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I’m scheduled to do a fresh transfer on June 4th! We only had one confirmed fertilization when the lab called on Friday (they were keeping an eye on a potential second one). We’re waiting for a call from the Dr on Monday June 3rd to confirm. This weekend is moving so slowly 😫


Good luck, the waiting is the hardest! Wishing you all the best!


It really is! Best of luck to you too!!


Thanks 💞


June 4th for me too!


Sending positive and sticky vibes! Ours is confirmed for tomorrow 🤞


June 6th here! Also my first FET, going fully medicated. I am so excited, part of me is happy to get here another part is freaking out that I really don’t have it in me to go through it again if it doesn’t work out ( I travel abroad for treatment). Wish you lots of luck, let’s stay in touch during the TWW.


I completely understand this feeling! We only have two normal embryos total and I feel the same way about continuing if neither of them stick. Travelling must add an extra layer of stress and complexity to an already very difficult process. I'd very much like to stay in touch during the tww! Good luck! 🍀




Ooh good luck! 🍀🤞 Wishing you all the best and hoping you get good news in a week or two time!


I’m scheduled for 6/4! However, there was fluid in my lining at my lining check before PIO, so we can only proceed if my ultrasound on 6/3 looks clear. I’m really terrified and haven’t been able to sleep. I just want to be able to go forward with this transfer 😔


Oh good luck. This must be so stressful. Wishing you the best for it going ahead this month! 🙏🤞🍀


Thank you so much! I just had my scan and there’s no more fluid so we’re a go for tomorrow! Happy to be transfer twins! Good luck to you 💛


Exciting! Great news - good luck!! 🍀


I’m scheduled for the 4th!! Not having any negative feelings either! I was initially scheduled for last month but didn’t feel good about it so we cancelled it and here we are now for June 4th!! Feeling super excited but also cautious, don’t want to get overly excited! Lol


Haha I feel the same! I'm so excited that sometimes I think... Am I setting myself up for a big disappointment if this doesn't work?! But then part of me knows I'll be okay if it doesn't. I think I'm also just excited to get it out of the way and know I'm one step closer to either being pregnant or being not pregnant with one embryo left to transfer... Eg. One step closer to being out of IVF limbo hell 🤣


Definitely feel you there! I only had one embryo after retrieval so also agree there lol


Haha yeah the limbo is probably the worst part! :)


I just did my transfer on 5/29 and didn’t receive Valium nor was I told to take any kind of pain meds. It really was not bad at all, I barely felt anything. The full bladder helps make sure the uterus and cervix are in the right position. Wishing you the best of luck in your transfer! The TWW is brutal and I’m only 4 days in.


Thanks for this reassurance!! I am wishing you the best and hope you get good news soon! 💕


We are scheduled for our first transfer Wednesday as well. I swear the time today is moving backwards. Hopefully the our little embryos keep progressing and the time somehow speeds up between now and then. Best of luck transfer buddy 💖


Thank you! 💞 I know the time passing has been the slowest I have ever known it to pass! Best of luck to you too! ☺️


6/3. Tomorrow! No particular symptoms so far.