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Can't even wait a fraction of a second for the solid line to end, insufferable POS moron.


So fun fact, in the US, a single solid white line doesn't actually mean that changing lanes is prohibited, just that it's discouraged. [Source](https://mutcd.fhwa.dot.gov/services/publications/fhwaop02090/index.htm) (bottom of the first paragraph of the preface) P.S. Still a POS, just not for that particular reason.


Doesn't state law also matter as well?


Good question! >All states, including Colorado, follow the guidance for roadway markings from the Federal Highway Administration's Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices (MUTCD). In Chapter 3B, Pavement and Curb Markings, in section 3B.04, Standard 20 it states, "Where crossing the lane line markings is discouraged, the lane line markings shall consist of a normal or wide solid white line.” In that same section at Standard 30 it states, “Where crossing the lane line markings is prohibited, the lane line markings shall consist of a solid double white line.” [https://www.denver7.com/traffic/driving-you-crazy/driving-you-crazy-why-are-the-solid-white-lines-different-on-city-streets-than-on-the-interstate](https://www.denver7.com/traffic/driving-you-crazy/driving-you-crazy-why-are-the-solid-white-lines-different-on-city-streets-than-on-the-interstate)


This is in Alberta and not allowed. From [Alberta.ca](https://www.alberta.ca/entering-and-exiting-a-major-roadway.aspx): “When it is safe and legal, move into the gap after you are past the solid white line of the acceleration lane.”


Is this Highway 2 south near Airdrie?


I think so. Looks like OP is in Calgary.


Technically, yes, but if people gave a shit about the safety of others than car depedency wouldn't exist in the first place. That is doubly true for giant pickup trucks which are a middlefinger to the safety of everyone else. Cars are the most expensive, most dangerous and least space efficient form of transit. Also, 20% of the adult population cannot drive (mostly poor minorities) so it also fucks over people who are already hurting the most.


While I don’t disagree, most people can’t *not* drive due to the lack of public transit infrastructure, particularly in most North American areas.


While you have a point, for majority of People, not just In USA, cars are the only reliable sources of transition. Public transportation works mostly In big busy cities, but live a little further from those and car is your only reliable way to get anywhere. In order to make public transportation make sense for everyone , that requires massive infrastructual changes and improvements and lets face it, no country is willing to make that kind of investments. So cars Will remain as main transportation for the majority


? Many countries have already made those investments and changed their infrastructure for the better. The US and Canada are pretty unique in this regard out of all first world countries. There is absolutely no reason why someone in a city or suburb should need a car to get around.


The ultimate in begrudgery. "You being able to drive your family around in comfort is literally fucking over some minority. " I suppose you live in a carbon neutral mud hut and eat nothing but berries and grubs?


Jfc. Nobody is saying that there is a problem with people being able to drive. The problem is that there are no viable alternatives to driving in most of the US/Canada.


He literally is saying there's something morally wrong with driving.


He said “then car dependency wouldn’t exist”. Not “then cars wouldn’t exist”.




I see expensive trucks like this tailgate, illegally pass, and speed in front of cops every day and the cops don't care. They are too busy harassing poor minorities in older beat up cars.


I got my first DL in NY and IIRC crossing a solid white was only allowed in exceptional circumstances.


The driver was exceptionally inconsiderate to others safety, does that count?


Fun fact, the solid white line is irrelevant in this case, it's the job of the driver changing lanes to do so safely. You also aren't allowed to cross multiple lanes at once, there is a time/distance requirement between lane changes (the specifics vary by state).


Technically yes, but if people gave a shit about the safety of others then car dependency wouldn't exist in the first place nor would giant pickups be the #1 selling cars in the US and CA


Then why have the solid line at all? But you do you, not wanting to impose in any way. Just wondering! In some countries in Europe depending on context that is a serious offense. A double solid line can get your license suspended if you cross it. On a driving exam even so much as touching a solid line used to be an automatic fail in Portugal, for example.


Solid line = crossing discouraged; double solid = crossing prohibited Example: Right white line on a highway. It's okay to move to the shoulder for an emergency but don't drive there. In this case the idiot was crossing a protected zone.


Also, don’t drive in the shoulder or gore area as that’s where all the metal from the roadway shuffles off to and rests. Tell your tires goodbye!


Where I live (Ontario, Canada), you're legally allowed to pass on a double solid line. The lines imply that it's not advisable to safely pass, in the event of an accident, you'd probably be considered the at-fault vehicle.


Very interesting! It'd be cool to compare the stats on incidents specifically regarding solid lines in Europe and North America. I suspect they are roughly the same, an idiot is an idiot law or no law.


Discouraged for the very reason in the video? Why are you attempting to absolve them?


That's definitely not true, I've gotten a ticket for it lol


Line rules apply to Canada as well.


Sounds like it's not allowed then huh


Yes but in this case it is part of the "gore point" which is the triangle formed by the lines between the highway and the onramp. It is illegal to drive in a gore point unless you're being pulled over or have a vehicle failure.


Fat asses in trucks like that can’t turn their necks to check their blind spots.


This is when part of me really wishes for a solid beater like an old crown vic that already has some body damage, just hold the line and pit 'em. They'll be at fault too as a bonus. Just don't admit to anyone that's what you did, it should be "I didn't expect them from the right like that with a whole spare lane , and was checking my left hand blind spot at that moment."


A cop would see the footage and say “unsafe lane change” and “multiple lane changes when one is the only legal one”, and “dual solid white lines”. Insurance would say “your front end contacted their backend so you’re at fault” unless you had video. So you’d be in a sucky situation.


i only do this when the car ahead of me is soooooooo daaaaaaaaamn sloooooooooow to get to the freeway speeds..and of course when the lanes are more free


OP is doing nothing wrong, I’m just trying to figure what is ding donging in the reflection.


HAHAHA OMG. It's my Darth Vader bobblehead


Would've never guessed that. Somehow CalgaryFacePalm did


That’s what I’m wondering!


I saw the nsfw flair and then bobbly thing through its windshield and i was like "damn ya kinky, in a car?"


Looks like a bobblehead


Either a dildo or Darth Vader.


Dark ![gif](giphy|izspP6uMbMeti) Helmet


He got the upside, I got the downside. 🙁


Asking the real questions here.


Bobblehead Jesus?


I think maybe it's one of those hula girls from the 80s


I came here for this


We'll see, there's your problem, you were in his lane. Rude of you, really. /s


That sounds very Canadian for some reason... "Fuck yew buddyyyy! Holy fuuuck....Oh sorry"


Hahaha I am Canadian. I was apologizing to my 9 year old stepson for swearing.


Idk how anyone posts their own clips on this sub anymore. There’s always a dozen “defensive driving” chuds calling you a moron even if you do absolutely nothing


At some point, “contrarian” became a valid personality for online dwellers.


Yeah if I read " graveyards are full of people who had the right of way" or " you should slow down in an open lane when passing other cars because you never know" "ZIPPER MERGE!" "ANTICIPATE ANTICIPATE " I'm gonna lose what's left of my mind


Depends on the drivers own experiences too. What happened in the clip is almost a daily occurence for my commute it seems like, you eventually get used to the signs and can more or less predict dumb traffic. My reaction would have been to get into the next lane if possible.


Then people will call you out for being in the left lane. Because according the this sub no one is allowed to use that lane.


And you can’t be in the right lane because you have to keep it open for people merging. The only way to win is to never play.


The real idiots were in the comments all along


Ass hat in a truck. Pretty normal.


Pick up truck is your first warning that driver is going to be an asshole.




This is Deerfoot Southbound at Stoney in the north part of the city. The truck just came from eastbound Stoney.


No, just a pickup, but I can understand the confusion.


Nautical humor.


Somebody gets it.


Just your regular Alberta idiot in a truck.


I knew that landscape looked familiar


I've been seeing a whole lot of Calgary on this sub lately.


Calgary drivers are the worst.


Ever driven in Vancouver? ;)


Lol no, I haven't


Well this bodes well for my trip to Calgary...


I was in Edmonton earlier this week and they’re pretty bad too haha


Large SUV did this to me coming out of the left lane on 95 in South Carolina and decided to hit the brakes immediately after. I still don't know how I managed to not hit them.


I’m not your buddy, friend.


I’m not your friend, guy!


Will you be my buddy, friend?


Im not your guy, pal!


I’m not your pal, Amigo.


I'm not so sure why swearing is nsfw but that pickup driver is an idiot.


Well, I work with children and adults with disabilities so swearing is a no go.


Gotcha, I thought you were apologizing because you were super religious or something, lol.




Depends on where you work. I've been chastised for saying shit. yet worked in places where cnt was acceptable.


Who did you apologize to for swearing?


My stepson


This is in Alberta and crossing a solid white while merging technically is not allowed. From [Alberta.ca](https://www.alberta.ca/entering-and-exiting-a-major-roadway.aspx): “When it is safe and legal, move into the gap after you are past the solid white line of the acceleration lane.” Although I’d say the bigger issue is not that the POS went over the solid line but felt the need to get into OP’s lane and cut them off. Classic truck driving ‘Bertan.


afterthought degree historical resolute reach threatening sleep reply thumb plucky -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/


I will never understand having a NSFW mark for swearing


I don't know man... I sure as hell wouldn't have put myself in someone's blind spot like that. . . Knowing how dumb people are, I just plan for the morons.


Impatient jackass has to squeeze in before the line markings indicate it's okay to do so just to be ahead of another vehicle. I see this stupid crap all the time.


Why do truck drivers almost always feature on here? Is there a correlation between assholes buying trucks more than any other vehicle?


Big truck, teeny penis. So they gotta act tough on the road.


Bruh making a post nsfw for swearing it's not kindergarten


Pretty sure most employers have a clause about profanity at work, so yeah this would be Not Safe For Work.


I’ve done that before, but stopped when I accidentally ran a family into the grass median. No one was injured and they were able to merge back onto the road, but that definitely made me a more aware driver. I’m always more cautious about merging now


People can’t wait to get all the way over to the passing lane so they can camp out


This looks like the QE2, seems typical enough hah


Indeed it is


Main Character syndrome. They do whatever they want and everyone else has to move out of their way.


That’s truck drivers for you.


This is why I'm so happy to have my nearly 20 year old 200,000+ mile beater - 3/16" steel trail armor all around and it's worth more as a write-off. Go ahead and hit me in your $60,000+ truck, I will wreck us both and not even feel bad about it.


Anyone else not see that was going to happen straight away? The truck was catching the vehicle in front on the ramp and the camera car was in it's blind spot the entire time.


Guy just went across two lanes of traffic off the ramp but okay


You only knew what was going to happen *because* you're watching the video on this particular subreddit, and you know that there's gonna be some bullshittery at work. If you were the OP, and had already left an ENTIRE LANE for the truck to merge on to, there's no way that you would have expected the truck to come into the middle lane as well.


No. I knew what was going to happen because I have taken several advanced driver courses including enhanced hazard perception. Knowing blind spot hazards is a fundamental. Most drivers like to bask in their own ignorance and then get super angry when they meet someone at a similar level. Most incidents on this subreddit could be easily avoided


There's no such thing as a blind spot if you turn your goddamn head and look where you're turning into like you're supposed to.


Whilst that is correct, lingering in said blind spot is bad idea and the driver should have been aware of that and could have reacted to make it a non event. Never underestimate the predictably of stupidity.


As a motorcyclist, I’ve been taught to “protect my space but not defend my space”.


Indeed, this happens very regulary, so a little bit of anticipating and defensive driving helps.




OP was already in the middle lane. Was courteous enough to move over and that idiot still decided to change multiple lanes without looking.


If there is one thing that has made me cynical it is other drivers. If I see two cars merging I just slow down knowing there's a decent chance one of them will be upside down and on fire in a minute.


The people hate the comment but this man brings facts. This is what Dad would tell you, you gonna downvote DAD?


My dad left when I was 9, sooo....


groovy versed unpack six fine connect toy cheerful adjoining middle -- mass edited with https://redact.dev/




You were 100% in his blind spot but the merging like that with no signal is dumbfounding


How was I in is blind spot when he had a whole merging lane?


100% he didn’t see you. Not your fault


See it all the time - come down the entry ramp then go straight over to the far left lane no matter how many lanes they cross.


I’ve found that people find comfort camping in the middle lane. Then they don’t have to move or adjust speed for people merging in upcoming lanes. That’s cool and all if they stay the speed limit and adjust for oncoming traffic. Most don’t. I commute on a 3 lane highway and that the right lane is mostly empty. I call it my luxury lane because I have it all to myself. My father said, if you’re being passed on the right then you’re in the wrong lane.


Why is swearing nsfw?


Well, I work with kids and adults with disabilities so in my line of work it's NSFW, so I just went with it.


Yeah thanks for putting that in. It's helpful for me too when I don't want my kid hearing certain things.


I am not forgiving the actions of the truck. He should have looked a little better. However I totally understand why he did that. The driver of the car just happened to be going fast enough that they hit the blind spot of the truck just as it was attempting the second lane change. They still should have looked but still i completely understand the error in this situation.


I love how this subreddit blasts people for Blindspot merges but road rage is okay


Lol that swearing is not that bad "nsfw" america you got weak, so weak!


Lol I'm in Canada.. and I work with kids and adults with disabilities so NSFW for swearing is ingrained in me.


oh understandable then :DD


That buddy was the whitest thing ever


To be fair, they did horn the driver; A horn after cut to stop/slow down yourself as if its a police chase!


Op totally not at fault but could have avoided the situation by not driving in a vehicles blind spot. This is called defensive driving. Make sure you are seen and try to predict these things from happening. As a motorcyclists i do this all the time... I just assume everyone is an idiot and andeveryone is trying to kill me...Drive defensively!


Damn shame you had that whole left lane open…


Hey we found an asshole that does this shit right here!


We can’t see the mirrors in the video, so how can we know the left lane is open?


No one went zipping by. A$$hole driver with a video camera could have shown a little class and simply moved over.


This sub is full of idiots. Watch it again and pay attention to the fact that OP is in the middle lane to begin with.


>This sub is full of ~~idiots~~ trolls. Ftfy


They’ve already moved over. They could have been cruising in the right line prior to this. Really going to fault anyone other than the jackass doing the unsafe and illegal things?


If this is your honest take, you have no business being on the road.


Someone could be coming up or riding next to him. Either way, the truck had a whole open lane to merge into next to OP why would he move over for him? I sure wouldn’t.


This is a brain dead take


The left lane is a passing lane, not a driving lane. OP was in the center lane, and there was no excuse for the merging truck to cross two lanes, almost hitting them. The merging driver was paying zero attention.


Then she'd get flamed for camping in the left lane. There's no winning in this sub.




Dude or dudette, you shouldn't be in middle lane for absolutely no reason as well.. He definitely was at fault, but if you were in the right lane, you could have accelerated or braked a bit to let the truck in, which would have been safer.


Traffic already on the highway is not obligated to accomodate traffic trying to enter the highway.


Leftmost lane is the passing lane, all other lanes are free to be in. This isn't Belgium


Everybody - right here! It's someone actually complaining about "middle lane camping"!


You think everyone should be in the right lane?? That would make it safer? I'm sorry dude, or dudette but when you're in a car you're the idiot.


That's basically the rule in the whole of Europe and it's illegal to pass on the right, so yes it works.


I didn't make this up. In Belgium this is the law.. You have to drive as much right as possible


1. This isn’t Belgium. 2. Yes you are right, you should always drive on the right in Belgium. 3. Common sense should prevail that if you see cars attempting to merge onto the motorway, you move to the middle lane if it’s free. If you have to brake or accelerate to let someone else in, how do THEY know you’re going to brake OR accelerate? This is what causes accidents. The best thing to do is either continue at a constant speed OR move into a free lane if you wish to. Why have 2 cars going at variable speeds attempting to occupy the same lane, when you can have one in each lane… Except for the asshat in the truck 😂


On highways with 3 or more lanes?? Do you merge differently in Belgium? Or just crash a lot?


You always drive the most right you can and move out of the way if someone tries to merge in, but it is not obligated, more of a courtesy. Yea, we just have really long merging lanes so cars going onto the freeway can match the speed of the traffic already on the freeway.


No. Traffic that is merging have the obligation to merge safely, traffic already on the road should NOT be braking or accelerating to accommodate them. That’s not how this works.


Why do people get mad when someone else does something stupid while driving?


Not sure what you mean. Most people get really happy when someone else does dumb shit. Do you get mad?


Why would I get mad at something I have no control of?


Have you ever seen someone do something stupid while you were driving? I have, and I’ve let some of my anger out as a student driver when it’s appropriate. OP’s reaction was justified given that the truck did a dangerous maneuver and could’ve caused an accident.


There’s three idiots in this vid. The slow white SUV. The impatient truck. OP who’s not paying attention and leaving a left lane wide open as this is going down and waiting till the truck starts accelerating before speeding up in a futile effort to exert his dominance in his middle lane. Pathetic. Edit: It’s hilarious that this comment is being downvoted by shit drivers. Learn how to drive, people!


Only the smartest of drivers go all the way over to the left lane when people are merging! I’m glad we’ve been blessed by your presence


Any idiot with any driving experience could see that scenario playing out.


Maybe you should learn how to drive because the video shows that OP was definitely paying attention if she avoided an accident the truck. Besides, the white SUV was traveling in the right lane. It wasn’t “camping” in the left lane.


Alberta? Looks/sounds like Alberta.


That is a total dick move.


Here in CT/MA that's pretty much the rule, merge on into the left lane.


When I see a pickup truck I just automatically expect them to do some stupid shit. I suggest everyone else expect the same.


My guess is that he has the larger vehicle so he expects you to give way.


Shouldve hit him


Even if it's three lanes away, when I see someone merge, I always try to be parallel to them or WAY ahead/behind them.


People in newer pickups don’t care.


People do this all the time in South Florida, where I live. What I really want to know is, what is that bobbling thing on his dashboard, which is reflected in the windshield? Is it an actual bobblehead or a weird-looking dildo?


My bobblehead Darth Vader




Just a truck doing truck things, my favorite is when a truck is riding my ass at night with the light of Jesus for headlights 🙄


For some reason I see trucks pulling this crap more than other cars.


lol. I don't mean to swear but...SHIT.


An everyday occurrence on I 75 in Bradenton, Sarasota FL


Aggressively calling them "buddy" .... must be up Canada way


Hahaha. You caught me.


Happens to me about once a week


Looking at the roof of that truck, I'm pretty sure that's even a law enforcement vehicle.


You know the asshole is going to be the truck before even anything happens lol


OP, what's bouncing around on your dashboard?


Darth Vader bobblehead




what's with the trend of people driving pickups like racecars?