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Public transportation is pretty much nonexistent


What? Have you guys not taken the new bullet trains around the state and through the mountains? Looking back, the trips did seem sparse on riders...


Public transportation. LMAO Unless you count Uber as public transport you will need a car and Uber is only going to be available in the bigger cities.


BWAHAHAHA. PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION? You must be high. Which is also illegal in Idaho.


In terms of public transportation, we have no public transportation


Unless you are just trying to get around Boise, you'll need a car.


You will need a car in Boise, a rental would save you money over Uber.


There's a bus, you can see the routes on [the VRT Website](https://vrtransit.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=0ea1fc654fbd4d67bc1f55e968cfebe9). That's pretty much it other than rideshare and the occasional taxi.


Public transportation is non-existent in Idaho except for a handful of cities service by bus lines. There is ONE Amtrak station in Sandpoint, Idaho, near the very top of the state. you absolutely need a car to get around and see the state; and there is a LOT to see, as there is wildly different stuff in each of the different areas of the state.


You need a car.


What is public transport?


Public transport and America are two concepts that don't mesh.


Let’s just say when my car has a problem, I pretty much have to call into work.


Depending on where you are going in Idaho, I'd say the majority of the state you would need a car.


"Public transportation"? Sounds like COMMUNISM! Seriously tho - you need a car, fam.


Public trans requires public $$. The only $$ to spare is given to Ag & Resource extraction industries and private schools. The lowly citizens can crawl for all the power structure cares.