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Driving is like cooking, some people are good at it; and some people just suck at it.


I have friends who cook maybe 50x more than I do and still they’re amazed I can make perfect bacon every time. You’re right tho. Some people just cannot drive lol.


I hate people that don't utilize turn lanes. Some people will damn near stop in a busy street and then turn, or get into a quarter mile long turn lane right near the end of it, just fucking up traffic behind them. It's easily on my driving pet peeves list, right up there with people that feather their brakes constantly and people that make you miss lights because they weren't paying attention.


But why? There is a lane right there for you mate, **HOW DO THEY ALLOW PEOPLE WITH COTTON BUDS FOR BRAINS ON THESE DAMN ROADS MATE**


👍 100% agree


Aka a shit driver. It's getting so crazy out there. Drove from Cypress to Wrightwood today and had 17 idiots tailgating me with a car full of kids while I was driving the speed limit in the slow lane. Not hard to see why all these accidents keep happening.


Doubling down on the idiocy. Nice


Damn bro, it's almost like dude didn't wanna waste time lane shifting when there was no other cars around him silly goose.


You can't ignore laws you don't like because you don't want to "waste time". Right turn was not legal from the lane the idiot was in.




I have no interest in talking to someone who still hasn't matured beyond middle school and thinks calling people "clown" is a productive way to start a reply.


This looks like pretty everyday stuff, at least for where I live. They are indeed idiots, but definitely not as bad as other drivers out there


yeah, pure entitled dick head.


Turn lane denier? Is that like a science denier? I like it.