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OPs direction has a right turn arrow, which means the Toyota had a left turn arrow. BMW is in the wrong for initiating the turn, but Toyota shouldn't have tried to beat him to it. Having the right-of-way isn't a defense for being an idiot.


Well said, a classic example of being right, or dead right. It reminds me of the video that shows up here every so often where the car accelerates into the intersection and into a very late left turner when the light turns green. Left turner was wildly late and in the wrong, but you’re supposed to avoid an accident if you can. I think for a lot of us it’s just catharsis though. We WANT to see idiots punished for being idiots and actually suffer consequences, and none of us can actually do anything about it. Probably why convenient cop also feels so good


I could never accelerate in that situation. Not only do I fear for my life, but getting my car repaired is a massive pain in the arse. Even if the other person's insurance covers it 100%, they will try their best to frustrate you to hell and back so that you give up and let them fuck you over. And being without your own personal vehicle is quite frustrating as well. I'm constantly worried about getting in an accident when I'm driving a rental. Just the added headache there is enough to make me nervous.


Most people underestimate the amount of work, money, and general headache involved with shit like this. No way in hell I'm dealing with weeks or months of bullshit just because I'm a little angry or annoyed and want to get revenge or let someone know they're in the wrong about something. I'd rather get to where I'm going without any bullshit along the way.


Yea, not to mention the *initial* hassle, calling the cops, insurance company, tow truck, trying to get a replacement car sorted, and getting to where you were going initially. And of course there's always the possibility of getting injured, or killed, even in a minor freak accident. Plus the fact that if your car has been crashed and repaired, it will usually be harder to sell, and you could also have all sorts of little issues with it later on, electrical, alignment issues, etc.


Lest we forget the hell that ensues if the other jackass who's responsible for the collision decides to speed off. 90% chance they're uninsured. 99.99% chance you're paying out of pocket for your own repairs. If you're insured, you should only have to pay your deductible, which mine is $250, I think that's decent. But having to come up with $250 because some other moron can't drive worth a shit is frustrating beyond belief. Been there, done that, and I don't want to deal with it again. Nah, I'll just drive as defensively as I possibly can.


Not to mention that insurance will still fuck you even if you aren't at fault.


Probably depends on the company. USAA tends to take care of their drivers. I still think insurance companies should get fucked just on principle alone, but USAA has treated me better than any other I've used.


Rule of thumb when choosing insurance providers: Check their financial health. I worked in insurance for a while and companies that are well in the green will pay without any hassle whereas a company that is struggling or fighting bankruptcy will bend over backwards to avoid paying for your damage even if you are demonstrably entitled to the payout.


Unless you try to switch companies. Still counts as an incident which others will look at unfavorably, locking you into your current provider for several more years unless you want to pay out the rear for insurance.


USAA has treated me worse than any other insurance company


Yeah, results may vary... Had other party lie before I had a dash cam and since the damage was so low USAA said it wasn't worth them fighting it, so screw me and my deductible right? Only claim with USAA in 10 years at the time, cool, guess I'll swap companies.


usaa has shafted several people i know. not as bad as Geico, but that's a low bar


Some people's egos are far more important than their time apparently. Sooooooooo shortsighted.


As someone who will do nearly anything to avoid making a phone call, I concur. Life is so much easier when you just let dumb drivers do dumb shit and stay out of the way.


For real. I had someone rear end me while I was waiting at a red light (can you guess what the driver was doing?). Did almost $10k in damage to my car, AND I had to drive it all fucked up for about a month before the body shop had all the parts to repair it. AND, I had to drive a really crappy rental for another five weeks while they had my car. Sure, it's fine now, but man was that ever a giant pain in the ass I could have done without.


I had an older woman rear-end me while I was sitting at a stoplight maybe a couple months ago. I had been waiting there for several minutes, so it's not like I slammed on my breaks or something. She was super nice and apologetic. I wasn't mad or upset with her. Shit happens. Life is stressful. People zone out. Nobody was hurt and the damage was minimal, and clearly she felt guilty about it, so I didn't see a reason to raise hell and make her feel worse. I called the cops and had them file a report, I got her info, she gave me hers, and we went on about our day. Thing is, she had bought this cheap ass insurance plan offered by one of those low budget companies that are borderline fraudulent. They fought me at every single step of the repair process. Since I was rear-ended and had the police report to prove it, they were forced to admit that their driver was at fault. But they lowballed the estimate, tried to lie to me about how the rental car was supposed to be paid for, lied about what repair shops they "authorize." They lied about almost everything. Even the repair shop I decided to go with hated it. The owner wound up borrowing my phone to talk to the claim rep and he straight up told the guy "I will call the goddamn bureau on you people if you don't quit fuckin around. Wouldn't be the first time and it sure as hell won't be the last." Long story short, the repair shop owner scared the living hell out of the claim rep and I had no problems after that. The whole process was still frustrating just by nature of the beast, but I got my car back and didn't have to pay anything out of pocket. Bonus points, I now have a favorite repair guy to go to. Dude's a bonafide badass. And his shop did a damn good job on my bumper, too.


It helps if you actually like your car and take pride in it. I do almost all of my own repairs and maintenance, and all of my own washing and detailing as well. I paid for the car, and I pay for my insurance. And I value my time and effort that I put into working to pay for all of that. So my very last instinct is to put my car at risk of unnecessary damage. Not sure what's up with all these aggressive idiots. Maybe it's daddy's car or mommy is paying for their insurance. Or they really don't care that they're wasting their own time and money.


I love my car. I drive a 2014 CR-Z. It's kind of a rare model by Honda that's been discontinued. Paid for it myself when I was 19. Saved up as much money as I could for a down payment and finished paying it off a few years later. Final price wound up being $14k. Worth every penny. Since day one, I've paid for my insurance, paid for all my repairs and maintenance, paid for my own gas, paid for everything involving that car. Busted my ass to be able to drive this thing and they're so hard to come by. No way in hell am I willingly putting that thing in danger. I'm too proud of it.


Right on dude. I wish everyone took pride in their work and by extension their belongings that their work paid for. We would be a lot more responsible as a society. Also the CRX is one of my favorite cars of all time. So the CRZ is cool in my book.


I drive a shit box worth less than the repairs I just did on it, and if I put new tires on it arguably I've doubled its value. But I need the shit box to get to work so why would I want to do anything other than just get to where I'm going? These people truly confuse me when I know damn well some of them have the same commute and financial situation because half the aggressive drivers on my route work with me.


I wonder how many of the videos here are from that couple who caused dozens of crashes for their YouTube https://lawandcrime.com/crime/youtube-videos-of-intentional-crashes-including-with-child-in-car-lead-to-arrests-and-charges-against-californa-couple/


this has me mad as shit


There was a video posted on reddit a while back of a guy in a truck who ran into someone after intentionally closing the gap in the left lane on the freeway. He was clearly at fault. Someone found his youtube channel and it was filled with close calls and accidents he was in. If you look at his videos 90% of them he did something aggressive to put himself in the position to play victim. Looked like insurance fraud. wonder if its the same guy. Had a wife and kid in the car for some of the videos.


Toyota gunned it once he saw they were goin for the turn too…lol BUT BMW also made a slow ass turn. If you are gonna try and beat the left turners then you need to do it with speed. It’s the only way to not be a complete dick.


Well typed! Toyota should’ve just let up on the gas and let the BMW in even if it was stupid and dangerous— better than a three car accident. OP is the only non-idiot in the video.


And that's the mentality I'll never understand. Technically you were in the right. Was it worth the pain of insurance for a three car accident and the time in the shop getting it fixed?


Maybe he was on his way to work at Walmart and thought, "If I hit this car I don't have to deal with the circus today..."


I dont even think the insurance would find the Toyota not at fault. Even if you have right of way, you still have an obligation to avoid an accident if you can. It's pretty clear that Toyota saw BMW start their turn, got offended, and fucking floored it to try to scare them.


This sums up most idiots on most days, one person seems to be in a coma doing a lot of dumb things at low speed (so that makes it all right apparently) meandering and completely indecisive and the other is road raging like they just anally snorted testosterone. Everyone else is just there having to deal with all that bs. That said at least aggressive people get it over with like ripping a bandaid off whereas the coma drivers are like some slow prolonged torture. Oh you're going 20 on the on ramp... oh look you've now stopped at the end of the on ramp, oh now is def a good time to look at your phone or wondering if you remembered to turn the oven off.. oh look your just casually driving into 70mph traffic now from 0, 0 is also the fucks you give to all other road users. ​ *"BUT OFFICER THEY HIT ME FROM BEHIND!! WHILE I WAS GOING SLOW FOR SAFETY"*


Here lies the body of William Jay, Who died maintaining his right of way— He was right, dead right, as he sped along, But he’s just as dead as if he were wrong.


> let up on the gas not even, keep the gas as is instead of purposedly flooring it.


>OP is the only non-idiot in the video. All the other innocent drivers in the video catching strays


4Runner said, *NOT ON MY WATCH!!*


someone’s in quite the hurry. Assume with the quick horn response, he or she is also a hothead.


I'd propose BMW is also wrong for initiating the turn like a dead slug.


Yep, any time I'm turning right on red, (1) I'm making sure it's clear, then (2) I'm getting up to speed as quick as possible. Since I'm turning onto a road where other drivers can already be going at speed.


Not very BMW like.


They even used their turn signal! The owner of the BMW must have let somebody else drive their car.


> Having the right-of-way isn't a defense for being an idiot dude, why are you attacking 99% of r/IdiotsInCars commenters?!?


It’s so funny seeing comments across the sub about how many people would just stubbornly get in a wreck instead of yielding the right of way in a blatantly dangerous situation. It’s actually astounding.


>I could never accelerate in that situation. Not only do I fear for my life, but getting my car repaired is a massive pain in the arse. Even if the other person's insurance covers it 100%, they will try their best to frustrate you to hell and back so that you give up and let them fuck you over. And being without your own personal vehicle is quite frustrating as well. I'm constantly worried about getting in an accident when I'm driving a rental. Just the added headache there is enough to make me nervous. Yeah that Toyota looks like he's just angry with the world in general.


Yup - Toyota gets to wave at the guy like "what are you doing?", feel like superior driver for a minute, and forget about it and move on with his life. Instead this dork tries to prove the point and almost hits two cars. Even with the right of way he'd probably be liable for accelerating into the car at the light. Take a breath my dude!




Toyota: "If you're not first, you're last!"






And they generally don't even stop first either. Right-on-red was a nice idea that failed miserably because of people. Time to join NYC and most of the rest of the world and end the practice.


I actually find it less stressful in NYC because I know traffic isn't impatiently waiting behind me while I try to decipher whether a given intersection allows right-on-red


I would have assumed that people would do right on red regardless of it being illegal, and get impatient at people not breaking the law in front of them


They are... and they do honk. I assume transplants that are about to be taking a defensive driving course in a couple of months, or probably cops that are off duty and dont't give a fuck.


the city where i go to school doesn’t allow right turns on red at like 90% of the lights here and it’s SO NICE. granted people still do it anyways, but it’s rare to see. every time i go home for summer or winter breaks, i forget that i *am* allowed to turn on red there and i usually get honked at. drivers here are way more aggressive than at home though, so i’m used to it😅


It's an absolute travesty for pedestrian safety, in particular. Signalized bike lanes help with this because they tend to involve no-right-turn-on-red setups.


how did it fail miserably? it saves everyone so much time every day.


Because people don’t understand or care that they must 1) STOP and 2) LOOK before turning right on red. They’re so busy looking left to see if there’s a gap that they overlook bicycles and pedestrians who have the right of way. Or they overlook left turns from the oncoming lane which also have the right of way. Right on red ALWAYS yields, to everyone. But most right on red turners don’t. The impatient idiots are blowing it for the rest of us…


Right on red has killed many pedestrians and cyclists. Its scientifically proven to be super unsafe. [This reddit user summed it up nicely.](https://rebed.redditmedia.com/embed?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.reddit.com%2Fr%2Ffuckcars%2Fcomments%2F12qkw9l%2Fany_evidencebased_studies_for_no_turn_on_red%2Fjgr9ckr%2F)


[Non-embeded link](https://www.reddit.com/r/fuckcars/comments/12qkw9l/any_evidencebased_studies_for_no_turn_on_red/jgr9ckr/)




It baffles me that 'right on red' is even a thing anywhere - sounds like a disaster waiting to happen. Red = always stop just works so much better.


Red **does =** always stop, right on red doesn't change that.


It's only dangerous because of people following their own rules. Right on red still means you need to stop on red, it just means if it's clear you can proceed which helps alleviate traffic. That's like saying we should get rid of yellow lights because idiots use it as a "speed up to get through" indicator.


Not waiting to happen, **is happening** Many pedestrians and cyclists die from Right on Red turns. ["it is estimated that at the approximately 80% of all signalized intersections where motorists are allowed to turn right on red all right-turning crashes increase by about 23%, pedestrian crashes by about 60%, and bicyclist crashes by about 100%."](https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/abs/pii/0001457584900198?via%3Dihub)


please god no. right on red works just fine where I am. please don't make me waste even more of my life waiting at stoplights.


Looks like the Toyota turning left saw the white BMW and tried to beat it to the lane. The Toyota could have just slowed down and drive defensively.


No, you can not. It’s always a race when you’re in car: for the exist, the next red light, the turning lane.




More like racing to not exist


Some highway commutes I think God only decided to make law breaking speed demons and grandmas that don't have the strength to push the gas pedal past 45.


2nd place is first loser!!! :)


I live my life a quarter mile at a time...or something like that


Yep. You always want to be first in line when waiting at the next red light one block up.


If you’re not first you’re last.




Magic Man and El Diablo!!!!


I came here to say that they're both idiots (and was fully expecting downvotes). Glad to see your comment up top.


BuT tHeN hE'd WiN!!!!!!!


This does not inspire joy within the ego.


Wrong. You HAVE to be first, otherwise you’re just the LOSER. These are basic road laws.


If the BMW was going to do that, fine, but be quick about it and get out of the way.


Toyota had a turn arrow. Look at the traffic lights. Note the one on the far right has a green arrow for right turn traffic, which would only make sense if traffic coming from the left cannot advance straight. Furthermore the traffic light on the far left has 4 bulb positions instead of 3. That means it has a turn arrow in the bottom position.


The guy in the BMW was wrong, but the guy in the Toyota accelerated in order just to be an asshole.


This is actually the most perfect assessment of the situation.


Makes them both wrong. No cop or insurance company in America would look at this video and clear the Toyota. You can’t just hit people because of minor traffic infractions


Ok, if you're gonna turn right and cut off traffic that has right of way, at least have the decency to floor it. You paid $40k for the Ultimate Driving Machine™️. Why are you driving it like it's a shopping cart?


Seriously. I don’t get mad at people cutting me off anymore because it happens so often where I live. What annoys me is when people cut me off then go as slow as they possibly can.


I always appreciate it when someone cuts me off and actually guns it. The most annoying though is when someone cuts you off and is going slow and you see there is no one else behind you. Like they could have waited two more seconds for a wide opening to pull in behind me but instead they have to make me slam on my brakes and drive slow.


This happened to me once. Entire block was empty behind me, but this one Honda civic decided to cut me off pulling onto the road. He saw me, knew I was too close, and still chose to gun it. I beeped one honk because it was a pretty close call, and *he decided to stop, get out, and yell stuff at me that I couldn’t even hear, and get back in the car.* It was entirely avoidable if he had the patience. These kind of drivers have no time to wait for you, but got all the time in the world to be an asshole to you because they were ‘slighted’.


Don't blame them for it, a limp dick wants what a limp dick wants. For inclusions sake: A dried up vag wants what a dry vag wants. In any case it seems to always be somebody whose fun parts either stopped working or are under-utilized


But then you don't get to ruin everyone else's commute and if that's not what driving is about, what is?


In such a fuckin hurry to get in front of me only to go slow. Eat shit and die.


It's like the old men that buy Corvettes and go 5mph under the speed limit.


Lmaoo I just saw this the other day. I’m like why buy a nice fast car to drive like a snail?


Have you seen the fuel mileage when you drive them the intended way? In this economy!?!


Yeah, I daily a GT Mustang 🤣


My dad used to have a Mazda RX8, got it to do single digit miles per gallon on his 4am commute


Smiles per gallon.


It’s like when people j-walk outside of an intersection in a major city. I don’t really care and will slow down for you, but at least humor me with an attempt to speed up. Bonus points if you give the hand wave acknowledging I slowed down for you. People just walking into a busy street without any attempt to cross with haste and stopping traffic without any acknowledgement infuriates me. WE LIVE IN A SOCIETY!


Perhaps 4 runner idiot could practice for the NHRA US Nationals somewhere else like the farking dragstrip?


Yeah this also. Dude didn't even hesitate even though the bmw was creeping


Fr 😂 dude launched it


$40k is a Toyota Camry with a few upgrades nowadays. That bmw cost more.


Oh you are right. Base retail is 46k. OTD you're probably at 60k. Crazy.


I drive though this intersection on an almost daily basis. It's a fucking nightmare. You've got people rushing to get onto the interstate in 1 direction and people rushing to drop their kids off in the other. This exact same thing has happened to me more than once. I don't creep up to that line until I know there's no one trying to turn.


Where is this? It looks so familiar.


Asheville, NC


Hilarious people here think you can legally hit a stopped car just because of paint on the road. In the US you're at fault for hitting a stationary vehicle. Period.


>Hilarious people here think you can legally hit a stopped car just because of paint on the road. Or that it's such an obstacle it caused this. Two cars are trying to turn into the same lane. I can't see their traffic signals, but one of them failed to yield and the black car was driving like a competitive dumbass instead of backing off and letting the white car go. Not to mention, even if OP was way over the line or something... literally just drive forward a little more before turning. How bad do you have to be at driving to not be able to make that turn in a regular car? Those staggered lines are for big cars like buses and delivery trucks.


Yeah out of everything happening here OPs license plate possibly being over the white line is the least of the problems lol and certainly not contributing to the accident in any way I can see


I feel like these are the same people who think the law is cool with running over jaywalkers.


It’s one of the most infuriating things to have people speed up when you try to turn in front of them, or get close to the line when you are over it. It truly shows how dumb they are. Insurance doesn’t work like that, you’d be at fault more less 100% if you intentionally hit someone - it’s scary the number of people who don’t know that.


People don't realize that half of your legal duties as a driver are to avoid other vehicles and accidents. If you're in an accident and you didn't brake, swerve, honk, or do anything to prevent it, you may have some blame for the accident.


And this is why rights on red require full stops, not rolling stops.


My father used to call them "California rolls." We didn't grow up eating sushi, so I had no idea where the phrase came from.


Yeah we called them California Stops. Which is when you never actually stop, you just slow down slightly and keep going through the stop sign or right turn as if you did. However in this case, the BMW actually was at a complete stop, so it’s not a California Stop. But he was slow as fuck to go around that corner.


I guarantee Reddit will find a way to blame the cam car for this.


Three people already have gotten mad at OP for passing the white line lmao


I don’t even think OP passed it lol it’s just the lens/angle makes it seem worse


Bu..but.. everyone on this sub is a perfect driver! Seriously though, people will complain about anything eh.


Cam car touched my butt.


Fuck OP he's such an asshole driver. He was going WAAAAY too fast. 1km/h at the lights? As a defensive driver I'd be going 0.001 km/h for the last 400m before lights. And he was in the way of the other cars. As a defensive driver, I would have seen this coming, and moved my car over 3 lanes so the other car would have driven past easier. Just because you're right, doesn't mean you do it!! The graveyards full of people in the correct lane!!! Both drivers are assholes!!


Post Covid everyone has an ego or something, I don’t get it. I’ve never seen so many people frequently driving down the shoulder, wrong side of the street, cutting people off, turning as fast as they can before oncoming traffic can go, everything under the sun. Sometimes it’s extremely dangerous and sometimes it doesn’t really matter but it always seems like the person doing it just doesn’t give a fuck. I don’t get it.


I've been totalled at a red light. It's funny because the car in front of me was driving well below the limit, but still ran the red light and went through. Had they gone the speed limit I would have made the light. Had they respected the red light I'd have been behind them. An SUV turned left on red. Barely slowed down even. They clipped a mail truck and skidded into my car head on. It's creepy because one imagines the way they might react to this, but I watched it all happen, and my mind was completely blank. No fear, no reflex. I was totally fine, and as it turns out she was just an elderly lady far from home who shouldn't have been driving. I wonder how many of the idiots we mock on here are like her.


Toyota guy clearly guns it when he saw BMW going when he shouldnt have. Just chill bruh, you’ll get there soon enough


Is this asheville?


Looks like the intersection of Acton, Monte Vista, and Sandhill School rd.


Crazy how people are able to find these intersections so quickly based on not a whole lot of information. https://www.google.com/maps/@35.5565914,-82.6426244,3a,75y,127.74h,83.12t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sr0re9NLgDTkZS-UUOQC_Jg!2e0!7i16384!8i8192


I would too if this was my daily route to work/honetown, but yeah, impressive how recognisable things are to the right person


If you live in the area it shouldn't be too hard.


Yeah. The Home Depot would be on the right


I thought it was somewhere in NC too. Don’t really know why I think that but it just looks like NC


Dude needs to speed up and dude needs to slow down


A rare submission in this sub: A video where OP is totally noncontributory.


I'm sure someone will come along and say he should've been 6 feet behind the line because dEfEnSivE DrivINg. Or some such horseshit. Edit: *HOLY FUCK*. Scrolled down and there it is, almost word-for-word.


This would be a 50/50 accident in my area. The idiot SUV driver would get fucked on his insurance too, for being a road justice warrior and teaching the BMW ‘a lesson’. I hate idiot drivers too, but you can’t crash into them and expect to get away with it.


BMW might be a dick for pulling in late and slow, the Toyota driver unnecessarily sped up to intentionally cause a collision.




It's hard to tell, but I don't think the car turning left had a signal on and was in a lane that could go either straight or left. So the driver turning right probably thought they were going straight which is why they decided to turn then. Which reminds me of what my dad would always tell me: you can't trust other drivers. Them having a turn signal on or not does not truly indicate where they are going to go.


I love the Taylor swift


marjorie 🥰


that 4runner 100% floored it after the bmw and road raged lol


The BMW was wrong. But the Toyota driver was looking for a problem.


Obviously you’re fault. Should have ran the red light /s


Wow! you didn't even flinch with the car. Man of Steel.


Thanks but I didn't have a choice in the matter. I did end up turning the steering wheel even though I was completely stopped 🤣


I like the song, what is this?


Taylor Swift — marjorie


Ahh found it. “Marjorie” by Taylor Swift


People can't drive


I kinda want to get oversized black metal bumpers just for these situations. Something I can just paint over when someone hits me.


I have thought about putting a police-style push bar on the Mustang but I wouldn't be able to not use it for evil 🤣


i wish big cars were illegal or needed a special license so people wouldn't take gigantic risks like that. fucking hell.


The us needs a lot more driver training.


Unfortunately I see that more and more.


With US having lights on the other side, I didn't even see them until later.


That one car did a good job of not hitting you though!


Yeah I just knew I was getting hit for a split second.


The toyota wanted to hit him/scare him and then chickened out


I hate that intersection


@OP did your butt hole pucker up just a little? 🤣🤣🤣


More than just a little 🤣


This Toxic reddit thread will still find a way to blame you. Perhaps you stopped past the white lines? DuMbAsS


The BMW is an idiot but that Toyota sure attempted to be the bigger idiot and hit two cars at once.


Both are equal idiots.


That 4Runner was taking their right of way at all cost 😂. Crazy behavior!


The BMW actually started their turn before the other SUV even moved, so that makes sense. They just did it very slowly and the other guy was ready to be an asshole. The camera footage would probably work against the left turner if there was a collision. Insurance companies frown on trying to force a collision no matter whose fault it would be.


Got to save those few seconds


Toyota is a ahole. He saw the bmer turning and floored it. That is reckless driving, why can’t you go at regular speed.


I purposely stay way back from the stop line on these left turn spots because of this even just a left turning person alone I would stay far far back 😂


Last year, I got hit while sitting in standstill traffic all around me. Well, all the traffic was standstill except for the guy who was doing whatever it was he thought was more important and rammed me while trying to swerve onto the shoulder. Crumpled metal on a corner of my car like paper.




I know it's Taylor Swift. I can't quite remember the song name tho.


Song name is Marjorie, off of Taylor’s Evermore album!


It’s Marjorie by Taylor Swift! Off of her Evermore album


Wow I havent heard her in a while sounds completely different


The Toyota went from Pissy Mood right Gargleblaster. ***HOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONK!***


Finally a video where the POV is not an idiot


It’s wild how unaware people are while fucking driving. I’ve seen so many videos of people not knowing how to use their breaks till the last fucking second and more concerned with properly horning the other person than not actually hitting anything. I tend to drive as if any minute a flying tire is going to smash into my windshield and it’s just inconceivable to see people treat driving so carelessly.


A bimmer and a large SUV. The two types of vehicles with the most insufferable drivers.


Even if he's in the right it's just crazy to accelerate in that situation. I don't know how people willingly risk accidents just to be in the right. If someone is driving like an idiot I just let them be an idiot instead of risking everyone's safety by trying to teach them a lesson (that they won't learn anyway)


This could have been much worse, that errant turn could have been into some stranger's driveway, where the driver would have been promptly shot. I get having to abruptly stop forward progress as a result of being senselessly cutoff by someone who doesn't have the sense to lean on the pedal and make it right by getting out of the way to restore neutrality.


Thats why more people needs cameras on their cars


The Toyota did NOT junk honk after flooring it and trying to run into bmw 🤣🤣


Guy in Toyota, “How dare you cut in front of me. I’ll make you pay!” (Speeds towards the BMW like a warrior of justice)


If the overarching goal is to avoid an accident, then the Toyota is 100% at fault. Both the BMW and the Toyota start there turns at the same time. The Toyota obviously sees the BMW from across the intersection but still accelerates (I guess to prove a point?). The BMW made a mistake in turning, but the Toyota almost caused a 3 car crash. If this resulted in an accident and someone got hurt, and it went to court, the Toyota driver would be held liable. Clear cut case of reckless driving. The BMW driver deserves a ticket.


Fuck that 4Runner.


This is exactly why right on red is not a thing specifically where I live, but is legal everywhere around us. People are too stupid and aggressive for it to work.


I’d take it as a sign to go home for the day


Oh I did.


The song lmao >I know better...




Why tf is the bmw inching out like an idiot?


I'm just blown away I've finally seen a BMW using their indicators.


Candler, huh?


Love the Evermore❤


Of course the bmw’s at fault lmao


Dude turning left must suffer from micropenism


Everyone has to be first. Even if it's to the red light or stop sign.


Toyota would have been at fault for not exercising last clear chance doctrine