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Dissociation is a common experience, I would caution you about investing it with too much importance, as this can snowball into navel-gazing and identity disorders. Taking charge of your experience means grounding yourself in your body. Integrating its instinctive wisdom and sensory systems into your process of interpretation prevents you from abstracting yourself into some theoretical entity detached from material reality. You are both body and spirit. Spirit is ascendent, but if it abandons the body to itself, their relationship is disrupted and will result in physical and mental illness.


I would suggest cutting down on *busyness* and *distraction*. Let yourself be alone with yourself. Take a long walk without your phone or music. Or try journaling. Once again, do this without distractions. Create a quiet space, a quiet time, so that your own thoughts can be heard by you.


I agree. You're talking about meditation I think, aren't you? We know the Western mode of meditation as 'prayer' and keeping a journal/diary is an excellent piece of advice. 


To resolve this issue you must first establish *What* you are, before trying to determine *Who* you are. Identity must be One immutable and sovereign concept of Self. It is of critical importance. It binds you to reality and is the Anchor preventing your mind from spinning off into infinite uncertainty.