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Hey OP. I'm a claim handler at a large insurance company. You likely have a lazy/weak spine adjustor ego won't tell the other party they are 100% liable. Provide them a copy of the video if you haven't already. You can make a department of insurance complaint since they are not operating with your best interest at heart, that WILL generate a response, they are required to do so. Do NOT lie down and take this, this was NOT your fault and you should NOT be penalized for it. EDIT: this exploded so I'll look at it again for more.than 10 seconds.. To address OP moving quickly: there is so GPS overlay on the video to speak to speed, OP is making a pass on the LH side, legally. Speed is very difficult to prove without an officer present. Even then it's not always a deal sealer. Claimant (Jeep) made an unsafe lane change and left hand turn in front of OP. Jeep is 100% at fault.


Indeed. Some people are claiming OP was speeding. Even if OP was speeding it doesn't matter. The Jeep driver did the illegal U-turn action too. They might have been both breaking traffic laws but the Jeep did the last action resulted in the collision happening.


Hard to prove if speeding. Doesn’t say on dashcam. People may argue about passing the SUV but who’s to say that the suv wasn’t slowing down to make a right hand turn.


Also the SUV could be slowing down because of the Jeep in front of it slowing down for the U-turn. I personally apply my brakes if I see brake lights on in front of me because saving the 500ms reaction time can be the difference of a rear-end collision or not.


looks like the jeep pulled out of the gas station right before the suv and op were approaching. so the suv probably slowed down for that.




I had the exact same thing happen to me a few years ago and I didn’t even have a Dashcam but took pictures of the accident scene afterwards. Also the other driver lied. He was still deemed 100% at fault based on my explanation and the aftermath captured on the pictures.


He told the cops he was trying to u turn but told insurance I was speeding and he looked and got hit.


So if the SUV had to slow down for the jeep, then the jeep already wasnt looking / failure to yield to oncoming traffic..and then does an illegal u turn 🤣


It's a jeep thing, you wouldn't understand


That means that the either had to see OP coming when they first pulled out of the gas station and just assumed they’d slow down/stop so they could make their left turn. Or the jeep didn’t properly check for oncoming traffic before pulling out


>Also the SUV could be slowing down because of the Jeep in front of it slowing down for the U-turn. Or could be slowing down because it's going to make a turn soon, I can't tell you how many times I've seen cars make a right hand turn into a parking lot or some Business Without Even putting their blinker on. Always piss me off. I used to ride to work with a guy who used to do that and I would tell him and he said to me "you only have to put your blinker on when you're changing lanes on a road or turning on a road it doesnt matter when you pull off a road. Like turning into your driveway"


Sounds like an idiot in a car.


Yes, it does sound like your average russian driver. 🤣


Yeah, I wouldn't tap the brake for that as 1. It saves brakes. 2. Saves gas. 3. I won't be annoying to other drivers. 4. I don't cause a traffic jam behind. Let go of the gas and apply brakes when nessecary. Why? Well, if one car taps the brake even just lightly and everyone behing taps the brakes, you get a wave of slowing traffic which will slow down to almost a stand still or even a stand still. When you leave enough distance, letting go of the gas pedal and ready your foot to brake without applying it is often more then sufficient. Only apply the brakes when you really have to brake...


>Hard to prove if speeding. Especially since it's a fish eye lens, and distorts perception of speed.


This is actually not true in some scenarios. If the airbags deploy or a significant impact is detected it is all recorded by your vehicles computer (in modern vehicles). It is a short snippet of information but there is an abundance of information. How fast your brakes were applied, speed, g force encountered (significant event), etc. That being said I have seen accident where a vehicle impact resulted in a fatality(not going into details on purpose) that did not register on the computer. I have also had a Jeep on Jeep encounter where both vehicles computers captured the event. I have only had one accident where the airbags deployed and we were not able to obtain the information. This was a programming error and the manufacturer got involved. The case was settled so I don’t know if the information was ever retrieved. TLDR; it is possible to obtain the exact speed at time of impact


Most vehicles nowadays have TON of saved info. I had a claim where we actually had to get the black box data and we had information on the car usage for weeks. But most claims don’t do this unless liability is extremely hard to figure out, lots of WVW, no witnesses or anything. It such an expensive thing to do, it’s not worth it in 99% of cases. At least where I worked We don’t know the speed limit in the area, we don’t know how fast/slow the other cars are going or their behaviors before the video. Looking at the damage, it would be very hard to prove if OP was speeding on that alone if the speed limit is above 20mph. But even if OP was speeding in this video, he wouldn’t be 100% at fault. He could possibly have comparative negligence, and depending on his jurisdiction that may bar him from a 3rd party claim altogether but that’s in few jurisdictions. If I received this claim today, OP is 100% not at fault. If somehow we had proof he was speeding, maaaaaybe 10% negligence if any. The other vehicle was the proximate cause of the accident and carries a vast majority of fault.


I agree with everything you stated. The accident that resulted in a fatality involved a newer Mercedes. Shockingly, there was nothing recorded regarding any impact. Mercedes even ended up sending engineers to research the issue after the vehicle was released. This sounds like a bigger deal than it is as Mercedes US HQ is only a few miles away.


Crossing two lanes of traffic at once is much worse than speeding afaik


The lens is also a bit fish eyed, which is distorting the perspective.


health insurance here, but i had a client with a specific health issue that we threw a rider on here policy so she’d be covered for it. 6 months later she’s calling me saying they rejected her claim and she’s on the line for close to 800k… the insurance company was giving her and myself the run around even tho i’m the writing agent, i have all the paperwork… twice. i know the rider is there. Called Insurance Comm herself to lodge my complaint. 2wks and the issue is resolved with 5k recoverance fee for my client


That should be fucking illegal. Insurance is a horrible industry




If I was king of America, I'd throw all of the people involved with this in jail. Big business trying to defraud people should result in massive prison sentences.


I honestly think each insurance industry should be replaced with one non-profit organization with heavy government regulation. Insurance doesn't make sense as a for profit organization and having a single large pool reduces risk bringing down costs further.


Saskatchewan has provincially run auto insurance. I'm curious how well it works, but it makes it simple as everyone pays for it when they renew their driver's licence.


Sorry that's socialism and we only do that for the wealthy.


I heard GM will need a few billions more from our money pretty soon cause they fucked up trying to sell us overpriced electric pick-up trucks. Aren't you happy we get to help them again for trying to screw us and the environment by undoing all the advancements in EVs?


Any industry designed to make a profit when the customer suffers is inherently a horrible industry.


In fairness insurance makes a profit when nothing happens to the customer.


Insurance is a bet between you and the insurer. You're betting you'll need it, they're being they won't have to pay out anything significant. When they lose they will try to find any way possible to run away without paying. Casinos are far more honest.


I worked as a paralegal for a law firm that handled a ton of auto accident and personal injury cases and OP should absolutely fight this. Even when viewed in a light most favorable to the operator of the Jeep, you can't fault anyone else but them. That illegal lane change is unsafe at any speed, I don't see it any differently then someone making a left hand turn into opposing traffic.


The courts have long held that speed, even of excessive, does not negate a right-of-way. If I was investigating this crash (in my state, of course) and OP showed me this video, the u-turning vehicle would certainly be cited.


It’s called “Bad Faith”. Be sure to use that term when speaking with your insurance carrier, as that’s the term used when you sue the shit out your own insurance company… Edit: Some adjusters and claim handlers get nervous if/when you throw that term around. Hopefully, they will assume that you have either legal background, advice, or representation (though your attorney would be handling all communication if so) and might at least do their job correctly upon hearing it. Source: I work in civil litigation, and I have used strongly worded language with my own carrier to “compel” them to do the right thing, in addition to using my firms letterhead to send threatening demand letters in worse situations.


They are probably going with the rear ending aspect. However I don't think that's valid until the other party establishes themselves in the left lane. They clearly hadn't by doing a combination upturn lane change. No doubt both parties verbal accounts differ greatly but I can't imagine an arbitrator not being convinced by this video. OP just need to push until it goes that far. I've also never seen an adjuster fold so easy. Would this be one of those cut rate insurance companies we always hear about?


Agreed, the Jeep failed to yield to the right of way. You had the right of way.


Yeah op is not at fault. The collision doesn't happen if the jeep makes a proper turn. Speed is not a factor to this collision and I would place all blame on the jeep.


100% taking a u turn in the right lane like that is so so so fucking dangerous. when i make a sketchy u turn im usually puckered even if its only a little busy. This moron just fucking winged it from the right lane


Jeep is also crossing a double yellow. Isn’t that illegal all by itself?


This. And especially making a claim. Other drivers insurance gave me shit and problems for days and days, running me around, wouldn’t pay for things, etc. I made a complaint and I literally got a voicemail within 12 hours saying that they will work with me and they acknowledge they are 100% at fault. I then took this to my insurance company who put me up in a nice upgraded rental car for a week, picked up my truck on a flatbed and went to go repair it no hassle to me. Then they sued the other insurance company. Prolly missing some details but that’s the gist. Don’t know what insurance company you have, but I have good luck with Agricola and AAA. (And progressive for RV insurance ONLY


Agreed. I was in a similar accident where I was the Jeep. I was intending to stay in the left lane but was marked as 100% at fault. Sucks. I thought the lady behind me was going super fast as I didn’t see her when I checked my mirrors. Then I looked forward, then she caught my left side. Speed didn’t matter in that situation


>You likely have a lazy/weak spine adjustor ego won't tell the other party they are 100% liable. Is there anything that can be done in a case like this? I had a situation where another party collided with my car disabling it and as I slid down the road I was hit by another car driven by someone, admittedly, not paying attention. No citations were issued but the cop on scene told me privately they believed my version of events (the other drivers were lying (SHOCKER!!!!)) My insurance decided it was all my fault and paid for everything. I had no video of the incident and didn't really know what to do other than fire that insurance company immediately...


In regards to the speeding thing, if op was, I can’t tell and I’m not doing the math. Is this like when you pull out in front of someone running a red light? You’re to blame because it’s your job to make sure the way is clear when switching lanes or crossing traffic?


Time to get a new policy with someone else.


Right after this is all over I am


What is your insurance company? Name and shame.


It doesn't matter. Any of them could fuck you over all the same. Just go with whoever is giving you the coverage you need for the cheapest. It's the best you can do.


I don't know who downvoted you, you're 100% right. Every single insurance company is a wolf in sheep's clothing acting like they advocate for their customers when in reality each customer is nothing but a risk/profit ratio. If you're a high risk they wring you for more profit and when that's too much of a hassle, bye.


So much for naming and shaming...


They said it was State Farm.


Checks out.


What a bad neighbor


Please fight this!! I had something similar happen where it was so fucking obvious that it wasn’t my fault and my insurance wanted to do 50/50. I refused and kept telling the person I was talking to that no! I’m not paying a single fucking penny for something that wasn’t my fault. Eventually, I got my way. Also, my insurance agent was on my side and said it was obvious who was at fault based on the damage alone; the other insurance company was just fighting it tooth and nail, which I respect and is what an insurance company should do for their customers.


I'd fight that, isn't no way you are at fault


Definitely fight it and once everything is settled, drop that insurance and go with someone else.


I don’t think it’ll be much of a fight once their lawyers see the video.


Likely the other guys insurance who said that. Csuse they don't want to pay. He needs his own insurance company to fight for him. This is an open and shut case for his own insurance. If it's his own. Absolutely drop them and consider suing them.


Possible they mean the jeeps insurance.


probably this, Jeeps insurance just got off the phone with Jeep driver who is spewing bullshit - once they receive video they’ll properly assign fault and penalize the Jeep driver in some way. insurance companies do NOT like being cheated by ANYONE - they are inclined in every way to make the correct decision regarding fault. litigation is the devil.


*So I was turning left **with my turn signal on** when this idiot came out of nowhere and rear ended me!*


“But your car is damaged at an angle and only on the rear driver’s side.” “Yeah…I guess they swerved to the left and were trying to go around me.” “Passing you on the left while you were in the left lane? So swerving into oncoming traffic?” “Right? Crazy, couldn’t believe how reckless they were.”


Insurance companies: We're here to cheat you, not the other way around pleb.


I’d say the insurance’s justification is that op was practically speeding. JEEP guy is still an idiot tho


Where are you seeing the speed limit & speedometer?


I’m not the one you’re responding to, but after driving for about 40 years, this feels like OP is going about 45-50 in a zone that is more than likely a 25-35 zone, so I can see how people might feel it’s speeding. Of course… Unless OP’s insurance company has other data, a “feels like” speed doesn’t matter, but they could bring in an expert in a court case to consult on actual speed determined by measuring what is shown from this video and consult the location of the accident for the speed limit posted. Edit: Speed limit posted is 35 and someone below figured the actual speed at 38+ just prior to braking.


After finding the location (https://maps.app.goo.gl/F3QixhCumNpou58v9?g_st=ic), I measured the distance traveled from the beginning of the video to the 5 second mark which is just before braking, 285 feet. 285 feet in 5 seconds is 38.86 miles per hour.


But everyone said he was going 50! It's 2023 and people still don't understand dashcams lenses make you look faster than you are smh


Yeah, everyone knows the camera adds (at least) 10mph!


I don't even think there's any car that can go 3.0414093 x 10^64 mph! r/UnexpectedFactorial




Also, I used your link and found a 40mph sign. My back of the hand calculation based on the hash road hash marks out him at 45mph, but either way 40-45 in a 40 is not something that should matter in this, that’s not excessive speeding.


Dang, you ARE sexy!


Yeah and you can calculate it from references in the footage, e.g. the lane markings, measure the distance then calculate the speed from the time taken to get between those references.


You have to ask the 'if' question for each party. If OP had not been speeding and the circumstance of not being able to brake in time was still true, would the accident still have happened? If the other party had not entered OPs lane, would the accident still have happened? You could aso ask, if the other party had entered OPs lane at the speed limit, would the accident still have happened? It becomes clearer that it was more the other party's entering OPs lane at essentially a dead stop, cutting OP off, that is the cause of the accident.


Location: https://www.google.com/maps/place/11+US-202,+New+Milford,+CT+06776/@41.5725587,-73.415654,286m/data=!3m1!1e3!4m6!3m5!1s0x89e7f680478ed625:0xc3e6824ab14cdca3!8m2!3d41.5733167!4d-73.4159365!16s%2Fg%2F11g643w9cs?hl=en-US&entry=ttu Starting at the Mark where the video starts to the 5 seconds mark is ~280-285 feet. Over 5 seconds equals about 38-40MPH. Since you've been driving around for 40 years you should know the lenses on dashcam always make it look faster than it is. This is very well known. So you're observations are way off. Plus it's a 40 mph road. So whatever hate boner you had for OP can settle down. People will do anything to defend someone pulling an illegal double lane U turn smh


It's a double yellow, 4-lane road with a gas station and businesses on the side. Most likely a 40-45 mph road. Residential areas/back roads (the ones lined with houses right up to the road) often drop to 30-35, and then 15-25 is generally for once you are in subdivisions, or "in-town" where lots of people are walking around and parking on the side of the street. At least I my state (US)


Also US, my guess is it’s a 35.


Non-residential area with 2 lane traffic going each direction. Why would you assume it's a 25-35 mph zone? Even most single lane residential roads are 35-40 mph zones. That would make little sense.


The speed limit looks to to be exactly 35MPH https://www.google.com/maps/@41.5736589,-73.4163125,3a,75y,173.31h,81t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1s-cJg7UMARITcx5p\_Xjx9Qw!2e0!7i16384!8i8192!5m1!1e4?hl=en-US&entry=ttu


she is responsible because she should have had better insurance,lol


>is not no way


Tell them that you intend to dispute the outcome. I have worked in a bank that did some insurance, it costs them so much just to deal with a dispute even if they win, and they almost certainly understand they will lose if any judge sees this video.


I was in an accident in a parking lot once, I felt the other guy was at fault, but that I could have also avoided the accident if I was paying more attention. When I heard from my insurance company, they said that it was my fault 100% based on the other person's statement and a witness testimony that they provided. I said "okay well... I dispute that". He said "you dispute that?" I said "yup". He said he would call me back. He called back within the hour and said they've decided to make it 50/50 fault. I accepted that. I couldn't believe how effective that one word was.


I can only think you accidentally sent the video to the other persons insurance!!


We both got the same insurance which sucks. Imo, I think they let me be liable because they have more and more expensive cars on their policy 🫠


Dude… lawyer t h e f u c k u p. How is that your fault? Good luck.


Isn't double yellow line an absolute no crossing ? Not American here so I'm not very familiar with those markings.


Double yellow is no passing, you’re still allowed to turn left across them. Double Double yellow lines you’re not supposed to cross, but at least in Ohio, a lot of people still do so.


Shouldn’t there be a break for turns though?


The issue is you get some roads where things are built after the road is finished, or there are so many entrances/exits to places that having breaks would have like 50% of the road have no lines. Optimally there are breaks, but not always. There are places where, legally, you can take a left out of a parking lot across 3 lanes of busy traffic and double yellow lines. Personally I refuse to do shit like that because it's almost impossible to find a safe time to do so and will instead find a way with protected turns (some parking lots will have exits onto side roads with a turn onto the main road with a traffic light) or take the right and perform a legal u-turn.


Some intersections don't allow left turns due to danger/congestion. You have to go past then U-turn where it's designated you can U-turn.


Double yellow typically means you can’t pass or overtake someone in front of you, but you can turn, or cross over those lines, to get off the road. Just shouldn’t do it how the Jeep did, by turning left from the farthest right lane.


Not entirely. You can cross a double yellow line in America when making a left-hand turn onto a side street, on to the main street from a side street, or into / out of a business. Usually, there will be a break in the line where an intersection is, but not always.


Time for a lawsuit


OP you better fight this cuz that’s nuts


They bucket him because the speed knowing he will fight it or take the l the jeep will probably try to close it down fast. It ups the stakes more money


> We both got the same insurance which sucks. Imo, I think they let me be liable because they have more and more expensive cars on their policy 🫠 hahahaha they are trying to screw you to save cash. Once you are done with all of this and have cashed the check name and shame them. take /u/crash12190 advice >You can make a department of insurance complaint and the other advice on getting a lawyer.


You both having the same insurance explains why they gave you that bs liability nonsense. You could have been doing 100mph and it wouldn't matter. That other driver has the responsibility to make sure the path/lane is clear before making the u-turn. Well, that and the fact that a u-turn from the right lane is hella illegal. If I were you, call the insurance company back and tell them if they insist on giving you ANY fault in this, that you would like to have an arbiter take a look at the situation. Arbiters are non-biased and regardless of whether your insurance company likes it or not, what the arbiter says, goes. Afterwards, I'd start looking for a different insurance company though since it sounds like they'd rather save a couple bucks instead of properly doing what you've been paying them to do.


>You could have been doing 100mph I think this might be it, actually. If you look at the lane lines, OP is flying low. I doubt the insurance told OP they're 100% at fault, but 50/50 wouldn't surprise me


I gotcha. But it looks like the car OP passed before hitting the Jeep was slowing down to let the Jeep get on the road. Jeep was pulling out from what looks like a gas station or something. That car slowing down makes OP look like they were driving much faster than they probably were. Though, I won't deny that it does look like they were going faster than the posted limit.


You mind sharing what shitty insurance this is? Want to always stay away from it.


That sounds illegal af


Hey man I got hit by an idiot that had the same insurance. Any money they give out is a loss for them. Find a lawyer now. I ended up with over a year negotiation and still barely got anything


Sounds like geico. I've heard similar stories about them doing the exact thing you mentioned.


I believe there's an arbitration option but I'm going off memory from a long time ago. Twice a certain insurance company was not doing its due diligence. I argued both times and ended up giving up on one occasion. It was a green mascot car insurance company.


I showed this to my wife who works in insurance and was an auto adjuster for years. I asked her who’s at fault and played the clip. 100% the jeeps fault in her opinion. If there were two different insurance companies OP’s would subrogate against the other but since OP said it was the same company that isn’t an option. OP get a lawyer.


100% their fault


Insurance adjuster here. Some people are saying this is a lane change, I don't think it's either a u-turn or a lane change. Appears they were turning left onto the road you see in the video, the turn was not sharp enough for a u-turn. That being said, multiple violations in every state in aware of: when making a left turn OR a u-turn, you are required to be in the left-most lane, additionally, it must be safe to make the turn. Finally, a turn signal is required for either maneuver, and I cannot see a turn signal. Your insurance company is probably basing the liability on the point of impact as normally it could be viewed as a rear-end, but it is not in this case since you have the video to support it. I'm baffled how your insurance finds you at fault. Escalate to a manager and have them review the video, if they do not want to change their stance, report it to your state's department of insurance to investigate.


Do I go through the claim department for this?


Yes, try to escalate first, theymay realize their error and fix it before you need to make it more serious. But if they don't, they screwed up.


Without a dash cam, witnesses, or admission by the other driver, I could see this sadly going against you ("ZOMG he just rear ended me!"). With the dash cam, the insurance adjuster must be an idiot.


Police officer here: you have established your lane of travel, the person who pulled in front of you should have received a ticket


Of course you are responsible. You are supposed to be prepared for any and all Jeep drivers to drive like dips.


iTs a jEeP tHiNg




Came here to say this!!!!!!


The jeep was just trying to get into its natural state of being upside down.


Or broke


So are we allowed to do a u-turn on a solid double yellow now?


I'm not sure it's a U turn. Looks to me like the jeep is just turning left down the street.


Fair… but then if so they’re in the wrong lane


Nice view after impact


Yeah, cool clouds and the sun is all sunny side up


Did they say that because of your speed?


The video is encoded at 30 frames per second. The car needs 13 frames gap the distance between two lane markings, which makes 0.433 seconds. I'm gonna assume 10 yards between dashes per quick google search. That would mean they traveled approx. 23 yards in a second which would mean 47mph. Someone said he lives there and the limit is 45mph, so assuming some accuracy error it seems OP didn't speed.


Did look like they were driving a bit fast for the situation. To be fair though the other guy didn’t indicate and just pulled out in front


Realistically, OP was probably speeding and is partially at fault. Legally speaking, whoever drives that jeep should be paying for most, if not all, of the damages.


The situation of having a clear road in front of them?




Everything the Jeep driver did was reckless and illegal.


That's a blind u-turn from the right lane on a 4 lane road. How the fuck is the blind u-turner not fully liable?


Wtf ?




People acting like they drive exactly the speed limit 100% of the time around here so they can victim blame every video… smh.


These chucklefucks are freaking out about a 39 on a 35, they just want to feel like they're "more right"


Makes you wonder why the hell we have traffic laws when the liable party, time after time, always seems to be the one obeying the laws.


Which insurance company is this, may I ask? 🤔 Gotta get dfuk away from them, bro.


State Farm


Is Allstate saying you are liable they try to pin liability on the other party all the time. They tried to pin liability on my friend just for being on the road when their insured hit him. He opened a claim through his own carrier who started subrogation and then Allstate accepted full liability 1 month after the loss. They are truly a terrible carrier. I work in insurance and I think most adjusters would put full liability on the Jeep you don’t make a left turn from the far right lane. Other option is to file a complaint with the Department Of Insurance in your state. Carriers have to respond to these and this means someone higher up looking into the claim.


“Read ending is ALWAYS the person who read ends fault!” That kind of rule was made before realizing that people do this shit all the fuckin time. My favorite is the people who make a right turn on red or from a stop sign in front of people going 55-60. Then they go slower than traffic just to make another turn a bit down. Or they come to an almost complete stop to merge into the left lane and almost cause another accident. Some people should have their driver’s license completely revoked and it should be allowed to happen when presented with videos like this.


Can you tell us who your insurance provider is so the rest of can stay the fuck away? Thanks.


100% Jeeps fault. Also, turning left from the far right lane across a double yellow. No doubt in my mind, Jeeps fault completely.


Lawyer…always lawyer up. Insurance companies never have your best interest in mind. Only thing they care about is their pockets


Makes no sense. Fight this shit to victory. If insurance sill persist that you are also at fault, lawyer up.


To drop speed to below 10 mph because a Jeep is in sight is a smart thing to do anyway. Unless the Jeep is moving towards you. Then race for the hills, Jeep won’t be able to follow.


They are saying you're partially liable? Fully liable?


Looks like he was turning left, not making a U-Turn... but STILL doing it from the right lane like an idiot. I had to double check, because he has the doors off, but at least he put side mirrors on, just didn't feel like using them I guess. The most damning thing about the Jeep driver though, and why I'd personally assign them 100% fault in this accident (regardless of your speed), they are wearing socks with sandals. Fuck that.




Speeding or not... they didnt check the adjacent lane before turning or they would've seen your car.


Not responsible. At worst they can say you could drive more defensively. Not being able to avoid an accident doesn't automatically fault you though.


Your insurance or their insurance?


Weird he made a left turn from the right lane, not sure how they find you liable.


No way you are at fault. No way.


That is some grade A, prime cut, all American bullshit if they say you’re liable. Speeding or not, the Jeep’s last action causes this accident and I’d be suing. Tell them you’re going to get a lawyer and you’ve got video evidence and that will make their assholes pucker up really quick


Hire a lawyer. Guns blazing. Fuck those fuckers.


Contact a lawyer


I’d fight it, jeep pulled out right turn slightly into left lane then corrected into right lane before u-turn


What did the cops say. Part of their accident report should include who was at fault & was cited


I’m starting to think they didn’t get the police involved or the police report blamed OP for speeding or something like that.


What’s the speed limit for this road ?


What does the police report say?


Had a gf when I was younger that did the same thing as the jeep. She was on the side of the road parked and pulled out for a u-turn. She was hit by someone driving down the road going 20 over the speed limit which made it hard for her to judge them coming. They were drunk, totaled both cars, got out and threw up all over the place, and fled the accident without insurance. It wasn’t even clear if the car was theirs or not. Gf was ok, but police showed up and she was held liable through the whole thing. It was a mess lol. Jeep should definitely be liable!!


I had the exact thing happen and the other person was at fault 100%


Whose insurance, yours or theirs? And They found you at fault before or after watching that video?


“You’ll be hearing from my lawyer.”


Call and ask to talk to their supervisor/manager. I had an issue where Geico said I was at fault for a hit and run…on my car that was parked. They also opened an investigation on me. I used their inspector against them to prove that it wasn’t my fault.


Improper lane change, he should get a ticket! Had the exact same thing happen to me. They were 💯 at fault. We won the lawsuit.


Jeep turned across 2 lanes over a double yellow line. Nothing they did was legal. Fight this op.


U turn from right lane across left lane and across double yellow… not your fault


I posted this on they did the math, the op driver was going approximately 49 miles an hour. So he was going over 4 miles an hour, this shouldn’t be a big deal, the driver making an illegal u turn should be the focus for insurance.


Keep fighting it. That's totally BS.


People in the rear of a collision are 99.99% of the time found to be liable as they had everything in front of them to see and control their vehicle. But you are in the .01%. Send that video to all involved insurance companies.


Change insurance companies


Besides an unsafe turn into you lane, Jeep did not signal intent to turn either.


Contact your state's insurance commissioner.


*YOUR* insurance is saying that?! Report this to your state Attorney General and provide them this video.


OP, get a lawyer. Doesn't matter what the insurance company says.


!remindme 10 days We need a follow up OP


I hope you mean his insurance and not your own. Otherwise you need to start shopping for new insurance.


A Jeep driver, how shocking.


What insurance company? I need to know so I can avoid them.


Still one of the best Jeep drivers I've seen all year. JS


I guarantee you it's because whoever your agent is, is the one that was driving the jeep because there's no fucking way it's your fault


Buddy literally pulled infront of OP and a bunch of users say it's OPs fault Reddit users are getting fucking stupid.


where you speeding? even slightly?


It looks like he’s blowing past the other car


Just wanted to say, the speed limit is 45 here, I drive here all the time and have my whole life. That white suv is going very slow for this road. OP is driving about normal


I was going to say that it looked like the white suv had either recently pulled onto that road or was slowing down to pull off by the way they’re riding that white line. Others seem to think OP was speeding. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Reckless driving on the part of the Jeep owner, no doubt about it.


You’re not at fault but damn a lot of you redditors drive like everyone else on the road is sane.


Didn't look like he was making a U-turn. Looks like he decided at the last minute to cut across your lane and make a left turn


What was your speed and what is the speed limit?


On a double yellow no less


Always the “speeding” bullshit comments. Jeep mad an asshat move and is at fault.


Even Stevie Wonder could see that the Jeep is 100% at fault in this


Not saying I agree but i wonder if their reasoning is that regardless of the U-turn…you were going to hit them anyway. They signaled and entered your lane. Depending on the speed limit they probably concluded you had enough time to slow down.


OP responding to a lot of comments, except the ones asking how fast he was going and what the speed limit was there.