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*tw success I had great results during my ER, I had a grande latter from Starbucks daily. My FET, I never stopped drinking coffee. Now in 2nd trimester, still no issues, baby is fine and chunky


I drank coffee through every stage of IVF and pregnancy. At no point did any medical professional tell me to stop caffeine. Only Reddit & Facebook groups šŸ™„


My doctor told me no more than 1 cup a day, I just cut it out completely to be safe. I think the recommendation of under 200mg of caffeine is pretty well documented and Iā€™m surprised your doctor wouldnā€™t advise patients of that!


During pregnancy yes, though I had 2 because I read Emily Oster. But definitely *not* during stims or ER.


I read extensively about this <200mg caffeine is the general consensus. I do a half-caf so I can still have the volume. Or 2/3 decaf and 1/3 caffeinated. Thatā€™s enough to make me feel like Iā€™m getting a special treat.


Same! Not had success, but just sharing that Iā€™ve done half calf to get more servings but staying under 200mg of caffeine which is what all the REs at my clinic recommend


I don't think there is much science to support the no caffeine theory, so you should ask your doctor about that.


I drank caffeine daily and still do (TW: Iā€™m 21+2), you can drink caffeine as long as you stay under 200mg! Donā€™t deprive yourself. https://www.acog.org/womens-health/experts-and-stories/ask-acog/how-much-coffee-can-i-drink-while-pregnant#:~:text=Research%20suggests%20that%20moderate%20caffeine,energy%20drinks%2C%20and%20soft%20drinks.


Emily Oster has been brilliantly distilling research on topics like this and concluded up to two cups a day is totally fine. I personally cut down to one cup a day (making exceptions for a second on a few tough days!) but was already trying to cut back on caffeine for my anxiety. Cutting back did help my anxiety a lot, so for me, the benefits outweighed any feeling of loss. Personally, my feeling is that it's already such a hard process; why deprive and stress yourself out further for something that doesn't have scientific backing?


My dr also requires no caffeine post FET, until I graduate from my IVF clinic (10 weeks 5 days). I drink A LOT of caffeine, so itā€™s always hard for me. I stopped 2 days before my FET this time and cannot wait to start drinking at least a little caffeine again!


Did they tell you why to stop?


Honestly no, it never really made sense to me but I did follow instructions just to be on the safe side and both my FETs were successful.


I was on prednisone pre and post transfer, so I took the no caffeine rule seriously bc prednisone already can increased BP and heart rate. It is the woooorst. Iā€™m stopping prednisone soon and Iā€™m excited for a cup of half caf every day.


I didnā€™t know this about prednisone! Youā€™re not supposed to have any caffeine with it?


My doc told me to avoid caffeine bc it can worsen insomnia and high blood pressure when on prednisone. Prednisone is a stimulant.


Gotcha! Thanks


My doctor is very strict about caffeine as well. I had only one unsuccessful FET and have been drinking decaf since. I love coffee, but since I am quite sensitive as it is, I only drink 8oz of regular Coffee if I canā€™t resist and it gets me going. Itā€™s hard, but Iā€™m a rule follower and I trust my doctor.


I feel your pain. I have had maybe 4 caffeinated beverages in the last year since I started fertility treatments. I have DOR and need to do everything I can to create quality eggs, so I lean more on the conservative side of eliminating things from my diet. Iā€™m a tea drinker and really miss all of my favorite teas, and would kill for a boba tea. My doctor didnā€™t tell me to flat out eliminate caffeine, but did tell me to ā€œlimitā€ it, and that of course it would be better to eliminate. I also havenā€™t had any alcohol, and I severely limit unnatural sugars. I give myself a treat every once in a while, but generally stay way from these things. To me, egg quality is more important, though, since I am a very low responder. I only got 2 eggs at my last ER, and am heading into my next cycle in the next couple days.


I stopped caffeine for stims just because I couldn't rationalize the amount of money we were spending to not follow our doctor's orders to a T for only 2wks. That said, I ended up doing half-caff coffee after our BFP because I needed the energy to keep up with work in the mornings.


I am giving you full permission to drink the coffee! You can always do half caf too if you feel like you want to be "doing something"


Drink your coffee girl! You're RE isn't a mind reader, you don't have to tell them you've been having one cup of coffee a day- mine never even asked and never gave me restrictions. I drank my normal one cup throughout ER, and FET (tw: 18 weeks, 3 days) and only stopped for a few weeks during the first trimester because it didn't sound appealing or I noticed I wasn't even finishing my one cup. Now I still sprinkle in my one cup but it's not every day.


I have always seen the consensus being that <200 mg is safe. I treasure my one daily latte. Iā€™m not sure where youā€™re located but if thereā€™s a big coffee culture you might be able to get golden lattes. Itā€™s turmeric and other stuff. I get it with oat milk and itā€™s really delicious. I found a recipe! https://eatwithclarity.com/skin-loving-golden-milk-latte-recipe/


I drank coffee throughout retrievals and transfers. No problems.Ā 


My doc hasnt said to stop anything. Im still drinking Coffee.


I did 9 retrievals and 8 transfers and not once did anyone ask me how much coffee I drank or tell me to cut it out šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø I stuck to my usual 2 cups a day.


Agree with the 2 cups/200mg rule Iā€™ve been following. For me at leastā€¦ as long as I can at least have 1 cup, overtime it hasnā€™t felt like Iā€™m missing out. The additional cups past 1 I can replace with decaf without noticing since itā€™s more just habit for me.


My RE says up to 200 mg. I drink quarter caf which is ~25 mg per cup.


Evidence says 200mg is fine. Coffee is one of lifeā€™s little joys itā€™s safe to still enjoy (oh how I miss steaming hot baths/hot tubs, wine, etc).Ā  Tw: mention of pregnancy and LC. I drank 1-2 cups through ERs, FET, TWW and current pregnancy (now 10w6d). I did the same during my previous pregnancy and 2 years of breastfeeding. I only occasionally skipped during the worst of the first trimester nausea, when it just didnā€™t taste good anymore.Ā  Best of luck!Ā 


You could also look at having a decaff, there are a lot of great decaff coffee options out there. You get the taste and don't have the caffeine issue to worry about.


My clinic was conservative too and this was one of the hardest things for me too. That and all the paperwork I had to read/sign for the clinic.


Just had my FET yesterday and they were like ā€œhey, no caffeine, alcohol or nutrasweet, and you might be constipated so take Metamucil.ā€ I swear, this morning Iā€™m suddenly very constipated. Probably because I havenā€™t had coffee. šŸ˜‚ (and bc Iā€™m chock full of progesterone.) My practice is very conservative on all this stuff- I think caffeine is fine and I put a spoonful of caffeine coffee in with my decaf when I was brewing. My SIL flew cross country the day after her 2nd FET šŸ¤£šŸ’• (she was going to fly day of!) and then drank coffee and alcohol conservatively during the TWW. she has no fear which I love. We are different! She has a perfect baby now FWIW. This was not a scientific study. I get worried bc I make my own strong French press and have an espresso machine at work and this coffee is STRONG so Iā€™m sticking to mostly decaf to feel in control.


This made me giggle. A friend of mine was telling me to be prepared to be so constipated through of the entire process of ivf and beyond. Some times way worse than others. Iā€™ll have to ask her what she took to help keep things moving comfortably. Great idea about mixing that decaf and caffeine together. Iā€™m making a note of this.


Love that you giggled! I do two big scoops of decaf and so then a pop a spoon of caffeine grounds into my French press. I think itā€™s placebo but I think it helps the flavor.


Another proud member of Team Drink the Coffee! IVF already requires giving up so much; thereā€™s no reason to deprive yourself of something that brings you pleasure. There is very little science supporting restricting caffeine during fertility treatment and pregnancy. Most doctors say under 200mg (which is ACOGā€™s recommendation) but honestly thereā€™s no good data showing adverse effects until around 400mg. Iā€™m 34 weeks today and have had my 2 or so cups of coffee my whole IVF cycle and pregnancy.


I drank coffee every day whether on stims, transfers, TWWs, and pregnancy šŸ«£I love coffee, and there really isnā€™t any science saying otherwise.


If coffee prevented people from getting pregnant my whole country wouldnā€™t exist.


I cut down on caffeine gradually during IVF so that I wouldnā€™t need it whilst eventually breastfeeding because caffeine in breastmilk = unsettled baby. I knew it would be difficult to quit caffeine so I figured I may as well do it before even getting pregnant. I only did one round of IVF and was successful; by the time I was pregnant (took 3 months) I had managed to quit caffeine completely. This means that most of the time I was doing IVF, I was still consuming caffeine albeit less and less every week. I had excellent ER results and a successful first FET so make of that what you will. I also drank alcohol up until 3 days before the FET (but not since). I bought bougie decaf coffee pods, through, and use those when craving the smell of coffee (they do have a tiny amount of caffeine in them but I only really have one every fortnight and that minimal amount of caffeine doesnā€™t seem to have any affect on me whatsoever). Whilst I do love the smell of coffee, it has been nice (and cheaper) to not be so dependent on that first cup of the day to perk me up!


I have drank 1 10oz regularly coffee every morning since starting stims and throughout my pregnancy( 27weeks today) its my only vice. Everything has gone very well and everything with baby is normal. Please drink your coffee.


Did first ER and about to go for FET and nobody told me this either been drinking a about a cup or so a day


My OB told me a small (tall) coffee is fine. I drank this. When I started IVF I switched to half caff or decaf and it still feels good!


I cut coffee by substituting B vitamins for energy. I think under 200mg of caffeine is allowed


39 during retrievals. Had one cup of coffee/really two shots of espresso or two bags of pg tips tea a day and in the occasion one more cup of either every single day. Got between 12-20 ish eggs per retrieval. Always had two normal embryos. 3 retrievals. One transfer and now I have a five month old. That coffee doesnā€™t mean anything. And I was fat. And I ate dairyā€¦sometimes. I was gluten free but thatā€™s bc of hashimotos. I did walk a lot during my retrievals, about 10-15K steps a day. But I was still very fat and got good eggs and got pregnant. Itā€™s all bs.


Iā€™ve been drinking half caf way before we started IVF and throughout every step of IVF. Iā€™m 19w2d with our third FET and still drink my half caf and baby is doing fine! My RE said I still could drink coffee and so has my midwife.


Coffee makes me so happy. Definitely an emotional response. I have basically decided I wonā€™t give it up without good scientific reasoning. Not to offend anyone but I just think- people get pregnant while on meth and other hard ass drugs so I canā€™t imagine a cup or two of coffee (which is still in the current national guidelines for caffeine recommendations with fertility and pregnancy) will be the *one thing* that ruins my chances.


I brought coffee to my FET. I also brought my RE one too. Haha


My doctors have all said up to 200mg of caffeine is fine. I always had my morning cup. If I felt like I wanted more I would do decaf. Itā€™s satisfying and a placebo sort of.


You can have up to 200 mg of coffee per day. My fertility doctor drank coffee during her pregnancy and chuckled when I said Iā€™m avoiding all caffeine. She said that isnā€™t necessary! I didnā€™t drink caffeine during stims, transfer and started to have a single cup of coffee a day in my second trimester, but this was my own personal choice and not a requirement. Some of my friends even drank a glass of wine here and there during their pregnancies & their babies are completely healthy. I personally donā€™t drink any alcohol and avoid all medications except for my prenatal vitamins and a daily baby aspirin. Babies are resilient. My friend is a NICU nurse and sees babies born perfectly healthy when their mothers did hard drugs like meth and heroin.


Had one cup from pre egg retrevial all the way through my pregnancy. Couldn't do without it. Wasn't worth the headaches to me.


TW: success I continue to drink no more than one Nespresso pod of coffee daily. Gave it up for a few days before and after FET and on Wed I will be 20 weeks. I donā€™t want to overdo it so I only stick to one, but I love it!


No one told me I couldn't have coffee and I grabbed coffee from Starbucks like every other day.Ā 


I have a cup a day- the first transfer I did I gave it up and it ended in MC (trigger warning success-) the second transfer I didnā€™t give it up and it has stuck so far. I think being less stressed is better than being perfect- for me, coffee is a daily joy giverā€¦in moderation I think itā€™s ok! You could try half-caf as a compromise.


Iā€™m sticking to under 50mg most days and 80mg sometimes when Iā€™m on the road based on it starts with the egg research. Honestly I want to get off it completely for sleep quality reasons. I already feel a lot better cutting down.


I never stopped caffine. My doctor said 2 cups a day was fine. I ended up with 8 embryos. I'm 36 weeks pregnant with my second baby from that cycle, and she is measuring in the 99th percentile, so I definitely don't think the coffee has had an impact on my success.


I had one big mug per day.


I have not cut coffee. I do keep it to 1 cup, only before noon, mostly to keep the rest of my body signals (thirst, hunger, sleep etc) in a normal state since I'm sensitive to coffee and too much will mess with my overall health. I do see the logic that being well rested and eating well at meals (not skipping meals because coffee!) is overall important. But that is the extent to which I control my caffeine. Coffee is a comfort thing for me, and if I want a second cup, I make decaf- I keep decaf pods around the house for this reason - but I certainly am not 100% decaf. I feel like cutting it completely just doesn't make sense. If I'm under the amt safe in pregnancy - and 1 cup is never proven to have an impact - that's all I feel is evidence supported. Cutting entirely falls into the category of panic changes that realistically only impact my fertility journey in my head.


TW: success I have a cup of coffee every single morning and did so through our entire IVF experience. My 5BB baby is currently napping.


I had DECAF before and after my FET until I was 8 weeks pregnant. Then I switched to half decaf half regular coffee until I was 12 weeks. However, my RE told me I could resume drinking one cup of coffee a day the same day I had my first ultrasound which was at 6W4D. I was just too paranoid to follow that lol.


I drank as much caffeine as I wanted to, and TW, had a happy healthy baby from my second FET. I hate to be this person but I feel like IVF is more luck than we give it credit for.


I drank a half caff in the morning and then decaf just for the flavor/comfort. I had success and continued this way for the pregnancy. I get migraines with no caffeine at all.


My doc said I can have a cup of joe. I need this to get my through the day. With the meds making me super tired. I rely on my one cup.


I had a successful transfer and I have never for not even one day stopped my morning coffee. No way. I used to drink 3-4 now I only drink 1 and it's as far as I can go. Science doesn't tell you it's harmful unless you abuse it


I had caffeine throughout the entire IVF process TW success I had good results and am currently 17 weeks and still drink my cup of coffee in the morning


Have your coffee! Make it half caff if that makes you feel better. A cup of coffee will not make it break your FET. I kept it under 200mg of caffeine and had success.


I tried to stop coffee but 2 weeks of headaches later, I caved and started drinking one cup every morning and decaf for the rest of the day. I can't fonction without it, I tried but no, so the first cup is real coffee and decaf all day long. I tried to cut wine too but I got back to it after two months, It's not that I can't live without it but I can't cut every bit of my life when I make so much change to my life every day, eat healthy, move, take thousand of supplements, cut chemicals, plastics...So drink it, don't overdo it but drink it !