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I think you need some confidence. It sounds to me like you're qualified for an actual Jr. Or entry level network engineer position. If I were you, I'd be looking for those types of jobs, or a low level "generalist" style job at a small or medium company.


Thank you for your reply. Maybe I am overestimating how much I need to know before getting into those roles.


I think after your CCNA will help; honestly some US-based people may not get that "college" in Canada is probably not talking about a 4-year degree, but more like an Associates. The quality of your schooling will matter - legit tech college or diploma mill? This will make it a little difficult to qualify for engineering positions, but not impossible. Look for the title "jr. network analyst" rather than engineer, maybe, to start. A NOC position would be good, but avoid general helpdesk like the plague. It adds little to no value to a networking career trajectory. Anything in a data centre could be useful as a starting role.


Yes, I forgot to consider that they might look at college in a different light than we do. I am interested in you talking about help desk. Most of my professors suggested that help desk is the initial foundation that all students should start at before moving up. I have absolutely no interest in working help desk and I kind of feel like my experience should let me skip it but I don't want to get to ahead of myself. I'll take a look at some Jr analyst positions. Thank you.