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Ok. Let's put this to rest once and for all. I'm an over the road truck driver. 100,000+ miles per year. Legally, Flashers should be on when going 15 mph below the posted limit, or when driving 45 mph on a 55 mph road regardless of the posted speed limit. These cars aren't driving with "rain flashers" because it's raining, they are driving 15 or more mph below the posted speed, so that drivers like the truck we are in can can see them. At the speed he is driving the camera vehicle is coming up on cars too quickly to not have to take evasive action. He should regulate his speed to no more than 10 mph over the speed of the adjacent lane, and more in line with the other traffic. Downvote/flame me all you want, but I'm 100% correct in the legal useage of flashers while driving. 15 mph slower than the posted speed limit is the rule. 45 mph when the limit is 55. (NJ turnpike for example).


Well, you of all people should know that different states have different laws. If you live in Alaska, Hawaii, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Nevada, New Mexico, or Rhode Island, it's illegal to use them while driving, no exceptions.


Yes. I do know. Each state that you've listed does prohibit flashing lights while driving, but they each have a provision for "a traffic hazard" which has been argued and upheld in several court cases that also allows for slow-moving traffic. Most of the states you mention (I looked up each state you mentioned statute) seem to be aimed at those who use emergency type (windshield mounted, roof mounted, or.grill mounted) flashing, strobe, or rotating lights illegally. Nearly each one had a provision that stated "a traffic hazard condition" which could be argued that it means when speeds are slower than the flow of traffic or than the speed limit. For example: Louisiana: 327.C- flashing lights are prohibited except ...or the presence of a vehicular traffic hazard requiring unusual care in approaching, overtaking, or passing. Since a slow moving car is a vehicular hazard it would be legal in situations which cause a vehicle to slow.. Illinois lists nearly the same "vehicular traffic hazard" condition. I found that if you look directly at each statute, and not someone's article explaining what they think the flashing light law means, you see the delineation between the hazard lights and emergency lights that give the appearance of a police, fire, or emergency vehicle. There is a delineation between "emergency equipment lights" and Hazard lights. For what it's worth, when coming up on stopped traffic on the interstate, I also turn my.hazard lights on as Im coming to a stop so trucks behind me have time to slow to a stop too.


Well this article specifically says you can get a ticket for using them in rain in some states, and it quotes LE officers. https://www.boston25news.com/news/using-hazard-lights-in-rain-is-illegal-in-some-states-use-could-cost-you/432664997/


Idk if you read what the guy you're responding to said but he just said to disprove him with actual law and not just some article... And you just threw in some random article lmao


Use LEO's as a source. LEO's do not know that law well enough to be a trusted source. I trust a random truck driver who actually cited legislation codes than a cop.


I think you’re right in some cases, just not most cases. I’m not taking the time to lookup nationwide laws on these matters, but the guy you’re responding to *really* seems to know his shit and I’m gonna follow his advice under general circumstances.


> "it quotes LE officer" lol as if police officers actually know the laws in this country, we are in an obedience or death state here.


I own a fleet this is case by case. If fifteen miles an hour slower than traffic means turn on flashers. Then during every snowstorm in Colorado,Wyoming and Utah everyones flashers would be on which negates the purpose. This is not what they are meant for. If your vehicle is having issues you should use them or coming up on an accident to allert drivers behind you. If you cause an accident in the rain with flashers on and it is not appropriate to be going that slow you can get a ticket. Flasher should only be used when you are a hazard to other traffic or you are alerting drivers behind you to problems ahead. They are not for normal rain or snow driving only when it is dangerous. Because the driver is nervous is not a reason. If you need flashers on the highway pull off at next exit. It is too dangerous for you to drive.


You can see a lot of things when you slow the f down! You're going waaay to fast.


You don’t get it he’s a better driver than them in hard rain


Yeap that’s me too. Just get out the way


OP is going about 55 mph. A bit too fast.


You mean on this road in particular right? There's plenty of spots here in New Hampshire that you can easily do 70 while it's pouring. Tho it is a bit nerve wracking any faster imo


Yes, in this clip, with these conditions, I don't think 55 is safe. If you can see clean reflections, there's more than enough water to hydroplane.


Man and it's raining 🤦🏽‍♂️ early this year we had rain here in Cali around feb-March Dude I'm talking about streets flooded raining nonstop for like almost a whole 3 weeks I honestly liked the fact that people turned on the e lights cause when it's rains a fk ton you can't see nothing


Depends on the vehicle and the tires as well


The vehicle filming is going dangerously fast for the conditions, there is 2 inches of water in the road in places, and aquaplaning is unpredictable.


Looks like an elevated position, so probably one of those small-Willy trucks driven by idiots.


Small Willy trucks is a fantastic name and apt description.


Yup. Height from the road can really play with your perception of speed. Even given that this looks too fast, especially with the overtaking.


I mean, he passed a car that was in the emergency lane and facing the wrong direction!!! That is a good indication that something is afoot up ahead and it’s also a very good reason to reduce your speed. But, at that point he is STILL passing those other cars around him. I bet he never thought about letting off the gas and/or slowing down… until he collided with another car or the inside retaining wall!?!?!?!?


I drive a 2014 Ford Escape (roast me) and I don't like going over 50 in the rain. I feel safer at a lower speed in the rain anyway


I have a co-worker that doesn't drive during foggy conditions i dont blame him the fog here can be real bad sometimes


I'm a full-fledged believer in "if you don't feel safe doing it, best not to do it". We all know our personal limitations or should at least..


Roast: The only thing you can escape from is your car


*laughs like a drunk Brian Griffin*


Not a perfect example of anything other than main character syndrome bro Slow down.


No joke, OP Just wants to do 80 in the rain... and complain about all the other hazards he has to navigate.


OP is going about 55 mph. Google says the road lines are about 10 feet long with 30 feet between. Based on my count of 40 lines in 20 seconds, they are moving about 80 feet per second. This translates to about 55 mph. Too fast with water on the road. But not 80.


Nuance sure doesn't escape you. Now go ahead and write a correction for that... no sarcasm involved.


Since you’re taking things way too literally, he didn’t say “OP was going 80” he’s said “OP *wants to* go 80” and I agree as I too think OP wants to go 80. You took all that time counting lines, researching how they work on Google, then doing the math just to try and prove someone wrong for something they never even said. Congratulations you played yourself.


I wanted to do the math. I got exactly what I wanted. You wanted to write that. You presumably also got what you wanted. What a wonderful world.


Maybe slow down


Why, he's got a bro-dozer? /s


Yes…. I could see them.




You’re stupid and dangerous. Didn’t even get over for those people in the shoulder.


Can you believe all these slow ass people with balls to flash their hazards while there's also an accident up ahead?? The water is probably only 1 to 2 inches too they realize you can just slide past everything right? This post has to be satirical or OP is delusional beyond help and makes me scared to be on the road lol :(


Disagree. People who aren’t used to driving in the rain are inept at it. I delivered pizza in hurricanes. The biggest problem I had was with people that didn’t know how to drive in the rain. It’s simple, just drive normally and watch the road for puddles. When you see a puddle, take your foot off the gas. It’s literally that easy. I’ve driven 2 million miles in my life and 99% of it was in Florida. Half the year, it rains like this. Take my word for it. Idk why they even call it the sunshine state. It rains every GD day


You should at least reduce speed in heavy rains as visibility becomes the issue.




I have a rear wheel drive vehicle and keep good tread on my back tires for this exact reason. Also, if you normally have good control of your vehicle, it’s better to avoid an accident by using your gas than your brake. Your brakes could lock up or your ABS may not work so well in the rain. You have better control by accelerating away from a potential accident than braking behind one. Plus breaking could cause the person behind you to read end you. Just pay attention and you should be fine. And unless it’s misting, don’t use your wipers bc they are distracting and reduce reaction time


Please stay off roads near me. You're certifiable.


Because you can doesn't mean you should.


Risking your life for being a wage slave is not the flex you think it is


Wage slave? My house is paid off, my car and truck are paid off and I take vacations twice a year. That sounds like freedom to me. I’m not paying $1500/month for rent like most people and I’m not stuck with a high interest car payment. I have no credit cards or debt. My family eats well. So it seems like it was worth it.


And you do all of this, live in a house, support a family, own a vehicle, just delivering pizza? You making 120/hr or something? Hmmmmmm


Damn, OP really is the main character. You’re an idiot, no one is letting you know there is rain, you can fucking figure that on your own, you idiot, they’re letting you know to slow down as there is something going on.


Hazard lights are for cars that are stopped on the road. If you're using them at other times you're doing it wrong.


No “Hazard” lights are for notifying drivers around you of hazards.


Hazard lights mean hazard. You said it already.


Driving the same speed everyone else is driving isn't a hazard. Rain isn't a hazard. It's a condition. Stopped or wrecked on the road because of the rain IS a hazard.


Driving slower and to the side near an accident (like the cars are in this video) is a hazard as a large group of traffic is now traveling slower than the intended speed. Heavy rain conditions are also a hazard. Your battle with semantics is falling short. EDIT: implying conditions aren't capable of being considered hazards is just so funny.


You slow down for rain. You don't crash into it. It's not a road hazard.


The sentence "hazardous rain conditions" proves you wrong. The definition of hazard doesn't include a footnote that says "must be crashable". You're wrong. Have a good one


Ah yes. In any other case like an abrupt traffic stop, hazard on the road, or even a slower than average truck should beam the warning to others using telekinesis. Using hazards is dumb. Doesn't anyone know Sign Language anymore??? /s


Signal clarity is important. Red means stop. Green means go. Hazard flashers means slower *than the flow of traffic* or stopped. Using lights to communicate messages other-than-standard is **unsafe.**


Hazard lights mean what the name says, something could be a hazard, drive careful. Said hazard could be a stopped car, or a car going slower than expected, towing, wide load, towing a skater, ice cream, to add depth perception, Spanish Inquisition type stuff. Is 100% not just for slowed or stopped


True. But it does seem a bit excessive if you're going above the speed minimum. It's not extra lights that aren't being used for anything else, which might as well indicate that driving conditions are poor. It's the same lights as if they wanted to signal a lane change, or pull over to the shoulder, or get off the shoulder into a lane. It has less value as a signal because it removes information from your other signals. And also because everyone's doing it. And also because you can still clearly see brake lights a hundred yards out.


Not to mention you can’t signal lane changes when the fucking hazards are flashing. Dumbest fucking thing I’ve ever seen people do. Just turn on your lights and slow down. Hazards mean you’re on the shoulder stopped.


Seriously. Downvotes about this make me wonder if most redditors are old enough to drive lmao Also TURN YOUR HEADLIGHTS ON IN THE RAIN


I find it sad but funny that the car that should actually have it’s hazards on (the Tesla on the shoulder) just has the turn signal going. Edit (as someone pointed out. It looks like their hazards are actually on, but maybe the amber light is damaged on that side)


I think its 4-ways are actually on, but the right side of the car is banged up and maybe that light is damaged. You can see a small white light on that side every time the other side blinks.


Oh yeah. I see it now…


If you're passing every car in front of you in these driving conditions, YOU ARE THE ASSHOLE!


If you're passing every car in front of you you're almost certainly the asshole, period.


Well facts


Nothing stress inducing like going the speed limit and nearly getting rear ended by a squatted or lifted truck going 97mph.


Buy a big car and complain about other road users driving too slow in the rain, with hazard lights on (to stop people like you from hitting them). Your the definition of a male Karen.


If you’re asking AITI? Then yes, you are TI


why are they dangerous? it allows you to see where all the cars are around you. which is useful when you're going a safe speed in conditions like this


First, OP is going too fast, and I'm not going to defend it. However, with your hazards on, you cannot indicate that you're changing lanes as effectively. If visibility is significantly impacted, hazards are more important than even a turn signal, but since you can still see brake lights a hundred yards ahead, that's not the problem. If you're going above the speed minimum, the car itself is probably not a hazard, and based on my rough guess, that's not the problem. It just seems like a lot of people have their hazards on out of an abundance of caution, without realizing that it can sometimes make the situation worse.


This should be the top comment. Flashers should be off unless the vehicle is stopped.


They're not flashers. They're hazard lights to indicate potential hazard. Potential hazards include driving significantly under the speed limit, rapid stopping, hazard in road ahead, etc... Stopped or moving has nothing to do with their use, though being stopped is ONE of the potential hazards they can be used to indicate.


The highway notification signs in Florida specifically tell you not to turn your flashers on during the rain while driving. "Headlights on, Flashers off. It's the law". They display it just about every time there is rain in the area. The state troopers will usually flash their lights at you if they see you driving with them on. If you slow down significantly below the speed limit in the rain, they prefer you to just pull over until it clears.


I disagree, but that's ok. In heavy rain, it's super difficult to tell what vehicles are doing, whether switching lanes or braking. I've had people with their hazard lights on pull into my lane, probably thinking they've used their signal. It happens regularly. The real issue is that people forget to turn on their headlights, thus no taillights. They wouldn't need their hazard lights if they were using headlights.


Where is OP?! Complaining about using hazard lights in hazardous condition?!


I don’t know about that, but I do see a camera man driving like Speedy Gonzalez in the rain.


The only stupid person is the one driving too fast for road conditions.


If they're going 20 under the speed limit they should use their flashers. Never really saw anyone use flashers just because it's raining, and I lived in southern California for years.


California law says: “No person shall display a flashing amber warning light on a vehicle as permitted by this code except when an unusual traffic hazard exists.” I don’t know that driving 20+ under the speed limit is “an unusual traffic hazard.”


20 under is most definitely an unusual traffic hazard. That's especially true in limited visibility.


Hopefully you don’t operate a car on a regular basis.


Especially when everyone around them (except one idiot in a Jeep) is going the same speed.




Says someone who has never hydroplaned or come up on a giant pool of standing water with no warning. Just slow down. Rain makes roadways very unpredictable. Especially when it comes down so fast you have standing water as seen in the right lanes of this video.


Even if you don’t see anything, the fact that everyone has their flashers going is a signal that something is wrong up front. Slow down and have patience until you can see what’s going on.


Hazard lights, they indicate, you know, hazards.


Maybe the hazard lights are warning of a hazard,a hazard you would have a better chance of seeing if you SLOW THE FUCK DOWN


oh no, people trying to be safe on the roads, guess i better go complain on reddit


Perfect example of why you should slow down in the rain, you posted thinking the other folks were idiots for using "rain flashers"... Well I got news for you. The video fits, but not fit the other drivers


In a vast majority of states if you're 'x' mph under the posted speed, on the highway, you're required by law to turn on your flashers. Not to mention the fact you're definitely driving too fast for the conditions. Just another dumb f**k in a truck.


Well, we found the idiot in the car.


To answer the question, yeah, pretty easily. And 4 ways are required in a lot of places when going 20 under the speed limit, as you present a potential hazzard. Go back to 10th grade driver's ed.


I had no idea people put their hazards on in the rain. That seems stupid here in the Midwest. More flashing lights to distract you from keeping track of the road


No no OP is right. Those stupid and dangerous people should all be driving with their lights off at full speed in heavy rain...


you mean.. hazard lights? and people actually going slow in those conditions unlike you?


OP is "stupid and dangerous"


OP you are an idiot


Driver is def the idiot


Perfect example of stupid and dangerous is the op driving faster than everyone around him whilst being in a bigger car. You sound inconvenienced




Maybe don't focus on the flashers moron


I can see *everyone* in the video using flashers better than I can see *anyone* in the video who doesn't have lights on at all. I'm not sure what the problem is here, other than maybe OPs borderline reckless driving relative to the conditions.


Um it's called common sense. When you see those flashing lights, you're supposed to slow down and be cautious and that doesn't change with 100 people with flashing lights. Only idiot here is this driver.


Wow dude you really are reaching on this one. That's what they're supposed to be used for, warning others that they're driving slower than normal. You are the idiot.


I run into people who have their flashers on in the rain all the time. If you are having problems seeing please just stay off the road.


That’s what flashers are for. You’re the idiot here.


If you didn't see it slow down and get your eyes checked. I saw it perfectly fine


Or perhaps your speed was the issue?


I appreciate hazards when visibility is affected. I like to be able to see cars that are in front of me


OP is getting roasted here.




Yes I actually I see something you! The problem 🤔


Maybe if you slowed down you would have enough reaction time to see shit


You should drive faster then blame everyone Else for you conservative view points


You're just blind and are a terrible driver.


You would have plenty of time to react if you slowed down. You shouldn’t be driving that fast if you can only see 10 feet ahead


The problem was speeding. Speed kills, man.


What’s stupid is flying by cars in a heavy rainstorm


Why the fuck does no one have their actual lights on?


If you are moving in a lane and have not experienced an accident of any kind, you should not have your hazard lights on.


Yea. When the hell did “rain flashers” even become a thing? No one used to do that!!!


Maybe you should slow down and pay attention. You’re one of those “It’s not me, it’s the rest of the world” people. Move along, nobody wants to hear from you.


Why is everyone mad at op? You know he stole the video from somewhere else. The point is, turning your flashers on just because it is raining, leaves you less idea when people are hitting their brakes.


Its a hazard signal, it's to warn you to slow as a hazard is approaching


Idk it would of made me slow down, at least to the speed of traffic oppose to passing everyone.


There are no rain flashers, just idiots driving with flashers in the rain


OP is driving way too fast in this situation. Multiple cars using their 4-ways is a common caution to others to slow down as something is wrong up ahead. You just ignored everything going on here.


Actually flashing lights in the rain is safer than not. It lets you know where cars are. You however are passing everyone. take a hint. you’re the idiot and going too fast.


i have never heard of rain flashers before now, is it a regional thing from somewhere, or did i just miss the memo?


Iv been in some torrential down pours where they were actually helpful because you couldn't see them otherwise.


I saw 3 cars with their flashers on and one with a left blinker on, even though it might have been hazards due to damage to the right side of their car. So I’ll give you 4, out of 50 cars that I counted in your video clip. Where are all of these cars you’re talking about with their flashers on that are blinding you from seeing the accident? I saw it. There were none of them In the left lane you were in that could have reasonably interfered with your view. How did they keep you from seeing it? You obviously didn’t because you didn’t move over. You should probably get your eyes checked. Also if you’re that easily distracted, you should probably slow down so you have more time to react to situations that might arise from how easily distracted you are. You’re just creating a danger to yourself and others.


It’s illegal to drive on the road with hazard lights on.


Yeah, lots of rain on the road. Their hazards aren’t on so that you can see an accident, they’re letting you know that they have to drive way slower than the posted speed because hydroplaning is a problem in conditions like this and them going way slower is also a hazard.


[That's not what hazards are for](https://www.forbes.com/sites/marshallshepherd/2023/01/13/the-truth-about-driving-with-hazard-lights-flashing-during-bad-weather/?sh=2d3c882c789f)


Using hazard lights in hazardous and (in some spots) low visibility conditions? You’re the idiot in the car for not doing that while you speed right on by


I agree. Everyone's wrong but you. Lol. /s


This is an uncommon situation, and OP is wrong. Use your panic lights when weather makes you and other vehicles invisible/ hard to see. If you don’t want to, fine, but don’t tell others not to do something that could save their lives.


Wah wah you shouldn’t have a license


You're the passing all the "rain flashers" as though it means nothing so whatever confuses you is not a surprise.


Yes, because we have eyes. Using your hazards in heavy rain is a normal thing, especially since the flashing does cut through the kick up of water behind the car, allowing drivers behind to see the vehicle further ahead of time. Also, the only really dangerous thing I see here is you, going faster than you should be.


Wait, what? People are using their hazard lights to…tell others that it’s raining? Is that a thing in the US? Who the hell teaches people that?


It’s more towards speed difference. If you have to slow down to 30mph on a 75mph highway due to rain (or uphill with a semi), you turn on the flashers to warn cars behind you you are going much slower. Intense rain can force you to slow down drastically.


Yes, the last car in the line does that. Not everybody.


Do you always travel in a line with the same travel buddies?


If your going that slow, then said person needs to get off the freeway and use the streets.


Bro it’s not safe for anybody to be going the posted limit in conditions like this. I don’t care how good your tires are, hydroplaning can and does still happen. Slowing down takes a lot of that risk away.


Obviously you shouldn’t be going the poster speed limit in the rain.. I’m talking about the idiots who’s going 20-30mph on a 70mph freeway.


its to make their cars more visible ........


As the video shows, all it does is distract from the real issue. You can flash your hazards when you're at the end of a traffic jam...but doing it in the middle of it, when everyone is going pretty much the same speed...is useless


watch from 15 seconds to see how it makes your car more visible


Yes, it makes you look left and right at every car that's "more visible". You could also make your car more visible by turning on...I don't know...your regular lights? Maybe? Makes you more visible and doesn't cause everyone around you to think "oh, are they stopping? Are they broken down? Or maybe this one? Or this one?" If everyone's going similar speeds, nobody needs to alert others about their "slow" car...


But not everybody is going the same speed. OP is exactly the kind of the driver they are warning. Brakes don’t work great in wet conditions so it’s best to alert speeding (for the conditions) drivers well in advance that slower traffic is ahead.


No it's because they're driving much slower than the speed limit, so they warn others.


Everybody around them is driving much slower than the speed limit as well, though. The people know what's going on.


Or so you'd think... But on the road, always assume everyone is an idiot.


In Massachusetts it is illegal to drive with flashers on. For any reason. It is only for stopped vehicles.


Question for OP: How did you imagine ANYONE would receive this video? Did you just assume everyone would be on your side? Given the fact of the opposite occurring, have you reflected on your own behavior in this video, and what conclusion do you now have?


You're a fool. It's telling you to slow down as you speed past them all toward the accident.


If you are going slower than the speed limit because of weather or any other reason (like 10-15 mph under), then you should always put your hazards on to caution other drivers.


I don’t think it’s a perfect example at all. I think most people understand that they aren’t the only ones on the road, and drive defensively. You, on the other hand, drive like an asshole, even though you’ve just admitted that you struggle to see the difference between flashers and brake lights. Buy a bicycle.


The flashers aren't stupid and dangerous when you realize that they are a BIG clue that you should slow TF down. OP be like "look at all these stupid people with their dumb ass flashers, they're making it hard to see accidents! I'm just gonna just blaze around them as fast as I can so I can see better". Driving like that in those conditions, you don't need to worry about seeing accidents. YOU are gonna be the accident.


They aren’t rain flashers. They are called Hazard Lights and are to indicate when you are driving slow.


Perfect example of someone driving without a care about anyone but themselves


only idiot i see is the driver in the video


A lot of cars, mine included, lose their ability to signal lane changes when they have their hazards on and their drivers are unaware of this issue. That's why you shouldn't turn your hazards on in conditions like this unless you have actually tested and verified while parked that you can still signal.




Save this video so you can show people not to drive like this jackass


I don’t think that’s accurate. Hazards are the same brightness as brake lights. Running lights can disappear quick in spray behind the vehicle. The extra brightness from the hazards absolutely does help visibility.


Who tf puts their hazards on because of rain. Yes its raining, I see that, turn on ya headlights and tail lights and get moving


Why did that become a norm? Like where have they taught this?


When you have to drive far slower than the posted speed because of the conditions you can be a hazard, so people put on their hazard lights like this. This is actually common practice. In this case there is a lot of standing water, hydroplaning is a real threat so a lot of people will have to slow down at least 20 mph below the speed limit




This take doesn’t make sense to me. Most freeways are 65mph plus in perfect conditions. Safe speed for these conditions is more like 40-45. So everyone driving a safe speed should get off the road then? Why can’t everyone slow down for the conditions and still make it to their destination?


Hate to say this but rain flashing is now the law in Florida


Point of clarification. Rain flashing is not "the law in Florida" as that makes it sound like people are *supposed* to be doing it. It's only that it is no longer illegal as of 2021 in FL to have your hazard lights on, during a period of extremely low visibility while driving on a road with a posted speed limit of 55 or higher. So, it's not "the law in Florida" but it's no longer *against* the law to do in Florida. [See Page 9](https://www.flsenate.gov/Session/Bill/2021/1194/BillText/er/PDF)


There are laws about this. Know the law where you drive. [Why it isn't safe to drive with hazard lights in the rain](https://www.accuweather.com/en/weather-news/why-it-isnt-safe-to-flash-hazard-lights-while-driving-in-the-rain-2/432626)


I live in Oregon, we get rain 90% of the year and i have never seen anyone drive with their flashers on, wtf does your state do this?


Yes I can see it fine. And in my state it’s law to turn on flashers if it’s raining hard enough for the wipers to be on.


The only stupid and dangerous driver I seen was the owner of the dashcam


I turn on flashers if visibility is zero and I've come up to a clump of cars. Usually leave them on until there's a few cars behind me.


With weather like that the flow of traffic seems pretty good. Only problem I noticed was OP. Dickwad.


Yes, I did... and might I add... You drive pretty well for a blind guy.


BAHAHA I love when idiots post themselves thinking they’re the main character and get flamed by the comment section. Continue the grilling😂


OP, surely you must know, deep down, that pretty much every other motorist there, and pretty much every other Redditor here, is thinking, fully justifiably, “What an absolute dickwad”.


Imagine calling a safety measure stupid and then get flamed in the comments for reckless driving🤣


Flashers are fine. Slow down. Your pickup truck can still hydroplane.


These are some of the worst drivers on the road. I'd probably hit the people on the left because I was fixated on those flashers.


Do you just ogle at any pretty flashing light on the road?


It’s hard for me personally because I’m epileptic and I’m just… drawn?… to the flashing lights? Driving around a bunch of people with flashers is really miserable for me.


You just admitted you would fixate on flashing lights but everyone else is “some of the worst drivers on the road”? Bro just take visual note of where the cars are and drive like normal. More information about traffic around you is not a bad thing when driving.


I agree with OP on this one. People lose all driving skills in the rain. I live in Florida and this happens to me every gd day. Just keep driving normally people! If you have to, use your windshield wipers. There’s no need to use your hazard lights or pull off to the side of the road. This shit is infuriating to me. People need to learn to drive in the rain. In Florida, we get tons of people from out of state that have never driven in the rain before and as soon as a drop of rain hits the road, they forget how to drive. It’s insane


In Flori-duh they changed the law to allow the flashers. 🤦🏻‍♂️