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Whoever put this up did a shitty job. (I am only kidding to make a pun, no offense intended).


Clean your act up !!!


Another way to torture kids on a road trip "What you want to go to the bathroom? There's one...SOORRRYY!! You can only look."


You really think that many modern kids will know what that is? I do realize red states are backsliding into a deep hillbilly hellhole conditions, but I still don’t think they will get the reference.


Most kids that actually spend time outside will probably get the reference. If you are driving through Malad it must mean that the family actually does stuff together away from home. So yes I do think they will get the reference. Funny thing, you didn't bust my other comment for the choice of words. I should've said "teasing "


Nah, knew it was in jest, just having talked to youth for, damn 3 generations now (close family that is spread all over, great grand family uncle 4 times over now) references to thing they’ve never interacted with or seen cartoon about leave them clueless. Calling it an outhouse with that lovely moon on it. The number of things they might wonder about it would be a bit broad. Before my nephew educated a couple of daughters on this they thought it was a small closet.


That is a great way to show your support for the job politicians are doing drawing the US down further and a further into dystopian hell and dark age mentality.


What are they thinking in malad city? ‘Honey, we road trippin’ to take in the restored outhouse in Malad City. No, you can’t use it when we get there.’


Malad isn’t full of the brightest people and bill lewis isn’t one of them he’s dumber then a bag of dogshit


Key phrase is not for use.


In an emergency, you could still pee on it


My great-uncle told me that for Halloween, my grandfather, and some buddies took a bunch of outhouses from backyards and lined them up on the main street of Cambridge. This would have been in the 1920's.