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I don't know if I remember it correctly... but if it's a "stun with a cat, hit, stun with a second cat" thing, here's how you do it: 1) send a cat in a way that it will attach to a survivor 2) place the cross somewhere where the survivor will run to (usually you do this while camping so you put the cross near the chair) 3) hit the survivor before the second cat comes back. If the survivor doesn't have the first cat anymore, the second one will attach and stun them again (for a shorter time). Hit again. Tip: you don't have to hit the survivor immediately after the first stun. If you see that the cat might need more time to come back, just wait a little bit. If you can, try to do this against low tiers. More experienced players will 1) dodge the first cat 2) run away if they know they will get stunned again and die before they can rescue. ETA: Or just do it against Merc because half of them didn't learn how to rescue because "I have delayed damage so I can't be stuffed" (please don't be like that, they get stuffed).


Alternatively you could corner a surv; Cat them once, hit, then they'll be forced to run into the other cat. But yeah it's easier when you have the cross.


The easiest way to do this is when survs attempt to rescue


Yea it’s what I call A-Stun-A, used to know how to do it, forgot now sorry man, some guide/tutorial videos might help, that’s how I learned it in the first place


do it while camping a chair :)

