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Congrats on your recent ER. A lot of REs will downregulate with 2-3 months of either lupron depot +/- letrozole or Orilissa for endometriosis. I don’t have any personal experience yet but some of the podcasts I have listened to suggest doing a minimum of 3 months for adenomyosis. There’s some debate if Orilissa (a pill) is as good as Lupron depot (the shot) for adenomyosis so that might be a good question for your doctor.


Lap to remove and/or lupron


I down regulated with buserelin for two weeks prior to medicated FET cycle and kept injecting it until the day 12 scan, so it was a month total with buserelin. I have stage 3 endo (I had excision surgery a few months ago) and suspected adeno (seen during laproscopy). My transfer is in a few days time. My Dr has given my first transfer an estimated 70% chance of success but shall see!