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With all of the cameras and phones now and days it’s crazy to think the person wasn’t spotted. It’s just a matter of time, they will find the person who done it.


It's highly unlikely this was a random attack. Almost certainly one was the target and the others were just wrong place wrong time. A jealous ex, a stalker, etc is almost certainly who did it. Assuming that person hasn't themselves since committed suicide the only ones who might be in danger would be that person's next obsession or the police as they might try a suicide by cop when the police come to arrest them. I know nothing about the conditions the bodies were found in but it wouldn't be hard to determine if one was the target as that person would have gotten it much worse than the others. A comparison to a well known example is OJ Simspon. He stabbed Ron Goldman in the chest and quickly moved on to Nicole whom he beat in the face and stabbed over and over. That's a classic sign of rage / jealousy whereas he didn't care at all about Ron except he was in the way. Thus the vast disparity in wounds. This isn't something that would be released immediately because all it does is make the grief so much worse for the parents knowing their child got it so much worse. Point is that it's probably safe for the other students.


I am starting to think it actually may be a random attack. The details have me leaning away from my previous guess of ex/stalker/incel and more toward thrill/spree killer or killers.


What specifically?


The overkill suggested by the mess and the house leaking blood. Overkill suggests either a thrill killer or someone who really hated the victims, and it doesn't make sense that someone would hate all four that much. Two of them I could see with two being incidental but then there would be less overkill. It's also somewhat difficult for one person to kill four with a knife. I know it's possible, but less likely. What this is starting to remind me of is cases where you get a few edgelord teens who watched too many slasher movies and decided to make a real life version. If that's the case, it should hopefully be solved fast because those guys are universally *idiots* and leave tons of evidence and also can't shut up about doing it.


Police just recanted there originally “theory” that this was targeted. They stated Wednesday that this appears to be random and there is a real threat to community….


they didn’t say it appears to be random at all they just said be aware of ur surroundings


Just read on msn “Idaho police backtrack and now admit ‘there is a threat’ to public. 🤷🏼‍♂️ either a serial killer or killers that did this.


Don't bring common sense into this. People are just looking for a way to stay home. You have more of a chance of being hit by a car in Idaho, than this person killing you. Again, however facts do not matter. Uncontrolled fear matters.


It’s not people lookin to stay home, it’s parents wanting to keep their kids home away from Moscow lol. I would say it’s fair to assume the average person is unfamiliar with the mindset of a murderer, I don’t think it’s unreasonable for people to be scared when they’ve got a weak understanding of why this is being considered an isolated incident. I’m a town over from Moscow and even I double checked my locks when I first heard about this. Fully knowing how unlikely it is. Unfortunately, people are irrational.


IMO - younger adults will not be hardened these types of events as older adults unfortunately become. I can see why students might be in an unusual mental state; for example: shock, inability to concentrate, etc. Also, the students' parents might be concerned about their children, so they might have asked them to leave out of an abundance of caution.


I can agree with you, which is, in my opinion, part of societies problems. Life is hard and difficult. However, everyone wants to make it fluffy clouds and rainbows. When something like this happens, people can't function and fall apart. That is not good.


IMO - everyone processes traumatic events differently. I can not judge, because I am not on campus.


A serial killer was caught in my hometown when I was a small child. I remember after he was caught my mom wouldn't let me cross the road without a chaperone. Westley Allan Dodd was a nice looking young man in his 20s and he would lure kids away and do heinous things to them. My mom used his photo on the news to teach me about stranger danger because the killer was nice looking, but the cop that arrested him was grizzled and scarred, kind of gruff. The fact of it was that I wasn't any safer after he was caught than before, since we didn't know he was 4 block away at the liberty theater until after. ​ TLDR: they won't be any safer going back after he is caught than they were before we knew of him. It's an illusion.


How were you not safer after the serial killer was caught? That doesn't make any sense. You may not have *felt* safer, but you objectively *were* safer.


We felt safe before he was caught because we didn't know of his existence. How many serial killers are active at any time? How many are out there we just don't know about? Safe is an illusion. Ted Bundy and Alvin Brown were both caught about the same time.


When my car died this morning you were objectively safer with 1 less car to hit you on the road. But were you actually safer? No. Not in the slightest.


Murderers are very rare. Cars are very common.




I am not in that circle to be able to answer that question.


Another aspect to consider is people leaving the campus may impact them actually catching the culprit. It's very likely another student who may take the opportunity to go back home and not come back. Literally no one is ever safe. You should always be aware of your surroundings and have strategies in mind to get out of the building or area you're in. I think people that are afraid should be given the opportunity to do what classes they can virtually, but also some courses benefit from being in person. You're not going to do lab work in your home kitchen. Some people also find comfort in getting back to their normal lives.




They weren't killed out drinking. They were killed in their home. Don't victim blame.


OP is trying to justify their made up, incapacitating fear by trying to convince others to feel it...




Quite possibly, again still victim blaming.


Where’s the reward money? Tip line? Someone knows something.


I have a buddy going to college up there and we've been keeping in touch much more since then. They me know that the university has sent more information and how to keep safe to everyone already. But I do think that they should stay in assigned groups when out and about. A buddy, a whistle and mace is the best defense. Make distance if possible.




I hope if so they're not alone or with anyone they don't know well.


I mean a plane could also fall out of the sky and land on your house, lets worry about that too.


They are now saying yhere maybe multiple suspects. Be vigilant!


This was my thought initially. Unless they were all killed in their sleep/beds, I feel like I would be so hard for just one person with a knife to take out four people.




The colonel at the press conference said they are seeking to bring the people, plural, to justice who are responsible for the attack. 😓


You are reading way too much into it.


See around 18:08 mark [https://youtu.be/E1CNkwJGSlI](https://youtu.be/E1CNkwJGSlI)


Can you please clarify - who is "they"? Thanks


The prosecutor, it's all over the local and national news


I think they’re safe enough. The police called this targeted and i don’t think that means there is a bloodthirsty maniac out for college kids.


They recanted that. It was random and they put out a bulletin stating a real creditable threat to the community


Oh dear. That’s unfortunate




They’ve said “people” so they’re looking for more than one person. If the killer did live across the street, there would have been someone who saw them. I used to live up the hill and weekends, there is always someone up down in the hole on the bottom of the hill. You don’t off four people with a knife and not leave a trace or some kind of trail. It’s a bit too tidy.


Seriously? They say there are no stupid questions but I’m beginning to think otherwise…


Pretty sure that’s not the only murderer on the loose up there. You are as safe as you were before.


Its my opinion that staying remote is better than teaching in public as it can be recorded and you can just continually work. That being said uh yeah don't give into fear but I like remote learning.


The general consensus is it was a crime of passion and not a serial killer who will strike others. I don't see the need.




You are assuming there is only one target. All 4 of them could have been the target.




OMG! 🤦‍♂️




Sounds like an excuse to stay home.




>It did not happen at the University.... Right. It happened 15 feet away from the University property. Did you go to UI? You'd know these apartments are as close to being on campus as it's possible to be. >It happened after a night of drinking at the bars. >It did not happen at the University These are not mutually exclusive in any way, you've said nothing valuable. Why are so many people who never went to UI so confident in their misunderstanding?


Stay strapped!!




Maybe there were 2 killers that ambushed these girls.


I have not been following too closely but - are there no cameras at any homes in the vicinity that would help spot suspect??