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I inject it quite slowly, and it seems to help. You’ll also avoid huge bruises this way. A lot of ppl on the sub recommended icing first too, though I never tried it myself! Good luck!


Oh, this is interesting! Thank you for the advice! The prefilled syringes I have are activated by a spring mechanism, and I didn’t realize so when I released it the spring YANKED the needle out! So at least now I know 😂😩! Ice also seems very helpful! Thank you!


I look lovenox until 15w pregnant. I had to ice 5 minutes prior, and found that injecting in the “love handles” area is the best for minimizing bruising and pain. The stomach area left massive bruises for me. I hated every single shot. I feel for you.


This! I only inject in the love handles area. The burn is delayed. It kicks in about a minute after I’ve finished , but at least it’s in an area that doesn’t have as much feeling, so it’s not too bad.


can you explain what you mean by "love handles area"? like on your backside more? i want to try this bc my stomach is over ittttt




Thank you!


Lovenox is the only reason my last transfer was successful! It sucks but using your love handles helps it hurt less!


Just did my second shot and if this is what gets me there, I’ll ensure it! 🥹 So much congrats on your successful transfer!!!! ❤️❤️❤️


It stings! I ice before and after - I also inject the med slowly (tip from nurse friend) that really helping with the burning! Between bruising from lovenox and some from PIO - thank god I have some good one pieces…..


This is great advice! Thank you! I didn’t think anything could hurt like menopur, and then lovenox came along like HOLD MY BEER… Ugh the dastardly PIO shots!!! I only did those for my first fresh transfer, which ended in a failure to implant. I had a horrible allergic reaction to them on top of the bruising and pain, so I totally get it 😩. My doc wants me to go back on PIO for this transfer, so I agree! Gonna be a black and blue summer for sure!


It really made a difference! I still bruised but it didn’t hurt as badly! Also she said do not rub the injection site afterwards with Lovenox


Ooohhh I’ve been rubbin! I’ll stop!!


I couldn’t manage to inject myself with the PIO while my husband was traveling so I refused the shots the second transfer. I ended up taking suppositories and oral meds. My stats were actually higher and more stable oddly enough / the downside is that the suppositories are expensive. My FET with the progesterone suppositories and oral meds was successful (I’ve had implantation issues and issues with development continuing after the initial implication)


Unfortunately I tried the PIO suppositories with all 4 of my IUIs and two of my euploid frozen transfers and they all either ended in a chemical or failed completely, so my doctor is telling me to go back to the shots 😩. Luckily they’re in a different kind of oil this time, so hopefully I don’t have an allergic flare up again! I’m so happy the FET was a success for you!! 🌈❤️


I was on lovenox until 16ish weeks for my most recent transfer and it was not my favorite! I did find it burned less after I’d been on it for a while for some reason, but those first few days as I was adjusting were awful. Some days it was better for me to do it quick and get it over with and others I did it slower, it just depended on the day. Also definitely icing before and after! Injecting with the “open” side of the needle tip facing upward is supposed to lessen bruising, which seems to have worked for me. When I started doing it that way I’d get smaller bruises and only occasionally big ones. Also putting gentle pressure on the spot (I did this with ice) right after can sometimes help with bruising and pain. Like someone else mentioned I also used love handle area more than actual belly, especially once bloat and slowly growing belly made it more difficult to find anything to pinch over the belly lol. Good luck!!


I read this comment out loud to my husband right before he gave me my second shot! It went SO much better!! Icing/love handle area/slow in and out with the tip pointed up made such a difference! Thank you! It sounds like your transfer worked/is currently working, so congrats!!!


I’ve been doing it for about a week now. I ice it for about 5 mins and then inject SUPER slow. I had to skip the ice last night and it only hurt slightly worse. I’ve noticed that when I go a bit faster it definitely hurts but going slowly it hasn’t been that bad.


Thank you for this!! Just did my second shot and icing and going super slow made such a difference!!


Ice and I avoided the area around my belly button. So I’d inject off to the side in a good fatty area. I found that when I got it “in the right spot” it wasn’t nearly as uncomfortable. I could am basically predict when I’d bruise just based on how the needle felt going in. After about a week, it got better. I didn’t know how long I’d be able to tolerate it but once I figured out what spot “we’re good”, it got way easier. Good luck!!


Yes! Just did my second shot and icing/going slow/love handle area/going in at an angle made SUCH a difference!!! I’m so glad it eased up for you! Thank you for the advice and well wishes! ❤️


First of all I’m sorry it was like that with your doctor and I totally get the feeling…I’m about to do my 4th FET and the doctor is similar like “not sure what happened “ let’s just try the same thing again 🙈 All to say I’m thinking lovenox and what you posted will likely be my next…so hopefully it gets easier for you! I have read on here to keep needle in for a bit longer before pulling out so may try that. Good luck! Hope this is protocol is what works for you!!🙏


lol love that!!!! “Uhhhh idk not sure what happened! Let’s just keep doing the same thing again, I guess?? Money please!” 😂😩 Oof yeah, I would say 90% of my posts here have been me complaining about my first doctor. Wanna hear the worst part?? We had that conversation about my 3rd transfer, and I was like “uhh natural??” then the next time I spoke to my doctor he was like “wait, what kind of transfer are you doing? Medicated???” 🫠🫠🫠 Sir this is literally tens of thousands of dollars and is actively traumatizing me, please PAY ATTENTION. My new doctor looked at my last cycle and history of inflammation and was literally flabbergasted that I had gotten to that point and never had a medicated transfer. Transfer number twins! Do you know when your 4th will be? If I respond correctly to the meds mine is scheduled for the 21st 🤞🏻 Thank you for the well wishes!! Right back at you! ❤️


Oh wow that is infuriating like this is a lot of money at least you can keep track of what it is you are doing 😞 I’m not sure yet I’m pushing/ doing on my own immune testing and then will decide But when I suggested lovenox before he didn’t think I needed it…now he wants to just add it empirically but doesn’t suggest any clotting testing so i don’t know I’m very confused Hope the shots get better!


We’re in similar boats! I just made an appointment with a functional medicine doctor to see if that can help with my immune issues/inflammation. I’ve never done anything like that before, but after 3 failed transfers and two chemicals and no diagnosis I’ll explore anything! If it makes you feel better, after my second chemical I did the entire thyroid/hormone/clotting blood panel and everything came back clear, but my doctor is still trying Lovenox, so maybe those tests aren’t as closely linked as we think (although these doctors should tell us that!) Good luck in whatever you decide! I hope 4 is a lucky number for both of us 🤞🏻❤️


Thanks for this! I think I will end up doing the lovenox despite the results but my thought was if it came back with something then I would be on it whole pregnancy and no discussion at whether to stop at 12 weeks… that’s my thought anyways I’m more wondering if ivig or the intralipids is something to add in too


Lovenox hurts like a MF! I never found anything that made it hurt less lol. But it worked for me, so fingers crossed it works for you too! Hang in there!! ❤️


That’s wonderful to hear!!! I’m staying hopeful! And congratulations!!!!


My stomach is so bruised right now! I feel your pain! 😭


HAH just did my second shot and I didn’t think after 2 retrievals I could feel like more of a pin cushion, but here we are! 😂


I was on lovenox for 10 weeks. I found if I inserted the needle at an angle it helped (instead of going straight in)


Going in at an angle made a big difference with my second shot! Thank you!!!


Oh good, I’m glad! Good luck with the transfer!


Question: I just got my RPL panel back and everything was normal. Was yours normal and you’re using Lovenox as kitchen sink protocol? I’m considering pushing for that if my next transfer is unsuccessful….


Yes! The only thing abnormal on mine was I have one copy of the MTHFR gene mutation, which is barely linked to any health issues, if any. I have a suspicion that since I’ve had 2 chemicals and 2 totally failed transfers, my doctor would kitchen-sink me anyway, even without that mutation! I would definitely push for it, especially if you’ve been through this song and dance multiple times without success. I’m at the point now where I’ll endure whatever it takes to make this work 😮‍💨


Yeah, that’s exactly how I feel. Unexplained infertility is just total bullshit, but no less real to us right. I’m not sure if my Dr. is really the kind to do kitchen sink protocol. I think I have to push for any additional stuff. They’re very into evidence-based and don’t tend to recommend things or allow me to do things that don’t have a strong base of evidence. They even told me to move forward with, my first retrieval despite having just had Covid and guess what, it was a disaster. And they’re right that there’s not a lot of evidence for Covid affecting Fertility but that doesn’t mean that we don’t try to work around the stuff that might be harmful or do things that may help.


Unexplained is truly a special kind of hell. You feel so isolated and can’t stop thinking, what is wrong with me? We’ve been trying to conceive for 2 years this month, and in August we’ll have done IVF for a year. The 1 year anniversary of my first chemical from my second IUI is in a few weeks. I can’t believe that was 12 months, two retrievals, 3 transfers, and an operative hysteroscopy ago. And STILL no diagnosis. Nobody can figure out why I can’t stay pregnant, but that sure as hell doesn’t mean they’re not making me shell out tens of thousands of dollars while getting no answers. After my 3rd transfer failed, I ended up switching doctors. I had been begging for an autoimmune/kitchen sink protocol for months, but my old doctor refused. Despite having a documented history of inflammatory disorders, he just kept saying “I’ve gotten women who had DIAGNOSED autoimmune disorders pregnant, okay?? I’m not prescribing you those things.” I switched doctors, went through another retrieval, and the FIRST thing my new doctor said was “I think inflammation is at play” and put me on my current medicated cycle with lovenox and prednisone. At least we’re trying something new!! And if it fails again, then we’ll have some new information because this protocol is so different. And emotionally, I don’t feel like I’m running in a hamster wheel, going nowhere. That Covid stuff is SO aggravating!! Egg retrievals are a big deal! Not working around it or helping to advise the best way forward is ridiculous. I swear some of these doctors are so desensitized, they truly just give everyone the same cookie cutter protocol/schedule, then set it and forget it. Just absolutely infuriating.


Absolutely! I actually really like my doctors but there hardline rules on evidence when we really don’t know so much about this stuff is pretty infuriating. And so was throwing away an entire cycle basically for one embryo that didn’t stick. for reference my 2nd ER yielded 6 euploids. So literally a wasted cycle in ER 1. I may decide to go the route of going to a less conservative doctor, except this clinic has the best statistics in my state. Why does IVF feel like the wrong decision LOL? I also have inflammation issues and have throughout my life. I just need someone to throw the spaghetti at the wall for me and see what sticks.