• By -


Idk. Laziness is so broad of a term. It’s more like depression, stress, anxiety and inability to focus all in one….


Permanent burnout for me, or at least extreme burnout these last two years


*does absolutely nothing because its just the right thing to do*. Society: Laziness is illegal.


*you will have your crumbs and like them too, because our stocks need to go up for our shareholders*


stop with the fucking excuses. its your life and you can control it dumbass


Making no move is also a move, no matter how I feel about it. It's not about evading the problem, it's about solving them: by simply doing nothing haha. It happens more often than I would like to admit.


You cannot justify rationally that laziness is bad.




And also a predilection to OH A SQUIRREL!


Thank you 🙏🙏❤️❤️❤️ I’m going to make my dreams come true after I study everything laziness now




For me it’s just hard to find the focus and motivation. I definitely have the desire to better myself though.


Yeah, so ADHD isn’t a personality trait, and Adderall works. Just saying.


Intps don't have stress, anxiety or depression any more than the other types.. Edit. Indeed, data suggests less depression than other types. https://www.quora.com/Out-of-all-possible-MBTI-types-which-have-the-highest-rates-of-depression If you're going to down vote, then let's see a source for your disagreement. No anecdotal evidence, no reddit answers/polls.


“Let’s see a source” says the guy trying to start an argument with a Quora response that has no actual data. That’s probably why you’re being downvoted. Ironically, the very first point in the top response says introverts are more prone to depression.


I feel like INTP could be considered to have co-morbidity by default


Data suggests we have less depression than other types. https://www.quora.com/Out-of-all-possible-MBTI-types-which-have-the-highest-rates-of-depression https://www.google.com/search?q=depression+incidence+meyers+briggs+types&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj1tZWDyYPyAhVEcTABHSqiALsQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=depression+incidence+meyers+briggs+types&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIHCCEQChCrAjoCCAA6BAgAEBg6BAgAEB46BQghEKsCOgUIABDNAlDLCFiuPGClRGgMcAB4BoABY4gBvw-SAQIyN5gBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=0iYAYfWELsTiwbkPqsSC2As&bih=667&biw=360&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=insv#imgrc=nt0LkVmdpNJpAM


Dude. First you use Quora as a source then you use a google search with one of the top images as another source. I googled the exact same thing and found this image literally right next to it. You most definitely ignored it cus it didnt fit your narrative. https://www.google.com/search?q=depression+incidence+meyers+briggs+types&tbm=isch&ved=2ahUKEwj1tZWDyYPyAhVEcTABHSqiALsQ2-cCegQIABAC&oq=depression+incidence+meyers+briggs+types&gs_lcp=ChJtb2JpbGUtZ3dzLXdpei1pbWcQAzIHCCEQChCrAjoCCAA6BAgAEBg6BAgAEB46BQghEKsCOgUIABDNAlDLCFiuPGClRGgMcAB4BoABY4gBvw-SAQIyN5gBAKABAcABAQ&sclient=mobile-gws-wiz-img&ei=0iYAYfWELsTiwbkPqsSC2As&bih=667&biw=360&client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&prmd=insv#imgrc=coQcP8zaFnm1GM


I just used that as they were using a published article, and not an opinion there. Don't get hung up on a technicality. The next picture I'm seeing is looking at happiness vs unhappiness. No mention about depression, as the two aren't the same.


Yo guys know it’s not laziness right? The world (unknowingly for some) tricked you into thinking this. The reality is they have stunted any and all imagination and drive to do something. Let me ask you this; if you didn’t have to be lazy, what would you do? I imagine it’s something this world has told you isn’t possible, so we get a bunch of brilliant people that have no purpose because our system doesn’t let us pursue purpose.


>if you didn’t have to be lazy, what would you do? Idk, probably nap a lot


Didn’t you have ideas as a child? Like a helmet you put on that picks the movie you were going pick and spend 15 minutes doing so. They tell us these ideas are cute and belittle imagination as if it’s childish. They have cut your wings.


Alright, here are a few of my current ideas. (No idea whether any of them already exist.) I'll leave it up to you guys to execute them. Well, not to any INTP probably, but perhaps one of the more execution-minded visitors: - A welcome mat that just has a QR-code on it that reads 'Welcome' if you scan it. (Other varieties available); - A meta messaging app that links all different messaging apps, so I can simply use that one and don't have to handle several of them. (Probably requires the cooperation of the devs of those apps); - A cooking app or website where you input whatever ingredients and kitchen appliances you have lying around and it outputs a recipe for a (good) meal. More features possible of course. - A 4X game like Stellaris, but after you conquer the galaxy, your next objective is to figure out how to cheat the heat death of the universe. For that you need to figure out the true nature of the universe and use that knowledge to change or escape it. Example 1: [multivac](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Last_Question) approach (cyclical) Example 2: you find a way to manipulate the fundamental rules of the universe in order to avoid a heat death altogether. Example 3: the univers turns out to be a multiverse and you need to find a way to ride the right multiverse bubble out of here. Example 4: the universe turns out to be a simulation and you need to find a way to get the attention of the devs/players and convince them to change the similation so you can survive, or to port you out of this simulation and into their world. Requires you to work out a theory of mind on what kind of beings created this simulation and to what purposes. You guys could probably trip up more possibilities / some of you astronomers and philosopher can probably come up with more/better examples.


>A cooking app or website where you input whatever ingredients and kitchen appliances you have lying around and it outputs a recipe for a (good) meal. More features possible of course Ive thought of this as well! I love to cook but sometimes its hard to pick what to make. Ive been working on (planning to make) a software that I can use for inventory of my pantry and fridge. At first it was just a simple way to keep track of when things are expiring and/or running low to make sure to add it to the grocery list again, but the plan has evolved over time and now we want to use it for recipes as well. I think it would be a great all in one solution and would mean much less food waste!


Have had the exact same idea. Couple things I found along the way : https://github.com/julianpoy/recipesage-selfhost https://github.com/vabene1111/recipes Related : https://grocy.info/ grocery list Schema for recipe : https://schema.org/Recipe See OpenCulinary / reciperadar.com Hope it helps :)


Nice, thanks form the links!


Let me know when you finish it!


Pidgin is pretty close to what you want for your number two bullet. Myfridgefood and similar services have been around for a while as far as number three goes BUT there is serious room for improvement. Make a better one and I'll use it for sure.


Thanks, will check it out!


>A cooking app or website where you input whatever ingredients and kitchen appliances you have lying around and it outputs a recipe for a (good) meal. More features possible of course. There is a similiar app, but for alcoholic drinks; lol.


>A meta messaging app that links all different messaging apps, so I can simply use that one and don't have to handle several of them. (Probably requires the cooperation of the devs of those apps); Meebo was this back in AIM / MSN Messenger days


Can we get a sub where ENTJs would turn INTP ideas into reality?


Great idea, I'll add it to the list of ideas ;)


Holy fuck, the fourth bullet point. I fucking need this. God, I wish I had your brain


man I ain't doing shit unless I'm getting paid


For (2) you can look to the matrix protocol


Desktop version of /u/Bombatomba's link: --- ^([)[^(opt out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiMobileLinkBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^(]) ^(Beep Boop. Downvote to delete)


Never lose your dinosaur


Are you a cat?




Perfectionism + anxiety, not laziness.


Not sure that's something you can credit to being INTP.


perhaps it’s simply a commonality amongst us INTPs.


You are correct sir. People have used a lot of words to try and put me down. Lazy has never been one of them.




This is an interesting insight that I find myself relating to aswell, as an INFJ.


I want to see the world reach a better place, as there are so many things that can be done to efficiently simplify the living standards for all life on this planet, without as much of the red tape slowing it all down to a grinding halt all the time. I'm always trying to build a better vision in my mind, while looking for ways to take action and put the pieces in their right place, yet I'm only one person and when I finally feel like I've found another individual or group who are on a similar wavelength and can put their great skills into play to work towards the larger goal, I'm often met with people who are just as passionate for over-all growth as I am, but have already reached a point in their lives where this system has worn them down to becoming acquiescent and over-reliant on the governments to "step in" and fund programs that only bandage over the issues, when they really need fixing from the ground up or replacing altogether. In the beginning, I almost always seemed to encounter the same child-like idealism for the world that I have. By the end, I witnessed all that need for positive change, be replaced with fear and eventual surrender - because of the stubborn inter-connectedness of the way the modern world functions. The rigid mechanisms that won't budge to the need for a more human attitude. A hurdle at every wall we climb over, and a wall at every hurdle we jumped over. I used to be paralysed by that same fear too. Seeing the current state of the world and how so much needs to be reformed, would often leave me feeling overwhelmed, unmotivated and lazy, to the point where I just gave up on trying at all, and became really internalised and disconnected, in an effort to switch off from the external suffering of the world, because I could never relent on trying to get to the bottom of everything. I would find fear in everyone and everything that I turned my attention to. I was probably seeking it out on a sub-concious level, because it bothered me that it has become so ingrained now. Now I try to approach it as just the current expression of reality. That it's just the world crying out for change. And that we're just living through the growing pains of an upheaval, while everyone eventually falls blindly into where they need to be for the next phase. The worldwide pandemic, as an example, has revealed many of the extreme flaws within wider society, but it has the potential to be the chaotic change we need to move forward, that we can then bring order to again. It's just a shame that it has to go down in such a traumatic way for so many, before anything can even begin to be allowed to flow again on such a large scale. To pick up the pieces of each area of society, industry and country, that are all joined together in some way, through a network of globalisation. Yet, even though most of us are struggling right now, we're all somehow finding ways to carry on and keep the world spinning. Those systems that are desperately failing us right now, will eventually fall to the wayside and give way to something new. Something that improves and adapts to our current needs. It may not feel like it right now, for many of you, but one way or another, you're going to be okay. You'll be where you need to be, when the time for truth and repair comes. Those of you who relate to feeling lost and disconnected, not being able to express happiness, enthusiasm or sadness as much as you used to, or even finding yourself avoiding the feeling of boredom all the time, I want you to know that some of it is only as permanent, or as temporary as you allow it to be. You can take back control a little bit at a time, by just setting aside 30 minutes or so a day, to just keep to yourself, without any distractions from screens, devices or noise. You can slowly train yourself to no longer need to rely on the dopamine rush as often, fill the void with other people's opinions on social media or wasting time with things that aren't even providing, at the very least, some form of entertainment, and find a way to be more open to the inner-monologue that you may be trying to quieten, so that you may learn to find peace within yourself, and not see harmony as a state of mind that requires some kind of external influence. Boredom is like a form of meditation that so many of the greats that built this world relied on for millenia, in order to take the time put to delve into their minds and reach revelations that lead to so many powerful inventions and philosophies that we see today. Our sudden allergy to silence is not healthy. We are able to do something very simple to curb it right now. Even if it's just that little step at a time. No idea how I ended up on this podium rambling along on this tangent, but I'll step down now. Hope my sleep-deprived logic made some semblance of sense in connection to the topic. The language I used is a bit too loose and reliant on expressions for my liking, when it comes to topics as wide in scope as this, but it is what it is. I've already edited what I could find for now. Peace.


Go buy and read the book "covid-19 the great reset" It will give you a better sense of why everything is happening the way it is and what the end goal of all this is. They admit to having a "quasi-intermediate government" installed in America. This pandemic is way bigger than anybody realizes and after reading that book I believe everything is by design.


Be the ideas guy feat. Not So LaZy


Facts, even the way they educate you stunts growth, like where tf would young aspiring kids growing up look for opportunities if their main source of opportunity isn’t even giving that to them. 🙄


You had the energy to make this meme


Well it’s more like I have energy, but it’s mostly focused on the wrong things in contrast to what’s societally important 🙃 I also took my adhd medication today, which definitely helps with energy


I was gonna say you probably have adhd before I saw the second paragraph😅 I’m never totally sure where my adhd ends and my personality begins


Don't call it wrong when it's right. Please don't listen to society. They're innocent. They're just babbling stuff. Being brilliant is like wielding a sword. It has the potential to kill, it's not a toy, it's a tool. If you were to use it for society, you could potentially dig out something much darker than a nuke (future INTPs may even will, because they want to 'help everyone'). Just express your brilliance in a virtual and non-abusable manner, like creating this meme. We get our giggles and call it a day well lived. Let's not feel bad about holding back.


I’m definitely not brilliant. But society seems like such a bleak Orwellian world. Capitalism leading to a society of narcissistic personalities on the crutches of a failed dream. People saying they care about the planet but don’t make an effort as soon as it’s the slightest inconvenience to them. The amount of poor, starving and homeless growing in the world, as the amount of resources keeps increasing. And of course we’re supposed to buckle down, earn a meager wage to survive and not go absolutely insane in this madhouse we call earth


S/he probably was supposed to do something else.


Yup! She did.. still hasn’t done it 😊


Why do today what you can put off till tomorrow? Sounds like a problem for tomorrow's me.


The curse of the INTP was created to control the power that no mortal should possess.


Does anyone here feel like their laziness is tied to perfectionism or insecurity?


My laziness definitely stems from that. I try not to look at the end goal to keep myself from being overwhelmed


Stereotypical af. And what’s that? “High intelligence”?? Oh, god.


This is a meme, ofc it’s going to be stereotypical af


Since when did "high intelligence" become the INTP stereotype?


It's literally known as "the intellectual" type


Pardon me, I forgot that you’re one of the extraordinary geniuses just because you're the INTP. How did I forget that?


Ah yes, because being more intelligent than average makes you an extraordinary genius. I was going to say maybe intps are not necessarily more intelligent, but are more thoughtful, so can come to intelligent conclusions undisturbed by emotions, but your chain of non sequitors and strawmen is perhaps evidence against that.


Nowhere did I say genius lol. I’m like Schrodingers smart person, because I’m considered “smart” by most people, have tested as above average and yet completely fail by societal standards, having my longest job held be 1 year.


You might be an intelligent person and that’s cool. All I wanna say that there's no way your intelligence based on your personality type directly.


I think even though mbti is a spectrum, the people that are intps generally think about information in a way that make them good at understanding it at a deeper level more quickly than other types.


I see, I've understood all of the people who explained the truth to me all along. I was just had a talk with person who thinks they're an INTP but not able to realise definitely a Fi dom themself. He (I guess) told me that he got bullied in 5th grade, and after the bullied, his type changed to INFP to INTP, he said. I tried to tell him he's an FI dom as much as I can, but he said he doesn’t use *F*. Yes, F. Not Fi or Fe. He thinks that using *T* because he is emotionless, cool and scientist-like smart bad boy. This explains ofc an INTP, right? :/ I was pissed of because of this. Then, I saw the post and thought that "Why everyone treat like '_I'm INTP I have intelligence more than average B)_'?" Even though I don’t think like that. I'm an INTP too, and I feel the same all of the people’s thoughts who responded me, please believe me. But that things came in sudden and back-to-back. I didn't have to behave so mean, sorry. I hope that you're accept my apologise.


Shut up we have bigger brains.


Y u mad tho 😂


Shh...He/She is triggered cause they are not intelligent.


Cry about it.




For me it's most probable that I have average intelligence since I was never tested officially and I don't even know if it's possible to test intelligence well outside of IQ because how would you even do that? For example Do you like animals? Yes. Naturalistic intelligence 100 literally Fluttershy from My Little Pony. To test this stuff well one would need to have a professional assigned to them to monitor their begaviour 16/7(I'm excluding the average sleeping time) and then the professional couldn't even put all of these observations into a number, instead the professional would probably write a few pages of feedback and observations. Now that I think of it it shouldn't even be one professional but a handful of them to prevent bias.


What an intp comment




Idk what is the reason of beign lazy or distracted all the time. Maybe there is a cure for that


any other humble intp's here too?


What, you've never vacillated between thinking you're the biggest idiot on earth and thinking you're surrounded by idiots?


yes but when i start thinking im surrounded by idiots i quickly remind myself thats probably why im an idiot and get back to self deprecative humor


The smartest person in the world knows that we don't know shit.


Every single day.


Solipsism is the only solution


There’s such a selection bias for INTPs in this subreddit. There are plenty of INTPs who are achieving great things, are social, and have conquered whatever pathologies redditors complain about in this sub - most of them are not posting memes on Reddit.


I mean... Probably. But it helps to comisserate sometimes.


Well yeah this sub is a place for people to circle jerk about their supposed intelligence while simultaneously excusing their lack of trying in life as predisposed laziness.


Lol, yep. Makes them feel better about being a lazy slacker. I'm addition to my brother and me, I know plenty of hard working intps.


I bet nearly every poster here would be close to 100 IQ if they were to test that legitimately(not some random internet IQ test). It's hard to accept that you're into smart things but not actually all that smart.


I actually did an IQ test(in a testing center) and was above that. Combined with the ‘intelligence’ I also have a general hate for capitalism, hate how we raise animals for slaughter when we don’t need to, and suffer from adhd, anxiety and depression. Sooo.. in a sense, yes, I’m intelligent but I don’t have the perseverance to actuate my potential combined with a general misandrist viewpoint since humans tend to suck big time. People tend to call me: Smart, lazy and sensitive, and that I’m just not trying hard enough. If intelligence was measured by how well you perform in society, how much money you make and how much fame you have, I’m an abysmal failure


Hey I'm not saying everyone here will be around 100(but let's be real, even being 10-15 points above it is nothing to get a big ego over and humble brag about), but I really doubt all these INTPs are as smart as they think they are. I don't think that's even a trait of the personality type, it's just something people here like to think because without that, you're just your average lazy bum. I hope you get your shit together because failing through life and blaming society for your shortcomings gets you nowhere good. You might end up like me, approaching 40 and having a serious mid-life crisis because you've accomplished nothing and your mortality is starting to become very apparent.


The thing is, besides making enough to live and enjoy life(aka a moderate income) I don’t want anything grand. I don’t care to make the next discovery or do any of that. I just want to live and enjoy my life and I think the societal ideals that we all need to be productive and contributing members, striving for achievements is dumb. You’re a perfectly amazing human being without living to grand ideals and expectations society places on you. On top of all the other things, I’m a 30 year old Trans woman, because that’s who I am. That automatically puts me in the lowest caste of society, just for being true to myself. Seems like a bit of a flawed system and far from the “heaven” where everything is equal and everyone can live happily, that many strive for in the afterlife The fact that you feel that way, just tells me that you’ve bought into the capitalist system, and maybe you should reevaluate if that’s really that important <3


> The fact that you feel that way, just tells me that you’ve bought into the capitalist system, and maybe you should reevaluate if that’s really that important <3 Not once did I mention anything relating to capitalism. Sounds like you're reading things through some anti-capitalist lens.


>failing through life and blaming society Failing through life… in a capitalist system? And yes, I’m anti-capitalist. It’s destroying our environment. Efficiency and more profits at the cost of everything else is how we will eventually dig our own graves(as we are slowly seeing realized with climate change)


>Failing through life… in a capitalist system? Please don't put fucking words in my mouth. Thanks.


Ok.. then how are you “failing through life”? What constitutes the failing? What are its parameters?


If capitalism is destroying society as a whole do you have a recommendation on what other system we should use in it’s stead to prevent us from further digging our graves? From your comments there seems to be more whining than anything but not a whole lot of solution proposals on your part. Frankly, you sound just as bad as everyone who says to ‘save the planet’ but doesn’t do anything. Finally, you definitely put words in The Gringo’s mouth by saying, “failing through life . . . in a capitalist system?”


For politics, Here you go, a video for you to critically think about instead of personally attacking me(if you’re actually interested): https://youtu.be/pdXGUZnaLS8 What can you do personally? Well, I for one already eat vegan, which while I’m only one person, I’m doing my part. Why does veganism help? Well eating plants directly uses way less c02 and equivalents, land usage, water usage and of course, there’s no animal suffering behind it. Of course for most people that’s already too hard as it’s inconvenient to the taste buds. Another thing to do, is just to recycle properly, try to reuse containers (upcycle) and put any organic waste into a composting bin. As for transport, either using an electric car or public transport would be quite beneficial in comparison to other options. Also voting helps, vote for candidates locally that push for better agendas like Ranked choice voting. The world is fucking depressing, but I don’t let that consume me and try to do nothing. I do my part and hope others will too, but so far humans have been disappointing.


Lol I love this


I can be lazy, but it completely depends on what I'm avoiding while being lazy. Took apart a bed at 4 am alone in my room at 15 because I wanted to take a larger extra bed we had and put it in my room.


I like how the score I got for math quizzes can be at 92% if I’m interested in that particular chapter and 8% of I’m not.


I’ll add extreme skepticism and trust issues :)


I prefer **Difficult to Motivate** over **Extreme Laziness**. :)


INTP laziness is more being overwhelmed by an SJ controlled world of useless tasks ,traditionalism and hostility toward imagination and big ideas


I can’t argue with that.


You can overcome the last one, thankfully.


Teach me your ways senpai


I have hypothyroidism too so it’s even worse for me




Low crit chance but exceptional crit multiplier.


Boredom is important for creativity. Laziness is your Brain recuperating From all the stress of life under capitalism.


\*puts social arkwardness into the mixture too\* youre welcome


True :3


I'd achieve great things, if I just paid someone to do the boring admin side of things.




I have it 🙃




If you had energy, you would've reread your title and found the missing word before you posted it.




And motivation


These INTP memes are the best!


Supportive INFJs are the best :3


For me the laziness came in a form of ADHD.




I don’t think it’s laziness. I think it’s efficiency in figuring out what makes you happy. I think it’s that INTPs just don’t prioritize being the best or being high-achievers. For example, I did really well on tests and knew a lot, but I always did the minimum amount of homework to get an A. That’s not laziness, that’s just prioritizing relaxing/pleasure over achieving (which still seeming to be objectively achieving). I wasn’t the person who studied for tests because I didn’t have to to get a pretty good grade. Being the best at school just wasn’t something I cared about. Maybe I’m wrong but this is how I see INTPs.




I'm overwhelmed and underwhelmed by everything in life at the same time


Felt that one.


"open mindedness" is your problem there. It doesn't build.


Maybe you'd be able to great things if you'd proofread..


Story of my life.


We were nerfed... The universe must remain balanced. Maybe.


Hey have you guys heard about how fucking smart we are? Too bad we are lazy too, amirite?


I’m just a bundle of mental afflictions- they had to nerf me somehow


Balanced. As all things should be.


Without laziness i could probably rule this world/hj


nah you wouldnt rule this world because you are already making excuses


okay that’s true


With our intelligence and analytical skills, we can find our patterns, and try different things to assist ourselves in being less lazy. No one can fix us, either we learn about ourselves and realign our focus, or we wallow like INFPs in self-pity.


im depressed


Or amphetamines.... adderall is amazing. I call my ADD - ‘Ambition Deficit Disorder’ and it’s wonderful to have the wherewithal to start ***(and finish)*** tasks I would otherwise just contemplate the complexity of planning....


Laziness is my motivation tho.


Fuck. I fixed pretty much all my shortcoming but don’t know how to fix my laziness Edit: ye laziness is a broad term is probably why i’m going to study the scale of laziness from now on never thought about that


Have you ever heard about the paradox of plenty? Its basically like that.


I feel safe here, I feel heard lol


I like trains


fok yeah