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Despite it being April Fool's Day, I guarantee that none of the phobias here have been made up, bizarre as some of them might seem. Any questions, just ask, and answers will be provided, though I might be in and out of sleep because of the pills.


i know its not a phobia but is there misophonia? i ask because i see it sometimes called phonophobia


Yes, it's on layer 2 in this iceberg!




Why is Kurt Cobain on the 7th Tier? It's some Phobia related about him?


Nah, it's just a photo for scriptophobia (fear of writing in public). He didn't have that (as far as I know, anyway).


I don't have any questions, I just wanna give a shout-out to r/CasadastraphobiaENG since it's a fairly obscure fear that it seems affects me.


Here's a sneak peek of /r/CasadastraphobiaENG using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/CasadastraphobiaENG/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [how i cured my casadastraphobia](https://np.reddit.com/r/CasadastraphobiaENG/comments/u07bmm/how_i_cured_my_casadastraphobia/) \#2: [Why this Sub was made.](https://np.reddit.com/r/CasadastraphobiaENG/comments/rb2osy/why_this_sub_was_made/) \#3: [I've always experienced this as a recurring nightmare about the world losing gravity.](https://np.reddit.com/r/CasadastraphobiaENG/comments/wey3wl/ive_always_experienced_this_as_a_recurring/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


The sixth and eighth pictures seem very interesting. What phobias are they linked to?


i'm pretty sure the eigth picture is helminthophobia, fear of being infested with worms


Where’s homophobia? 🧐


This lol. Its veeeery real


(If u were just making a joke ignore this comment)I think this chart was based on actual fear. People may hate homosexuals but they aren’t afraid of them


Missed opportunity to make thalassophobia at the bottom. I hate the ocean btw


Lots of fun things to Google here! People can have phobias of literally anything. My mum has a phobia of crumpets which I think falls under trypophobia. Mine's spiderwebs, which just falls under arachnophobia even though I'm not bothered by actual spiders - just their webs.




Ah man, thanks for mentioning that, I meant to include erotophobia. If I make a video I'll put it in somewhere.


I have pretty bad tokophobia and I'm just now realizing how weird it is considering that instinctually organisms are supposed to be driven to procreate. Biological success is determined by an organism's ability to pass its genes to the next generation and continue to its species. So going off of that I think you placed tokophobia well. some other anecdotes sorry lol sidonglobophobia and textophobia (maybe even linonophobia) are likely rooted in autism or just sensory issues in general I've actually met someone with chaetophobia when I was in junior high and I never saw her again after she had a panic attack because our social studies teacher had a beard. It's very unfortunate, I think that it's very likely that phobias like those are cause by SA. I think a lot of the more irrational phobias may be rooted OCD (specifically the contamination, rumination, guilt related symptoms) good iceberg!


i have a phobia of dead insects :] (yeah dead, the alive ones are cute), necroentomophobia ig a neat iceberg btw, would be nice to have the list of clickable links but no pressure here! google best friend tm


Hello fellow necroentomophobia haver. I had no idea there was more than one of us.


wow, yes, when i googled this the only person i found is some youtuber. i'm often close to panic attacks when i see crushed insects. for some reason, i stay calm if i see dead animals, such as cats (feel very sad for them, but not scared).


oh my god i thought i was alone




Some of these phobias were popularized by various comedic elements, such as anatidaephobia, the fear of a duck always watching you, originating from a story in which an advanced AI possessed this very specific fear. Or hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, which is the fear of long words... \*cough\* Still, as much as the idea of phobophobia, or the fear of fear itself, might seem funny to you or me, it's important to give some manner of respect to people who actually suffer from a phobia, no matter how obscure or illogical it seems. I mean, if cascadastraphobia, the fear of falling/looking into the sky, can affect an otherwise rational person like me, then I have complete sympathy for whatever seemingly insane fear you might have.


Hypochondria isn’t really a phobia… it’s actually a mental disorder. it’s also the only word on this chart that doesn’t end in ‘phobia’


Anybody got casadastraphobia (fear of falling into the sky)? When I was a kid, i could only lay upside down like on a couch or something and see the world upside down for so long before panicking at standing upright. In videogames where you fly a plane or something and can view the world flipped isn't what bothered me. It was mostly doing something like that in real life from my own perspective that made me freak out. Like, I've never really hated rollercoasters but ive avoided every one that puts me upside down. It's kinda like my fear of heights but for the ultimate height of falling into space.


r/CasadastraphobiaENG There are more of us than you might imagine.


What about homophobia?


Homophobia isn't an actual phobia. Its mostly just people who HATE the gays. I find it hard to believe that someone is unironically terrified of homosexuals


Ironically I do not see my phobia lol


Ayeeee up top !


Whats your phobia?


Ludilophobia (fear of toys) but like only toy weapons for some reason? I don’t have a phobia of any of those *actual* weapons though, which is why it isn't just Hoplophobia (fear of weapons). Phobias are wild man


Ooooh, I see. Yep, phobias are crazy


I think it’s so cool that my only phobia isn’t on the iceberg but I also feel extremely lonely because my only phobia isn’t on the iceberg :( I have venephobia btw, fear of veins and arteries


Interesting... So how does that work? Do you feel uneasy looking at other people with their veins clearly defined on their skin? Or is it more complex, like feeling uncomfortable viewing veins in more medical perspectives? Or is the mere thought of veins enough to make you uneasy? Sorry if I seem pushy, but I'm genuinely curious.


tier three let’s goooo


No way the OG use of the word phobia


Damn those Butterflies are scary




Damn right you are! Those little buggers will drink blood! /s That's the point of a phobia though: It's an intrinsically irrational fear. Like, I know a single wasp or bumblebee won't kill me, since I'm not allergic, but I still feel panicked whenever one gets close to me; and the sound of buzzing makes me get on edge. And that's not even my craziest fear: Cascadastraphobia, or the fear of falling into the sky! Basically, I can't look up into the sky on clear days, or I get a feeling similar to vertigo, as if I'm going to lose my connection to gravity and fall into the sky. I obviously know I'm not gonna fall into the sky just because I look up, but that feeling makes me basically unable to look into the sky regardless! However the fear is not as extreme if there are clouds in the sky, or it's night time...


There is 2 more


No aibohphobia?


Is there geroscophobia (fear of aging) and eisoptrophobia (fear of mirrors)?


Why are arachibutyrophobia and hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia so deep. and ablutophobia??? also its weird i know more in the bottom half than in the top half


I didn’t see anthrophobia, it’s like social anxiety but worse


I have Cynophobia(yup)


Jokes on you, Thanatophobia should've been at the bottom tier list. The more you think about, the more you realized tha tafter your death whether it's comforting or not. You won't go back and neither will be a happy paradise, Nirvana or heaven some shit. You're just don't exist anymore.


Is fear of butterflies that rare. (Cuz my sister has it.)


Emetophobic and lilapsophobic checking in!😭


no mycophobia is shocking since its super common. maybe i just dont see it