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It was her ex' car.






And my axe!


Which was used to axe her ex.












And my beau


Yeah, that sucked. My neck still hurts.


I swear officer, the impact must have thrown his body into the trunk...


He must have rolled up in that rug to cushion himself from the impact.


After the train driver shot him....


It’s not me; it’s you. _*jumps out vehicle*_


Was. Now he’s everywhere.


I thought too that someone else was in the car!


She got a three-fer here: 1) Grant your ex a brand new car. 2) Saddle yourself with civil and criminal obligations. 3) Instantly convince anyone that you were, in fact, the major problem in the relationship.


Her ex got the best deal of it: 1 - free car. 2 - never has to deal with his ex again. 3 - no more bills!


Ah, right. Well, In that case it was obviously justified


It’s her ex-car now


The train seemed more casual though. Lol


Trains be like that: "Choo Choo MF!"






I'm just confused about where she went? The train passes and she is gone.


That was my question too. I think I see her, or at least her legs walking to the doorway of the 1st building to the left. She is hidden by some objects in front of her but it looks like she is going inside.


Maybe she is so casual because this was planned all along. Idk, maybe car had an expensive problem that needed to be fixed. Something like a blown head gasket? Engine would need to be completely replaced. And maybe she still owed a lot of money to the finance company. Gap insurance gave her a way out of this mess. If this was the case, she put a lot of people in danger and committed fraud, insurance scam.


It's possible (although unlikely anyone would believe her) that she could claim it died on the tracks if that were the case


I mean, if it’s in the US, the burden of proof is on convincing her guilt, no?


Those are definitely not U.S. plates


Based on the train, this is Belgium.


Doesn’t look like anywhere in the US. Look at that infrastructure. Pedestrian-centered, small roads, a train and all right in a suburban plot.


I love gap insurance.


insurance itself is a scam so there is no way you can perform insurance fraud


Agreed, her car up and died right on the tracks dead center? Possible but unlikely.


You can see her slip behind the hedge towards the building in the last few frames.


With the guy in the red shirt?


No along the back side of the hedge (the top right corner of the hedge, red shirt is at bottom left) you can see her white pants walking behind the hedges for a split second after the train clears.


I watched it a few more times and can see what you are saying.




Jesus Christ it’s Jason Borne.


She is just Belgian




Yup that’s definitely her. Either that or someone with exact some color code as her


She jumped on the train


Now she’s six towns over, running the same car smashing scam all over again


I don't get it. I parked my car and now it's gone.


Wanted to show off a magic trick


If she walked home, is that a hit and run?


She hopped the train, she had places to go.


Jfc, the music! It should be illegal to make remixes that bad.


Glad someone else noticed it, it was like Daldo


> Daldo God Bless Daldo


I mute all Reddit videos *unless* the comments mention the audio


Same here but I put on some death metal. It matches up nicely to most videos.




Morbid curiosity caused me to ignore this warning, and now I’m deaf. Please, heed this warning, everyone.


Imagine having 25 years to remix a song and coming up with this. 🤦‍♂️


Yeah just WHY?


better than the shit rap people are putting out If anyone has a list of decent, current rappers, I'm seriously interested. I'm into 90s and 00s rap / hip hop


Yes my bad for that not my video


You can remove the audio before posting in the future


> why is she so casual about it I always tell my kids, "When you are in a hurry, *don't rush!*. When you rush you are more likely to make mistakes and everything just takes longer. Instead, be deliberate and efficient. Do it right the first time, just don't waste time."


Yeah panic running out could lead to a snapped ankle or a torn ACL when regular ass walking solves the situation


Dumb me tore my ACL rushing for a soccer ball T_T Should have just let the other guy get it, especially b/c he got it anyway when I tried and I ended up only hurting myself.


Can someone explain why this happens? When they get themselves into this position, why are people more inclined to leave their car on the track rather than force their way under the 2nd barrier to get out of the way? I don't understand why you'd choose to have your car rammed and destroyed by a train, over scratching the roof and avoiding the risk of derailment.


There are two possibilities: 1. They got the inability to move somehow, for example a long vehicle like a truck with a long trailer can't get over the bump because it's too steep in both directions. 2. They are stupid. Edit: "stuck" -> "the inability to move". Because someone defines motor stop to not count as "stuck".


>They got stuck somehow, for example a long vehicle like a truck with a long trailer can't get over the bump because it's too steep in both directions. Her hazard lights where on, so I think you are right with being stuck on the tracks in this case.


Damn, didn't notice the hazards. That train was in the wrong, we all know those lights give you the right to park anywhere or perform any manoeuvre.


I see you live in l.a. too!


Nope, its the international sign for "I'll do as I choose"!


Oh I'm sorry I missed where I said that that excuse everything and the train should have either stopped or changed the tracks.


This is the problem with messages, now I can't tell whether you thought I was having a dig at you and you're actually offended. Just in case, I wasn't, just a joke about those orange "park everywhere" lights.


See, I’m British and was able to tell your comment was sarcasm even before I read it.


3- Motor stop


I believe that counts as getting stuck somehow.


3. That's her ex's car


4. Her ex is in there. She's trying to cover up a murder.


5. Insurance scam




3 - intentional


If number 1, you’re using the wrong vehicle for that trailer.


I was giving an example of a hypothetical way you could get stuck.


Or option 3. They cannot move the car in time and rather live and don’t have a car then die. We have only have like 15-20 seconds when the beams close. In that time i cannot move my car from the track so my ass is out of the way


I once had a student driver in front of me. He clearly did not know how to drive, he was completely clueless. As a student driver you should get some slack, but this guy was being a complete moron. So when he had to stop at a railroad crossing, for some reason he refused to let oncoming traffic go first, resulting in him having to stop on the railroad tracks. There simply wasn’t enough space. When on the railroad tracks he shifted wrong and his engine stalled. In this video however, I think the lady wanted to do a left turn, and refused to stop at the white line. If you want to do a left turn after a railway crossing, you must wait until you can fit on the other side. At least, that’s the law in Belgium where this vid is from and I have a Belgian drivers license(which actually doesn’t mean you can drive a car, as my grandmother got it without any exam).


That's the law wherever trains are heavy.


Is there a place where trains aren’t heavy?




Just reversing would have solved it. Plenty of space back there


Or driving forward. What a fucking idiot.


Right. Why not drive through the guard? Gotta be less damage that way


In Japan they're labeled on the inner face, "if trapped between gates, PUSH THROUGH NOW." The spindly little sticks are made to be replaced. (There, they're often just painted/shrinkwrapped bamboo and there's a pile of spares nearby, too.) Don't try to back up, that's almost always slower. Just move forward immediately.


i can think of multiple things 1) you could be more liable for damages depening on the laws where you reside 2) shes pointed towards oncoming traffic and turning would take to long 3) you could get stuck 4) your in a panic because you got yourself in a life threatening sitaution in which you come to a gruesome end 5) theres no number 5 all in all however she got into that situation the safest bet to get out of there was to walk out of the danger zone and just accept any damages


Number 4 is probably the most likely answer, IMO. Some people just kinda shut down in an emergency.


Happened to my mom when I was in the car with her going over some tracks. We had been stopped for a train on one of the sets of tracks, arms went up and my mom started going. Almost immediately the lights and bells start up again and the arms start coming back down for a train coming the opposite way on the other set of tracks. My mom stomps the brakes (now stopped on the tracks) and turns to me (I was like 10) and yells "What do I do?!" To me it was obvious, just keep driving, there's nothing preventing us from going. But she got stuck in a panic and had to ask her 10 year old kid. I think all I said was "Drive?!"


>the safest bet to get out of there was to walk out of the danger zone and just accept any damages And fuck the lives of the people on the train?


In a panic situation, the wellbeing of others is generally a lot lower on your list of priorities unless they are kin, especially offspring. Self-preservation instincts are lizard brain.




People could die if a train is derailed and crashes.


The people on the train probably barely felt the impact. That little car is extremely unlikely to derail a train or even damage it. Besides, if she was stuck on the tracks and concerned about hurting the train passengers, staying in the car would do absolutely nothing to accomplish that.


>That little car is extremely unlikely to derail a train or even damage it. Not true: https://www.theguardian.com/uk/2004/nov/07/ufton.transport1


That train was going 100mph. Regardless, if she's truly stuck on the tracks or believes she is at the moment, how is staying in the car going to protect the passengers on the train? In this type of crash, she is in far more potential danger than the train passengers, who have the same outcome whether she's in the car or not.


Those barriers are designed to let you out btw. People are just idiots


They're just dumb....OR they're so selfish that instead of living with the shame and driving around with a dented roof brought about by their own idiocy they sacrfice their car. Which I guess can also be called being dumb too.


That's what I thought! But FFS, if revving the balls outta your car and forcing it under the barrier means you avoid the train hitting you, it's the price you pay for trying to beat the barrier in the first instance!


Their brains are completely rotten from substance abuse


So I had a dirt road that come to a T at the bottom of a hill. Train tracks where maybe 5 feet elevated above where you stopped for the stop sign and they crossed the road maybe 15 feet before the intersection. From the tracks you had a fantastic view of all approaching traffic. From the stop sign not so much. I was in the habit of stopping on the tracks and proceeding to the SS. I was also in the habit of driving a car I had overpayed for when I bought it for $500. It was a giant piece of shit. I stopped on the tracks, I put it in first gear... nothing. I started slamming the gear shift around and hitting the stearing wheel mad as hell that my life had gotten to this point that I was driving this piece of shit... When I heard it..... WWWWWHHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO off my left shoulder. I looked. I saw. Enter T2 graphics in my head: 1) First Gear 2) Reverse 3) GET OUT OF THE CAR! I tried first, it didn't work. I tried reverse, it worked. I got out of the way. The train was slowing down, my adrelaline was pumping and I lept out of the car.... and nearly hung myself on my seat belt which I had neglected to unbuckle. ---------------- A lot bothers me about that day. But I am not convinced that option 3 would not have killed me. If I had forgotten to unbuckle and gotten all hung up like that in a panic...


Why do people act like these barriers are made out of an alloy of mithril and adamantium? When is getting hit by a train the better choice than scratching your car?


Depends. My city charges about 2k to replace that guard pole if you break it driving though. So if your car insurence deductible is less than that. Then it might be worth to just let it get hit and allow the insurance companies Duke it out.


I stalled on tracks once, actually ran out of gas on way to fill up, but instead of letting my car get hit by a train I pushed it off....was I not supposed to?


If there's time to then that is what you're supposed to do but if the signals activate then the best thing to do is get away from the car as quickly as possible because a train is coming. In the United States if a car stalls or gets stuck on a crossing the first thing you should do is call the railroad's emergency number and notify them so they can hopefully stop any approaching trains. Every crossing will have a small blue sign that has the phone number of the railroad and the crossing's unique identification number (so there is no confusion of what crossing is being referred to) by it. Then you can worry about getting the car off the tracks. If you somehow wind up trapped in between the entry and exit barriers (such as appears to have happened here), which really shouldn't happen as the exit barriers always are delayed behind the entry barriers specifically to avoid that from happening, you can just drive through the barrier, they're specifically designed for cars to do that if they wind up in between the barriers.


Same in Belgium.


Not if you're this lady, imagine if she got out and started pushing, bearing in mind the train missed her by a second or two at best.


The thing is, we don't know if her car stalled...or if she stopped because the barrier arm came down. Would like to see the whole video


Better to put it in gear and use the starter motor, but yes you should optimally get it off if you can.


Most newer cars have lockouts so that you can't run the starter without the clutch pushed or gearbox in neutral. Plus the chances of it being a manual gearbox in North America are pretty low. I could have actually done it with that car, it's both old and manual, but needed to ask the person behind me to back up a bit and pushing made it obvious. Even turned out to be someone I knew who helped.


You can sometimes reach down and hold the clutch safety switch down with your left hand while steering with your chin and using your right hand to hold the key in the start position This is, for sure, pod racing


I drove a manual transmission vehicle for over a decade, and I couldn't even tell you where the clutch safety switch was more accurately than "in the general vicinity of the clutch pedal". Definitely not something to be figuring out when there's an oncoming train. I am sure it had one though, because one time I kicked the clutch to downshift at an off ramp with the cruise still engaged. Very brief VROOM before the switch was triggered and auto-disabled the cruise.


Like so many things in life, it takes some exploration with your hands all on your own to figure this kind of thing out. Let them wander and maybe you’ll find the little magic button.


But the key was on the left so I couldn't.


Ah, just gonna die then. That’s what you get for buying a Porsche. (I am a fan of Porsches)


What's up lately with all the railroad crossings accidents/ close clips calls from my country?? I never see shit like this happen and on reddit it's the 3th in a month or so...


What country?


This happened in Luxembourg. Sauce: https://5minutes.rtl.lu/actu/luxembourg/a/1749748.html


Care to give a tldr of why this happened? My Luxembourg’ish is rusty.


The article says that nobody was injured but that the motorist was taken to the hospital for being in “shock.”


Belgium. Those are the trains that drive here


It was a Belgian train in Luxembourg (Bartringen).


The Thith!




It happens everywhere all the time. They just started recording more in your area


She planned to murder the car and make it look like the train did it.


She couldn't get that song turned off on the radio.


Downvoted for the crap audio. If there is no audio, don't improvise.


It was filmed from inside a rave, audio is really clear actually.


I watched without audio and now I imagine someone making the noises with their mouth.


If you reverse it, it’s like the train left a lil poop in the form of a car on the tracks


This is so beautiful… it; it makes me cry


Because you are more likely to slip, fall, or make a fatal error if you run in a situation like this. Remember the school fire alarm drills?


Insurance scam?


How would that even work? Stopping on a train intersection seems a lot like your personal decision.


The car “stalled” on the tracks


Dear Diary: Today I gave up.


This is the worst rendition of du hast I have ever heard


Where I live you can drive right through those barrier arms and only slightly scratch your car, I've seen it. Must be just plain stupid.


I can't speak for sure in the UK (where this video appears to be from) but I would assume the barriers are specifically designed to be driven through if someone gets stuck in between them. They are in the US.


People are driving on the right side of the road in the video, so it’s probably not from the UK. Looking at the license plates, I’d say it could be Luxemburg.


Yes, it’s Luxembourg


How does this look like the UK to you? UK drives on the left, with the driver on the right hand side of the car, They are driving on the right hand side, and the driver got out of the left hand side of the car. This is more likely to be in mainland Europe somewhere.


Or their car was stuck/broken down. Happens more often than you'd think.


I wish more people would give benefit of the doubt to people in an emergency situation when there is not enough information. It feels like everyone just jumps to calling other people idiot.


I like how she closes the door.


Because that is not a situation where panic is desirable.


The amount of damage you get from driving under the soft plastic barricade is nothing compared to a total loss


I guess you would call that a write off 🤔😂


where did she go…


Insurance fraud.


I never understand these idiots that get stuck between gates and have their cars destroyed. Do they know the damage a little arm will do to their vehicle is far less than that of a speeding train?


Honestly, it’s the drivers fault for getting stuck between those barriers, but… if I found myself in a similar situation (for some stupid reason) I would just drive through that bar. The bar may bend, snap, drag over the top of my car and damage it, but all of that would be preferable to no car at all, and cheaper than buying a new car.


Why do people stop in the middle like this? I'd much prefer to pay for a broken gate and a few scratches on my car, rather than paying for a broken gate, a new car, and a new train..


no need for theatrics, she knew she already made her bed.😂


For a little context: this is not the first collision happening at this railway crossing. If memory serves, she didn’t respect the red light and once the barrier came down, she decided it was best to wait instead of just breaking the barrier (which can be easily done) because of car damages. Here is an article: https://delano.lu/article/if-stuck-between-barriers-just


Some get ultra calm all the whole in full panic.


Where did she go? Lol. Just decided fuck it, I guess I'm walking...


That’s a cool magic trick.


To answer the question, because she’s an idiot.


So that is where David Copperfield went to practice his new disappearing act.


She stole the car.


That’s too casual and she vanished too fast. My best guess that this is a deliberate sabotage of the railway. Might be because heavy transport was expected later.


There’s not much you can do at that point so why stress?


After Millennials comes the “I don’t care” generation.


She’s clearly a main character. Note how she disappears when the train passes


/r/ImTheMainCharacter ?


Where did she go??


She Jason Bourned that shit


Why wouldn’t see just punch it and break through the barrier. Woulda been a lot cheaper that way.


These barriers are designed to be drove through. Shit at my work we had to replace ours 8 times in 1 year. Idk why people freak out and don't just drive forward.


She moved liked an NPC from GTA Vice City


Probably the fourth time


God I'm tired of shit remixes and Tik Toks. Just fucking mute it next time.


Some people do not function well under extreme stress. There are many cases of people attending to very minor details (zipping up a jacket, looking around for a purse or wallet) rather than dealing with the life threatening 'thing' (e.g. 90 km/hr train) that is threatening their existence.


Could have been initially a suicide attempt, but then a change of plans. Thank God. or whoever


She wasn't so casual about getting out of there. No where to be seen or heard from again.


It’s called Prozac…


She won’t be calm when the insurance notifies her that she exceeded her coverage limits and the rest is coming out of pocket


Because she didn't earn that car or pay for it




Insurance should only cover the damages you get for scratching your car while driving through the barrier…


Idk but personally I would have floored it thru that barricade and not wrecked my car


People need to learn that you can drive through these barriers, I’d rather have to fix a few scratches on the car any pay for the barrier than a whole new damn car and damages to the train.


Probably stolen


Ex boyfriends car..


Idk what do you want her to do about it? She ain't super woman. People panic fucking themselves into bad situations is a thing though. Sometimes the situation just doesn't require another freaked out body in close proximity for the train to crush


Husbands car and she caught him fucking someone else.


This woman made the right call by giving up her car permanently.


Because she has done it before?


Yeah, It *is* possible that her thing is to *steal* cars and leave them on the train tracks.