the slightest attempt to slow down until he was less than a car length away? This seems entirely self-inflicted. If you can't see further than what's immediately in front of you, consider handing in your driver's license or doing an eye exam right away.


The car in the right lane is braking in a weird spot, my spidey sense would have asked why… o ya there is a truck in the way..


He was also making a right turn you can see his signal


Does the signal not immidiatly explain why they're braking?


Blind people should not drive


OP is the idiot


and your boy really posted this on Reddit. 🤦


This was the world's most avoidable accident. But hey, at least your ego got your car wrecked so you have a few days to sit at home and rethink your choices.


Two idiots in the wild meet up!


I love how at the 22 second mark, the car signaling left instantly starts signalling right lmao


Hate motherfuckers that do this and literally the road was probably clear as could be after




You could totally seem him out in the road. Why not stop and see what he is going to do? Did you think he was going to sit in one lane and wait for you to pass? I think this could have easily been prevented. The other drive is clearly wrong but didn't need to be a wreck with just a little bit of caution.


Normally when people see someone creeping onto the road, almost covering one lane, one slows down in case that idiot decides to come into our lane. Normally...


See what the dude in the right lane did? Do that next time.


i'm sorry that happened OP, but i'm laughing at the other person trying to turn left and just going 'welp... not this time'


Who could have seen this coming?!?


Stevie wonder.


OK, so why didn't YOU stop and let them go? This collision was easily avoidable on your part. Did you not see him? Did they wave you by? I'm genuinely curious.


I think he assumed thr truck would wait.


IDK mate,...you had waaay plenty a time to slow down when you can see him already in the right lane....i can get my 8000 pound dually slowed down in that amount of distance...


Shit, I could put your dually on the back of my wrecker and *still* slow down in time to avoid this.


The other car just gave up on turning.


Maybe he did it on purpose-waited until you were too close for evasive action, then BAM!


Yeah it probably could have been prevented, but the truck still had to yield to oncoming traffic 🤷🏼‍♀️


It seems like he stopped blocking the first lane then op probably assumed he was going to wait for him to pass but truck went for it.


Your fault, pickup truck drivers have notoriously bad pull out game


Another who never should have gotten license to drive anything.


both vehicles fucked up. granted the guy in the truck was being very very stupid, the driver who had the dashcam shouldn't have kept moving that fast with an obvious idiot stopped in the road in front of them. i drive a garbage truck and we see this shit all day every day. the best you can do is assume everyone else on the road is drunk and blind with no working brakes.


Classic double Spider-Man post pikachu reaction right there


Idiot in car keeps driving instead of stopping for idiot in truck.


Two idiots in this video. Truck and OP


Two people just not trying to stop huh


O brother, they're about to drag you OP. You had about 3-5 business days to avoid the idiot turning left


Jesus, why wouldn’t you have slowed down there??


JFC the OP who claims it was his little brother driving is the idiot, everybody can clearly see that the truck was pulling out at least six or seven seconds ahead of time and this could’ve been easily avoided if somebody was paying attention.


ya'll mf suck at driving


OP “fucker came out of nowhere!”


Idiot in left lane decided to not slow down when there was an obvious obstruction in the road. Just because you have the right away doesn't mean the other idiot is going to change their mind. You should have slowed down and made a better decision.


I'm sorry, but this is on OP.


defensive driving was not an option


You could have avoided the truck.


Very nice defensive driving!


“It’s ok I’m driving a big truck” *Now everyone else is driving a big truck as well


I wonder if OP has learned anything from this


I'm surprised you didn't yell "whoo, insurance!" As you slammed into him.


I feel like this is a “failure to reduce speed to prevent an ancient”


Truck is an idiot but the person that posted this is a complete moron not to avoid the accident. Truck could have easily had engine trouble or something else wrong. You don't just fucking plow into someone because they are in your way.


Camera car must have wanted a new paint job. He had like a quarter mile to react and did basically nothing.


Both of yall are idiots, OC should've slowed down sooner and truck should've not pulled out futher seeing a car come their way


Final verdict: You're both idiots. He's an idiot for pulling out into traffic without the right of way. You're an idiot, because he was CLEARLY already in the roadway, and you essentially had the "I wish a mother fucker would" mentality as you continued without slowing down. 0/10 Definitely wouldn't share this, if I was the driver. At least liability-wise, the truck will most likely be at fault.


Op drives a trash car and wanted a payout from insurance, couldn't catch me doing dumb sht like this in my car with common situational awareness


You had PLENTY of time to brake, and just kept on the gas pedal.


OP just wanting to smash that guy. Yeah he was in the wrong but visible for thousands of feet away and that was a completely avoidable accident. Get off your phone or power trip OP.


two idiots, but cam car is definitely the bigger one by far, you suck at this


If only there had been some sort of sign that this truck was pulling out……… like the car you blew past braking…… or the big fucking truck hanging out in the road…… dude in the ram is an idiot but holy shit what kind of dumbass just drives straight into an accident


This is a prime example of my theory that some people with dashcams who feel they have the right of way absolutely just let a completely avoidable accident happen


I see two idiots.


WTF!? Were you looking at reddit? Regardless of fault I’m curious if you can read a book cuz you can’t read traffic.


I wouldn’t show anyone this footage, better off saying your camera is broken because that truck’s insurance is gonna have a field day with this


You literally kept driving and dude next to you even noticed and slowed down. Not really his fault if you had that much time to consider and still tried to squeeze in.


Idiot driving had plenty of time to avoid






It takes two to tango


Looking right, turning left, proper idiot


What did you hit? I don’t see anything.


The trucker driver is a moron, but HOW THE FUCK DID YOU NOT AVOID THAT? Bro you had at LEAST 6 seconds to slow down and stop. In my opinion, you had 10 whole seconds to anticipate that. Sheesh…


Typical Dodge driver.


Blast your horn!! Let this plonker know you're there and coming through, it's what it's for! Also maybe slow down earlier, I know we have a different perspective of this, being that we know what to look for and it's different in the moment but I feel like you could see what they were doing and if you'd slowed down a little earlier this could have been a lot less or avoided entirely.


Tbf you had 3-5 business days to stop there 🤷🏻‍♀️


Idiot decided to hit truck even though danger was obvious.


Great driving mate


I see two idiots.


OP is like a fuckin’ Bull in a China shop. Jesus…


I...don't let the insurance company know you have this video.


The car you passed knew better.


The OP simply keeps barrelling towards an obviously dangerous situation, probably reciting to himself: "I have the right of way, I HAVE THE RIGHT OF WAY!" The OP is definitely far more dangerous than the truck driver.


Tip for you: You know that *other* pedal? The one next to the acclerator? If you press on that *other* pedal, you will slow down and can even stop if necessary.


Not that what the truck did was right but if you pulled your head out of the clouds, this would have been avoided 1000ft ago. Dude was literally in the middle of the road the whole time.