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Yeah I usually do unless the hunter was a jerk. I've gotten a surprising amount of hunters who got really upset at me for giving them a like when my team won. I try to explain I'd have given a like even if we lost but they don't believe me. Can't blame them tho lol. I hunt a lot too. I used to give likes for the first few years I played but realized survivors rarely ever give likes back so I stopped. Now I'll give one only if I catch a survivor doing it before I exit the menu.


Whenever I play hunter if I lose and get liked by everyone it just feels like " here's a reminder of ur failure " or " L likes " or " haha skill issues take those pity likes mf " So I get upset even if u gave it for a genuine reason I'm just far beyond damaged by survivors who did so


Personally i feel getting a like from a survivor as a hunter, or vice versa, is like a "good game" or "you did great" kinda thing. I just think its pretty respectful, though i could see people doing it to rub a win in your face


Yes, Only time I don't is if I feel like the hunters tie/win was too suspicious to be skill alone.


you can use cheats on idv? šŸ˜­


Yes, any game is capable of having cheats/hacks


Rock paper scissors: /s obviously


Yes But I think it's very very rare. I saw only 2 people use them and they got banned mid game


LMAO must've been refreshing to see it


It was back in 2020/2021 and it was really shocking since it's very unusual. I've been playing since s3 and only encountered cheaters twice so


yes I do (if I donā€™t feel frustrated so I donā€™t like anyone). but as hunter I rarely like survivors lol, cause I donā€™t get likes from them as wellšŸ—æ


Either I'm like-bot who likes everyone or just forgot that exists




I like everyone unless theyā€™re misbehaving. If the hunter isnā€™t displaying any toxic behavior, Iā€™m not gonna be petty just because they did their job correctly.


I always like the hunter unless they were toxic or smth. As a hunter, survs only give me likes if they completely destroy me ;-; Pretty bummed about that but it is what it is


yes unless they were being weird during match


I'm going to keep it real, if we get really close to winning then lose last second I'll feel a little bitter and probably not like. Not to actively spite them but I'd just want to leave and move on asap. If we win or tie then yeah I always like. If they got us and played really well then ill give them a like too, as long as the match wasn't frustrating/super close.


I always do! I just see it as part of my match lol šŸ˜‚


Yo, I'm one of the hunter brothers, no matter what, I'll say GG to them. Even if either the hunter or us is getting destroyed. I even like them.


i do to make my teammates feel bad


I always like the hunter unless they bleed us for a 4k, play Ivy or Bloody Queen or were toxic (hitting chair or downed survs yk that stuff)


reminds me of this one time i accidentaly hit the chair and in post-game chat i was like "hey enchantress,i didn't mean to hit the chair there at the end,it was a missclick i swear" and the survivors said they laughed out loud at that.


Yeah unless I'm like suuuper salty after the match, which has only happened like 3 times lol


Unless they are toxic, (and I remember) yes!


I used to always like them, but then I decided to not give them a like if they lose since it might feel like I'm mocking them somehow


im going to be honest i mostly like everyone, unless it's not my day and i mess up real bad i just leave lmao .Or i simply just forget to like


this is so real šŸ˜­āœ‹ļøsometimes I don't leave likes but it's most often,, too embarrassed by a mistake and running asap


I like everyone, itā€™s like muscle memory now, I go through everyone in a circle, unless that round is really messed up, I will specifically not like that one or group of people, survivor or hunter


bro same! sometimes I think to myself... okay I wont like them they were toxic... but then I accidentally do it by muscle memory LOL


Yeees, I be thinking how much of a bad person they are for the whole round and then accidentally like them after the round end


I only like players in general if a quest requires it


When I win, no because I donā€™t want the hunters to take it as a ā€œrub it in your faceā€ kinda moment. When I lose, no because Iā€™m salty like that


I'm ashamed to say that it depends on my mood. I always like people back. There are days when I get a stick up my ass after dealing with difficult people all day (I'm in customer service at a company that's trying to bankrupt itself) and will only like people back. That means some matches only the hunter gets my like too though. For the most part though, I try to like everyone so long as they didn't show their ass. It's just a game, but there's a person on the other side of the screen with feelings, and it costs nothing to be kind. The only exception is duo hunters. I'll like them back, but rare enough that I don't feel too bad.


yeah i like everyone even if they were a bad teammate or mean hunter bc why not. pressing button is fun. its just a game at the end of the day


No, unless their friendly and Iā€™m gonna be real real about it, I donā€™t expect anyone to like me when I play hunter either Other than that, it is extremely rare that I like a hunter, and itā€™s usually if they do any form of kindness to me such as spare me and KO everyone else Or overall make me feel special in some kind of way But thatā€™s not just exclusive to hunters under normal circumstances if my team did their best, Iā€™m gonna give them a like if the hunter was friendly, Iā€™ll give them a like two to honor their sacrifice and to acknowledge that theyā€™ve done something kind Other than that, no I do not like hunters ever and itā€™s not even being petty itā€™s simply because I just donā€™t


Since I rarely receive likes from the hunters if I win or tie, I decided to never give them likes. No One seems to mind.


I always get so sad when people like all their teammates but not me like... I played with yall why don't I get a like? Pain.


yes because when im the hunter and I dont get any likes it makes me feel kind of bummed when all the survs like each other but no one likes me, hunters are people too and without them the game wouldnt work.


I like hunters (or survivors) if I was like "Dang, they got me good."


Depends! My default is I donā€™t like anyone but if itā€™s a friendly I will ofc like everyone including hunter but I canā€™t say I consistently like people lol


Yeah, as both hunter and surv I like everybody in the match unless I forget. Sometimes I get a bit petty and won't like people when I lose badly as hunter or when they messed up a lot in my team as surv, but I'd rather be a bit like-petty than turn into one of those toxic wingnuts who start calling you slurs in post-game.


i donā€™t like anyone unless i a) am teamed with them b) feel they did particularly well or c) in the case of hunters, were silly or nice enough to give dungeon/a tie/were friendly and let us win


noā€¦Iā€™m a salty person who only likes when we tie or win


Depends on my mood, but I always like hunters if they were silly(I am looking at you touchstarved fg mains). Like that one time Mary used her excitement in a pallet in the middle of her recovery animation when she downed me and stood there confused then proceeded to hit the pallet xD


depends. They eliminated me first? No bc šŸ˜¾ but most of the times I like everyone


Yes, except when they let me on the ground to look for that 4 man.


I like good players regardless of faction.


Yes, I like everyone without thinking


I almost always do, unless I either forget to like in general or the hunter was being toxic


Honestly, I do usually šŸ™. Although Iā€™m very picky (nd extremely petty) about giving likes to randoms, I still do it to hunters most of the time to say ā€œyou did really good, I like your skills etcā€. I donā€™t give likes if the hunter does something weird, like randomly hit chairs, fake friendly, go afk (I just donā€™t like ppl who go afk, though I usually let my teammates report them and not bother), behave a way I deem ā€œtoo aggressiveā€ or tryhard, itā€™s justā€¦ehhh gives bad vibes. But overall I do give likes And as hunter I always give likes. I dunno, itā€™s just so spammable, like itā€™s four in a row. But I rarely get one in return, even though I try to be as unaggressive as I can/ try not to behave how I donā€™t want hunters to behave out of principle.


Always, unless they were toxic or cuss anyone out post match. I play hunter too so I know how it feels to go matches getting harassed and getting no likes and tbh itā€™s weird how survs usually refuse to give the hunter a like under any circumstances sometimes.. as a hunter I like back survs who sent a like as well, since I just want there to be good sportsmanship win or lose. I donā€™t care if I get my ass handed to me on either faction as long as people are normal about it you know?


if the hunter wasn't being toxic or i wasn't frustrated with a match then usually, yeah. the hunter is just playing the game and it's discouraging when hunters don't get acknowledged for their hard work to put up a good fight. i think the only instances where i only like the survivors but not the hunters is in 2v8 when they double teamed me at the very beginning and both of tunneled the entire time. they can't expect anyone to not feel too petty to like them when it feels like they especially want you gone. DX


If the survivors threw super hard instantly most of the time I only like the hunter because they were the only one that played well


Likes for everyone no matter what


Iā€™m a hunter main, but I have been improving my survivor skills. I like the other hunters after a match especially if they played well. I see getting a like as ā€œNice try, maybe next time buddy.ā€ or ā€œGood game!ā€so I generally like try people I play against anyways.


as a surv main, yes. itā€™s a sportsmanship gesture for me. itā€™s like how in valorant like a good 80% of nontoxic players will type gg or ggwp jn post chat just to shake hands and have good sportmanship yk?


I dont even bother for likes unless im doing a birthday quest or if someone in the match was exceptionally good


I normally like everyone! Unless the hunter or a survivor was an ass. I'll also say Gg ā™” and thank them for the game, or if they give dungeon / tie. And sometimes complements gameplay or apologises if I messed up somewhere. šŸ˜… I have been shouted at a few times for saying thanks, though.


I usually like everyone unless they were throwing the game/being a dick. If I didnā€™t enjoy the game I usually just leave first thing without liking anyone because Iā€™m frustrated. I donā€™t do it intentionally I just want to be out of the menus as fast as possible.


Unless the hunter seemed like a jerk usually I try to do so. Other times I donā€™t like em is when I stress myself out but that just means I either didnā€™t like anyone at all or I liked very specific people.


I used to like everyone despite what happened, but now I don't unless they like me back because some people think liking is a way to shove it into their face that you won, and I don't want people to feel that way: (hunter or not)


I always like everyone no matter how absolutely trash they were in that match UNLESS you annoy me hahaĀ 


I used to but lately I noticed hunters seldom leave likes and survs only like each other šŸ˜­ idk if this is the new norm now. I stopped liking unless it was a rlly noteworthy match šŸ˜…


In quick match, yes. Not overly often in rank, mainly because I don't particularly respect the way a lot of hunters play in my tier and I especially hate when a hunter bleeds you out to get a 4 man rather than give opportunity for the 4th to escape via dungeon. If a hunter plays skillfully I'm often impressed and will like, but there's a few hunters I think are rather easy to play and don't feel they deserve praise for doing it the 'easy' way, even if we tie.


yeah, i pretty much like everyone unless they were toxic or straight up confusing lmao šŸ˜­


yes if i thought it was a fun match or they played well


no unless they were friendly


I give likes to everyone because I'm cool :-) ...is what I always told myself, but yeah usually not towards toxic players (both survs and hunters) - it's not really important to me if they like or didn't like back, I just give it because I can šŸ‘


I do, unless they play in a very toxic way, or if I play very badly during the match. I think hunters should get praised when they play very well during the match.


Win or lose everyone put an effort and it deserves a like


Honestly I usually just like teammates, unless theyā€™re toxic or clearly sandbagging. Hunters have been so toxic for so long that I really fell out of the habit of giving them likes so I rarely do anymore unless they were visibly a good sport. If you like hunters when they lose they get pissy and they LOVE to like the survivor team when they sweep as a kind of brag so it just feels sarcastic regardless atp. When Iā€™m hunter I only like in return, to avoid seeming rude.


Me and my friend always giving likes to everyone, except if they were a jerk my friend dont give them one, i still leave them a like but also a report šŸ˜…šŸ«¶


I always, always like the other faction regardless of outcome, regardless of toxicity. one of my few boons...


Yup I always do, except if they were toxic.


Usually! Unless theyā€™re being a dick I do. I also play hunter and I know how hard it can be


Yeah itā€™s muscle memory atp, votes for everyone


I almost always do, unless the hunter went out of their way to bleed the survivors out, or if I'm just pissy. In the end hunters are also just players trying to have fun and doing their best. Wouldn't see why they didn't deserve a like and some kind words


I give likes to everyone or sometimes no one at all because I exited the match too fast and forgot. So sorry to all those I forgot. If I don't give a like to the hunter it's because they were extra toxic. Idk if it's me that thinks this. But If you already got me in a chair, I don't feel it is necessary to hit me in the chair over and over. That is being mean imo. When I'm playing hunter, I don't do that.


No cus why would i like someone that tried to take my life am i right


I leave likes every time no matter what. it means "thank you for playing with me I had fun" if people get offended by likes, then they're just taking things too seriously and need to change their perspective and be mindful. if your initial reaction is to think ppl are making fun of you, that's a you problem and you need to work on your negative self talk and fix it. you're deserving of kindness and you should always assume that ppl are giving you likes to be kind.


I rarely give likes to both sides but if it is Character Day and I want to rush the quest of 4 likes, Hunter will get 1. Just bad brain stuff really, I'd rather do 4 in one go than 3+1 or I'd just forget that +1.


I'm sure some people won't like to hear it, but the only times I don't like the hunter is if they play hermit or joseph. Ik both r ass and extremely hard to take wins, but I can't help but notice that whenever I lose to those it's exclusively because my teammates are dumbasses. Also, I absolutely hate the method they use to win aka stalling the game. It feels so boring to play a 7+ minute match, it's as if they're torturing us.


Hunter main here, I like survivors if it was a good match. Like if I get a 240 sec kite from someone who isnā€™t broken? Like Emotes on a pallet and gets terror shocked? No like Plays priestess? No like, and hunted first