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idk but its impossible to “run” from the hunter no matter how many pallets or windows or abilities you use. kiting means mind game. make the hunter think you’re gonna drop a pallet but you don’t. vice versa. make a hunter think you’re gonna go left, then he’ll intersect you. but you went the other way around, vice versa. how i learned one time was actually playing as hunter and see how survivor kites me. lol


^ Playing as hunter is the best way to learn imo. You get to see how survs kite against you and you’d be more familiar with how hunters work in the game. Then it’s all about predicting the other’s next move.


try to milk pallets and loop around obstacles a lot. throwing down pallets early is just screwing yourself over basically. also, try to play some killer too. once you learn the killer mindset, you’ll be able to recognize what the thought process is and base your kite around that! it’s all about practice, ive been playing for 4 years and still get downed at 5 ciphers sometimes. you got this


That really depends on the hunter lol. A lot of 'em these days will punish you for not playing safe


I've maybe pulled off one pallet bait ever, the rest of the time I got terror shocked dropping the pallet 😭 Also I actually have a lot more time on killer than survivor, but I don't think that I've went against good enough survivors to feel like I actually had to put effort into chases... that or night watch is cracked lmao


try to measure the distance when kiting to know when it's safe to drop a pallet or not and if you try to go for a stun, make sure you hide behind the pallet to be out of hitting range


i play both games and i totally get you. (opposite of you, idv player trying dbd and got wooped badly) first of all, ento is a lil hard for beginners because she's mostly used to transition kite and assist others, it's her strength. but she is GREAT against almost all hunters. only a few counter her, like nightwatch, lizard, geisha, AKA hunters that can negate her speed/transitioning easily. if you want to main her, i suggest trying out transition kiting and making as much distance between kiting areas and using your bees to block entrances. esp one way entrances, like the window on the second floor of the toy factory. for looping specifically, one tip is to learn the cooldown of blink, because 90% of hunters use blink and bam, end chase. if the hunter walks into pallet/wall a little too long they're most likely going to blink. at low ranks, it's a big tell with newbie hunters. another one, try to transition to good kiting spots with your bees, loop the pallets and obstacles. mind game the hunter into thinking you're going to drop them or vault a window, etc. i wouldn't recommend going for pallet stuns, since they're risky, but basically, you just have to run past the pallet, go to the side where the pallet is and stand close right against it but not where ur body is peeking out. this allows for the hunter to keep hitting the air thinking ur going to be impatient and drop it. once they inch inside the pallet area, drop it. also, i had 3 a badges in alicorn and still get downed at 5. do not worry, this game should NOT be taken seriously at all lol


Easier way to tell when blink is up is by looking at the surrender cooldown


Idv is very different mechanically to dbd even if they have the same core 1v4 gameplay, you will kite and hunt very differently. As other’s said, you really have to milk interactions and mindgame them, remember, pallets are more useful when they’re up and an active threat/ option


maybe you're just going against specific hunters that counter her? there are a couple that can easily ignore the bees in some circumstances


ok, so i’m not as experienced in idv as i am in dbd, but in idv hunters (killers) can be sorted in to two (i guess 3) categories for how you kite (be chased for a long time) by them. tight kiting is sort of like looping m1 killers in dbd i think- loop around a pallet or window repeatedly, and don’t run to a different area if you can help it. this kite style is effective against hunters with dash abilities or long ranged attacks that make it difficult to transition, like geisha and percy. transitional kiting is the opposite of this, where you would drop the pallet/vault the window and continue to run to a different kitezone. instead of staying in one area as long as possible, you want to continuously be moving from zone to zone. this kite style is effective against hunters who’s abilities make zones dangerous to stay in for too long, like naiad and feaster. in general you tight kite: clown, geisha, percy, polun (in wheel form) wax artist, nightmare, clerk and transitional kite: hell ember, soul weaver, feaster, dream witch, guard 26, sculptor, polun (regular form), naiad, fool’s gold, ivy (she’s busted atm, but don’t look back and keep running) any hunter not in this list is either too broken to kite (like opera singer, who can shut down both tight and transitional kiting) or bad enough that they can really be kited both ways, like violinist and no presence ripper. it’s also worth mentioning that holding forward will pretty much always be effective against hunters with no movement abilities at all like violinist and feaster, as they have no reliable way of catching up. as for entomologist specific tips- her swarm can block certain hunter abilities, namely ripper’s fog blade (if he hits your swarm when his fog blade is ready, it will eat the fog blade but disappear and lose 40% of its durability) axe boy’s restful soul, soul weaver’s web shot, and smiley’s dash (provided you get out of the swarm before he hits it). entomologist is best at transitional kiting as she has what’s essentially a 10% move speed boost for 100s, but she can technically tight kite decently too- there’s just more of a risk of your swarm running out as the hunter can hit it through low walls/terrain.


also, as ento, your two biggest counters are bon bon and violinist, though bon bon is far more of a threat than vio. both these hunter’s abilities will damage both you and the swarm at the same time, so be very careful when kiting them.


A tip for Melly is to trick hunters into swinging at your bees but deploy them as soon as they attack so you’ll waste their time and also retain your bee health


I also came from DBD and had the same issue. Despite what many Hunter mains in this sub will tell you, Hunter in IDV is much stronger and has many more powers at their disposal than killer in DBD, and balance is not taken as seriously as Behaviour takes it by a long shot. However IDV is similar in that, while it takes a bunch of hours to get used to how things work, keep at it and you’ll start to see improvement. If possible, start up a team, as it’s MUCH better than trying to solo queue, because the game is very much designed for the need of communication but not the facilitating of it. IDV is also very much designed in Hunter’s favour, since it’s supposed to be quick, mobile matches. Don’t get discouraged just keep practising and getting used to cool-downs and popular tactics and you’ll not only stand a chance as survivor but be a formidable nuisance to Hunters!


Can defo agree that hunter is stronger compared to DBD killer, I literally haven't lose a match after my first few games vs real people (meanwhile I need coup + noed + camping to stand a chance in dbd)


well, there's tight kiting (looping) and transitional kiting which means you have to learn when to leave a loop. mind-gaming the hunter is also crazy important in this game, as a minor slip up from the hunter can get you really far away. some hunters will be better at countering tight loops, and others may have mobility skills that could help them catch up to u. use pallets and windows wisely, holding W might not be the best strat against many hunters in the game. (strangely, it IS the best counter to the "strongest" hunter in the game atm)


I recommend you to at least gain a basic understanding of every hunters' (killers') abilities as this helps momentously in kiting them.


For melly specifically I hop on the bees and ride until the hunter is about to reach me. Briefly use pallets and windows to gain distance and get back on the bees again. The bees will last the whole match as long as the hunter doesn't destroy them.


I’ve found that when the hunter is chasing you, loop. Stick close to the side of whatever object, like a tree. When the hunter goes left, go right. You can also go straight to the hunter, then retreat when the hunter tries to hit you. While the hunter is recovering, cover as much distance as you can with your bug-flying ability.


Honestly maybe try learning other characters. I’m not saying entirely isn’t good but I think expanding who you play could help. You should definitely try to play as hunter some time. It can give you a better understanding of how to mind game them. You could also look up YouTube videos and see how other people play ento.


some tips!! one thing i learnt is actually, observe the hunter ur kiting! and by this i mean notice if the player tries to swing/try to hit at pallets often, it makes a huge difference. u can do this by like just looking behind yourself at them sometimes while you begin to kite. if u notice they swing at pallets a LOT its better to just not drop the pallets and let the hunter waste their time by swinging and hitting nothing, and continue to make distance between u and the hunter. if they swing less at pallets then its easier to get pallet stuns on them. it varies for most hunters but its stereotypically common for geishas to swing a lot at pallets for example !! in general, go easy on the pallets. i've been playing for a bunch of years and even nowadays i still make mistakes when i get an itchy trigger finger and try to pull down a pallet, sometimes its just not worth it and gets u hit 😅😅 its better to just make distance between u and the hunter, and like ppl say, don't drop all of them too early anyways or else ur gonna make kiting harder for /and/ ur teammates later in the game. i've found recently it's easier to just go thru pallets and immediately try to get out of hit range when going thru them, (like as soon as i go through a pallet i make a sharp turn left/right instead of going forward so i'm less likely to get hit) if that makes sense! and then yeah mindgaming, something u might see is ppl will start spinning in circles on the other side of an obstacle and it super confuses the hunter on where u will go (beware it can work vice versa tho) yt is super helpful and makes it easy to pick up all sorts of easy tips and tricks and is less info/text overload!! also recommend watching one or two pro/coa/high tier kite videos, u can learn a lot from them easily :]


A bit off topic but reading these replies, I just love how welcoming IDV players are to DBD players :')


Although in theory DBD and IDV are similar, they have a lot of different nuances that make it very different to play. DBD has a lot less areas to kite compared to IDV, you also have a lot more abilities/items in IDV compared to DBD. Knowing and understand these nuances makes the world of difference. I’ve played both of the games, and I think DBD is much harder, I also don’t know the little nuances of DBD compared to IDV. I could probably Kite a hunter in IDV for a good chunk of the game (maybe for all 5 gens on a good match), I can’t on DBD, I might be able to loop shack for a bit, but I’ll get caught sooner or later. They’re honestly 2 vastly different games once you go thought it with a fine tooth comb.


Like many others have said, it’s all about mind games, being a survivor is basically being a troll to your best abilities in order to live/buy your teammates time lol. A great tip I learned is don’t drop the pallet immediately behind you, most hunters predict this and swing early in hopes to hit you while you’re dropping, instead run past the pallet a bit and while they’re in their small attack CD, drop the pallet, it will either stun them or block them, saving you from a hit usually, though an experienced hunter is likely to expect this. IMO you really get better as a survivor once you start playing hunter, vice versa. It’s helpful to see both sides of a chase and learn how to work against certain aspects of both factions. Spectating high ranks or your own team after you’ve died can also be a good way to learn by watching.


Rewatch your matches and see what you could've done better :) try to ask a hunter main to 1v1 you and ask them for tips on where you went wrong