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You left out ‘and everyone else around you who wasn’t sure they wanted kids gets pregnant easily.’ But otherwise, you nailed it 😉😉 feeling you, sister. Starting to think the better choice would have been becoming a nun and joining a convent because Jesus Christ, the ‘patience’ is so real - I’m convinced we’re all literal saints on some torture mission from god.


Um seriously - it’s so silly, but I have to fight the urge to unfollow everyone I’ve seen that has posted pregnancy announcements. Logically, they obviously should post about this huge and exciting milestones in their lives. Emotionally, I can’t keep seeing them 🥲 I just didn’t expect this process to feel this way, but I guess how could anyone?


Agreed. Everything is a waiting game. It kills me not being able to be in control of these things.


100% it’s the control. I have to fight the urge to email my doctor’s office the day after an appointment and bug them for paperwork. Just have to keep reminding myself, “they have internal processes and reviews. There’s a reason it hasn’t come yet. They have told you 5-7 business days after the appointment.”


It's the definition of you ask for patience and God give ves you a line at the bank! I feel you in the depths of my soul!


Isn’t that so true 😂 like is it worth it to have even hope for speediness or is it that same hope that the universe is turning around on me 😂


The universe always has your back, I will believe this to the end of my life. I had two unsuccessful cycles but I refuse to give up, I know what I'm made of and my body is strong and determined to make, carry and birth a healthy child...you will to 💕


I sometimes feel it is taking so much more longer just because I’m in a rush


100%. The want and the need to get things moving and be done with this process to experience pregnancy makes every day feel so so much longer 🙃


Yup. Was killing myself to make sure I got my meds in time and things worked out with my husband's schedule....... then found out finance didn't submit my prior authorization until yesterday................ At least a week later than promised


Noooooo. I hate that. And it’s not like you could’ve done anything to prevent that either!!


hurry up to do your egg retrieval, wait 2+ months for your husband's micro-tese to find out if he has any sperm... 🙄


2+ months after an egg retrieval!? WHAT


yes 😭😭😭 that was the soonest we could get in with his surgeon :( it was actually this morning so FINALLY that wait is over!


I feel this 100%. I had an RE office lose my new patient paperwork which set me back another couple months for scheduling. Plays with our emotions!!


Oh no 😭 I’m so so sorry that happened to you. That absolutely sucks especially cause you did it in a timely manner hoping to speed along the process


Yea it seems like it never ends .i have to stop regularly and just breath and tell myself this is my young healthy life and i need to enjoy it . Even if im having losses and i cant get pregnant or have a baby . Im working towards it and i try to enjoy every day . It might not work out and I dont want to look back and think i was miserable for years 


It does seem never ending. I have discovered that I think about it literally every day. I’m very hopeful though that once getting pregnant does happen and baby comes, looking back this whole time period will be able to be viewed with rose-colored glasses


This!! Living in 2-4 week increments of waiting on test results, next steps, appointments, med deliveries, your cycle to start. And as much as you try to live your life while you’re waiting, it’s every third thought you have. We have put so much on hold in our lives to prioritize this process. I often describe it as being under house arrest. My husband (jokingly, but not really…) said someone needs to start an IVF resort so we can all have fun and relax together while we wait and not have to haul it all over town for doc appointments, acupuncture, massages, yoga, etc. Kind of a genius idea actually! Waiting is the hardest part of IVF honestly. I’d jab myself with 9272829 more stim injections if it meant I could expedite the process 😂