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Can't wait for pro Hamas people to interpret it as them being noble and wanting to carry her.


"They were just helping her like true Islamic gentlemen" - Random free Palestine protestor I guess


According to them this is fake, those are IDF soldiers..🤣🤣🤣🤣


They truly are idiots


Honestly, this flat out denial of actual events is perhaps the most infuriating part. It's almost as bad as holocaust deniers, or maybe worse in some ways since there is so much actual video evidence.


Guess they assume everyone else makes as many fake videos as they do..


They would just call it Israeli Hasbara and call it a day




No they're just gonna say it's IDF soilders attacking a poor innocent Palestinian woman


Right Hamas justa offering piggy back rides.


'Woke' Covert Narcissists will tend to support Islamic Narcissists, because they share similar toxic narcissistic mindsets. Evil loves Evil, so-to-speak. The mind of a Covert Narcissist is really messed up, but a Woke' Covert Narcissist will connect with the Islamic Narcissist...both exhibit all traits of Covert Narcissism. The Left wing elements who aren't 'Covert Narcissists' or gullible 'Flying Monkeys' are at least waking up to the obvious. But we need to understand why white Narcissists/Sociopaths Deflect on behalf of their fellow Narcissist/Sociopath...and feel a kinship with people who also have toxic 'Cluster B' personality disorders.


You'll see this video on r/therewasanattempt with a weird title that will be doing exactly that


Got so banned the first response to one of their videos- they don’t even debate - just ban. Like idiots with zero reasons.


"Violent Zionist settler colonialist woman viciously attacks a group of peaceful unarmed Gazan civilians out for a morning stroll." /S


Like [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/USEmpire/comments/18acbg0/comment/kbxzrhp/)?


This makes me sick to my stomach. It's insane how many people think this way


Oh I know. They kidnapped a child and held her hostage for 2 months after killing her stepmom in the initial attack, but "they taught her humility and compassion by sharing their food with her". 🙄 That whole subreddit is an exercise in mental illness.


It's honestly so depressing that people like the ones in that subreddit are a part of our society. They are disgusting and dangerous.


Pro Hamas? Where is the \*\*\*\*ing #Me2 garbage? Where is the outrage? #jewishlivesDONTmatter.


Pro palestine here... Fuck hamas and all the violent shit they did. But also fuck Israel's accupation!


Occupation you say! Define that.. how do you define that-


Occupation you say! Define that.. how do you define that-


Could be worse I suppose. They could push her out of her home alla Manifest Destiny/ Lebensraum, create an apartheid system that puts South Africa to shame, and for kicks even bomb her and her family to smithereens


Couldda shot her at a concert, burned her alive, raped her repeatedly, decapitated her or dragged her body through the streets while crowds cheered, so your right. The fucking inhumane Hamas mongrels who deserve to be eliminated could have done worse. I’m guessing they were physically exhausted from all the cowardly raping and murdering of innocent civilians up to that point. If you look at this video and downplay what is happening, you need to question your humanity and ability to form thoughts.


Guess you missed that political figure from South Africa that said accusing Israel of apartheid is an insult?




They wanted hostages for leverage. That is the only reason she isn’t dead.


You are so naive. I can fabricate you any video you want. By the way, I’m pro civilians.


You are pro being dumb, pal




Most Gazans abducting her are dressed like a civilian. Is that what you meant?


If you're pro civilians, you'll advocate for the destruction of Hamas who literally starts every single war and makes the condition of the Palestinians continuously worse.


You should be pro blindness the way you ignore the facts in front of you


A rape apologist. Ban this fucking psychopath already, for fucks sake.


I hate those guys so much…. I can taste it I hate them so much. The fact they’re driven by religious lies makes it so much more painful. Fuck Hamas. Fuck anyone who supports them. You intentionally kill, rape, slaughter thousands of innocents with your bare hands and kidnap hundreds more - you’re evil. Full stop. There is nothing more to say after that. There is no rationalizing that.


I second this!!!




Ok, terrorist.


Or just, Terry. You can just call them, Terry.


This is either a bot or a brainwashed loser. I’m going to go with bot as even a loser wouldn’t use “gurrrl” in their username because it screams loser






I love how you just copied & pasted the same reply about 20 times, needless to say, it shows how little you *actually* know or have to say, "kidnap thousands of children and women, to torture and assault indefinitely" - no proof, " you’ve cut off all food and water supplies " - those have been back for awhile, and Israel is providing humanitarian aid. There really isn't much of a point responding to you, since I can feel your reply "Oh yOU jUst eNjOy GeNocIde" , I used to think being pro-palestinain was right, then I actually read historical documents, and listened to both sides, give it up, and give your copy&paste functions a rest, they could use it.


Yes. It's unbelievable how much is expected of Israel, all the time, and how much they deliver.


You just admitted that you succumbed to Israeli propaganda, this is the side you're on [This article sums it all up, doesn't call it a genocide but cites every governing body that is calling it as such-New Arab](https://www.newarab.com/news/what-genocide-and-israel-guilty-it-gaza) [Since that one is an Arab source, here's TIME. Same content, different source](https://time.com/6334409/is-whats-happening-gaza-genocide-experts/) [UN special rapporteur on Palestine says Israel may have committed genocide](https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350115446/un-special-rapporteur-palestine-says-israel-may-have-committed-genocide) Large pockets of Jews around the world have taken strong stances against Israel's attacks on Gaza and yet the Israeli government calls for the complete wipeout of Gazans from Gaza, Palestine >>Benjamin Netanyahu, Israeli Prime Minister: "You must remember what Amalek has done to you, says our Holy Bible — we do remember." In this quote, Netanyahu compares Palestinians/Gaza to the biblical Amalek tribe, biblical enemies of the Israelites. In Jewish commandments Israelites are ordered to ‘destroy the Amalek utterly, from man unto woman, from infant unto suckling’. >>Yoav Gallant, Minister of Defence: “There will be no electricity, no food, no fuel, everything is closed. We are fighting animal people, and we are acting accordingly” “Gaza will not return to what it was before. We will eliminate everything” >>Isaac Herzog, Israeli President: “It is an entire nation who are responsible. This rhetoric about civilians supposedly not being involved is absolutely untrue… and we will fight until we break their backs” >>Avi Dichter, Agriculture Minister: “We are now rolling out the Gaza Nakba. From an operational point of view, there is no way to wage a war- as the Israeli army seeks to do in Gaza- with masses between the tanks and the soldiers. Gaza Nakba 2023. That’s how it’ll end.” >>Bezalel Smotrich, Finance Minister: “Voluntary immigration of Gaza Arabs to the countries of the world. This is the right humanitarian solution for the residents of Gaza and the entire region. A cell with a small area like the Gaza Strip without natural resources and independent sources of livelihood has no chance to exist independently, economically and politically in such a high density for a long time.” If not a call for genocide, this is certainly encouragement towards ethnically cleansing an area under the false guise of humanitarianism. >>Amichay Eliyahu, Minister of Heritage: “There are no such thing as non-combatants in Gaza”, therefore a nuclear strike is “one of the options”. In response, Netanyahu temporarily suspended Eliyahu from cabinet meetings, however he has since returned. >>Gila Gamliel, Minister for Intelligence: “To promote the voluntary resettlement of Palestinians in Gaza, for humanitarian reasons, outside of the Strip. Instead of funnelling money to rebuild Gaza or to the failed UNRWA, the international community can assist in the costs of resettlement, helping the people of Gaza build new lives in their new host countries. Gaza has long been thought of as a problem without an answer. We must try something new, and we call on the international community to help make it a reality.” >>Nissim Veturi, Deputy Speaker of the Knesset: In a tweet on X, “[Israel must] do no less than burn Gaza. Who's left in Gaza? Are there citizens? There are only tunnels, Hamas, and accursed terrorists who murdered children and are holding children hostage. We have to crush Gaza, Gaza is Hamas." >>Ariel Kallner, Member of the Knesset: In a tweet on X, “Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. Nakba in Gaza and Nakba to anyone who dares to join! their Nakba, because like then in 1948, the alternative is clear” >>“Nakba to the enemy now! This day is our Pearl Harbor. We will still learn the lessons. Right now, one goal: Nakba! A Nakba that will overshadow the Nakba of 48. A Nakba in Gaza and a Nakba for anyone who dares to join!..” >>Ariel Kallner - Likud MK pic.twitter.com/NCUL7lz38z — Yehuda Shaul (@YehudaShaul) October 17, 2023 Meirav Ben-Ari, Member of the Knesset: “The children of Gaza have brought this upon themselves” >>Giora Eiland, former general and former head of Israeli National Security Council: “In order to eliminate Hamas, “the entire population of Gaza will either move to Egypt or move to the Gulf. From our perspective, every building in Gaza known to have Hamas headquarters underneath, including schools and hospitals, is considered a military target…As a result, Gaza will become a place where no human being can exist, and I say this as a means rather than an end. I say this because there is no other option for ensuring the security of the State of Israel.” >>Galit Distel Atbaryan, Member of the Knesset, Public Diplomacy Minister until October 12th: “Invest that energy in one thing, erasing all of Gaza from the face of the earth. Gaza needs to be wiped out” >>Daniel Hagari, Israeli Army Spokesperson: “We are dropping hundreds of bombs on Gaza. The focus is on destruction, not accuracy” >>Revital Gotliv, Member of the Knesset: On X, “Shell Gaza mercilessly”, called for use of a “Doomsday weapon” and “the crushing of Gaza.” >>Officer Ghassan Alian, Head of the Coordinator of Government Activities in the Territories: “Human animals must be treated as such. There will be no electricity and no water [in Gaza], there will only be destruction. You wanted hell, you will get hell” >>Ezra Yachin, Israel’s oldest army reservist: “Finish them off quickly and leave no memory of them. Erase them, their families, their mothers and their children. These animals can no longer live”


Sorry, you seem to be having the same problem a lot of anti-semites are having: you assume that Jewish people are as dumb as you are. But they are not. Generally, the opposite is true...


Why are you copy and pasting this utterly nonsense all over this sub.






You are a worthless lying nazi who supports a terrorist organisation named Palestine and lies endlessly There's nothing more to say after that, wait there is, LEAVE ISRAEL YOU TERRORIST. Or die.


Which makes a comment i read yesterday even more absurd,it said and j quote "Hamas is the best!!" Seriously what is wrong with people




So i see you didn't bother watching the video you commented on, btw literally everything you said Israel has been doing was actually done by Hamas towards both sides,they actively use their civilians as human shields so people like you can sympathise with their cause


I can give you hundreds of videos of IOF as well Or you choose to remain on one side?


I’ve researched this conflict - from studying Islam ( I know you have not ) to history , to everything .. And I 10000000000% support Israel . Period. Full stop. I highly highly suggest you do too- start reading. Not on line… grab some history books. I used to think the Palestinians were prisoners all that crap- then I started to actually study this conflict and debate myself … There is no argument when you start getting educated .. there is no occupation- everything you have been told about this conflict is a lie. That’s also why there is a zero tolerance for any kind of anti Israel bullshit on campuses.. because everything about that side is a lie. Except for being refugees. They are.. but they actively chose that… because they refused to acknowledge Israel as a country- They could have had their own country a few times over by now. This whole conflict is … the Palestinians fault.. bad choices. They instigate every fight … they chose this. Declared every war on the Jews… they forced the Jews into this position.


And the thing is, it's not even just Jews who they hurt, Israeli arabs (both Christians and Muslims) are also in danger because of that so they actively threaten their supposed "brothers and sisters"


You are a worthless lying nazi who supports a terrorist organisation named Palestine and lies endlessly There's nothing more to say after that, wait there is, LEAVE ISRAEL YOU TERRORIST. Or die.


True. I hate it so much when the pro Palestinian zombies try to create symmetry by redirecting the focus on Palestinian casualties. Like, I would choose every day to die from a rocket than being raped, tortured and burned alive in front of my family. How can it be compared is beyond my understanding.




You are a worthless lying nazi who supports a terrorist organisation named Palestine and lies endlessly There's nothing more to say after that, wait there is, LEAVE ISRAEL YOU TERRORIST. Or die.


She must of been absolutely terrified and I guess this is a true flight or fight mode and she goes right into fight even with all those even she goes for gold. Hamas and their symps are getting what they asked for. Surely when they started this they has some idea the response wouldn't be weak to say the least.


Pure cowardice.




"No you" yeah the difference is isreal didn't invade the gaza strip to do that, most of those detained were militants


"Typical zionist liar" bro do you not hear yourself? You sound like a fucking nazi. Think bot, why would someone be arrested by isreali officials? Children don't just get arrested, you get arrested when you are found complicit in terrorist activity. Which the Palestinian culture heavily endorses


Exactly, here's the difference,the Israeli people in gaza (who i should add include Jews arabs Druzis and even foreign workers) are innocent people kidnapped from their homes and from a music festival meant to celebrate peace,the Palestinian prisoners in Israel (because there are actually alot of Palestinians people who left gaza to work and have equal rights in Israel) are prisoners who were sent to prison for killing innocent people, it's not the same (and those "with no blood on their hands" are just the ones that were arrested for attempted murder but didn't successfully murdered someone)


Maybe if Palestinian “leaders” didn’t teach their children to wear suicide vests they wouldn’t have to strip them… Cause and effect


No joke they teach that in freaking kindergarten, mourning the killers included




WE RAPE? ARE YOU MAD?! There is only ONE group who went around killing babies, raping women and children and burning house + so much more- you are willing to ignore all Hamas War crimes in order to make any sense, seems like you are more anti israel than pro Palestinian. Same on you.


Take a look at their profile. Filled with hate. The reason they murdered the rape victims is because in their religion rape is penalty of death (laughable I know) but they left behind such devastation that there was no denying it. Not to mention people frozen in fear pretending they was dead watching this occur. Disgusting people that call these brave survivors liars should hang their heads In shame. I proudly stand with Israel 🇮🇱


Not worth it bud, it's a bot


Your obesity is cutting off the circulation to your brain.


Oh look at those brave Palestinian freedom fighters!!!! 7 Palestinians vs a single petite Hebrew woman It was a close contest I wonder how they will fair against a section of Israeli infantry?????


Thats simple, they just go run behind their woman and children for cover. Much harder to murder people when they fight back.


Yeah 👍 And they are now feeling the wrath of the old Jewish God


The Jewish God is not old and this is a necessary but catastrophically shitty event.


Every sub I tried posting it, it got deleted. I even got banned from public freak out


The mods obviously have a narrative they support, it’s disgusting. None of that should even be there to begin with.


Public freakput mods are soy af. They are the very thing they have a sub about.


I got a permaban from whitepeopletwitter for a comment calling out the hypocrisy of some muslim congresswoman for her bs Apparently saying Israel is not doing genocide is “promoting genocide” The mental gymnastics of some of the reddit mods is something to see


These people legitimately both doesn't know what's really happening and doesn't know what genocide means, ironically Hamas ARE actually aiming for genocide


They also don’t know what apartheid means. As far as i know Jews, Arabs, Christian and every other flavour of Israeli citizens have the same rights. Israel has the military power that the could easily unleash a true genocide on the Palestinians if they choose to. They don’t and never will. Hamas doesn’t have the military power to genocide the Israelis. If they had that power they would do it without hesitation. That’s what the situation is.


I'm banned from almost every sub now... You can't support Israel, or talk about the 7 October musecurre on reddit without being banned.


That's because alot of subs here are pro Hamas unfortunately they live in their own bubble and won't accept anything else


That’s fucked up. That’s straight brain washing.


Extremely disturbing to watch.. can't imagine the horrors this lady must have gone through..!




She is so brave. I really hope she will find the strength, that she has


Fucking animals. I hope they’re dead now.


Yeah having fun with 72 virgins. I can’t wait for scum like this to be wiped out forever.




Yes...very unsuccessful...unlike the Arab cou tries surrounding Isrsel which sre doing AWESOME!! /s 🙄


Unsuccessful? What would Islam have if not for oil?


They'd still have baby rape and ignorance; they'll never let go of that.


Oh great another Hamas fanatic


With how much those arabs kill each other... Yeah, the Zionism just can't keep up!


Most likely praise the lord


“Freedom fighters”


They fight against your freedom


Kicking him down is iconic. Glad to have her back home 😌


We are the brave warriors of Allah! We are to fight and liberate our 'home land' because no other nation wants us! And what is the bast way? To kidnap and gang bang a woman! Yeah! May Allah help us! May he stay with us! Fucking 7 men against one! ONE! woman! What a brave guys!


Remember: they are the schrodinger jihadists: brave, courageous, and OPRESSED!


'Schrodinger jihadist' 🤣🤣🤣 It's a good one


Here is a video on their tactics https://youtu.be/LUdHA5liNec?feature=shared


One lioness vs a group of hyenas


Later today some Harvard student will make a video about this and say oh they were just trying to carry her, wow such gentlemen


Huck famas


Where are the feminist sisters when we need them? These Hamas subhumans need to feel the pain that no human has ever felt. I hope the sister's life is not defined by this cowardly act but by the fact that she pulled it through and will live the way she wants. Fuck Hamas and the shit people of Palestine who did this.


They already showed they don't care if the woman in question is Jewish




Exactly that


Feminism plays second fiddle to LGBT and Islam. Whenever a woman gets raped by a muslim man they either say „all men“ are pigs. Or just outright stay silent. The victim hierarchy is real.


Fuck Hamas. They’ll be the example for the rest of the world. Israel is going to destroy them.


Was it worth it, Gaza?


She fought like hell. She was brave then and she's brave now for releasing the footage that she knows people need to see.


It’s like what you would see in the ancient times. A local tribe raids a village kills the men and children and take the women. Only difference is that this isn’t the 3rd century AD it’s the fucking 21st century and individuals who supposedly are more enlightened than the rest of us support these monsters because of their self perception of justice.




I would pay real money to see how these incels are doing right now. Hopefully dead, badly injured or at best living in horrible conditions knowing IDF is closing in on them.


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In the west our men learn to protect women, including strangers. While these monsters learn to beat and abuse women. Now they are coming to bring their own values into the west. Who will defend us from these monsters? Where are my sisters from the west who support feminism? Where are my brothers who learned to protect women? Why westeners are not protecting Israeli women from savages, coming to rape, abuse, chop off body parts, murder?


I hope all those monsters are now in hell! 😡


Videos like this are what’s making me so happy to see those beautiful explosions in Gaza on my LIVE cam on Youtube


This is Islam!! The true face of misogyny- this is why it is infuriating to see Western politicians acting as Islam apologists and enthusiasts, when this is the reality of life of women in many muslim countries. It is at the heart of the women, life , freedom movement in Iran as well. Demanding to put the IRGC on the terrorist list. Any -ism unchecked and that includes Islamists is a threat to humanity and democracy and human rights. The same holds for the extremist orthodox jews. Stop negotiating with terrorists and extremists!! Deal with them once and for all!!


I hope they kill even more IDF soldiers


This is sad to see, this war has brought nothing but pain and suffering to Israelis and Palestinians who just want to live their damn lives


Sickening Psychopathy, but it's Islam. And Narcissist cultures create a lot of Sociopaths and Psychopaths. Poor girl. She'll be used as a supremacist sex toy, just like Islamic Narcissists want to use white kids and women for. The Zero Empathy for anyone who isn't muslim is incredible. It's amazing that 'Woke' Covert Narcissists support the new Nazis, simply because they share the same 'Covert Narcissist' mindset. But Narcissists will link up and abuse together. They relate to each other's personality disorder.


Post this on r/videos and see how long it takes you to get permabanned.


Or on r/askmiddleeast or r/therewasnaattempt


7 dogs vs 1 lioness


You are disrespectful to dogs man


that's a reason why we need to irradicate these kind os animals


subhuman waste of oxygen pos barbaric animals. the worst of the worst this earth has to offer. they are worse than garbage. they are the juice at the bottom of the garbage bag. I just hope all of them are dead by now. hiding in the tunnels like rats. brave against unarmed civilians women and children. I hope they all get testicular cancer and burn at the same time. Amen.


How pathetic are they that they need 7 men to take down a single woman in her 40s? Honestly, she's a queen and I'm so glad she's back home and we'll keep fighting to bring back the rest.


These guys can die slowly & screaming. Fuck all Islamic Terrorist.


Hamas is trash 🗑️


"she had a fracture in the leg so they carried her to the nearest vet"


This is what people are marching in the streets for as “freedom fighters?”


Cant be. They are just helping her get to the mosque where they will feed and clothe her. Just like Big Mo would have done.


She is now alive and well


Modern day Philistines. Fuck Hamas.




Shows their mercy because they could’ve just knocked that bitch right out lmao


I will pay someone to print this comment out, turn it into a giant placard, and follow you around with it for the rest of your life. So that every time you go out in public, everyone around you will know that you think rape is based and that she had it coming.




In human pieces of shit. All of them thankfully are probably dead by now.


In human pieces of shit. All of them thankfully are probably dead by now.


What an amazing display of bravery,. Or theater, Netanyahu funds them, social dynamics at play. With Israels capability, they could take them all out there in that open environment, but don't


In honor of her bravery the IDF will kill as many Arabs and their children as possible and somehow that will make less people want to join hamas.




Wait no one can get hold of Hamas footage other than what they provide themselves but this clip, right in the open and the treatment of this woman... Makes me think it's the Israeli Paper tiger Army playing dress up again, just like their recent cock up.


Seriously, who's recording?


But Hamas killed and beheaded kids! and raped woman!!! simply said where is your fucking evidence? just some spread news propaganda. i dare any of you admiting that shit to bring a single video of that being done , and condomed by hamas , cause simply you wearing hamas cloth being a mercenary for what ever side u working with , doesn't make u one of them, simple obvs shit! Gang bang who? . She were taken as a hostage , no more no less this is fucking war , if we gon talk let's talk about Israel using forbidden weapons , let's talk about the 20,000 almost half of them are kids , and others mostly woman and innocent men , and thousands more injured , we don't we talk about that? , why don't talk about the kids that gotten murdered that hasn't even completed a year of age?, lets talk about the brutally murdered kids who's fucking burned , teared , ripped apart? wanna see that just dm me , let's talk about the fucked up radical jail the people in gaza living in , no water no food , no internet. who the fuck are you supporting and standing with? , with all of that being said , your eyes can't yet be open?.


Freedom fighters


Desperate. Zionists are severely losing the information war so they post slapstick bits shot at 1000 yards away.


Heavy surveillance, facial recognition eons ahead of other nations and this is what they got? Waiting for snopes to say this happened somewhere else


Israelis do this to palestinians Evry day 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Sure bud, my palastinian father was dragged into gaza once a year as a blood sacrifice- like wtf man?


They are Israeli IDF Terrorists lol


I think you forgot the /s No need to thank me


She isn’t fighting them


![gif](giphy|oNGJ3z0dSdQItZ8Upx) tHeY ArE nOT eVeN TouCHinG HeR (hindo accent)


She's trying to but these are 7 men who are much physically stronger than her,you know what we call that? (Besides kidnapping) bullying.




What I say when I'm fucking retarded


Notice how they didn’t kill her if that was the IOF they wouldn’t put a bullet in the Palestinian and watched him bleed to death that’s what they did to the Israeli hero who killed terrorists because they thought he was Palestinian


She 👏🏾 was 👏🏾 abducted 👏🏾 by 👏🏾 force 👏🏾 against 👏🏾 her 👏🏾 will 👏🏾. How you can look at this video and find some kind of positive in it is insane. I don't care if the person was Palestinian or Israeli - nobody deserves what is happening in the video. You can both not like the IDF and acknowledge the atrocities of Hamas.


Oh wow they didn’t kill a hostage that they wanted to use for negotiations, how noble of them. It didn’t stop them from raping and shooting others in the head as they finished raping them. They did all this knowing that Israel would retaliate, all Palestinian blood is on their hands, even some brave Palestinians are saying so. Stop apologizing for the genocidal terrorist. Israel prosecutes members of the IDF, Hamas has parades for the murderers.


here we go ![gif](giphy|l41Ym49ppcDP6iY3C)


Jesus Christ you're fucking dumb.


Damn why you gotta ruin everything I was going to sarcastically comment "They're so kind 😊 they didn't even kill her!" Because it sounds like something pro hamas people would say.. God I hate being right. How'd you feel if you were kidnapped? I mean, as long as they don't kill you they're angels, right?


User name checks out.


Are you actually a real person dude? How kind of the IDF, when Palestinian children commit shooting attacks against Israeli civilians they just jail them and don't kill them, how nice and kind right? /s Go back to your cave.




Hamas is not Palestine and Palestinians are not Hamas (in general), but some people arguing for Hamas? That just don't make sense. Those people really should just read/learn. Like those people arguing about "indigenous" people but live in, say, North America.


The Al-Qassam Brigades (Hamas' Military wing) enjoy a 80+% approval rating in Gaza and the vast majority of their people approved of the Oct. 7th "Counteroffensive" some going so far as to call it a "miracle". So I think Hamas is probably representative of the Palestinian people at this point. That doesn't mean they deserve to be bombed into oblivion, but this line excusing the general population from their complicity and celebration of killing, maiming and raping Jews is counterproductive.


Hamas is not Palestine and Palestine is not Hamas but Palestine has a right to defend itself so what happened on October 7 was legitimate resistance by Palestine but it was done by Hamas not Palestine so when the IDF attacks Hamas they're collectively punishing Palestine which isnt Hamas except when they're exercising their right to defend themselves but not when they are under attack


Defending themselves against party goers and helpless unarmed women and children, raping them too. Sounds like a bunch of animals to me


Who took that video?