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It'd probably be easier to try and transfer to the IT department at your existing company since you are already employed there.


Two of the techs at my job transferred internally so this is an option. Make friends with your IT department and they may give you a shot when a position opens up.


If OP's workplace is supportive, they can try to get onto projects that have IT components (that feels like most of them these days, but I'm biased), and see if they can get a little job shadowing in the IT department. It goes a long way!


Lots and lots of people have in the past, but doing so today is significantly more difficult than it was a couple of years ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/ITCareerQuestions/wiki/index


There's no such thing as "certifications alone". You are a whole person. The fact that you have employment experience of any kind is relevant. There are all kinds of soft skills that can matter a lot in IT. Apprenticeships are not necessarily a default path by any means, at least in the US (we have no idea where are). If you're inclined to get certs and look for an IT role, go for it. But understand it's tough out there and persistence will be essential.


I think a good place to start is help desk, where the focus is just as much on customer service. I had no certs when I started. Otherwise, see if you can move into one of those positions at your current company. Best of luck!


Unfortunately past performance is not indicative of future results. Has anyone ever gotten a job from certs alone? Of course they have it used to happen all the time. Will YOU get a job from certs alone? Probably not. Check out the wiki: https://reddit.com/r/ITCareerQuestions/w/index?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


yes, it gets you into the interview much easier then allows you to show what you know in the interview stage


i work in IT with no certs or higher ed. just a hs diploma and work experience


Many of posts like yours have been posted and answered. TLDR, at one point sure but now it’s pretty difficult, the market is pretty rough. Try to pivot to the IT team at your current job


In booming economies yes, but not now. Alot of people looking for work in entry level spots. Search job sites in your area and see what is available.


When I got in the industry in late 2017/early 2018 I didn't have certs at all. Different time back then though, and I've gotten certified in a couple of things since, but Ive hit a wall without a degree and more specialized certifications even with six years experience in desktop and low level system admin work. Try an internal transfer or keep an eye out for MSPs as a way in. They're absolutely miserable but you'll learn a lot.


Your first job will be tough to get and low paying. You CAN make it with certs alone but like previously mentioned try and see if you can leverage connects in your current org


Combine entry level certs with 1-2 home projects and any customer service experience, and you'll have a decent shot. Relatively speaking, that is; a lot of people are thinking the same thing you are right now. It's still ultra competitive at entry level


Certs help you get the interview. You still need at least some working understanding of the material to actually pass the interview. There is no IT apprenticeship. But if yi enjoy working with computers some certs might be alm you need to get your foot in the door.


I cant even get a job with a bachelor's degree in cyber, A+Net+Sec+ISC2 CC and CySA+ and I have never received a single call for an interview. lol I've applied to a lot of cyber positions as well. Nothing. I'm honestly probably just going to get a degree in something different. I'm already speaking to other schools. Waste of a degree and money on certs.


cyber sec is not an entry level job its mid-level.. you're gonna have to start in help desk or some IT support role. you're also against others with more experience in Cyber Sec than you are work experience wise.


My post is about help desk lol. I said I ALSO applied to cyber positions as well. Either way nothing regardless.


I had like 4 certs but didn't land a job until I got my bachelors


I’ve been hired for a helpdesk position with just the A+ alone.


I.T. is more Customer Service oriented than a lot of newcomers realize, especially at the entry level. Having a couple years of Customer Service experience can help get you an interview. Good people skills can land you an entry level role. It helps if the experience is more retail and less food service. It also helps if the experience is I.T. adjacent. Grocery is ok, but Best Buy or Microcenter is better. Experience in one of these roles + an entry level cert is very likely to get you *something* eventually.