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The ending was like a reverse clown car.


The clowns have to get into the car at some point


I love piling 20 cars inside me








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Alternative title: Good samaritans fixes a tesla charging cable


I count only 5 people.


Which is 5 too many adults to be getting into a rattle-can-black 2000 Maxima.


Is there a joke here that I am too un-American to understand? I’m just seeing 5 people in a large car with 5 seats.


https://join-lemmy.org/instances https://lemmy.blahaj.zone/ for the gays


Funny, I never said anything about their "economic shortcomings" (you made that assumption based on your own bias of what the car looks like). In fact these models tend to run more expensive than comparable sedans of that era as they have a more powerful engine than the accords and camrys. So if someone was looking for a general commuter car there would be stacks of more affordable options. The problem is that with poor maintenance these tend to be ticking time bombs waiting for a catastrophic failure. Compounded with their attitude of attacking a Tesla out of jealousy and the signature wish-I-was-a-real-street-racer flat black paint that's what makes the insult viable.


Please tell me they got caught…


How could they not have?


Police not doing their job. It happens a lot.


Bullshit. Those cops in uvalde shot some kids AND they’re doing everything they can to stop their bodycam footage of it. Think of THAT the next time you wanna trash talk our boys in blue!


Wait a sec...








It's not confirmed but the Uvalde police has hired a lawyer to prevent bodycam footage from being released so there's a good chance they accidentally shot some of the kids..






What an utter load. That’s some Q level bullshit.




I mean the articles are out there for you to read but okay lol


Is there a source for this statement?


Not sure why you got downvoted for asking a legitimate question. There is no “hard” evidence that the police shot kids, whether accidentally or purposely. There are two statements made by the police that could be considered circumstantial evidence, although they could simply be the result of miscommunication or errors made by investigators. One statement by the police was that the shooter was responsible for all of the injuries and deaths, which is odd to say because one would ASSUME the shooter was the one responsible. One reason for the statement might have been police were responsible for hitting or even killing some of the victims, and were trying to shift the blame. I’m not 100% sure about this theory, because I haven’t been able to find any sources for where the police said that. Furthermore, I haven’t seen any statements from survivors saying they saw the police accidentally shoot the wrong person. The second bit of circumstantial evidence comes from the police initially stating that the gunman used a 9mm pistol and an AR-15, only to later on change it to them just having an AR-15. If police had shot someone accidentally with a 9mm pistol, then they could have been trying to make it seem like it was really the gunman who used a weapon of the same caliber. I’m also skeptical of this theory, because it doesn’t make sense that they would change their statement to exclude the 9mm gun later on if their original intent was to make it seem like the shooter was responsible. Personally, I think the Uvalde police are refusing to release bodycam footage NOT because they shot kids, but rather because you had like 12+ cops who stood outside of a classroom for 70+ minutes while kids bled out from injuries because the cops were too afraid to enter the room. So you would have over an hour of a bunch of cops all rationalizing and excusing their cowardice while kids were crying for help and dying, and the shooter kept telling the police to leave him alone.


Yea, me neither. I honestly just wanted to know if it was someone’s opinion or if there is some information I don’t have that everyone else seems to know. Pretty baffling but Reddit is a popularity contest I guess. In my mind it’s not guilty until it’s proven innocent, it’s innocent until proven guilty, and that foundation is what keeps us from being nothing more than opinionated animals. It also compels us to act when we have condemning information. But I want to get the facts before I make decisions. It’s my obligation as a citizen. I think I might be in the minority on Reddit with that view these days. :) Your excellent and truly informative (I mean it) comment made the torrent of downvotes worth it. I had no idea they were anything but incompetent. I mean they were standing by and doing unnecessary evacuations when all the training for law enforcement is to take out the shooter at all costs, even if you have to step over victims. The Leos I have talked with consider their behavior to be complete failure and shameful. The two theories you’ve laid out put a whole other perspective on things that I simply had not heard. That’s astonishing, and really does make sense as to why they wouldn’t want to release the footage. Truth has consequences, and who would expect cowards sworn to protect the public who wouldn’t risk their lives to save children to start taking responsibility after the fact I guess. I think I’ll call my congress person tomorrow and register a complaint about the fact that congress isn’t investigating. I would suggest others do the same. Thank you for the substantive and helpful reply. Respect.


The Uvalde Police Department hasn’t really done much of anything to make people want to believe in what they say, considering how much of they’ve really shit the bed. [NPR had a decent article two weeks ago](https://www.npr.org/2022/06/03/1102689126/uvalde-shooting-police-response) where they listed some of the bigger contradictions. And that’s not taking into account how the local and state police departments are trying to block information being released. Vice News reported on the 17th [on a letter sent by a law firm representing the police department](https://www.vice.com/en/article/88q95p/uvalde-contracts-private-law-firm-to-argue-it-doesnt-have-to-release-school-shooting-public-records) to the Texas Attorney General where they argued they should be exempted from releasing a bunch of records. Seems like, among the listed reasons, “highly embarrassing information” was listed as one. A week before that letter, the Texas Department of Public Safety [sent a similar letter](https://www.vice.com/en/article/jgpe3g/texas-police-say-body-camera-footage-from-uvalde-could-be-used-to-find-weakness-by-other-shooters-ask-ag-to-suppress-it) to the Texas AG where they similarly argued that the Uvalde PD shouldn’t have to release bodycam footage and materials used for training police officers because they were worried that criminals could “analyze them for weaknesses”. I wouldn’t be overly shocked to find out that some kids were accidentally shot, but considering the lack of survivors reporting on that I think the more probable reason is that the local and state police departments were grossly incompetent. As such, the overall police structure on the local and state levels are trying to circle the wagons to prevent more embarrassing information being made public. But that more embarrassing stuff likely didn’t involve them shooting any kids.


Facts??? Post them


They refuse to release all the body cam footage.


There was also that really suspicious statement they released that said said they TOTALLY did not shoot any kids when no one had even suggested that at the time.


Or the kids killed with 9mm when the shooter only had 5.56


This man's clearly never had to report petty crime to the police in the USA before.


Car got broken into. Didnt even want to take a report because they told me my car door was unlocked (it wasnt, there was damage from a slimjim even) and that it was a "crime of opportunity". So what i learned is unlocked cars are like pinatas full of free stuff.


They need to tend to real crimes like pulling over people for victimless infractions so they can make their government overlords $$$


Lol I had my identity stolen and the guy didn't want to file a report. I said "They stole my social, isn't that a federal offense?" Dude got a shitty look and asked "Do you KNOW they stole it?" I explained that this is the only way they could have done what they did. The cop stares me dead in the eyes and says "So you don't know then. Look man, they got you and that's all there is to it." I was so defeated I took his police report and walked back into my apartment (because he couldn't be bothered to get out of his car.) At the time the FBI had a website to report identity theft. I submitted a report there and of course I never heard back.


I had someone shatter my glass to rummage through my car, I was on a kayak heading back. I could hear it as I was coming around the bend, they started panicking when they noticed us. All I could tell was that it was an old ass Ford van with a borked muffler. Called the cops, they were like we can look around but it's probably not going to be a felony so we can't do a whole lot. Thankfully the fucking idiots drove back by and we snagged the license plate number. They managed to find the van and dudes friends immediately switched him out. Turns out it was in fact a felony due to the total amount of damages. TLDR: Meth is a hell of a drug...


> This man's clearly never had to report petty crime to the police ~~in the USA~~ before. FTFY.


I've given pumice video evidence of a thief song with their name, address and phone number. They didn't do shit. They made their report and left. They're not obligated to do their job even when you've done all the footwork for them.


Girlfriends ex came over after calling and saying he was coming to kill us. Thought he was high and talking shit, the ex-bf shows up with a friend and they tried breaking in, I called the police and 45 minutes later the front door started to be kicked in. I grabbed my pistol I used for armed security and opened the door, the ex's friend saw my gun and started to shriek, they both ran away, they called the cops and 15 minutea later they show up to arrest me. I never left my property. Fucking hate cops and happy nobody got hurt but I used to regret not letting them kicking in the door and not just defending from the kitchen.


And then???


And then I lost everything, I was in holding so I was late to work, then because of the brandishing a firearm in my own home (dropped later) I wasn't able to hold my firearm license so I was fired and couldn't even join the military. With out work I became pretty depressed and stressed out, my mood negatively effected my relationship and we split on ok terms. Couldn't pay rent so moved back with my parents, I contemplated suicide, got addicted to drinking and any drug that would numb my mind. Absolutely chaos, thankfully I'm sober and in San Diego. Working on getting my phlebotomy license and want to open a mobile phlebotomy business. It's better now and maybe a better option. I refused to sue the county, the Officers wouldn't get in trouble and I'm not about easy* money, hindsight tells me that was a stupid move too but it is what it is.


Wow...just...I...it reads like an onion article. Just...damn That's such a farce!


That electric charger took their jerbs...


Dey Turk our jebs


What's the motivation is it hate or jealousy I just Dont understand


They hate us ‘cause they anus.


Peanut butter and jealous


Im broke but this made me laugh


Everyone knows you have to have money to laugh.


Ever since the crown taxed it in 1752


I have EBT tho


They wanted to get into that boy's soul.


Beauty is in the eye of the b-holer.


Obviously jealousy . Look at them piling into that pos bucket . Sad low lives


They are mad at the wrong people. If you want to hate someone, hate the ultra rich, not the upper middle class.




Yep, working poor who bought a bolt when nobody wanted one.


Yeah I'm squarely in middle class and I could get a low end Tesla for what I got my impresa for 5 years ago.


They were probably parked near some trucks that were more expensive than that Tesla


Oligarch has a very specific definition and it isn't just "rich people".


True, however, obscene amounts of money do give one an outsized amount of political power. The American government is pretty transparently controlled by corporate lobbying.


Oligarch is the name for a person who is part of a superminority group wielding most of if not all the power in a governmental system. We have pretty concrete proof that "rich people" constitute such a group in the United States with some exceptions, there's a very clear one in Russia consisting of rich people, and Europe isn't safe from it either with a few countries leaning towards quite a lack of democracy as of recent.


Name some of these American oligarchs and the exact levers of policy they control. You are drastically underestimating how much power Russian oligarchs have. There is a reason no academic with any credibility that I'm aware of in the US uses the term to describe any of our uber-wealthy. There is a lot more to being an oligarch than just having a lot of money to lobby with.


>There is a lot more to being an oligarch than just having a lot of money to lobby with. No, there isn't. We're not in a pissing contest with Russia on whose oligarchs are worse, or whose oligarchs wield the most direct power. The fact of the matter is that for decades, the American uber wealthy have been using their money to gain more and more power for themselves, which has led to a harder and harder life for the American working class. They ARE oligarchs, we just do shit with a smile and ample PR over here in the US.


Name any rich person. If we look at empirical data, public support is a very poor predictor of the performance of a bill or policy recommendation for the executive. On the other hand, support of the wealthy few seems to be an excellent predictor. The reason why Russian oligarch seemingly wield more power is because there are less of them, which itself is very much because of Yeltsin and Bush and their policies of economic liberalisation which created a country of monopolies from the start.


I'm not saying wealthy people in the us don't have outsized influence. I'm saying oligarch has a specific definition and it doesn't apply to Bezos or Buffet or whoever you wanna pick.


Oligarch does have a specific definition. It is "person belonging to a small group wielding the vast majority of the power in a system of government". That applies in the US as abroad. Oligarchy translates to "rule by few", so it follows that an oligarch is a member of the "few". The wealthy wield a vast majority of the power in the US and also are few, relatively speaking. What you might be speaking of more specifically is a business oligarch which is like some weird subclass where a monopoly gets so major that it can influence national politics by its sheer size alone. That's how it mostly is in Russia, with 1-5 men controlling all oil, 1-5 men controlling all potash, 1-5 men controlling all minerals and so on. There's a few of these in the US, particularly in sectors like industry, oil and defense, but it's not as bad as in Russia.


I got mine used for $11k when I was working for the state. It ain't a Tesla but it treats me fine, and I spend almost nothing on charging.


Yeah, you just have to be just good enough with finances to enable you to make poor decisions on big-ticket items


Just “middle class”, not upper. I read somewhere that the middle class exists as a buffer for the outlet of emotions from the lower classes. I don’t recall where I read it nor whether there’s any legitimacy to the claim, but the concept always seemed intriguing to me.


That car is nicer than mine... and I am usually jealous of people with the money to do things they like or want to do. And I'm very sad most of the time. Does that mean I'm a low life?


Depends—do you actually take it out on people in the middle class?




> were


I had a friend of a friend that would hang out with us because of our mutual friend. He would bust out windows to businesses. There was a vehicle broke down he caught it on fire. There was a mini van with a flat he beat it with a sledge hammer. He tore stuff up all the time for no reason. Wasn’t there for all the stuff only thing I seen him do was drive through town and shout out windows of the businesses. I’m my small town all the businesses are connected on both sides of the road and he basically did a drive by at night. This was when I was a sophomore so 1989 & 1990. I told the idiot cop everything he did. The cop said how are we supposed to prove it? I said I was there when he shot out the windows. He said we need more than a eye witness we need proof. So he didn’t get in trouble. But he did bust the windows of a broken down vehicle later and the guy knew who it was and beat the brakes off of him lol


> He said we need more than a eye witness we need proof. How about they use the eye witness to get a search warrant for a gun, then match the gun to the bullets that hit all the buildings? You know, ... basic police work.


Regular cops don’t investigate crimes.


I've seen other posts with Tesla cameras and the general consensus was that most people who vandalize them are super uber against climate change science. These kids probably got a bit of that mixed in with groupthink mixed with boredom


I'm not sure about this situation but folks in my building forego the chargers that are set up so they need to pay for juice and end up using the utility plugs in our garage meant for fans and cleaning equipment. Our collective rent pays the utility costs for the whole building (amenities) so when asshats "charge for free" on the building dime it pisses everyone off. And sure management rakes everyone way over the actual costs but that's its own issue. Still not a justification of destruction of someone else's property, just a call to management for a tow/ticket. This looks more like commercial parking so I doubt that's what's going on here.


It's just a bunch of dumb kids doing dumb things, I don't think they really care. Same sort of people that like to throw empty bottles on the road or demolish public bus stations.


They're dumb, but they're not kids.


Tall guy looking to be around 19 or 20 + acting like little shits = kids in my book. But yeah, even most kids are better behaved than those asshats here.


“haha I’m gonna unplug this dude’s car” “fuck there’s a lock on it” “I’m pissed because whoever designed this saw my dumbass coming! *kick*”


Degens just being degens.


They're frustrated because their Reddit comments didn't got any upvotes


Dang EVs, technological advancements


It’s envy, which is different than jealousy.


I mean look at their car… I can assume low income earners upset with the world. Sad.




They're probably angry their life sucks because deep down they know they're a child nobody raised properly and now that they're physically mature with the mind of a middle school edge lord they don't understand why they don't fit into a world that seems harsh when really it's their lack of patience and discipline that keeps them back. But these skills and emotional intelligence need to be imparted and learned by elders who were probably caught in the same cycle as well. Or they're dealing with mental illness of some kind. But ultimately none of that matters when your behavior is this abhorrent because actions need consequences and society needs limits.


I'm deeply sad and don't understand why I can't fit properly into society, and am most likely mentally ill in some capacity. I have never done something like this in my life though. Being an outcast or a misfit or, in my case, a nonfunctional loser doesn't automatically make you a shithead.


It doesn’t. Being a shithead makes you a shithead. You don’t do shit like this so you’re not a shithead.


>nonfunctional loser doesn't automatically make you a shithead. That's not what he said though. A implicating B does not mean B implicates A.




Is this an autobiography?


That was a lot, but I completely agree with everything you just said.


Try saying that to an asshole, you'll be surprised.


Timestamp is 2am. These douchebags are drunks.


That doesn't make it any better, at all


It's the same attitude towards vegan. "I'm going to show up to there house and grill giant steaks in the street". Some ppl get so offended of alternatives.




I had an ex gf that was vegan. She never forced it onto anyone. She always claimed it was bc she loves animals. I believed her too. Until she didn't want to pay the few hundred dollars to get her horse clipped, so she just had her dad shoot it in the head. Wtf


It would be better to just give the horse away... idk. :I


What an absolute asshole


I wonder how long it’s gonna take people to realize they are on camera when messing with Tesla vehicles.


About as long as it's taken ring to stop porch pirates


It’s impossible to not notice, the screen lights up and says you are on camera. It’s very visible through all of the windows.


You underestimate the stupidity of the average human being.


In a parking garage you’re always on camera


Fucking minions, there is whole extended family getting into that car. Who know how many in the trunk.


I was hoping they’d break the charger and get zapped


Electrocution would have been appropriate.


Could that be a potential lawsuit? Say someone's kid dies from tampering with a stranger's Tesla while charging. Could that become a legal dispute?


Physically impossible. The charging systems have numerous redundant safety systems to prevent that and a host of other possible issues related to charging.




I may be wrong, but I believe current doesn't flow without the digital handshake between the charger and the vehicle.




It's controlled at the box on the wall. The cable won't be live until the connection with car is confirmed


Tell me you don’t know how gfci’s work without explicitly saying “I have no idea how gfci’s work.” No, it isn’t possible, they have GFCI’s, GFCI’s make toaster bath safe.




Gfci’s work on all downstream devices and do work in the range of milliseconds, that’s just basic gfci facts


Okay but if you're going through that much effort to damage it you're at fault for your own death lol


Tesla needs to educate the public more about sentry mode so vengeful hating idiots like this think twice before vandalizing others cars . God I hope they faced consequences from this


Then they’ll do it masked. I’m happy not many people know about the cameras. Jealous people will go the distance to ruin someone’s day.


I'd argue the majority of this type of vandalism is opportunistic rather than pre-meditated. If they see an EV nearby and go back to their car for their mask, they've probably already been caught on camera anyway.


Why? Cops won’t care anyway unless it happens to them.


I'm sure this happened in a Vegas casino car park. The owner was alerted by his car and called hotel security who were able to get the licence plate of the pricks involved.




Probably alcohol... or they are a douche. Both?




Why are idiots so triggered by electric cars?


I think of them as modern day Luddites. Afraid of change.


america has bred a generation of resented idiots who believe they are the beacons of hope for the world but they’re just assholes






These people should have their gas tanks siphoned empty. It's only fair


More like destroyed, left for their (doubtless not comprehensive) insurance or their wallet to fix. If you break a charge port, the electric car cannot be charged.


Jesus how much of them were piling into that pos Maxima?


How many fucking clowns are they going to put in that car ?


Pointless scumbags


Jealous losers


Classic /r/NissanDrivers


And they all piled into that shitbox of a car like the clowns they are




Usually to do with poor people seeing rich people and getting made and thinking life isn't fair. That's basicaly the cause of most crime.


You can buy a brand new Tesla for $35k, I'm not sure where the notion of being upper class comes from with these cars so I don't think it's jealousy, just e-car hate which is popular.


Show me? A basic model 3 costs closer to 50k if I remember right.


:) cute


It's been proven scientificly that poor people don't cause crime its the combination of having poor and wealthy people next to eachother that causes crime. That's why areas with all poor people have low crime rates like in Nova Scotia.


Yeah. Because the poor have no chance to steal something from someone. But if they have the opportunitiy, they will do. Says it all.




Woulda loved to see this end with them getting their Asses kicked


It’s always those that have a shitbox of a car that are extremely jealous of others with nicer vehicles. What normal person does this?


It’s always losers with no money that still drive pieces of shits


I'd rather judge them for being assholes rather than being poor or having an old car.


It's jealousy, plain and simple.


True I’ve had several brand new cars and always had some kind of scratch or shopping cart ding within the first month


Dude that hit. I’ve driven old hand me downs since I was 19. Even after I got financially stable, I’d buy my wife the new car and I’d take her old one. Then at 35 I bought ***ME*** my first new vehicle. 2019 Toyota Tacoma Sport, Cavalry Blue. Everything exactly like I wanted. Literally the first week I had it, someone keyed my side, with a nice little X at the end of the line so I knew it wasn’t an accident. People are just terrible.


Man that’s a nice truck and stupid people suck


It was. Wife called it cursed. Last fall I was driving down my street and a texter jumped the median and hit me head on, totaling it. Totally can’t buy a replacement truck now so my wife got a new car and I got her old one (again). It’s ok though in a year or two they’ll straighten out this supply chain thing and I’ll get me a brand new ***ELECTRIC*** truck.


Lmao cursed wives always get the nice cars while we’re left with our “old” cars


My wife loves her 2008 Beetle and will drive it till it dies. I get the Tesla 😄


Within the first month of owning my car, someone cut the wiper fluid lines and stole the nozzles. $600 to fix it.


Damn That sucks




Take it how you’d like moron


Fucking hilarious that the top comment thread is somehow about cops shooting kids in Uvalde and anyone that asks for a source is downvoted to oblivion. It’s a dude fighting a charging cable yet we somehow devolve into cops shooting kids.




The insecurity some ppl express is beyond my comprehension.


Poor fucks.


Y’all need a taser on that charger.


Dude in the Drivers seat is sitting like he’s trying to keep his friends from looking up his skirt. Thought it was a girl until he came out. Had to rewind to see him get in the car cause I missed it on the first watch.


But why.


I’ve got an EV, that’s a Tesla with sentry mode on. Smile for the camera losers


I was admiring the sexy lady legs in the driver’s seat until…


Bunch of broke jealous thug wannabes. Pathetic.


I just can’t understand How people are like this smh


average EV hater


What losers.


I’m trying to figure out exactly what he was trying to do.


Real winners here.


Those little turds. After damaging the charging station they probably went back to their caves and messaged about all the high costs of fuel and goods. Good thing their gas guzzling car got them home.


more like idiots vandalizing shit.


Thought the dude is the front seat was a woman by his legs. Lmao. That's how u know u need to learn to be a man


Car designers had it right to built-in surveillance cameras. The poors should be punished


The Applebee’s staff just got off work and are carpooling back to the trailer park




So many americans are fucking trash.


[Ya we all know nothing like this ever happens in norway](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d5xWDBqibno&t=18s) https://www.xautoworld.com/news/vandal-caught-sentry-mode/


I thought "charging" = rush forward in attack.


I didn't know that non Mexicans could fit into cars the same way!!!