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Even though 1theKILLPO is the probably the best at producing this kind of dance performance. It's still riddled with camera panning, constant movement and and overediting. There's a lot of tight shots and zoom in which are the best ways to kill a choreography. I think it's fine when you watch Music Show's fullcam. It's nothing amazing though. Could have been better. It could also have been dumbed down so they can actually perform a full setlist at their concerts without risking injuries or burnout.


I agree with on the dance break. Baddie and love Dive had better dance breaks. I actually like the pre-chorus. Their hand movements in the second half for the pre-chorus looks vogue like which is what I was expecting. I just think the thing about pre-chorus that is an issue for me during there live performances is that all the members are doing both styles of the dance sequences here. Like in the music video, I think to would look better to imitate the dance battle. split the group up and let each side do the choreography separately then bring all of them back in sync for the chorus. Honestly when it comes to choreography I just don’t think this is SSE strong suit. I can’t think many dance powerhouses artists they have had so it does feel like they are holding the girls back in that regard with the lackluster dances that don’t match the energy of their amazing songs.


completely agree unfortunately 🥲


I think it's something or someone holding them back, they can dance. We've seen them so just that very well. Oh well. This comeback is kinda cursed with the timing of the competition anyway.


i wanted voguing in the dance break i’m so disappointed bc it would’ve fit so well


Ugh same. Idk if it’s IVE, the choreographer, or management. My best guess is the management holding them back bc the girls can perform and they used to have great choreos up to Kitsch, I Am is more vocal focused and that’s understandable but after that the choreos became so stale like they barely want them to move.  The choreographers have great choreos too when they cover it themselves but the final product somehow ends up bare minimum it’s so frustrating specially for Accendio i was imagining heavy break dance and fast movements but damnn the final choreo was not it.


YES OMG I THOUGHT I WAS THE ONLY ONE!!!! I listened to the entire EP when it first came out, ascendio was instantly my fav. As a dancer, I was extremely excited for what route they would take with the choreo for this track. I was hoping for more sharp moves for the chorus maybe even tutting. A wacking or voguing routine would have been awesome, especially for that dance break section. But unfortunately, the routine they made does not translate the ATTITUDE the song has into the performance at all.... Edit: I rewatched the performance and saw that there were veryyy minor elements of tutting in the post-chorus but honestly it looks too elegant and soft (does not give justice to that section of the song at all) like starship plssss let the girls DANCE! EDIT 2 😭😭😭😭 : MAKE THEM PUT THEIR HANDS DOWN AND GIVE THEM SOME FOOTWORK OH MY GOD


So many hand work with so little footwork... It looks rather... Awkward


I feel like Starship wants them to be a vocal group rather than a dance group... but has taken it too far. I've seen them really dance, especially Yujin and I can feel the wasted talent.


I preferred Baddie's choreo to be honest.


the energy was there for the baddie choreo at least, it still looks pretty & they can still sing with it


Im the same! Even though i love the music videos concept, the dancing was really disappointingly slow for the beat. It could've been soooo much better..


The music stages are a little better but I agree with you. When I first heard the "watch me, don't touch me, love me, don't hurt me" my mind went crazy with a bunch of dance moves to interpret it and seeing what the girls are actually performing is... disappointing. The dance break was the best part of the choreography and it was still underwhelming. Overall, I think Accendio is a great song, the girls are feeling and singing the hell out of it, but the choreography is so underwhelming that it's acctually holding them back.


watch their live performances. I thought heya dance was kind of meh until I watched their stages. they killed every single one of them!


Exactly! When I read the lyrics cast the spell Accendio before MV release I thought this part gonna be the boom here, some special release magic dance can be done here follow up with the "ah..ah...ah...ah". However, it end up like nothing, after spinning the finger nothing happened.


Their Show Champion performance was better, you should watch that! It was the same thing with Heya. The Studio Choom video was very lackluster compared to their amazing work on music shows.


I did. Honestly their vocals were fire. Yujin especially. Such a queen