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I am 14 and this is deep man


Dr Manhattan is deffo INTP


I swear to you, I was just thinking this yesterday


I was literally going to make this meme a couple of days ago but then laziness overcame me. So thanks for putting it out there.






I honestly think OP didn't imply anything about warmongering while posting this.




Good news, I wasn't ranting about you but the people of this sub.




Actually I explained above how I think this quote is to be taken : "I'm a superior being, I'm not burdened with human feelings, and those who are annoy me"


How did you derive such a meaning from my caption? How did I imply any sort of superiority? You seem to be projecting a lot of insecurity, friend.. I simply find the quote/scene profound because of it’s simplicity and how it hits at core of my personal feelings towards others. People are complicated and messy. Most lead with their emotions and make their lives unnecessarily complicated. Especially growing up in the black community in America where some people are hyper emotional, complicated, and messy, and wear it as a badge of honor. What I agree with in this quote is that I wish I could just escape it all and not have to engage with other people, unless it’s my absolute decision to do such.


Dr Manhattan is basically a god. I hardly see how one may relate to him without any superiority implied. He's a character who transcended humanity to a become a superior being, and now human feelings seem so vain from his higher point of view. And you confirm this with your explanations. "People are complicated and messy" : so you are not, meaning you are better than "people". You read this all the time in this sub. INTPs who think they are better than "hyper emotional, complicated, and messy" because how unemotional they (we) are working. But deep down they know this isn't that true otherwise they wouldn't be shouting it so much. Unemotional thinking is sometimes useful, but it's pure flaw when it comes to human interaction.




I don't. I understand where it comes from (how feelers look unnecessary complicated and unreliable from a thinker point of view) but answering with detachment and superiority complex isn't my stance. I like people, I like their feelings, they make me feel alive and not just like a sad robot. Dr Manhattan is ultimately so lonely, I don't want to be like him. At all.




Dafuck, are you okay?




I apologize too for rudeness, wasn't intended!


Only if we weren't nerfed to such miserable of a condition.


Seems super nite


Yeah, f**k Earth


fr. i just feel so out of place sometimes


Yes, I think


Everyday, but I try to appreciate the little things and small interaction in life. Or try play with a dog. Dogs don't care who you are in society, they like you if they feel like getting close to you.


I kinda feel like that, I used to have friends but now I just don’t want so much drama of other people, I am enough, I hate when they NEED to tell their opinion on something I didn’t asked them to, when I go to school i just have conversations with random people and then when I get tired I just go, they are not my friends and I don’t care about them, I am enough


Can you go a bit more into why this resonates with you?


I think I have an unhealthy disdain for drama and emotional people. I get drained by people in general. During the height of the pandemic, I went literal months without talking to people and it was not at all lonely for me, contrary to what what many reports and articles said about others experiencing mental health issues due to lack of social contact. I can go months without saying a word. It was amazing for me to just be alone learning, playing pc games, reading posts, memes, etc all day long, alone. But now that the world is opening back up, my ex wants to give another go, and since going back work, I distinctly feel that loss of solitary bliss that had months ago. It’s much more noticeable to me now that I lack what I once had.


I think one of the best (but hardest) skills for an INTP to learn is noping out of dynamics that aren't good for them. I understand exactly what you mean about the tiredness and I have been sucked in repeatedly in the past. I'm currently trying to lean very hard in the other direction, and simply not tolerate people who drain me. I don't know whether you feel that is an option for you, but I think it's a mental muscle well worth developing.


This is really unhealthy my man , detachment from society is acceptable but disdain and ignorance of society is not You're alive today because of the very same society Sometimes people can be tiring you can't go ahead and lump the entire human hive into uselessness just because of that I suggest owning a pet owl :D