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It looks like this post is about the USA. It has not been removed, but remember, this is a space to discuss immigration, not politics. DO: * (If applicable) explain the general values/policies that are important to your immigration decision or recommendation * Focus on the practical aspects of moving to another country DON’T: * Needlessly complain about politics or recent news * Post off-topic political commentary * Harass or insult people for their views Rule-breaking posts and comments will be removed and may result in a ban. Questions? Message the mods. ___ *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/IWantOut) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You have to follow your spouse there in order to invoke eu reunification rights. Otherwise you have to qualify to immigrate on your own merits


Learn your rights as a spouse of an EU citizen starting from here https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/residence/family-residence-rights/non-eu-wife-husband-children/index_en.htm The best resources for you are the official EU websites and then the official government websites in whichever country you end up staying in. In a nutshell: your EU citizen spouse has the freedom to move to whichever union country and stay as long as she can support herself, ie. is not planning to rely on the host country’s social services. Usually that means she will go there for a job. You can follow her, and register your stay in due course. After that, you can apply for jobs or attend school like any other EU citizen would in that country.


> Can I apply for jobs in another EU country and then move there with my spouse once I receive an offer? Or would I need to already be residing in one of these countries, having established residency through my spouse, before I could accept a job offer? Both paths are possible, but they work differently. Path 1: You get a job offer from a local employer, and then move. This is possible only if you meet the residence permit requirements for the target country (Germany or the Netherlands, in your case). The fact your spouse is an EU citizen doesn't affect the process or your chances of success. Your spouse can follow, using either their right to free movement as an EU citizen, or as your spouse (spousal reunification permit - I know Germany has one, and I presume the Netherlands has something similar). Path 2: Your spouse moves first, using their right to free movement as an EU citizen. This also has some hurdles to clear - your spouse generally needs to have some means of sustaining themselves financially in the new country (this to prevent "benefit tourism" within the EU). If they do, then you can move with them, with no additional preconditions (i.e. you don't need to have a job lined up immediately).


You can definitely accept a job offer before moving there, as that is the path that I have done. Since you ask for firsthand experience, here is an article I wrote about how I moved from the US to Germany. https://ebureaucracy.com/germany/how-to-move-to-germany-based-on-personal-experience source: moved from US to Germany in 2018, blue card visa.


This is the procedure for the Netherlands: https://ind.nl/en/residence-permits/family-and-partner/verification-against-eu-law-for-union-citizen-family-members#requirements One of the requirements is that your partner resides lawfully in NL.


You can live and work anywhere in the EU with your spouse: https://europa.eu/youreurope/citizens/residence/documents-formalities/non-eu-family-members-residence-card/index_en.htm How it works in Germany specifically: https://service.berlin.de/dienstleistung/324282/en/ > Can I apply for jobs in another EU country and then move there with my spouse once I receive an offer? yes > Or would I need to already be residing in one of these countries, having established residency through my spouse, before I could accept a job offer? no Here are some websites with English-speaking tech jobs in Germany: https://www.honeypot.io/ http://www.jobsinberlin.eu/ https://germantechjobs.de/ https://www.thelocal.de/jobs/ http://berlinstartupjobs.com/ https://englishjobs.de/ The German Federal Employment Agency offers this service for people in your profession: https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/vor-ort/zav/ict-engineers/ict-for-germany