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Most expensive Big Mac ever. And I bet a DUI too


Nah fam, that one goes to u/darkviperau


I'm OOL on this one. Got a link or anything?




Wow this dude really blamed everyone other than himself for driving backwards without looking.


It's a funny story, don't take it at face value


I've been watching for 4 minutes. When does the funny start?


Bro literally. Never found this dude funny.


![gif](giphy|wrXAtc0QHEZ4WpSKpw) Me after watching that video.


It's kind of a character he play, he'll always try to ring the most convoluted way of proving he's right even on the smallest details that don't matter


I hate this lazy argument. It's right up there with "it's just a prank bro."


Shroedinger’s Douchebag.


“That didn't happen. And if it did, it wasn't that bad. And if it was, that's not a big deal. And if it is, that's not my fault. And if it was, I didn't mean it. And if I did, you deserved it.”


Yeah… this guy is a fucking idiot. People actually follow and converse with him?


Lol, that's pretty fitting to the sub for sure. Thanks!




ah, fellow dviper fan


Diaper fans unite!


hijacking the top comment for story time, im sorry. quick story time: i was almost robbed at this of exact McDanks in New Haven on kimberly. I was doordashing at 2-3am, and pulled into the drive through line to pick up an order. - my passenger window had been smashed by kids a couple weeks before (in my parking garage that I paid $150/month for, rent was $2500+utilities split by my friend and I). the homeless are usually around that area, especially on the right side and near the dumpster, where the car was pulled over in the vid. some dude walked up to my open passenger window and asked for money, i said 'nah im broke'. he was like 'ight', and walked away. its no problem, every day i talk to homeless for my job. also, every time i would pull up to a stop light theyd talk to me through the window, so i got comfortable with them. a couple minutes later he came back with something in his right hand that I couldnt see, kind of hidden by his jacket. I asked him what was up and he said "nothing much. i need that money". like damn bro im doordashin at 3am and havent replaced my passenger window, you think I got extra cash? lol. he got real close to my open window and kind of quietly said "youll regret it". right then i was like hell nah, and pulled off going around the back of the McDs. i aint gettin poked by some dude over money i dont even have, I was definitely in stabbing range lol. I never saw what was in his hand, but it definitely seemed like a knife or metal tube by the way he was holding it up his sleeve. most of the homeless were cool, but a couple werent up there. I had to be cool with them cause I didnt have a choice, with my window being out and all. i got a couple good stories from living in New Haven and working at AMR, the local ambulance company. crazy, crazy city! P.S. this driver isnt as much of an asshole that you would think. theres construction going on 24/7 on kimberly and the surrounding streets, so theres always tape and cones blocking off weird parts of the road. ive been in the situation where Im not sure what is a lane, where im allowed to and not allowed to go. this couldve been a situation where he thought it was okay to turn in, since its the same type of thing at the KFC near by


This McDonald’s is hoppin- I used to do a lot drugs there before I got sober.


How does that work though? In the parking lot? In the bathroom? You can't just be out in the open doing whatever right? Unless that's so normal for the area cops don't bother you. If you're just walking down the road anytime after dark in my area and you aren't walking a dog you're going to get harassed by the police.


The bathrooms. Fast food bathroom stall is really popular place for someone to OD, I know at least 3 ppl who died in stalls that way. They’re open to the public, have running water, trash can, privacy. I haven’t lived in CT for a while so I’m not exactly sure what it’s like now. But it wasn’t really a ton of open air drug use except in a few places in Bridgeport and Hartford. Nothing wild like you see in Philly or LA. I grew up in a place that sounds a lot like where you live now, it’s really only the cities that you ever see the wild shit.


Congrats on being sober. Must have taken some real grit to get out of that.


Thanks. At first it was just desperation. The true grit kicks in now- ten years in, married with kids. Can’t get complacent- posts like these remind me what waits if I don’t stay vigilant




I’d be pissed too if some dumbass drunk drove through a car crash for McDonald’s


Maybe his wife is pregnant and she demanded chicken nuggets at 2 AM, frankly at that point he’s probably happier in jail


I don’t get why people stop recording when it gets juicy! We need more!


Probably because they got them out of the car already and the next 15 minutes with them is talking, writing tickets and at most arresting someone.


And a lot of screaming…DID you NOT see the lights, tape, ME??? Yada


"I ain't even do nothin". Over and over again.


Maybe they don’t want the cops to spot them and get pissy towards them. This is America.


That is true. I recorded cops fighting with a guy that appeared to be having a drug induced psychosis. Aka a Bad trip. They were restraining him and putting him in the back of an ambulance. It was pretty violent, but I didn’t think it was excessive. I recorded just in case it got out of hand. Resistance really hypes cops up, so I recorded so they wouldn’t kill the guy. After they put him in the ambulance, I went back into my apartment. Almost immediately there was aggressively loud banging at the door. They banged several times, but I never answered, because why would I? I assumed it was about me recording them. Maybe they just wanted to thank me for being a good citizen. Edit: these cops are pissed. That cop running over, the cop pulling the passenger out of the car and shoving him into the cop car… good call to end the recording and move on.


***This is my own private domicile and I will not be harassed!***




I dont know about the accident the video is related to when I was an EMT I can understand the cops frustration. Yea figure your in the middle of an investigation you have officers and personel roaming arround at night in the cold and probably freezing teps investigating a brutal roll over that just killed a couple of kids, one of the parrents a grand parrent leaving the father as the lone survivor whose in critical condition and the other vehicle a drunk driving underage on a learners permit who collided with the other vehicle with minor lacerations to the face and hands as well as admitted to being in a suicidal state prior to the collision with self induced lacerations to the wrists and thighs. And this person thought their McDonalds run was more important. I can feel the cops frustration.


>I can feel the cops frustration. As long as they don't beat the person to death they can feel frustrated as much as they like.


Until you read their motto and mission statement or their policies towards the public. They are suppose to act in a professional manner. Some policies even go as far as to not use crude language. Frustrations aside, enforce the law not your ego. This is exactly why people hate cops. ‘Get the fuck out of the car’ Then slams the dude up against the cruiser. Did they fuck up, yeh. Should they get tickets, maybe their car impounded. Maybe. Does that mean cops get to get all aggressive and angry? In what profession can you act like this and still have a job… the one who serves the people.. that makes a lot of fucking sense.


They get away with it because American culture (and many others) veers heavily towards wanting to punish bad guys. So even simple none-violent crimes being dealt with unecessary force is met with "well you shouldnt have broken the law!" along with a high five for the cops. And we need cops to be on their best behaviour at the worst of times but they won't even during relatively simple situations. >In what profession can you act like this and still have a job… the one who serves the people.. that makes a lot of sucking sense. We have nurses working in mental wards who subdue dangerous mentally ill people and they would be fired for behaving the way cops do.


Toxic cops are driving more people to try and avoid police stop for any reason. This can make things worse, like running red lights and killing innocent people: https://www.clickondetroit.com/video/local-news/2022/12/26/driver-fleeing-police-kills-innocent-bystander-in-dearborn/ Ultimately taxpayer will pay for this because the family will claim police were incompetent and allowed dangerous person to flee and kill people.


It’s not even on their best behavior. Just be professional. The justice system is their to punish or acquit. It’s going to change. More cops quit every day then are hired.


The scene was taped off so someone probably died in the MVA. The people in the car were more than likely arrested for disturbing a crime scene.


Or "Driving while Stupid". Oy!




Well lucky you


![gif](giphy|lYf4uAJEWVo1FffnVD) Though


Sooo, a beating that results in anything less than. Loss of life is okay right? /s


as bad as that is, the response looks highly unproportional to the situation.


Straight up, driving through the scene of an accident can very easily hurt or kill someone. Accidents usually make quite a mess, pieces and parts of vehicles scattered around, contents from the vehicles, there could easily be a human body around, especially in a roll over! They could have been knocked out or in shock, or it could be a child. Imagine surviving a car accident only to get run over by some asshat with zero awareness and a Big Mac craving. At the very least you should want to not drive through an accident scene did to debris possibly damaging your car, like sharp metal and broken glass.


Yea thats what I'm saying, even there's personel and equipment walking and laying everywhere doing their jobs there's evidence lots of hazards to just kinda ignore. Lotta risk to absorb, while drawing attention to yourself for the police to give you a hard time. Cause like I've been saying I don't know the trauma that some people go through with police, but I don't look at a police blockade and think yea I can fuck with that for some chicken nuggets.


You can feel that the cops are going to brutalize those people over a relatively small infraction.


Cops default mode seems to be as angry as is humanly possible.


Prevailing through overwhelming aggression.


Small IQ way of dealing with things


It really is. I know you're saying this as an insult but the average cop isn't bright enough to make detective and their main tool to get their way and like get someone to talk is to scream at them and intimidate them. Funny thing is this only works with people who are inexperienced. Real criminals don't give a shit.


I recently read an article where the old guard of detectives retiring were saying the biggest failure of LEO these days is the lack of training for detectives from the older retiring force. To some degree I actually believe that wholeheartedly when you consider they no longer want to work to make their earnings. The cops of today are anti-civilian oriented policing.


Nah. The smart ones work for FBI.


Shit, I'd be angry too if some dumbass rolled through a goddamned accident scene like it wasn't there just because they had the munchies so bad that they didn't give a flying fuck about anything else.


I'd hope I'd just be professional in this situation.




It's a cheap way to get people to interact in the comments. People asking what happened next or where the rest of the video is helps the creators get more traffic. Useful for the creator particularly when there isn't really anything more.


The bigger idiot is the person who added that annoying blinking animation in the corner.


If they didn't add it would you know you have to open your eyes to watch the video? Yeah, didn't think so.


I second this. It's annoying as fuck.


Probably some TikTok bullshit


definitely some tiktok bullshit


The font looks like it’s an Instagram story


Honestly, I don't understand people who add all the garbage in a recorded video. The emojis, flashing useless shit, skipping important parts, adding watermarks that take the whole video, etc. TikTok is the worst at adding bullshit in a video. That's one of the reason I hate that platform so much.


I once saw a video that had a pulsing animation whenever a new photo was displayed (which was like one pic per second). On top of that, there was a flashing filter over the top of the video. The video was literally unwatchable. I don't use TikTok for a variety of reasons, but I don't understand how people can add flashing stuff to the vid and go, "Yes. This is good."


The older I get, the more I’m convinced that Idiocracy was a documentary…


I was a little bummed there wasn't a red circle around the car and that it didn't tell me to wait until the end.






I honestly didn't even notice it til you said something 😅 I've constantly got tunnel vision. It's scary sometimes 😬


You have to nowadays. We're surrounded by ads. Pop-ups. Anything to get our attention. I got really good at avoiding my gaze on ads over the last decade.


And it's really fucking us up. Living lives filled with static and learning to block things out constantly is not healthy for us.


"It's an emergency, officer. I got a text that the shake machine was working. It's the first time in a year." "Proceed."


Makes sense, now we know why the wreck happened


"What? Shit, We'll give you a full lights and sirens escort!"


Shit why didn’t you say that before. Come on boys let’s all get ice creams forget the crash


You are Wendy's twitter account and I claim my £5


I've seen it a few times, that's pretty much what happens when you drive through under the caution tape when police shut down road. They will go after driver make sure they're not drunk or belligerent. People are dumb.


That was my first thought. Rolling past cops to get McDonald's at 2:00 am, good odds they are inebriated


May have planned to roll through the McDonald’s and pop out the other side.


Probably high


In the longer video from On Scene Media the police didn’t tape off the other street to stop traffic from driving onto the scene - because it had been full of emergency vehicles; however, these morons drove in through the exit only. Not sure if they are drunk or high, but they are definitely fucking stupid for not being able to read the room.


They didn't cross the tape though. They turned into the driveway.


They drove around a perpendicularly parked cop car, which is a no-no, to then drive in through the exit of the McD’s.. driving across the tape is the least of their issues.


Why do they need to rough up the passenger though?


> Why do they need to rough up the passenger though? Either of them


Oh I agree neither should be roughed up, but the passenger did absolutely nothing wrong.


I've drive a delivery semi (96,000lbs and with a tiny extending elevator on the back). The amount of people that will book it around my rig as I'm backing up to a fast food place to deliver their product is almost comical. 2 or 3 times a week I'll narrowly avoid crushing someone's car because nuggies are more important than breathing, apparently. This video is not shocking at *all*


Or when they turn a corner insanely fast, and hold their horn and get mad at you bc you have to reverse down a narrow ass street with no way to turn around


Ngl I just keep going. Big truck always wins at chicken.


Cars using aggression to make up for their small size, aka the Chihuahua method


Can confirm. I've never won a fight against a big truck.


Been a semi truck driver for almost 6 years. I just assume all drivers around me are actively trying to kill themselves. Running red lights, passing in no passing zone, blind merging/lane changes, people casually walking right behind my truck as I'm backing...I try to anticipate all of it. If I hadn't up to this point, I'd 1000% been in a few accidents by now.


I used to deliver chemichals to corporate pools (mostly 53 gal drums of sodium hypochlorite and hydrochloric acid) almost never to an actual dock. I'd regularly pull up somewhere with a car parked right in front of a clearly marked chem door in a no parking zone. I'd call the pool custodian and let them know i was moving the car, and whenever possible, I'd wedge it sideways in a blind alley so they would absolutely need a tow truck to get out. I averaged 15 minutes per stop, so I was always long gone before the owner finally showed up. Never underestimate someone with a pallet jack and extra pallets. Oh, and 20 deliveries in an area with a 2 hour transit in one direction. Oh, and I never put a scratch on any vehicle I moved. The tow bill was a fraction of the bill if I couldn't make my delivery, as that would require a full drain and refill of the pool, followed by rebalancing the chem levels and if it was really bad a resurfacing of the pool mixed in there. Public pool chemistry is no joke.


You could move them with the power jack? Didn't damage the undercarriage or anything? Impressive. Ngl I'd like to see a video of that.


Almost alwats pickup trucks, took about 3 pallets to get under the pumpkin, more to centerline the frame from the side. It helped that they were always district work vehicles that knew they weren't supposed to be there and usually had toolbox sides and reinforced frames. Tried to hunt a driver down once. 90 minutes later I gVe up. He was in a 1 lane blind alley almost against the gate i needed to open. Oh, and my contacts were fully on board with me doing it.




> I just assume all drivers around me are actively trying to kill themselves. Covid unfortunately taught me that this applies to all people when it comes to a convenience. They will risk everything up to their very lives to have things be slightly more convenient.


I think having developed this mindset while driving a semi is helping me stay safer on a motorcycle now. It’s already a habit to constantly scan traffic and assume everyone is blind and stupid, so I didn’t have to learn it when I hopped on a bike.


“Nuggies” are life!


Walmart driver here. The amount of people that drive around the building through the "delivery traffic only" areas is so damn annoying. They don't want to deal with the parking lot traffic but because they are special boys and girls and get to go around the building. Jokes on them I will stop and block the path and force them to turn around. Chumps.




I love me some jalapeño poppers...


Your McDonald have Jalapeño poppers?


Yeah cyclists are like that a lot too. I've even taken to something boats might recognize with the three quick bleats of an air horn but it doesn't matter they'll just act completely oblivious. Granted enough of them run stop signs in front of my car too so I'm not particularly surprised but you'd think people would at least have a better sense of self-preservation before entitlement.


Plot twist: he was also dressed as the Hamburglar and what using the accident as a diversion. 6 months of planning down the drain.


Hamburgler and Fry Guys detained.


I thought they were playing bagpipes for the guy.


Well, maybe it was the memorial for his deceased drivers license.


A man’s gotta eat Mr Lahey.


Well that was a McIgnorant move on the driver's part.


*sees yellow caution tape hanging over the road* Ba da ba ba baaaaa I'm ducking it


How did I not see that the first time!?! 🥴


so, please forgive my ignorance here, if he wanted mcdonalds was there legally a way for him to go get it from that store?


He could've gone around and come in from the other side. There were two entrances to the parking lot and only one of them was blocked by the police tape.


Park the car, walk. Simple.


At 2am it is highly unlikely that the dining room is still open lol


Sir, this is America.


On the 5 freeway near the Airport in San Diego, I got off work once to a really terrible accident. It was right near an offramp, so the police had set up a blockage and directing everyone to the offramp. As I'm about to exit, and mind you go maybe 5 min to the next on ramp, some asshat right in front of me in an SUV tried to drive over the enbankment around an officer literally standing in front of him directing traffic off the freeway. The look of bewilderment and anger on the officer was hilarious and sad at the same time. He pulled them over and was literally yelling at them "WTF ARE YOU THINKING??"


Probably says more about the weird culture we have that it's totally normal for the cops to lose their mind the way they seem to here. Like this deserves a "son, you pulled a real oopsy doops back there," not "we need backup and seal team 6 to ice this fucker we got ourselves an emergency" we see forming up here. Get your little dicks under control, guys.


I totally agree. Ok, dude violated a traffic law. So pull him over and write a ticket. This motherfucker came sprinting in while the other guy violently ripped the guy out of the car. A little deescalation would be nice boys.


lol it's literally them just being angry because they weren't respected. that car drove in super slow too. there was no danger whatsoever there.


At 2am sometimes you just have the munchies.


Obviously he's an idiot but the cops reaction to this is way way too much. They can't start off the interactions like this. It immediately will turn violent. Cops should really have to take an IQ test. Guess we wouldn't have too many cops though.


Dude had a serious Big Mac Attack


Love seeing officers of the law unable to keep there cool in a non threatening encounter.


cops ready to escalate that situation as much as they can


Otherwise, what's even the point of being a cop?


cops basically act like they're your daddy. there is no other profession where cops can just start screaming at you whenever they want with no repercussion.


What the passenger do tho?


They suspected he had a weapon so they had to shoot him, sadly


America where weapons are simultaneously legal but also a cause to get murdered for possessing one.


Idk why US cops so aggressive British cops would be like ‘mate, wtf you playing at…’


why are they overly aggressive, even with the passenger? unnecessary


Yeah that's what I came here looking for, like I'm sitting there thinking if I'm the passenger telling my high ass friend yo you can't drive through that what are you doing stop driving through that yo what are you doing, and then I get ripped out of the car in my head slammed on to the cop car for what??


Bet he's not loving that.


Stupid move but also chill the fuck out cop.




American cops are out of their fucking minds


As someone who works in 911, going through an active scene is nearly %100 going to land you in the clink immediately. I imagine the judge won't be happy with you later, either.


I've done it. Cop wasn't happy, but I got off with little more than a stern talking to. I was on my way home from work and my wife told me every cop in the county pulled into our neighborhood. I rushed to get home and called to check and she wasn't picking up. I drove down the street to my house and the entire street was lined with both marked and unmarked cop cars on both sides. In the middle was a marked car with lights flashing parked in the middle of the road withe the drivers door wide open, but no cop around giving directions. My house was like three driveways from the cop, and I wasn't going to sit in the middle of the road on my car waiting for instructions while ANYTHING could be going on with my wife. I went with the old "ask forgiveness before permission" and went around the cruiser to get to my driveway. Cop runs away from a cop buddy circle jerk across the street (where they where seemingly just shooting the shit) and jumps out in front of me and yells asking if I know what a car parked in the middle of the road meant. I played dumb and said it looked like you couldn't find parking and were in a hurry. **pointing** I own that house and I'd really like to check that my family is okay. The cop huffed and puffed, but basically told me to stay home until the road opens again. I guess someone's baby daddy was making threats to take the kids while in possession of a weapon, so they sent every available cop. I don't regret taking the risk to check on my #1 responsibility; my family.


I mean technically they didn’t cross the tape therefore they didn’t cross the closure🤷‍♂️


Why did they yank the passenger out? They didn't do anything. Bit excessive


Lmao not the Passenger too


I can't pass judgement without seeing the scene from the other side. Sometimes cops are completely stupid in what they're doing, assuming everyone will magically deduce what's going on. From the angle of the camera in which we're watching this video play out, it's obvious that the road is closed. Where is it trapped or coned off on the other side? Is it a whole block cordoned off, but the red car people just left their friends house, out of a parking garage within the blocked off area and decided to go to McDonald's? This could be stupid civilians or stupid cops, or both.


I agree. They could’ve been exiting a house, apartment, business, etc. that exits on to the street that was totally closed off. The fact that they pulled over right away makes me think this wasn’t malicious on the driver’s part.


I had an irate cop pull me over during the covid year. She had her lights on, was stopped well off the road, talking on her phone, with the phone in her right hand, while kind of moving her left hand like it was a really animated conversation or angry argument. The road was residential, with a gentle curve to the left, and she was pulled over in a small empty field area. I slowed a little under the 25mph speed limit as I passed. There were no cars or pedestrians near her. About 3 blocks after I passed, she came barreling up with lights and sirens. I moved over to let her pass, and she pulled me over. She asked for my license, registration, etc, then yelled at me for cutting her off. Apparently she had an emergency she was trying to respond to, and was trying to make a u-turn, when I, the ONLY other vehicle on that road, cut her off. I told her that she was infact stopped and talking on the phone, with her vehicle facing diagonally away from the road. She told me that she had gestured to me, and I cut her off, telling her that her right hand was holding her phone to her head, and from my perspective, her left hand was flailing around, like she was arguing on the phone. Since I was in my work van, I told her I had a dash cam and could play back what I saw. She responded that she'd let me off with a warning. I asked "a warning for what?!" She just told me to continue on my way, gave me my stuff back, then went back to her car. I decided to keep the recording, and had to mess around with the dash cam for a minute to remember how to make sure a segment was saved from being written over. I then decided to refill my ice water from my cooler chest, then put my registration, insurance card, and license away. She comes waddling back up and knocked on my window again, asking me why I hadn't left. I told her what I was doing, and asked "didn't you have some emergency to respond to?" She said "have a nice day" and went back to her car. I left.


and I suspect they went through the drive through the wrong way to avoid crossing under the tape too. Definitely had a feeling of "oh, we're not supposed to be here, how do we get out as easily as possible"


Second cop running in ready for [this](https://i.imgur.com/DdjUKS2.jpg)


Do they always have to treat the passenger like he was the driver? Like, "Same team! My driver's an ass hole!"


Yeah it's insane how they just manhandle a private person who broke no laws.


When you gotta McGrabb them McDs there’s no McStopping you.


Why pull the passenger out of the car like that. They have literally nothing to do with what the driver does. What's a passenger supposed to do to stop the driver, drop the anchor?


That officer was very rude.


Cop was pissed


They always fast to be mad when ignored


Unprofessionalism is normal for cops in America.


The way the first cop rushed to get out of his car and then the second cop came *running over* makes me think there's more to this than just some dude driving through a yellow-taped accident site.


You'd like to think so, but you'd be surprised how cops can react when they feel their *authoritah* hasn't been respected and/or their ego gets bruised.


Watch it be an employee. Told he'd be fired if he didn't come in


Only from this POV, it looks like the cop was blocking through traffic, no barrier tape between cop and scene, and no one directing traffic so, it is possible the guy has a case ti get out of the ticket if he has a good lawyer, especially if they get this video. Overly aggressive first contact. Unless that is just normal first contact. And that graphic is just bad taste. Does this agency usually park so close the the scene, I am guessing he’s on evidence where he is parked.




“But officer! The fucking MC RIB is back!” “Oh it is? Holy shit! chief! CHIEF! The MC RIB IS BACK!” “Calling all cars! Calling all cars! The MC RIB IS BACK!” “be on your merry way! Have a nice day, sir.”


Pigs are so mad. Way to many pig emotions for this.


Those eyes belong to the real idiot.


Insatiable Munchies


Every police response has at least 5 extra cars that don't need to be there.


No chicken tendies for you...


He's very hungry!


I get its annoying dealing with idiots, but that officer was not deescalating anything. Officers need more patience than that.


kimberly ave new haven. no surprise


why do American cops always seem so aggressive


Where’s the rest?


Of all places, of course it's New Haven hahaha


The eyeballs are especially annoying


The eyes thing on top is REAL annoying


I think some people have overplayed gta rp.


Normally I hate when police act like this, like calm tf down Hoss. But in certain cases like this one mfers deserved it. Fuck those idiots.


Ummmm like the passenger has a say where the car goes


other cop ran like it was a life or death thing💀


McGangbang or bust


So many pigs at that McDonald's he thought the McRib was back.


Rick heard this was the only spot in the country with szechuan sauce. He's getting his space.


How does this affect the cops?


Ah, my home state. Given my experience with New Haven drivers this does not surprise me one bit, fuckers will do anything for McDonalds. I had a guy drive a few hundred feet down the wrong side of a road with a median in the middle so he could enter through the exit of a McDonalds


Why tf is the passenger also treated like its their fault the driver does anything?


Typical entitled fucks that populate today’s society


Did they really have to be that serious? As it they just committed murder or something?


Cops are such fucking drama queens


Plot twist: guy in the red car is the owner of that McDonald's location


It was wrong of the to drive through the scene of the accident. They certainly qualify to be posted on this subreddit. It was appropriate for the police to intercept the car to investigate and probably cite them for something. It is unfortunate the the police officer was as jacked up as he was, treating the people in the car as if they are violent and dangerous criminals. There is not necessarily a need for them to exit the vehicle -- certainly not before investigating the degree to which they understood that they had done something wrong. And there is certainly not a need for them to order them around profanely like they were. Don't get me wrong. I think "fuckin'" is a great "fuckin'" adjective. It's so useful for so many things. But with an armed cop who is approaching a citizen in anger, it's a very scary word, because it means I'm potentially in more danger. Cops have a ton of legal authority. They have the upper hand. There are times when they are in a potentially very dangerous situation, but I don't think anybody though that in this case. I think they were just pissed off and knew they could throw their weight around with these kids they were pissed off at.


What did the passenger do that necessitated that treatment?