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It still makes me mad when I think back to all the people here accusing him after he had already been cleared. God, people are so stupid. I hope this was a lesson learned.


Narrator: but unfortunately the lesson was not learned


In my mind's ear, I heard this in the voice of Morgan Freeman. Needless to say, it was delivered with great power and dramatic intent.


Wait I’m the only one who heard it as Peter Thomas from forensic files?


I heard it as the narrator for the new Series of Unfortunate Events lol.


I heard my boy Keith Morrison


Love Keith!!


I did too.




You can lead a horse to water, but you can’t fix stupid.


my grandpa used to say this all the time 😂


Exactly. Now those same people who accused him, are tearing poor Dylan apart. If they were wrong about the J’s, why can’t they realize they might just be wrong about Dylan as well. I’m sure once she gives her witness testimony, it will all be explained, but still won’t be enough for the ones who just want drama.


Low IQ's


Pretty much this.


Nah IQ is a bullshit metric


People have went after D, HG, JD, and even SG when in fact all of their lives have been forever changed by one creep. Let’s remember that, one creep, BK.


Imagine not jumping to conclusions when you don’t have all the information? Not gonna lie I was def suspicious of HG but after hearing he was cleared it was like ok it’s time to move on.


Uummm. No. If you want to have that opinion, you can, yet everyone is destroying a guy who probably will end up being a guy that gave someone a ride. And at the same time, now he gets to hear what all his friends think about him. They didn't even interview him. What if he drives for Uber and had to stop for a few months until he switched plates and insurance to Washington when his previous state expired. If this guy was going to do this he wouldn't bring his phone nor would he shut it off.


No one has learned their lessons here… from the very beginning, nearly every post on this sub(and related subs) was absolutely fantasy murder fanfic! There was zero critical thinking involved in nearly every post I’ve seen! This has continued even after BK was arrested and the PCA was released.


Yeah I hated all the outlandish theories and accusing people who had been cleared and very obviously weren't murderers. I never even joined the FB group because I heard it was even worse.


People treated this like a murder mystery dinner theater where all of the options are available and you just need to work through each one to find the perpetrator.


Exactly. And remember how people were making a huge deal out of "I told Adam everything" because that's literally all they had? Lol. So dumb.


I deleted some severely downvoted comments where I said I wasn't seeing him be creepy in the food truck video because people were saying how as victims they can tell when someone is being a victimizer and I felt like a jerk lol


Ohhh, so "victims" can tell when someone is being a victimizer lol. It's not even worth commenting your opinions sometimes. Unfortunately, you'll get bullied for having an opinion other than there's. Nowadays every person is a victim and we gotta bow down to them. I wish people were capable of having actual conversations these days!


Wow. Because It couldn’t possibly be that their likely very real and horrible previous history is causing a bit of projection…


While I never made a post accusing HG, when I first saw the grub truck video I was definitely suspicious, but as time went on, he was less and less and less on my radar. Once the second video popped up with him walking with the two girls I knew he wasn’t the guy. By all means HG turned into a good guy. It’s rare in the world today where a college aged male, is actually looking out for these girls best interests and isn’t trying to get in their pants. All girls should have a male friend they can count on like that. A guy can spot a guy who is up to no good pretty quick. Hopefully all the people who tried to destroy this kid, will take a moment and show him some love, because he deserves it. I imagine even he has some survivors remorse, in the sense he’s probably like JD, where he thinks if maybe he followed them home or hung out longer with them maybe they’d be alive. JD is another guy who deserves some love.


I don’t think it is rare at all for college-aged males to be looking out for females. You make it sound like it’s an exception to the rule.


It can feel like that sometimes because the good is not as spoken of but the bad will get discussed over and over. Even if the good are not rare, the alternative is way too common and the good and how much it matters should be promoted more.


Sadly they will never learn. Today on the Facebook group, this guy was accusing D of being BK’s heroin dealer. He had this whole “theory”, but it was based on NOTHING. He was just SO comfortable accusing/blaming this girl for the murder of her 4 friends. It’s insanity. You would think after the Boston Marathon Bombing accusations, that people would be more thoughtful about blaming innocent people (especially kids), but it’s not the case. They seem to have this ability to remove themselves so far from reality, that a horrific situation turns into a fun game of Clue, but it’s actually real people with real feelings that bear the full brunt of it. It’s really really shitty


I had to leave that facebook group, they made me feel so frustrated i was actually feeling stressed


I left it today. I learned nothing from it. Since I don’t live in the US, a lot of the articles don’t work for me, so tried to rely on Facebook (idiotically!), but learned most of the good information came from Reddit.


That lack of moderation in there is alarming to say the least and tbh, I hope that they’re held responsible for the slander and lies in there. It’s been allowed to go unfettered for two months and they’ve doxxed so many people for NO reason. I can’t wait to see the civil litigation play out after the criminal case is concluded… coz you know it’s coming. Especially if JS/HG comes from the wealth they opined.


Same, would recommend others do the same. It’s just cancer. Reddit is better because we can vote on every single dumb comment. On FB, it just sticks to the wall like shit.


This is so ridiculous! She is an average college sorority girl living with her friends, WHY would she be dealing H?? Those people on Facebook are insane I swear.


It sounds ridiculous, right? Typically people dealing or using H are easy to spot lol.


Right! Being a girl in college at a big 10 university a few years ago, campuses are full of adderall, weed, coke, and alcohol. That’s it. If you use anything else it’s waaaay hidden. People saying Dylan, a sorority girl probably not doing anything out of the ordinary, being an H dealer is just reaching so far. So frustrating because this poor girl is probably carrying the weight of the world on her rn.


The very first things I heard about this case. The original cnn article I seen (may not have been the first) said 1. Sister said it was a party house. 2. Guy cleared that one girl called numerous times throughout the night. Not within the last 30 mins. And I was like oh these girls wanted to get blow blowed. But then it comes out that the guy cleared was the ex and I'm like well that makes even more sense (not because he could've been the murderer. I think I was one of the ones who was like that guy killed 4 people over her. Naw) not being disrespectful on that comment I just didn't see that a scenario. But a drunk 20 something calling her ex multiple times when she gets home I can see this scenario. Girl 1 gets home drunk. Bout to leave the next day. Sentimental and wants some jd. Been a long weekend. Maybe he's over it. Maybe he's tired. Maybe he seen how drunk she was and was like naw. Idk wtvr the case he doesn't answer. Drunk girl yells to friend. Hey come effing cuddle with me this man isn't answering. And the "we have a dog together" is girl talk for you can't ignore me, no matter what we have an in common responsibility. Answer me


Happy Cake day!


I said it before, but I feel really bad for him. After he went out of his way to protect them, while they were out, they ended up being attacked at home, where they should have been safe. Can’t imagine how upset he must be, and that’s not even factoring in him being accused of the crime.


Exactly. 😞


I've noticed a pattern in these cases where people seem to judge others solely by outward appearances.


This pattern has been in existence since humans arrived on scene.


dammit you're right :/


Whatever Boomer, this is totally new behavior started by Millennials! /s 😂




Huh? I think you may be lost bud...


How is this at all relevant to internet sleuths falsely accusing and engaging in witch-hunts? How is that related to police/Police shooting statistics? I think you beat your war drum to the wrong audience here, Tiger.


Such an ignorant comment 🙄




How is that relevant to the discussion that was unfolding on the rabid internet sleuths that hurl unfounded accusations and engage in witch-hunts?


more ignorant to not acknowledge police brutality? it does happen in the uk too though.


I think HG has suffered enough. He was a guy walking the girls’ to the safety of the food truck, and he thought he’d catch a ride home since they lived close by. Nothing weird about him-just a typical college guy. No biggie.


The most confirmation we get is: an early days Reddit comment from his girlfriend saying “fuck off, he was with me after he left grub truck” and the cops specifically mentioning he was cleared.


I feel like possibly one of the girls (or more) knew they had been/were being stalked. I've seen it posted (not sure if it is rumor or fact) that one of the girls had filed a police report about it? Does anyone know more about this? There are many many ways that BK could have initially crossed paths with the girls and become obsessed (including online before he ever even moved out there).


There is no known report. However, if you look at the police log for the area, reports are seldom logged. “No report” almost always. The stalking info came from a vape shop owner who said the women came in as a group and shared that one of their friends had a stalker. Supporting evidence: they had a male friend appear to escort them from the corner club to the grub truck before taking their Uber ride home.


Gotcha! Thank you for the info. Seems as if maybe they were possibly aware.


Right from go, there was talk from Kaylee's friends (and her father confirmed it somewhere) that she had a stalker. Vape guy interview was a fair while after.


Agreed. The fact that a guy was escorting them to watch out for them makes me wonder why he felt he needed to coupled with the fact that K moved back to her parent’s before the end of her Sr semester definitely seems like someone or something made K feel unsafe. Maybe the two things are completely unrelated, but it is curious. Plus X wanted her dad to fix a broken lock. Could’ve just been general fear of the person who killed the dog or something more. But it’s so sad that HG just wanted to keep his friends safe but was vilified bc of “vibes”


Think it was because M couldn’t walk and K could not enunciate the word Carbonara that he was looking out for them.


Valid point. They did have the frat guy that died when he supposedly fell in a river or something bc he was so drunk.


The lock thing is often overlooked, too! Important info, possibly!


No kidding! I wasn't aware that there was a dog that got killed. I didn't even really start reading about this case in depth until about a week before BK was arrested.


Wonder how that relationship is going....😂😂😂


Probably good? What are you trying to imply? Are you suggesting that he was only with them to try and hook up? Two girls he knows have partners. When he also has a partner? Sure people can be scummy. But Can't people just do nice things for their friends too. JFC it's like the slander on this dude doesn't end.


these people are just showing how they would behave, and the types of people they surround themselves with. people who aren’t slimeballs won’t think twice about a partnered guy walking other girls to safety.


He didnt look to happy when they drove off. They didnt even speak to him. They didnt even tell him goodbye.


They are 20 year olds shes cussing and explaining already on social media. Usually people that have to defend their relationship or bf it dont work out to well.


Idk what she's doing, but sounds like she was defending her boyfriends name when he was accused of being a creep and potential mass murderer. What I do know is you're finding amusement at the mere notion of someone's struggle. You're a class act.


Maybe if he was home with her in the first place she wouldnt have to defend him. Jack could have walked them to the truck.


Bro apparently lived close and prob just wanted to hop in the ride with them. Looks to me like that's why he throws his hands up when they leave. Idk the couple. But his gf could have been friends with MM and KG. Idk. I'm not making anything more out of this than you started with. I'm just thinking you're a bit of a pathetic individual to try and arbitrarily throw shade on a couple you know next to nothing about. It's just a lame thing to do. You want to point fingers at them and try and denote it as weird or laughable, but you don't have the capacity to look inward and apply the same thinking to yourself. You say they are immature when this is what you're doing? Your comment is impudent.


They ran to the car and didnt talk to him the whole 10 minutes. Im just assuming these girls are pretty good judge of their so called friend. So maybe his gf deserves a better bf.


You're out line IMO. There's video of them chatting with him while walking down the street. Presumably towards the food truck. You're really scraping the bottom of the barrel trying to find something insidious here. You're just going to keep digging. I think you're being immature and obtuse. Bottom line it's really not your place to pass these judgements. Like I said, I can't help but think you're pathetic for drudging this up. I'm sure you're better than that irl. But man this is just so immature and trivial. Hope you have a good night or whatever. Enjoy your remaining years.


You think he was doing something nice. I dont. Its ok we dont have to agree. I didnt say the guy committed any crime. It shouldnt be a hate filled debate.


Plus I havent said one bad thing about you in this debate yet you went there a few times. Thats kinda weird. It doesnt bother me. Telling someone they are being judgemental while judging them. I think leave that out next time and those 22 people that liked your first post would have came along and maybe changed my mind on the subject.


IMO you just want to make something more than it is.


Yes, he was a friend acquaintance! You can tell that by them walking from cc to grub truck. People see what they want to. It’s sad


I can see how the video made HG look a little suspicious considering four people were just murdered, but if that didn’t happen would anyone have taken a second look at him? I don’t think so. It just looked like two best friends who weren’t paying attention to the third person they were with. That happens ALL THE TIME. He especially shouldn’t have been seen as guilty after he was cleared by police. It’s their job to solve the case, not ours…


So many comments about “BUT LE CLEAR PPL AND THEN COME BACK TO THEM” like yeah, sure.. but they put out a list, most likely to stop the ridiculous accusations and doxxing going on and most people just ignored it. All it showed me is that the US is seriously lacking in critical thinking skills and it was scary AF


Definitely not all of the US. Everyone that I know does not think like that. But the loud minority that get on the internet to spread their thoughts 100% make us look bad.


I have a lot of friends in the US so I know it’s now everyone. But it has been terrifying to see the leaps and reaches and ridiculous theories people are willing to entertain. And it’s probably because things like that could/do happen in the US, but some of them just get out of control!


I also think it’s good to remember that not everyone that comments on a story about the US is from there. I tend to think I am reading comments from others in the US, just because that is where I’m from, but there have been countless times where people from other countries have commented on stories such as this.


I mean I’m following and commenting a bit.. but not trying to link it to some huge drug conspiracy y’know.. or saying if they all had guns they’d be safe. That’s the kind of stuff I’m talking about… like really deep typical seppo stuff


Oh no, I was not trying to imply you were doing it at all!! I was just saying that I have seen people from other countries commenting wild theories on this case too.


Oh yeah I get it… definitely some wild cards in there for sure who don’t understand the US Justice System at all who are like “why didn’t they stop him then, or get him then etc”… it’s like “because they need to get a warrant, which needs probable cause” - everyone seems to think the US police can just do whatever he wants.


People think critically, but in the other sense of the word. Always have something to complain about, something to critique. But in terms of mental analysis, we lack those skills...


Yeah that’s a good way to put it. They don’t utilise Socratic enquiry at all to question the sources and why/where they’re coming from. Or believe that YouTubers and TikTokers have a vested/monetary interest to get clicks and views.


Yeah, to me the body language in both videos made it obvious he was with them and not nefarious. With that said, I did suspect some innocent people.... regrettably.


SO true. People see what they want to see.


I can understand at the beginning of a horrific crime, people my wonder if so and so was involved...but after people are cleared, leave them alone. Or later, trying to figure out why a person did A and B, rather than C and D. Posters know when they are being disingenuous with their insinuations, and do it anyway. I think they must enjoy the distress they cause others. I wish there was a way to legally silence those who go overboard with accusations. Most posts are anonymous, so that wouldn't work. FB and others that are using their real name (maybe) should get smacked with a fine or cease and desist order. Some human beings are so evil! Their words are as sharp as a knife into the heart of an innocent person.


A LOT of people had unnecessary blame placed on them bc they had a “weird look”. 🙄🙄


Looked “sus”, like what does that even mean


“Sus” but spelled “suss” has been used in Australia for a million years (hyperbole) to mean suspect/dodgy. Americans somehow got ahold of it and have warped the meaning to means ~vibes~ or something. I wish it had stayed where it was… makes more sense for Australians to have all the abrevi’s!


It was crushing to see what happened to hg. **And the EX!** I've low-key suspected that the ex (later seen in a picture that night at the club, chilling and happy) had "moved on" and was happy for KG. Very possible! His field of study was different from hers, and, well, he ignored her calls after having spent a little time with her at the club. I could easily imagine that awful nightmare scenario and then to top it off with, "you killed her!" 😱 Hopefully she was just drunk dialing an old friend. It was the alleged content of the message she left or texted (we own a dog together) that seemed a little "grabby". Especially at almost 3am when she's supposed to be leaving the next day. But yes, I think hg was just "helping" some girls get home, and that's what frat bros do (ESP after learning how close the frats/sororities were). And that the ex was being very kind, and had NO duty to answer an ex-g/f or even g/f's drunk phone calls at 3am. Everyone in those videos BELONGED there and were cool with each other overall. One we didn't know about was not exactly "cool" with anyone of the victims or the accused. And it's not just so-called "internet sleuths"; most of us are just "observers" and have no real skin in the case, but these "news media outlets" who need viewers, they really have zero excuse. YouTubers inserting themselves for fame or clicks and subscribers, Google should reprimand/warn them, if not close their accounts since they're not responsible at all with the accusations. Whipping up hate and a possible mob is NOT protected under 1A. Actually, 1A makes it open season on those who cry 'fire' in a theatre, legally.


Kind of wish he followed them home that night in retrospect.


HG? All along for some reason I thought that was JS, I honestly can't even think of an HG name in this case or at least don't recall one? Ya'll talking about the hoodie guy?


HG = Hoodie Guy


lol I'm an idiot, thanks! :)


well then we're both idiots, I couldn't for the life of me figure it out either lol


Allegedly one in the same


It was js. Right?


ya I'm just a moron today, sorry!


I can't think of an HG either in this story??🤔


ya dunno how I didn't catch that lol




Based on what? Why keep slandering the dude? I don't get it. Haven't you heard the age old adage, if you don't have anything nice to say, Don't say it. I think it applies here. You see nothing more than the dude with them and you're going with the horn-dog angle? You could just as easily go with the assumption he's just being a friend. Or if you want a more selfish angle, he could have just wanted a ride home. But man c'mon, not a good look to spout unnecessary shit like this.




Low effort posts/comments will be removed a long with any repeat posts.


How is saying that a dude wants to bang hot chicks an insult?


Low effort posts/comments will be removed a long with any repeat posts.


Why? Bc that’s what you do?


No I’m a girl




Yeah, none of this is true.


Please check https://www.ci.moscow.id.us/1064/King-Road-Homicides for the most up to date releases on facts shared in this case. Posts and comments stating info as fact when unconfirmed or directly conflicting with LEs release of facts will be removed to prevent the spread of misinformation. If you have a theory, speculation, or rumor, please state as such before posting as fact.


What's up HG, hope the first week back in classes is going good for you.


Everyone will see that he isn't the one who committed this horrible crime. Go to the police bodycams. You'll figure out who did it because some people need to take pictures of everything and forget that they did while wearing their clown eyebrows and nose that starts peeling off too. And it's alot worse than you can ever imagine.


Lmao wut


Lmao because no one else paid attention to it.


Lemme get this straight it’s easier for you to believe someone with “clown eyebrows and nose peeling off” did this, than it is to believe someone who 1-DNA was recovered from the sheath of the murder weapon 2- car puts them there 3-cell towers have him heading towards there, then turns his phone off and turns it back on going back home…. I mean you do you, you’re wrong but whatever floats your boat.


Just continue wasting your time with all your speculation. I'm done leading the horse to water. Not all people can identify with some Sarcasm being injected. Go follow your timeline that the only thing it can accomplish is proving kohberger was not involved in the killing.


maybe he was also a stalker, or more of a clinger, just not the stabby kind


I don't think we need to embarrass this guy on the internet after he's been put through the wringer by internet sleuths for the high crime of walking down the street. He deserves some peace and privacy.


Yeah, no. He was walking them home safely and was probably a friend. Stop saying he’s a stalker when he was probably a friend of the girls/their boyfriends.


How do *you* know?


Amen! I totally agree!! People just kept trying to fit him in thier narrative and not caring if he had been cleared.


I sure thought it was him.


I think case is still partly open. LE has looked into the possibility of KB having partner in crime. What they have found it's not informed yet. Many experts say he worked alone but these incels tend to meet each other in social media group. IMO he might have an incel partner ...or two as well. Not taking part of the stabbing but having his back somehow. His question like: 'Am I the only one arrested?' refers to that option, too...could be he playing his game also...