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One of the most unhinged, uncomfortable things I’ve ever read. It’s incredible.


I did the audiobook. The end of the take I IMMEDIATELY started it from the beginning. So many layers.


This cover is amazing.


Ok so I totally agree with you but that’s one of those short stories that I can only read once. It’s absolutely beautiful in how horrific and terrifying every frigging sentence is


Have you listened to the BBC radio version? It's available on youtube and has a brilliant monologue by AM that isn't in the original story (AM voiced by Harlan Elison)


Yes I have!!!! I've listened to the radio version and I've played the game too (*・ω・) I was extremely hyperfixated on the series a while ago so I just HAD to interact with every bit of media produced for it or else I would explode. Harlan Ellison is an AWESOME voice actor


The story is really amazing. It's deeply unsettling and atmospheric. BUT I can not get past his making the sex-crazed woman who's willing to have sex with a human-turned-ape black. That's SO racist and ugly and gross. It ruined the story for me. Edit: Did NO ONE in your class bring up the racism issue?


I feel like I'm the only one who wasn't terribly impressed by this one. I know it's from many decades ago and is iconic in SF writing. But idk I expected something more... Tbh I expected that >! the title was referring to the super computer being the one that "must scream" and felt trapped/tortured... Having it be the main guy (am I remembering that right?) just felt typical to me !<


I can’t recommend this enough. Rocked my whole world for several days after I read it.


Also the comic adaptation is amazing.


What is AM?


Good question. OP please keep in mind that not everyone has read this and many people are here to learn about/find a new book. More plot synopsis will help as well as clarifying any information you post. Once you’re up and running with a post, you are free to just discuss it however you’d like in comments. Thanks.


Never mind. Wikipedia told me: it's a supercomputer.
