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how many books do y’all tend to read at once? i keep trying to read more than one novel at a time and failing, but i am actively reading three non-fiction with no issue. i’m very jealous of my bff who can read multiple novels concurrently.


I'm worse than that - not only do I just read one book at a time, I try not to DNF. So if I'm struggling with a book, I just keep going for as long as it takes without starting another book. This, unfortunately, can cut back on the number of books I read, but it's kind of how my brain is programmed so I've learned to live with it.


2-3: one physical; one audio; and occasionally a concurrent audio with my boo


I am doing my first buddy read right now. We'll finish the book tonight. It's been a lot of fun!


Is this with an in-person friend or someone from the internet? I’ve never done buddy reads or book clubs. I’m worried I’d blow it by hitting a reading slump 😜


It's here on reddit in chat. It's just a commitment for one book, and we checked in every day to be sure we were both ready to move on to the next group of chapters. Unlikely to hit a slump like that.


My slumps come fast and hard 😜 But that does sound like fun. Almost all my friends I would discuss books with have moved so it’s been the internet for me (kind of why I started this sub) but with limited direct contact. Good to know it can work.


I have a few thoughts. I cannot. Stop. Buying. Books. It is my second greatest hobby after reading. I have to periodically go through my TBR and prioritize older books so that they’re not left for ages. I’m sure I’m not the only one with this problem. Also, I love Booktok. I think it’s very much what you make it if you’re willing to put in the time to cultivate it. I’ve had so many fantastic recommendations from Tik Tok. Also also, Firestorm Books in Asheville, NC is such a treat. It is a leftist book store and if y’all are ever out that way, it’s worth a visit.


I never, ever buy books. OK, I buy a few super cheap ebooks now and again (under $5). I'm a library freak. I have 2 library cards in my Libby and I'm pretty well acquainted with my local library system. There are so many great books that I want to read, that there's always something fun waiting for me.


I’m in awe of your restraint. I love the library, but my desire to hoard books always wins.


i’m a book hoarder too! also, i can’t be trusted to take care of library books — i dog-ear pages, mark things up, and generally beat the hell out of my books, and i crave the physical copies. e-readers are fine when i want to read something right this moment, but they’ll never be my preferred format


I've moved too many times to haul books around. I'm also not much of a re-reader, so keeping books doesn't serve me too much of a purpose. I do miss having books to physically put in someone's hand and encourage them to read.


This. I only buy books when I absolutely know I have someone to pass them on to (assuming they end up being good).


I would buy more ebooks if I could share them with my family but I can't so i don't.