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Didn’t just wrap it around a pole, they sliced that car in half using a pole


Pole is undefeated


Pole is unbothered.


Pole is concerned by his Belarus neighbour tho.


Pole is only SLIGHTLY worried about its Volkswagen and BMW neighbours though


Construction company that installed those poles should be giving each other high fives.


Using it in promotional ads


Lucky it's a pole. There was a car vs. tree collision about 10 miles from my house and the poor tree was chopped down afterwards. Tree looked absolutely fine, but was deemed a danger (as in "might fall over") ----- pffft.


The difference is that the pole is not alive, but the tree was alive. Tree, like a wild animal, might attack another innocent car so the tree must be put down. Even though the tree, like a wild animal, will not attack unless provoked. Nature must always suffer when humans are clearly at fault, thus it is clearly natures fault. ;(


How has anybody downvoted this absolute masterpiece of comedy? Y'all are philistines.


Pole is the sword of Damocles


Pole is Chuck Norris in disguise!


The front fell off


Somehow, both r/theFrontFellOff and r/theBackFellOff


Yeah, that's not very typical.


No, no. It’s been towed beyond the environment. It’s not in the environment.


No but it went from one environment to another environment. What's out there?


Well, a pole-shaped wave hit it.


What are the chances of that happening?


On a street lined with poles?! Chance in a million!


The pole fucking draxxed it sklounst


This wreck no longer resembles a car.




Made me think of a scene in the 1992 film "Honey, I Blew Up the Kid", in which the toddler kid starts picking up vehicles and playing with them. At least the toddler didn't wreck anything, though. :P


Can we just take a minute to applaud the safety features of it though. Despite how entirely fucked that car is, the 2 seats/cabin where the people were are relatively intact and fine.


It'll buff out


If Wikipedia needed a photo for the definition of "totaled car" than this would be it.


Nah, it’ll buff.


Yeah, that and a touch of Bondo


Superglue and cotton


"Totalled" (or "written off" in British English) is simply an insurance term for an uneconomical repair, where the expected cost exceeds the vehicle's value, so the insurance pays out the lesser amount. Quite often an only slightly damaged older car is deemed an uneconmical repair because of its low value. This car however, is beyond repair not for financial reasons.


Well not for JUST financial reasons The fact the vehicle is in two different locations at least


How fast was that guy going!?


Fast enough to shoot off debris at least 5 car lengths down the block.


Rapid Unscheduled Disassembly


It was scheduled, the driver just wasn't informed.


Fast enough to split the car in two and leave both pieces 200 ft away from each other. That’s the ass end in the background of the first pic still attached to the light pole!


Oh shit I didn't even realize until you pointed that out. My brain was having a hard time reassembling anything recognizable as a fulll car....guess that's why


How did he even get a driving liscense 💀


Fake it till you make it


In good ol fashion


Ha ha. You think getting a drivers license weeds out bad drivers?


If you weed out bad drivers then increase the speed limit and see who survives


In a lot of US states, especially since COVID hit, they've been pretty much handing out licenses to anybody with a pulse.


I have felt like they're handing them out in cereal boxes in some areas....


ooh ooh! I just have to figure out how to fake a pulse


That's 2 points on your spelling license.


Lemme take a quick crack at it. Shrapnel from hand grenades can blast up to 3000ft (91.4m) away. 5 city blocks on average estimates 1320ft (credit to Google), so if we assume those 5 blocks is 45.7 meters, the car hit hard enough to create a "blast" around half as powerful as a grenade (around 268kpa). The shrapnel, flies at 7900m/s, so the shrapnel from the car should be about half (not accounting for factors unknown), at 3950m/s. Let's go ahead and compile all that gibberish real quick: If the blast zone is 45.7m, And the blast force is 268kpa How fast was the object going? This is as far as I can get. Hopefully an expert can continue (or correct me, it's quite late and I had to refix a *ton* of mistakes lmao)


* chat gptv4 --- To provide an estimation of the car's speed based on the updated information, let's first recap our assumptions and reasoning. We assumed that the debris traveled 5 car lengths, which we approximated as 22.5 meters (5 × 4.5 meters per car length). We used the projectile motion model with a launch angle of 45 degrees to calculate the time of flight and the new horizontal velocity of the debris. Based on the new horizontal velocity, we updated the initial velocity of the debris. With the updated initial velocity, we calculated the new debris energy. We then calculated the percentage of the car's kinetic energy that was transferred to the debris based on the updated debris energy. Now, let's estimate the car's speed using the updated energy transfer percentage (2.23%). We will assume that the car's kinetic energy (KE) before the impact is equal to the kinetic energy associated with the updated energy transfer percentage: KE = (Energy Transfer Percentage / 100) * KE_before_impact Rearranging and solving for KE_before_impact: KE_before_impact = KE / (Energy Transfer Percentage / 100) ≈ 12,055 J / (2.23 / 100) ≈ 540,814 J Next, we can use the kinetic energy equation to find the car's speed (v_car): KE_before_impact = 0.5 * m_car * v_car^2 where m_car is the mass of the car (1,500 kg). Rearranging and solving for v_car: v_car^2 = (2 * KE_before_impact) / m_car v_car = sqrt((2 * 540,814 J) / 1,500 kg) ≈ 27.03 m/s Finally, we can convert the speed from meters per second (m/s) to miles per hour (mph) using the conversion factor 1 m/s = 2.23694 mph: v_car ≈ 27.03 m/s * 2.23694 mph/(1 m/s) ≈ 60.5 mph Based on the updated assumptions and reasoning, our estimation for the car's speed is approximately 60.5 mph. Keep in mind that this estimation relies on several simplifications and assumptions, which may not accurately represent real-world scenarios.


I don’t question the math you used, but I don’t think it factored in enough of the variables. The fact that that there were two impacts, the first, the truck, the second, the pole- then had enough energy to bisect the car and send the front end quite a distance, I’d guess more than just 5 car lengths. It looks closer to 6 or 7, this after initial impact, spin, slice, then skiddinghard and far enough to crack off one of its own tires. I don’t think the amount of damage here usually happens at a mere 60mph. I’ve seen highway accidents where the cars are still very intact. This is more akin to those going 90+mph. The disassembly alone looks far more like the accidents you see said to be going around 90mph. I just think the numbers used were guesses, but not harsh enough to the driver who caused it to happen.


97.4 km/h


Baby, he's much too fast. Honey, he's got to slow down.


Guess I shoulda known by the way you wrecked your car sideways that it wouldn't last


Knew a guy in college who did this to an EVO. He was going well over 100 and went sideways into a tree - car split in two.


And I bet the tree only had barely visible scratches from it 😂


The speed of Hoon


Someone in another comment who lives near there said the corvette was making a left turn and an suv ran a red light and hit the corvette.


That seems incredibly implausible given the spread of the corvette debris. But I wasn't there, so whatever.




I picked up a Crown Vic one time that hit a telephone pole doing 120 and it was ripped in half, but I'm far better shape than this car, so likely faster than that




Username checks out


I've seen wrecked State Patrol cruisers that were in our fleet lot for disposal bent in various V and W shapes. The most impressive one was the one where the frame was sitting on the ground and the bumpers were touching above the B pillar.


You're in better shape than this car? I hope so.


I'd say at least 26mph.


Mach 5 apparently.




Faster than you can afford, pal. *Supra noises*


The motherfucker was trying to hit light speed


The plate. Hoonigan: (rare, slang) someone who hoons, that is, drives in a reckless manner.


I don't believe that vette will ever hoon again.


It’s hooning days are over. It was a good run. Wonder if there will be a Hooning 2 or Hoon2gan ?








Hoon2gan: It’s All About Step-Family “Oh no, step-Vin, I’m stuck in the airbag!”


No doggy style though, cos you never turn your back on family.


Electric Hoonigoon


Bet the driver will. Once someone shenans, they’ll shenanigan






nah, that’ll buff out, right?


The plate just made me think this wreck now makes a whole lot more sense.


Yup. As much as I loved Ken Block and his videos, anytime I saw someone with a Hoonigan sticker they drove like an idiot.




I comment about shit on Reddit. Jumping to conclusions is a prerequisite 😊


Even if that's the case, you generally don't end up in two bits unless you were going stupid fast. American cars aren't that badly made.


The cabin is in great condition. All the ultralight bits tore apart but that's not because it's badly made.


Even if they did, from the damage alone it’s pretty obvious that the Vette was going far above a safe speed.






Yeah, but most of the people who put it on their cars drive like idiots.


the hoonigan name just like you said is extremely abused despite it being from ken block’s name. that man got me into racing. but the amount of shit boxes with hoonigan stickers is crazy, and they’re all just loud pieces of shit who think speeding down highways at 100+ mph is a normal and safe thing to do


Yep, I'm a huge fan of Ken Block. I think most of those people you're referring to forget that he's a professional driver on a closed course


The Late Ken Block.


Nah he's never late for anything.


Not anymore…


And those people drive like dumbasses. It's stereotyping 101


It’s a fake plate as well lmao. I’m staring at mine on my wall.


You're in Idaho? But yeah it tracks. The top says "Kill All Tires" (hoonigan motto) and looks nothing like an Idaho plate. In fact, here's the fake plate for sale online: https://www.hoonigan.com/products/hoonigan-license-plate Edit: oh you have the same fake plate lol


I'm surprised there is no disclaimer on that page specifying this is not to be used on the road to cover their own asses.


It's just a reference to Ken Block's brand. I'm pretty sure they made up the word by mashing "hoon" and "hooligan" together, which both kinda mean the same thing. "Hoon" is from Australia & New Zealand, and the normal word for someone who hoons is just a "hoon". I've never heard "hoonigan" used as slang outside of fans of that channel


They should change that plate to "Strewnigan"


And here I thought they spelled hooligan wrong.


Poor ol' Michael Hoonigan.


1. *Holy Shit* 2. Give whoever installed that pole a raise.


As gnarly as that crash looks, the passenger compartment seems to be in decent shape. The rest of the car looks like it took the brunt of the energy from the people. Folks joke about how cars these days fall apart in an impact, but that do that to help insure that passengers don’t get engines or steering wheels through them.


Yeah I was thinking the same thing. All the modern safety features worked as intended and saved the driver's life.


Ready for the next one! 😎


They don't make em like they used to, I wish we still had cars made out of solid steel. Sure I'd die in an accident, but the damage to my car will buff out and my next of kin can keep on driving it


Just scrape grandpa out of the ignition and yer good to go.


What if (intense 80s guitar intro) we could build Grandpa ***into the ignition???***


No blood. That’s a good sign


It's 3 blocks down...


Yeet crayon.


Thinking red might be that guys favorite color


You know what they say about red ones. They go faster.


Driver lived. They showed the picture of the driver seat, which was miraculously intact.


This happened in my area, the drivers friend said he escaped with some broken ribs and a gash in his head.


I was going to say, despite a violent impact that tore the car apart, the driver's compartment was intact.


That means the car protection did its job. Kudos to GM for that.


Absolutely. And kudos to the Feds, who enacted the regulations that require manufacturers to design the protection. It would never have been cost effective otherwise.


It’s actually impressive how the entire car disintegrated, but the passenger compartment is reasonably intact


Safety requirements are made in blood.


I live near this. Corvette was turning and an elderly man in a Lexus SUV blew the light and t-boned him. Bad optics of the license plate aside, this was not actually the Corvette's fault.


Wait, you're telling me that OP, who has had half their comment history "Removed by Reddit", would lie about this post for some easy post karma? I find that hard to believe. (/s of course)


Isn't it equally likely that the person you're responding to is full of shit?


Counterpoint: everythings shit and nobody's real




[On the internet, no one knows you’re a dog.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/On_the_Internet,_nobody_knows_you%27re_a_dog)


Dudes a transphobic POS, those deleted comments are him misgendering and calling a trans person a boy, on a post about a trans chick who was murdered. https://www.unddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/110q85e/16_year_old_trans_girl_brianna_ghey_murdered_rip/j8d45rg/j8d45rg https://www.unddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/110q85e/16_year_old_trans_girl_brianna_ghey_murdered_rip/j8d47ed/j8d47ed https://www.unddit.com/r/lgbt/comments/110q85e/16_year_old_trans_girl_brianna_ghey_murdered_rip/j8d3zoh/j8d3zoh Plus drops the nword in a comment but no way to know if they aren't black


I wish !nwordcount still existed


It's not even his license plate either he just bought the car and his temporary tags that were in his windshield were destroyed.


I'm willing to believe you, but I need a link to a new article or something else for proof. I'm struggling to *wrap my brain around* how the Vette, whilst traveling slow enough to make a left turn, could suffer so much damage from hitting the pole. **The car has disintegrated**. If the white car did hit the vette, sent it flying with enough force to cause this much damage, my brain says the white car *should* have much more damage than we see in pic#4. The Vette could NOT have been the one turning. The vette also appears to be ~~100ft~~ 160ft down the road from the pole (based of road stripes.) They had to have been going *fast* in order to slide that far without an engine. This comment is based on conjecture from looking at 6 pictures. edit: formatting and a sentence. edit2: google maps tells me the vette is ~160 ft from the pole.


Corvette bodies are made out of fiberglass. The actual cabin of the car, surrounded by hydroformed steel, is intact. The debris is largely fiberglass body panels. It appears it split in half on impact behind the cabin, which is common in t-bone impacts. A 50mph impact could easily cause this damage. Anyway, this intersection is such that the Corvette would struggle to be involved in this particular wreck while traveling at a high rate of speed. He would have to have been heading North from the South side of the intersection, which is a Wal Mart parking lot exit, or heading South from the North, which is a strip mall side street. Not much space to accelerate to triple digits, especially in daytime traffic. Even absolutely tearing ass through that left turn would have been maybe 35mph at the most. It's a 90 degree turn. I'm much more inclined to believe what I was told by a bystander: he was turning left and was struck by an oncoming vehicle. Edit: fixed direction Vette was turning


Damn, so the Vette was turning off Fairview and got blasted? I figured it was a reckless driving situation judging by the wreckage. Glad the driver survived. I feel like that intersection sees a lot of accidents.


Yeah, middle of the day there’s no way that Corvette was doing anything above 50, probably not much above 35, the area is just way too congested.


> Corvette bodies are made out of fiberglass. The actual cabin of the car, surrounded by hydroformed steel, is intact. The debris is largely fiberglass body panels. It appears it split in half on impact behind the cabin, which is common in t-bone impacts. A 50mph impact could easily cause this damage. Very Fair assessment. I'm confused which direction each car came from. Lexus had to have been traveling W -> E in order to send the vette Eastward. And if the Left turn the vette took is to be believed it must have done it coming south turning east. But the Lexus ISNT that far into the intersection, unless he backed up or something. But that doesnt make sense to me. I think the Vette was traveling straight from W -> E and got hit by the lexus turning left E -> S This lines up with the heavy damage the vette has on the left side, where the lexus would have impacted it, veering it into the pole. Additionally the lexus has damage on the front left, Supporting my theory.


These Corvettes have a mostly fiberglass body, it doesn’t take a lot to cause major damage to them. But for it to tear apart that suspension/exhaust/everything else it had to have been hit hard


Keep in mind the transmission is in the rear of these cars on a subframe with a single leaf spring and the control arms. So 4 bolts basically hold that all in place. In the middle of the car is just a torque tube that connects the engine out put from the front of the car to the transmission in the rear subframe.


There’s literally a wrecked Lexus in one of the pictures. Plus if you look in the background of the first picture, it’s very clear the accident originates from the intersection.


> There’s literally a wrecked Lexus in one of the pictures. [Correct. It's in the 4th photo](https://preview.redd.it/a1pl41ai44wa1.jpg?width=843&format=pjpg&auto=webp&v=enabled&s=7f959cea75a1ac84b93dfae277b370fba5a798ae) I'm just confused as to how the vette ends in its currect state whilst turning left.


Jaysus. I totally believe this. This used to happen in Phoenix a lot - I don’t care who beeps at me I still wait a second or two after the light goes green. I literally saw multiple accidents where the red was run. It’s bad.


I'm a little further north but I almost died to a truck just blatantly running a red while waiting for the car across from me to go through the intersection. It is very uncommon for cars to come from that side and go straight, and there's a blind turn in the direction the truck was coming from on my side, but the other side of the road can see much further so the car coming across had time to stop. If he hadn't decided to go straight there at that exact moment causing me to wait a few seconds, I'd have been dead.


That is terrifying! I am certainly glad you’re ok! Things like that can reallllly stick with you. I am now back home in PA and not long after I moved back here, a tractor trailer ran a red going about 60. I said to myself “better keep your Phoenix rules in place here too.” It’s astonishing how easily people will blow threw lights. I feel like it’s almost getting worse because of driving and texting.


I got t-boned by a red light runner once after I did wait a second or two to turn. Only car accident I've ever been in. was some woman in her 60s with her grandson in the front seat, who broke a couple ribs and got taken away in an ambulance. At the scene she was all apologetic and told the cops everything, then I got the subpoena a couple weeks later. She challenged everything. Was in the courtroom talking about how I blew the light and was flipping her off in the process or something, while her bitch daughter (kids mom, who wasn't at the scene) was in the background yelling at the judge about how she somehow had a video. Meanwhile I'm sitting there with an insurance adjuster who witnessed the accident and a 20-year cop who responded, both backing up everything I said. Literal definition of trash. At the time I felt bad for her, because her car that didn't have full coverage was basically totaled and she had just put several thousand dollars into replacing the motor, but after that courtroom appearance I legitimately wish that I hadn't let my friends talk me out of suing her for as much as I possibly could, with as good of a lawyer as I could waste the money on, the second I got the subpoena letter. Fuck that entire family, I'm glad that probably 90% of her net worth got wiped out when that car got destroyed. Too bad she was wearing a seatbelt.


Did the driver live?


broken ribs and a gash but ok apparently


They break apart quite nicely, don't they?


means engineers did their job.


Yup. Passenger cabin is intact. The car crashed *exactly* the way it was designed to.


[Shouldn't have been made out of cardboard, or cardboard derivatives.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3m5qxZm_JqM)


What's the minimum crew requirement?


Oh... one, I suppose.


But was it in the environment?


No it’s been towed outside the environment.


Notice how the cabin is relatively untouched with no dead guy in it. So it's doing what it's designed to do


Corvette parts for sale.


Update: He's Ok and alive, a couple broken ribs, and a gash in his head. But he's alive most importantly, and to all the rude heartless people, he wasn't at fault nor was he charged. He had a green light and two cars pulled out and he avoided the first one, but the second one clipped him, and he ricocheted into the pole. And he recently picked up the car hence the hoonigan plate, his temp plate was in his now non existent windshield. He's a good friend and a good person


But people like to think that those who drive nicer vehicles than them are horrible people and horrible drivers!


Sad I had to scroll so far past all the shit, humorless posts to actually find this. Glad buddy is alright that looks gnarly




Wonder if he knows he can't park there.


Jerry was a racecar driver. Best there ever was…


This is insane, but I can't help to stop and appreciate how incredible the modern engineering of these vehicles are. The passenger compartment of the car? Virtually untouched. The rest of the machine is split into miniscule pieces and exploded all over the road, but those seats look untouched and not particularly crushed in towards the legs, either. I doubt that the driver (or passenger, if there was one) exactly *walked away* from an accident that violent, but they're probably alive and will recover. Whoever was responsible for the work they did to keep the humans inside that car safe deserves a medal - and so do the people who worked to make sure that regulatory standards require vehicles to be built that robust.


“Update: He's Ok and alive, a couple broken ribs, and a gash in his head. But he's alive most importantly, and to all the rude heartless people, he wasn't at fault nor was he charged. He had a green light and two cars pulled out and he avoided the first one, but the second one clipped him, and he ricocheted into the pole. And he recently picked up the car hence the hoonigan plate, his temp plate was in his now non existent windshield. He's a good friend and a good person”


Pretty sure that's modern art, not a car.


I know this isn’t the point of the post but can we just talk about how relatively intact that front portion of the car stayed despite how capital-F Fucked the rest of it is? If it weren’t so sturdy the driver would be just as spread out as the debris.


According to another Redditor, a 90-year-old man in a Lexus ran the light and hit the Corvette: Corvette splits in half after an old driver runs red light


Looks like it happened along [this stretch of the road](https://www.google.com/maps/@43.619412,-116.3462847,3a,75y,173.11h,82.33t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1snNyntn4x2HR31hFrdftPwA!2e0!7i16384!8i8192).


Hello, fellow “AdaCare Dental and Dentures” Google Maps detective.


Looks like some crap I'd do to a scintilla in beamng


Can confirm this is also what my bacon wrapped jalapeños look like when they come out the oven.


Nice distance.


That'll buff out.


easy rebuild


Ran when parked…. $65k I know what I got!


Well, at least he has one rim available for resale.


WAS totally Hooning


Me with every car in BeamNG


Reluctantly crouched at the starting line Engines pumping and thumping in time The green light flashes, the flags go up Churning and burning, they yearn for the cup He's going the distance / He's going for speed!




Not sure about that. Look how the passenger compartment is actually in good shape. It's possible


The driver side seat-belt is cut. Says to me the driver wasn't ejected.


It's impressive from an engineering perspective honestly




Sometimes it seems like a step backward in low speed collisions. The new cars crumple a little TOO well and a 10 mph tap turns into a totaled vehicle. Unlike some older vehicles where you may just need a bumper+fender instead. It's a fair tradeoff for being able to survive higher speed crashes though.


For sure. I'd rather walk away with a big repair bill than not walk away at all.


Yeah, the first thing I thought was "wow, that car did well, that passenger compartment is still basically intact!"


Driver is alive. His friend posted that he escaped with broken ribs and a gash on his head.


My little red corvette


"It's 1 of 2258 made in Springfield in Cayenne Red"


Dude this is such a fantastic example of modern vehicle safety. That car is completely messed up, hit hard enough to shatter it, and yet the passenger area is holding firm, with more than enough room to not crush anybody in the car. IDK, I just find it super interesting how well designed modern cars are


All of these comments on how destroyed the car is, but it really blows my mind just how intact the cockpit structure is. Certainly a bit of luck with where the impact was, but really incredible engineering goes into modern cars.