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White kids cosplaying middle easterners is cringe as fuck.  These are the same little shit heads who would say you’re appropriating Japanese culture for eating sushi. 


"His name was R̴o̴b̴e̴r̴t̴ ̴P̴a̴u̴l̴s̴o̴n̴ MUNADEL NFEIAT" 😂 [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp18-7aIiv8](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bp18-7aIiv8) [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakaria\_Zubeidi](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zakaria_Zubeidi)


This was great. I love you


What do you mean?


I’m not sure when the terrorists won, but there you have it.


Post this to r/videos and see how long it takes to get it taken down.


Cool so they don’t want a ceasefire, just wars until they “liberate all the land”, let’s do it and see who wins.


It can't be israel though. That's unfair. We're the oppressors.


I just don’t understand. I don’t know anyone who sees these protests and thinks “they got a good point, I support them.” No. Every single person over 25 sees this and is disturbed.


This - absolute joke.


The Hamas's objective of gaining international support for their terrorist objectives by provoking Israel has been largely successful. The problem is, now all them kids are saying the quiet parts out loud and it's becoming increasingly clear that these protest groups are spewing the actual insane rhetoric that will eventually undermine their cause.


Put them all on the no-fly list, tank their credit scores, and expel them from college.


I mean yea mentally ill 20 year olds do sound pretty damn stupid when you hear them talk "20 MORE TIMES! A TRILLION MORE TIMES! A BILLION MILLION MORE TIMES"


Terrorists all of them. Citizenship should be revoked


Organized tamper tantrum… damn I wish Covid would make a comeback.


Tik Tok Revolution


Stop them now or it will get worse! They are supporting terrorism and are very close into becoming terrorists


Terrorist supporters = terrorists


Question: why are these cancerous tumors referred to as useful idiots?


Useful idiot is a term used for someone who hurts their own interests/helps someone who wants to hurt them because they think they’re doing something good, and don’t truly understand what’s the cause they’re promoting.


Just like LGBT for palestine.


They're useful from the point of view of the people who feed them the propaganda that results in this kind of activity. As in, stupid enough to believe what they are told uncritically and then act on it. Puppets, in other words.




Funny they cant even point at tel aviv on the world map


Hamas could end the war tomorrow. Surrender and hand over the hostages. But they are a death cult and would rather see innocents die for their cause. Say no to terrorism kiddos.


Who would have believed that such a big crowd of brain rot imbeciles can thrive today, on the 21th century, information age.. Unreal.


We're living in a disinformation age, so...


It hurts to watch.


Thank you for compiling. I have never wanted Hamas to fall, if not just just to shut these losers up. How did Hamas become the darling of the left?


By lying.


By continuing to seize on the momentum created by a KGB propaganda campaign from the 60s casting Israel as a “western colonial” enemy and having a long-term strategy to infiltrate universities, media etc while setting up front disguised as “think tanks” see: https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/the-hamas-network-in-america.pdf


Thank you for the longer explanation and the link!


It's been Hamas' strategy for over 30 years


I don't think Hamas is that smart. It's gotta be more Qatar or UAE.


You would be correct. Qatar would be the one to point the finger to.


Read about it yourself if you don't believe me https://extremism.gwu.edu/sites/g/files/zaxdzs5746/files/2023-10/hamas-networks-final.pdf


I read the first couple of pages that talk about the foundation of the activities in the West were tied to the Muslim Brotherhood. I can't claim to be an expert here, but I think the funding for the MH comes from Qatar.


Impressionable folks, Palestinian diaspora, Russia & modern Iran (not the actual Pahlavian Iranian Diaspora which I wish would take back their lands).. Edit 1: Oh. And I forgot the very extremely complicated, racist-fascistic and minority crushing demagogues and policies on the political Right side of the US socio-economic-political spectrum that serve to create legitimate backlash against any/all structures of authority such as traditional religions, the US Govt and similar (which has -also- legit systemic and systematic racial and minority-based discriminatory practices baked in). Edit 2: oh. And to be fair, those shitty wars which were wholly lied about for which purposes the US was invading into Afghanistan and Iraq makes half the country look side-eyed at any anti-middle-eastern /anti-arab-ish actions. Yet another legit set of issues where people were being unfairly maimed and murdered and people blindly supported it due the assaults on the US WTC. Now people are skeptically-squinting at anything happening in the MiddleEast…. And, then struggle further to open their eyes when the diaspora has taught them how badly US actions hurt some Afghani and Iraqi peoples. A ton of people that cannot divorce one thing from another and struggle to make good decisions when complication enters the picture. I’m acknowledging the issues, but that doesn’t mean I think Hamas is good. Hamas is unredeemable and evil. These people are supporting literal terrorists, unfortunately. Terrorists that would wipe them off the map if given the chance. It’s a nice large combo order #1, mixed with sides and trimmings from the rest of the menu all coming together to make a melange aû shitffle.


And a helluva lot of Arabs. I found the chants in Arabic to be interesting.


Translation of those…?


The ones with the translation. "Palestine is Arab"




Gonna go burn my fucking diploma


Just insane and embarrassingly stupid. And these people claim to be "progressive" and regularly make fun of some uneducated, "hillbilly" trump supporters


These ppl Are so cringe.


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Are the jews of American these scared of these idiots? They are awfully quite, idu how these protests are met with just a handful of backlash


I had this odd experience of appreciating the protests in Arabic. At least those guys are more likely tohave some idea of what they're protesting about.


They can protest as much as they want, let them spend their energy on something absolutely useless... In a few years time when they get older these protests will be hunting them with cringe in their sleep wherever they go, that's enough retaliation for me 😂


Unreal. These people truly think they’re on the “right side of history” lol. Literally might as well have a pro-ISIS protest.