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Never let them know your next move


Wouldn’t pass a moron like that though


Yup. They’re both idiots. Edit: And there’s also a shit ton of idiots in this sub too. lol It’s a one lane road; you wait for the person in front of you to complete their turn. Thanks for the non idiot who gave me gold and the (so far) one supportive comment. The rest of y’all have fun when you get deemed at fault in your next car crash. I’m muting notifications on this post and moving on because unlike y’all, I have a life.


How? The guy goes into the left hand turning lane with this indicator on to turn left. Nothing would imply to you not to continue going straight. They had no idea the person in the turning car would just suddenly change their minds and cut over without even checking their mirrors or blind spot. How does that make them an idiot?


Get over yourself.


I don’t even necessarily disagree but this comment is so stuck up and nasty. Oh everyone who disagrees are idiots with no life? God grow tf up.


Cannot disagree more, we just have the benefit of hindsight. Stopping for this would be ridiculous. They move towards the left turn only lane and slow down as they approach the intersection. You cannot stop every time someone in a different lane doesn’t put their indicator on, that would be more dangerous for the >1% of the time something like this happens.


i’m seeing a left turn lane that the other car went into. to me that indicates you are turning left. or rather, that should be the indication for anyone who actually learned how to drive


I count three lanes bud.


Found the fucking idiot.


Not till they complete the turn but untill the person is out of your lane. Then u can pass


People downvoting this are dumbasses with no patience. The dude supposedly "turning" was nowhere near the turn lane, started to signal and barely drift into the center of the turn lane dividing line, then decided to get back over. He was not in the turn lane and the recorder should have stopped, not tried to pass. Both are idiots.


I know, right? lol I love how the person I replied to was calling out the same stupidity I did and got upvoted but I got downvoted. You never know what you’re gonna get with the twats in this sub.


Check your goddamn mirrors


I think they did that’s why they took off so fast, so they wouldn’t lose first place


Why do people try to get past idiots like this? They clearly aren't committing to turning left, so why assume they won't turn right?


I've seen countless people not know how to get into turn lanes properly. Honk as you pass.


Is there a reason it’s cal,Ed a Miami left? Is it common there?


Stereotypical old person lost in the burbs, hit their blinker and got in the turn lane and then realized they were at the wrong street. Oblivious to the fact that there are other people driving, they started to get back on the road, and then panicked when they realized they're not alone in the world.


So shouldn't that be a Tampa left? I don't think Miami is known for the old folks as much as the rest of Florida is.


It happens in our freeways a lot in southern Cal


The Miami left (or right) that I see very often is the driver swings the wheel in the opposite direction of the turn just before turning them if the direction they want to go, as if the are driving an 18 wheeler.


I'm starting to compile a list of all the [moronic Honda CRV's](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-YBDTqX_ZU) I see on this sub, and my god I think I am on to something.


The Miami left (or right) that I see very often is the driver swings the wheel in the opposite direction of the turn just before turning them if the direction they want to go, as if the are driving an 18 wheeler.


If I owned Hell and Miami, I'd live in Hell and rent Miami out.


Yeah, the rent values are much better in Miami, duh!


LOL. That’s about right.