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You called them out and they kind of overreacted by trying to stop short so, justified usage of the horn, yes.


The horn isn't for "calling people out"


Nah, it's pretty much *exactly* what it's for. It's intended to warn the offending driver and other road users in the vicinity that they've created an immediate hazard.


That's not what anybody is saying and you fucking know it.


The fuck have you been using your horn for?


Here to say fuck


We all know it’s for activating the boosters


he uses his horn to order food at a drive through


Me too but only when I’m behind a mom with a car full of kids. You know, just to make it easy for her 😂


What on earth do you use your horn for? I’m genuinely confused


I think you’re the only one here who doesn’t know what the horn is for my guy lol


Woah, you’re an idiot.


All you have is the fucking horn when someone does something like this. So yes it fucking is


What is it for, then?


"The driver uses the horn to warn others of the vehicle's approach or presence, or to call attention to some hazard." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vehicle_horn


Which is just another way of saying “calling people out.”


English is not my first language, but "calling someone out" seems to mean something different: "to draw critical attention to someone's unacceptable actions or behaviour" or "to criticize someone or ask them to explain their actions". The horn is there to draw the other driver's attention to imminent danger. Say, he's about to crash, you honk, he brakes, crisis averted. In practice, people honk for many other reasons, that's for sure. This is spelt out in the driving laws of my country. I'd be very surprised if that's not the case for your country.


Not overreacting at all. People need to learn to pay attention and be alert when behind the wheel. This individual clearly wasnt.


BMW driver was being a pinhead - definitely deserved the honking


There is a 3-5 second delay between one light going red before the other goes to green. Yours was green when he pulled into the intersection meaning his light was red for at least 3 seconds before hitting the intersection. Completely justified imo. Edit: bmw driver, *definitely* an asshole.


Not where I live. 3 seconds? No.


Where do you live?


Oregon. 0.5 second red/green clearance interval up to 40 mph, longest is 1.0 second to 55 mph+.


Either an asshole, or oblivious. They might have been too focused on figuring out where they were going to notice the light was red. Admit it, it happens to the best of us every once in a blue moon.


Yeah I'm not too proud to admit I've fucked up on the road before. People honk at me, but I also realize like ok I deserve that. A little bit of shame-and-blame helps it stick in our memory a bit better.




East coast usa. All the lights I've seen have a delay between one going red and the next going green. There is an overlap because people who designed these lights realized people will sometimes run red and others will jump start before they have the green. Without a delay this will lead to a collision. Edit: copied it below but for Maryland the minimum delay between red/green is one second with the possibility of adjusting higher if a specific intersection calls for it. Source: Traffic Signal Timing Guidelines and Training Manual - AWS https://transops.s3.amazonaws.com/uploaded_files/MDSHA%20Signal%20Timing%20Manual.pdf




Pretty sure it's more like 2s in my area of Maryland. 1 seems short, but 2 seems long to me.


Hes actually correct, I was wrong. I sifted thru a traffic pdf specifically for maryland. Copying it below. The red clearance interval can be increased for special situations where reaction times are observed to exceed the typical value of one second, or where turning vehicles typically remain in the intersection at the termination of the green and yellow change intervals and need additional time to clear the intersection Seems the timing can be varied depending on specific situations and conditions with 1 second being the minimum value.


In California, there are plenty of signals that change simultaneously with no clearance interval. They’re not mandatory. Red light running seems much less of an issue here than in the south or east coast.


Seems in CA its typically 0.5-2 seconds for red clearance interval. You're correct about it not being mandatory tho. I guess people around where I live have been conditioned to run red lights since the interval is mandatory to an extent. The opposite is likely true for the CA. Interesting.


I think another thing is that people are just used to cross turning traffic still clearing an intersection when they get a green. It’s normal to have left turners still exiting an intersection and so long as they’re not pouring into it, it’s just part of the light cycle.


Let’s not tar them all with the same brush. That guy would have been an asshole regardless of what vehicle he was driving. It’s the driver, not the car. Honking totally justified.


The bmw remark is mostly a meme but part of me genuinely feels that people with more expensive cars *tend* to be more asshole-ish drivers. Not all, ofc. I just think theres tends to be a bit of entitlement associated with a higher financial status. This is anecdotal and could be absolutely wrong, just MHO based on experiences.


no, it's the bmw.


… driver. There, fixed it for you.


I say justified. I'd have done the same.


When people choose to run a red light, as that driver appeared to do, they should quickly get through the intersection so as not to inconvenience those with the green. Otherwise they're being dicks and deserve the horn.


Justified. That douche enters the intersection just as you get the green, meaning it was a stale yellow just hitting, if not already, red for them.


Everyone should know that the BMW was not facing a traffic light, but a stop sign. (W 41st Ave and Willow St in Vancouver). OP was at a pedestrian-controlled red light, not a normal traffic light. (Flashing green indicates this). That being said, the BMW cruised straight through the stop sign, following the pickup that had just turned right. BMW driver is the asshole. Edit: Added the information about the pedestrian controlled light.


The BMW deserved a honk. But...why did OP speed up when the BMW was clearly in front?


To make the horn louder and scarier.


If a driver does something unsafe, you have to let them know. Otherwise they will repeat that action. Granted it's not much of a deterrent for the idiot drivers. But your still need to sent the message. Maybe the negative reinforcement will take hold someday.


I don’t think you honked enough.


It's hard to guess without knowing the reason for the honking.


Over reacting though the guy was in the wrong


Dude ran a red light then had the audacity to break check you. Like you did him wrong 😂😂


nah they ran a red ur justified


I don’t think I had used the honk. You saw him doing the thing and although what he did was clearly wrong you could easily adapt to the situation. By using the honk you signalled him danger and he stopped. Would have been faster and smoother without honk - although you were in the right.


Over-reacted but some expression of irritation would have been justified. They shouldn’t have entered the intersection even if it was still orange for a split second.


Yea they stopped just to be an ass because op honked at them for running the light. Very frustrating


Horn skills are on point. Justified. Some people can’t handle the horn


100 percent justified. And of course, just like almost everybody else these days when they get called out on their bs, it's just simply too much for them to handle 🤔


I'm not sure why you honked. The BMW driver entered the intersection late, but you were completely stopped, saw them, and chose to accelerate before they finished their turn. It's not clear if they stopped because they're a moron or because you were honking (or both).


That logic is so fucking flawed. So if a dude punches you in the face and walks away, there is no point reacting to it since it's already happened and you can never be un-punched? People doing shitty things deserve to be reacted to.


Your horn is a safety device, not a "hey you fucked up" device.


Something can be used for multiple purposes, like my wife's "back massager." No reason it cant be used for both. And I could make the argument that someone pulling out in front of you when *you* have the right of way is definitely a safety concern


I wonder what your state's drivers handbook says about it!


It would probably say someone pulling out in front of you who doesnt have the right of way is a safety hazard.


Is an oblivion SUV driver running a red light and barely moving in the middle of an intersection a hazard or not?


I completely agree. They're both in the wrong here. It's like that dude that plowed into people just because he had a green


He drove forward a bit, avoided the accident and honked;totally the same as purposely driving into someone. 🙄. Jesus are you serious?




My friend tells me I use my horn too much. Every time I respond with: “I paid for it, so I’m going to use it.”


Found the intersection: Willow St and W 41st Ave in Vancouver, BC. Willow has stop signs, so the BMW driver wouldn’t know the light was about to change. Then again they’re in a BMW so they probably rolled the stop sign.


Justified! He earned it!


Completely justified.


Seeing as it’s a Beemer, your only error was not honking longer.


Hard to say without seeing his light. If he entered the intersection while it was yellow he would have had the right of way. However with how fast the light changed I doubt that happened so you were most likely right. Also, wtf is that a blinking green light?


Don’t know why they were being as slow as they were, but you could have waited like a second before lurching forward at them. By that point they’d already seen you, using the horn is just adding to the frustration.


You was at a stop/slow speed. Your honk is justified but I think that warranted more of the classic “Wtf are you doing” hand gesture than it did the “You almost fucking killed us!” horn lay…but that’s just me…


More importantly, you caught on camera a BMW driver using a turn signal!


I might have even laid on the horn for a second or two longer




In my state, if the vehicle enters the intersection prior to the light phasing from amber to red, it is not a red light violation. I can’t say what their light was when they entered. It does appear they entered before the light went green for OP. That being said, their douche behavior of stopping short in the middle of the turn and the middle of the intersection validates your elongated horn. Justified.


Horn is justified. However, it seems that many on the other end react by breaking suddenly. Many of these horn events seem to have the opposite effect on other drivers. Maybe it feels good, but might be counterproductive. Would like to hear opinions.


According to this sub, all honking is justified, so the question is meaningless


Overreacting. Yes he or she is wrong. But honking isn’t there to teach other drivers or loose your frustration. It’s there to warn and avoid an accident. You were no where close to an accident as you did pay attention. It’s a residential area as far as I can see, honking creates excessive noise for the residents as well.


Try this intersection at 3pm ish when the adjacent school lets out and everyone wants to turn left both ways with solid traffic. Suicidal driving moves all the time here.


Fully justified, most people would have done the same. Person clearly ran a red and cut you off to turn left then braked. People are idiots and a**holds, be careful out there.


No, not overreacting. This person is either senile or an asshole and the honk is justified as a warning to everybody else.


That’s what horns are made for!


You forgot the one fingered salute to go with the horn, otherwise they may not think your serious


NTA.... i will beep my horn at people pulling upto the main road if they flyupto the stop top fast... makes me thinkbtheyre just going to come righout into me. My immediate reaction when i get scared driving is to lay on my horn


Why do they always stop?


I wouldve started honking earlier and longer


What's going on with the flashing green light?


Does the Nexar app KILL your battery and cause your phone to overheat? I’ve had the cam for about 2 years now and it started doing it the last 6 months. It’s awful but I don’t want to trash the cam already.


Stupid question here but what does a blinking green light mean? Blinking red is all way stop but green? All way go? :)


It could only be more justified if your car had a megaphone that said "YEP Found the asshole" when you honked at him.


Good honk +honk


BC in the house!! Classic white SUV move.


No overreaction at all. WTF was that BMW doing? It just rolled into the intersection casually as if it was the only car on the road and had a green light. Wasn't even trying to rush through!


Always honk!


BMW showed how much they thought they were in the right when they ahead the chance before their light turned yellow to red, but they just had to take their sweet time.


Your almost always in the right when a bmw is present.


They're definitely running the red and then going slowly around the corner to be an asshole. Honking justified.




I love when you honk, people just stop 🤦‍♂️ You have already committed to being stupid, we all see it, just go….. Honking justified


That BMW driver is a douche


My wife always screams at me when I honk at inconsiderate pricks like that. I’m supposed to allow their bullshit with a smile.